Our #2 (Shikamaru Nara Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to anandaneeg]

Requested by: Myself

- None

Word Count: 3,438

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Spoiled, Brat, Lair, Good Girl, Sir
- Exhibitionism (public sex)
- Biting (like twice)
- Soft Domination (aka Shika's inability to not be in control but being too lazy to be rough)
- Burn Marks/Temperature Play (aka getting brunt by Shikamaru's cigarettes (again))
- Spanking
- Creampie
- Orgasm Denial
- Humiliation/Degrading/Begging
- Praising
- Choking
- Smoking/Smoke Play (again, cause it's hot)
- Cockwarming
- Part 3? Probably because I like this story line and I'm a wh*re

     The second the door of the banquet hall clicks shut, Shikamaru's arms wrap around me, tugging me against him. "Hello pretty girl," he murmurs against my skin, his lips brushing against my throat. I soak in the feeling of my boy-fiancé, finally getting him alone now that the last partygoer is gone.
     "Hello," I breathe out, my own hands clinging to his wrists.
     One of his hands snakes up to my collarbone, his fingers pressing into the sensitive skin again and causing the familiar mix of pain and pleasure to coat my nerves. Shika's other hand rubs lazy circles into my hips, hiking up my dress as he does so. "Today was such a drag."
     "It wasn't that bad," I whisper, squirming once the pads of his fingers come into contact with my now bare skin. Shikamaru hums in agreement, his nose nuzzling the sleeve of my clothing out of the way so he can litter my shoulder in kisses. "Shika?"
     He hums again, his other hand dropping down to hike the other side of my dress up as well.
     "Knock it off," I whine, trying to tug my clothing back down as my face heats up.
     "Why?" He asks, his teeth grazing my shoulder as his fingers play with the band of my underwear.
     "Someone could walk in."
     "And yet that seems to excite you," Shikamaru teases, his fingers dipping into my panties and sliding through my folds. I can feel the smirk on his face as he kisses back up my neck.
     "No," I fight back, the word coming out as a whine.
     "Aw, so you're a lair now?" Shika continues teasing me, gently pushing me forward until we come into contact with the door. "Hands up, pretty girl."
     "Yes sir," I murmur, laying my hands flat against the wooden door. My good behavior is rewarded with a couple of light circles pressed against my clit. "I don't want to get caught, Shika. It's too soon for us to cause a scandal."
     A soft chuckle bubbles from the new chief pressed up behind me. "I just want a quickie, pretty girl," I whine at his answer, not because of disapproval but because of disappointment and he knows it. "What a spoiled brat," Shika groans, his hands working at pulling my underwear down to my knees.
     "I'm spoiled because of you," I huff back, my knees clicking shut at the sudden chilliness. Shika hums in agreement, his hands clinging to my knees to pull them open again.
      Shikamaru rubs himself against my ass, his pants still separating my bare pussy from his hard-on. His teeth graze my skin again, but this time it's followed by the soft sinking of his teeth into my neck. "Pretty girl," he purrs against my ear once he parts himself from me.
     "Shika?" A disapproving hum escapes him, making me rethink my words. "Sir?"
      "Good girl," his answer comes, sending a shiver down my spine. Shikamaru moves again, one of his hands moving behind me and the other one going back to my clit. His fingers work at rubbing circles into me, his touch being faster and heavier this time.
     The sound of his belt clinking open causes me to clench around nothing in anticipation. The thought of me not being anywhere close to wet enough let alone stretched causes me to clench again.
     "Stay still," Shika orders as he moves my body where he pleases. He shifts my hands further down the door before pressing me up against it, my burn marks from earlier sizzling again from the rough texture. His hand presses into my back for the millionth time today, making my back arch down, my ass arches up, and my marks grind against the door.
     A whine of pain spills from me as the wood rubs against my sensitive skin. "Pretty girl," Shikamaru groans, "making those sounds are going to test my stamina." His words are followed by him moving my dress up again, leaving it and my new clan cloak to rest against the arching of my spine.
     "This is supposed to be a quickie, right?" I tease, shifting my hips backward.
     The tip of Shika's dick taps against my thigh before I'm pushed back against the door. "It won't be much of a quickie if you can't behave," he warns, "Stop being a brat."
Tap, tap, tap.
His orders are followed by soft taps to my hip, his soft way of redirecting me.
