Just a Thought (Sasori)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to sakotach_art]

Requested by: Your Dog, Possibly

Word Count: 3,938

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Belittling
- Misogyny
- Themes of Imprisonment

Sasori's fingertips carefully toy with my hair, focused on sewing in the hair extensions he asked - demanded - me to allow him to gift me. The fake hair is long, the ends are going to hang below my butt when he's done. I don't want extensions, especially ones so long, but he insisted he'd take care of them so I don't have any other fight to put up.
"Done," Sasori mutters, toying with the thread and needle for a second before his hands fall away. His touch is only gone for a second before his fingers are back in my hair, brushing through it and shaking it as he looks over his work in the mirror. "Perhaps this will be more suitable," he murmurs, more to himself than me.
The puppet has a habit of treating me like a puppet; trying different styles, lengths, and colors on my hair, dressing me up in different outfits, and doing my makeup in different ways. I'm sure if Sasori could find a way to quickly change my physical features, he'd do that too. Likely he can't so besides the occasional comment about being too skinny or too round - different insults depending on the idea in his head - he leaves my features and weight alone.
My hair is continually played with, flipped around, and shaken as he looks it over. "Yes, I believe this will be suitable, Darling."
"For?" I question, not being able to figure out what has him inspired this time, or the look he's plotting.
"That annoying boy and I stumbled upon a little shop last week," Sasori starts to explain, pulling back the strands that frame either side of my face. "They had this glass portrait of Rapunzel in their window. It's not unusual for her to be framed in a blue dress, and of course, long hair."
     "Oh," I utter, watching as he plays with my hair, pinning it as he wishes. That's not a source of inspiration I'd ever consider for him.
     "I liked the way her hair glowed in the window and I hope to recreate it."
     I hum in acknowledgment, letting my eyes fall closed to further enjoy the feeling of his fingertips twisting and tugging on my hair. When my eyes flicker open again, my hair is layered with two wide-spread braids, trailing to the back of my head. Sasori's focus is still on the hair-made crown, continuing to fluff the braids. "How are you going to make it glow?"
Sasori floats away when he's done messing with my hair, searching around the room for whatever it is he's looking for instead of answering me. When he reappears, he litters the table with eight or nine powder blue daisies, the petals looking waxy like they've been made of plastic. "Are they fake?" I ask, picking up one of the flowers to toy with it.
"No," he answers, snatching the daisy from me before situating a pin to it. The flower - and his hands - disappear behind me, the pin being shoved into the braids. "They've been sealed for your safety, Darling. A dead human is useless to me."
I ignore his comment, picking up another daisy to twirl between my fingers. "Why are they sealed?"
"I coated the petals with a fluorophore compound." I blink slowly as I look at Sasori in the mirror, waiting for him to continue explaining. He sighs in annoyance, snatching the flower from me again to situate it with a pin like the first one. "I painted the flowers so they glow in the dark," he explains slowly, his voice belittling as he breaks it down to me like a child.
"Oh," I whisper, trying to blink away the feeling left behind by the belittling. Sasori thinks he's smarter than me, just because he has a better understanding and has studied chemistry, unlike me. Maybe he is smarter than me.
"Are you going to cry? That's annoying, Darling. Don't be an annoying crybaby," he grumbles, stabbing a finger into my cheek before his focus is back to pinning flowers into my hair. "Puppets don't cry. What use are you to me if you're not an officiant puppet?"
"Why are you so mean?" I murmur as I keep my focus on my hands, my - fake and long - lashes blinking quickly to fight off the tears Sasori is trying so hard to pull out of me. I don't need him mad if my tears mess with the glue and make the lashes loose.
"I'm not being mean, Darling. You're just being annoying. It's not my fault you're an idiotic little girl. However, that's the best kind of woman. Being appealing is the only useful thing a woman of your status can do well."
The blinking is useless, tears roll down my cheeks and dot my fingers knotted together in my lap. I'm smart, not chemistry smart, but still smart. I can do more than look pretty, do more than be a dress-up thing for Sasori. "I'm smart," I whisper, squeezing my hands together.
"Sure you are, Darling. I'm sure there's plenty of useful thoughts in your head," he coos, his tone still belittling as he tugs on the ends of my extended hair. "None of which I wish to hear. Your job is to look pretty, perform sexual duties for medical purposes, and be present when I wish. I do not have the time or the want to hear your pointless nonsense."
"I'm smart," I repeat, clutching my hands together again. "I read. I read the books and magazines you have, the ones you get me, and I'm cultured. I listen to the things about art and travel you tell me. I remember them. I write them down sometimes."
Sasori sighs in annoyance, tugging on my hair rougher this time. "You always get so irritating when you've been cooped up for too long. How long has it been since I've taken you outside? Since we've done something? Is that why you're so upset, Darling? Do you feel housebound?"
"It's been five days since you've taken me outside. Sixty-three days since we've done something. Last time you took me out, we got dinner."
Another sigh comes, his fingertips twirling my hair this time instead of pulling on it. "I should find you something to keep your time more preoccupied. Perhaps a new hobby. Maybe pottery, which is quite time-consuming and could be useful."
"Yes, Darling. If you do well at it, it can be sold, make you some pocket money, like a pretty housewife with nothing better to do. Small little dollars to buy pretty little things for yourself." Sasori falls quiet after that, still tossing the ends of my hair as the gears turn in his head. The thought makes me weary; he's always adamant about me not having more than eight thousand yen at a time so I can't stockpile money as a step toward escaping.
     "Perhaps," he whispers, his touch falling away again.
"Perhaps?" I ask, turning in my chair to look behind me. My eyes follow after the puppet master, watching him paw around the different outfits littered around the room.
"Do not worry your small mind, Darling. It is just a thought I am working through for the moment. I will let you know if you need to know."
"I'm smart," I remind him, knowing I could say it until I'm blue and Sasori still wouldn't think so.
"Yes, you are, Darling," he murmurs, catching me off guard. "The smartest puppet I have ever owned."

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