     I give into what he wants, readjusting myself into place. Despite my compliance, I make a mental note to play hard to get when we get home. After all, Shikamaru can't get everything he wants so easily.
     Shikamaru falls forward, his hands pressing mine into the door and his tip gently pressed against my opening. "Be a good girl and don't complain, yes? I know you can take it all." I nod my head yes in response.
Tap, tap, tap.
This round of redirecting is a little harsher, but not enough to sting; just enough for my body to notice the increase. "Use your words, pretty girl."
     "Yes sir," I murmur, the sparks from the half-assed spanking making me clench again. Another approving hum is released, unwillingly filling me with pride. I hate how quickly I submit to him and how soft and easy it is for him. I'm definitely going to give him a run for his money when we get home.
Shikamaru tests the water, popping his head in and out of me a couple of times before sinking himself all the way in. A long, low groan is released, contracting the sudden stretch and slight burning from the lack of prep. "That's my good girl," he murmurs into my ear, his fingers lacing up with mine. "Who's my good girl?"
I whine, pushing myself further into the door before falling back into place. "Apparently not you," he huffs, his hips thrusting forward to keep me pressed up against the door. "Why can't you just behave? Behave."
"I'm sorry," I whimper, thrusting my hips backward again. "Please fuck me, sir."
Shika twitches in me, causing a smug smirk to cross my face. "Fuck," he says, a hiss of a breath following the word. The nickname gets me what I want. Shikamaru pulls himself out of me before bottoming out again. He puts himself to work, paces fast, and thrusts shallow as he moves in me. My slick starts to build up from the movements, quickly making up for the lack of prep.
The feeling of Shika's constant pace and his hands gripping mine like a lifeline fill my head with fog. "Pretty girl?" The words cut through the fog, pulling my attention back to him.
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
His pace stutters as he taps my hip again, his hand moving fast with need but a lack of will to give into me. "Shikamaru?"
     Tap. Tap. Tap.
My skin stings after this round of redirection, Shikamaru's patience running thin. "Sir," I murmur, shifting my hips back to match his thrusts.
"Yes," he breathes out, hands back to being wrapped up in mine. "I'm filling you up, pretty girl. Do you know how lucky that makes you?"
Tap, tap. Tap, tap. Tap, tap.
The sound of his hand connecting to me echoes through the empty room. The skin under his touch stings even more, making memories of getting my burn marks bubble into my mind.
"You should be thankful," he whispers into my ear, his tone lazy and harsh. "Tell me how thankful you are to be used by me."
I hum out a no, pairing it with a head shake. Instantly, Shika stops his thrusts, his dick pushed as far into me as allowed in our position. "Shikamaru," I whine, shifting my hips backward.
"No," he husks out, pushing me against the door with the whole of his body weight so I can't give myself any friction. "If you want to act like a fucking brat, I'll treat you like a brat. So, we will sit here until you do as you're told."
"Shikamaru," I whine, trying to wiggle under him with little success. "You said you'd be quick so we wouldn't get caught." My walls clench at my statement, making me cuss under my breath.
"Oh ya? You seem to like the idea of being caught. Is that what you want? To have someone walk in and see how easily you spread yourself for your Chief?"
"You're being mean," I whisper, trying to squirm around to get any kind of friction, the need for it quickly becoming intolerable.
"If you'd listen, I wouldn't have to be mean. Be a good girl for me, behave. Tell me how thankful you are."
I whine and whimper under him for a couple of seconds, only being met with stillness. "Shika!"
"Stop being a dumb little brat."
More disappointing noises fall from me, getting me a soft bite on my shoulder. "Shika." I prepare for the new round of spanking but don't get it. I'm enjoying it too much and Shikamaru knows it. "Sir," I try again, getting rewarded with a soft kiss on my shoulder. "I'm thankful to be used by you, to be used in any way you see fit."
Bingo. Shika's hip fall back into rhythm, this time with heavier thrusts. He tugs me back into position, my back aching from the constant arch. "Is it so hard for you to behave?" His breath is shaky as he pushes out the question, his climax crawling near as he tries to keep his composure.
"No sir."
"Than be a good girl," Shikamaru's words are sloppy, his thrusts matching the tone of his voice. His fingers cling to mine tighter, his ring digging into my hand as he holds on to me. "Be my pretty girl," the sentence is muffled by his head buried into my neck. As soon as the sentence is out, Shika stales in me, buried deep like before. It doesn't take long for warmth to fill my insides up, the promise of my walls being coated in his cum.
Shikamaru's breathing is heavy and hot as it collides with my skin. Despite his tiredness, I still whine and squirm from under him. "Hey," I whimper, shifting my shoulder to move his head around. "I didn't get to finish. Why didn't you pull out? Shika!"
"Whiney brats like you don't get to finish. Besides, I wouldn't want us getting caught," he teases, thrusting into me a few more times to push his cum deeper into me. "It was too much work to pull out. Your ungratefulness is a drag. I need to teach you to be grateful and less spoiled."
A whine spills over as I try to tug Shika's hand down to my pussy. He pulls it away from me and instead uses it for another light punishment.
     Tap, tap, tap, tap.
"Spoiled," he murmurs to himself, slowly sliding out of me. He rubs himself between my thighs, using me to clean the mess off his dick before tucking it away. "Spoiled, whiney, ungrateful brat." His degrading is followed by a hand being shoved into the roots of my hair. "Say it," Shikamaru orders, using his hold on my hair to tug my head backward, forcing me to look at him.
"I'm a spoiled, whiney, ungrateful brat," I whisper back, tugging my dress back into place.
"I can't hear you," he says, his grip tightening and shifting my head back further.
"I'm a spoiled, whiney, ungrateful brat," I groan, my volume louder this time.
My compliance is rewarded with a soft kiss and my hair being released. Once Shikamaru parts from me, I dip my hands down to pull my panties back up. "No," he murmurs, tugging my hand away. "Take them off."
"Do not start with me again," he warns, "my patience are already thin. Keep acting up, I dare you." His warnings are paired with a sharp glare to solidify his words.
"Yes sir," I murmur, tugging my panties off before tucking them into the pocket of my cloak.
Once again I'm rewarded, this time with a string of kisses. "There's my good girl. You are so pretty when you behave." I can feel my headstrongness slip at his words. This is why I submit so easily, why I'm so eager to behave for him, all because of his stupid little praises.
Shika smiles to himself, his arm wrapping around my waist as he tugs the door up. "Good girl," he repeats, hand sliding under my cloak to rub along my aching spine and gently push me along the sidewalk.
"Shikamaru," I whine, clinging to his arm. I don't like the feeling of desperation that's causing my thighs to rub together as we walk. I don't like the chilled air stroking my pussy, highlighting my lack of finishing, the cum leaking out of me, and the wetness left between my legs.
He does though. Shikamaru is beaming with smugness as he ushers me down the street. "You're fine, pretty girl. Be good when we get home and I'll be nice."
Tap, tap, tap.
His ring pressing into my hip solidifying his direction. "Be good," he repeats.
The rest of the walk is filled with my whining and the feeling of Shika slowly leaking out of me, only emphasizing my neediness and his smugness.
I clench around nothing when the sight of our front door falls into view; a symbol of my promised finish to come. I go to dart inside and happily spread myself out, settling on the need to cum outweighs my want for Shikamaru to work for it, but I get stopped on my path. "Hold on, pretty girl. I want a smoke."
"Ten minutes, spoiled brat. You can wait." I let a pout sit on my face, a soft kiss from Shikamaru trying - but failing - to chase it away.
I continue to pout, lip puffed out and arms crossed as he sits down on the porch. Watching his arms flex as he pulls out his pack and lights a cigarette doesn't help the burning need in my stomach. The sight of the grey smoke leaking from his mouth doesn't help either.
"Come here, pretty girl. Stop pouting." I - mostly - do as I'm told. I sulk over to him, sliding myself between his knees. They lock around me, squeezing me a bit when I'm in place. "You are spoiled, you know that?" He asks, resting his smoke between his lips before messing with his belt.
"I know," I whisper, a smile quickly replacing my previous pout. My hands slide over Shikamaru's hair, quickly finding the hair tie keeping it in place. I carefully work the elastic band off, his hair following down once it's let loose. He looks so pretty with his hair down, I wish he'd wear it loose more often.
Once his pants are undone, warm hands collide with my waist, pulling me into his lap. "Be good and sit still, okay?"
"What do I get if I do?" I ask, my fingers nimble as I pull him out of his boxers again.
"Can't you behave because I asked?"
"No," I answer back, the word coming out airy as I slide down onto him. My hands lace strands of his hair around my fingers before I shift myself into a comfortable spot. Once I'm comfortable, I settle down, making sure I do as I'm told. I can't survive being denied an orgasm again.
Shika's eyes are closed and his jaw is shut tight. A mix of still present sensitivity and his will to fight slipping being the cause of it. "Just... be good, be my pretty girl." Shivers slide down my spine. I don't know how after all these years being called his pretty girl still gets to me.
When his eyes snap open, they settle on me. Shikamaru's free hand wraps around my throat, squeezing it gently. My mouth parts, obeying my newest taught command. "At least you learn quickly," he murmurs, following his new routine. A long drag is inhaled from his cigarette before he exhales it into my mouth. "Hold it, pretty girl."
I reluctantly do as I'm told, snapping my mouth shut to try and hold the smoke in my lungs better. This is a test, a lose-lose situation so Shikamaru has an excuse to continue being mean. The want to squirm builds up with my need for oxygen, and he knows it. He knows I'll either squirm or exhale before being allowed to. Shika won't admit it but he likes me bratting just as much as I like doing it. It's not stimulating enough for him when I behave.
My lungs win out before my hips do, the smoke seeping out as I suck in a needy breath. "Why can't you just be good?"
Tap, tap, tap.
This time the redirection is emphasized by small sparks jumping from his cigarette, colliding with my dress before snuffing themselves out. This catches Shikamaru's attention, getting me a pushed-up dress with my thighs exposed. The spot of our connection catches in my view, tugging a soft moan from my throat.
The promise of getting burned again today drains more arousal into my stomach, causing me to pulse around Shika. His hand squeezes my throat again, but I waiver in my submission. "This isn't a fair game, sir."
"So? Whoever said I played fair? Don't squirm and don't exhale unless I say so. Just be a good girl." The smirk on his face makes me tingle more. This is the true punishment for being a brat earlier. I made him work to get off, so now he's going to be mean and unfair.
Two soft squeezes dip into my skin, and again I'm reluctant, but my mouth does fall open. Two deep drags are sucked into Shika's lungs, a promise of an even harder task to keep a hold of. The smoke is pushed into my lungs again, burning the whole way down.
A pout slides onto my face when I snap my mouth closed, but Shikamura doesn't care. He's going to win and we both know it. His fingers slide over my neck, tickling my skin to push my failure forward.
When that doesn't work, an unneeded flick of his cigarette happens, nicking my thighs with small sparks; that does work. My thighs jerk, closing around Shika's torso before falling up.
     Tap, tap. Tap, tap.
The soft smacks cause more sparks to settle onto my skin, causing me to jerk again. The cycle repeats twice more before I'm given some relief. "Exhale, pretty girl." Once again I quickly push the smoke out and suck in a sharp breath.
I force my pout out deeper, adding a soft whine to it. "Stop whining. Spoiled brats whine. If you were less spoiled you wouldn't be in this position."
"It's your fault I'm spoiled," I huff, adding a soft tug to the strains of hair caught in my grasp.
"I know," he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "You still lost though," Shikamaru adds before taking a dying drag of his cigarette.
"Because you're being mean," I answer, tugging on his hair again.
"I know," he repeats, shoving the butt against the porch step before testing it against his finger. Once he's happy with the temperature, he pushes the dying stick into the side of my thigh, stamping small heated circles along my skin. The soft sizzling of my skin causes my leg to jerk away again.
     Tap, tap.
Despite my misbehavior, the circles making my skin raw are followed by light kisses being pressed into my neck. "Do you promise to be my pretty girl now? Are you going to be good?"
"Yes sir," I answer, burying my head into the crook of his neck.
"I don't believe you," Shika says, the almost dead heat now being pressed into my hip. "Make me believe you and I'll spend the rest of the night making you feel good."
"I promise, pretty girl."
"I'll be good, sir. I promise. I'll behave. I'll do everything you say."
"I still don't believe you." Yes, he does. I know he does cause his arms wrap around my back, and hold me closer to his chest. He wants me to beg, he wants to hear my desperation.
"Please Shikamaru? I want you to make me feel good. I need you to make me feel good. Pretty please?" He twitches in me, I win.
"You're spoiled," he reminds me once again tonight. Shika lifts me, keeping himself buried in me as he carries me inside. I am spoiled.

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