Coffee #1.5 (Neji Hyuga)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to iDNAR]

Requested by: @pokepony64 [Kind of]
[Idea inspired by the comment convo I had on my 'Coffee' oneshot on tumblr]

Word Count: 864

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- None

"Um... sir... I don't think that is what you want to order," the barista says, his nose scrunched up as he looks me up and down.
"No, it is," I insist, glancing to the side as I replay the conversation I had with Lee. Two shots of expresso, four shots of orange juice, and two shots of creamer. Maybe Lee said four shots of expresso and two shots of orange juice... or was it three? I'm pretty sure he said two.
"Sir, I really don't think you want to mix expresso and orange juice."
"No, I'm sure that's what my friend said. He said it should taste tangy," I insist, letting out a sigh because of the worker trying to fight me on my order. What does he care what I order? It's my drink order, not his.
"I mean," the worker mumbles, tinting his head and widening his eyes a bit. "It will be tangy."
"Then that is the order I want."
"What if you ordered something else? If you're trying to go for an orange flavor you can get an orange lemonade," the worker tries to persuade me, upsetting me even more.
I just want my drinks made before I'm late. "Please just make my drinks," I mumble, rubbing my temples. I swear, this barista is giving me more of a headache than Lee does.
"If that's what you want, but just a reminder we don't do refunds."
"Ya, ya, ya," I mutter, tugging out my wallet to count out my total.
After paying, I slide to the side of the counter to wait for my drinks. As I wait, the four or so baristas scurry around each other, whispers passed back and forth and eyes flickering my way. Is Lee's drink suggestion that strange?
"Neji!" Lee's voice rings out, muffled by the big glass window he has himself pressed against. I swear, it's like my thoughts are just a setup for people to show up. "Neji!" He yells again, the bell of the door ringing as an undertone for his voice.
"Lee," I mumble, turning to the side as he races towards me.
"Neji!" He cheers again, jumping at me. His arms wrap around my shoulders as he shakes me around, Lee's energy at an all-time high. "Did you order already? Did you order the drink I recommended? After this are you going to see the girl? Are you? Are you?"
The whole time Lee rambles on, I'm being shaken by him, the most annoying of ways he gets his energy out. The whole time, more eyes fall on us, and 'cutesy' giggles fall from girls both on staff and in line. "I swear," whispers one of the baristas, she and another settled at the end of the counter as they pop lids onto the drinks in their hands. "Those two are so lucky they're cute."
"I know, right?" The other barista whispers, eyes glancing towards Lee and me. "At least their looks make up for their stupidity." Both girls giggle at their not-so-inside joke. Lee's recommendation isn't that stupid... is it?
"Neji?" The first girl calls, eyes scanning my name scribbled on one of the to-go cups.
"That's me," I call back, attempting to shake Lee off of me as I head towards the girl.
Her eyes jump up to mine, going wide as her cheeks go pink. "Oh... hi. Neji is such a cute name. I... ah..."
"I'm not interested, yad yad, I have a girlfriend, yad yad, I appreciate your interest," I grumble, taking my drinks from her before turning - more so dragging Lee as I inch away - to head towards the door.
Lee rambles on about how "unfair it is of me to get all the girls" and "wanting to try the coffee he recommended".
"If you release me, we can try it together, okay? Unhand me."
"Yes!" Lee cheers, letting me go before he bounces around. He doesn't need any more caffeine but if it keeps his touch off of me, then so be it. Besides, we'll be reporting for duty soon so his extra caffeine-induced hyperness won't be my problem. "Give me, give me, give me!"
"Hey! It's my coffee, I get to try it first." Once the sentence is out, I lift the cup to my mouth and take a sip of it. I hate coffee, it tastes terrible, and this cup tastes worse than usual.
"Okay! My turn!" He whines, snatching the cup I drank out of before pressing it to his lips. Lee gulps the liquid, his face slowly falling out of his usual smile.
When he pulls the cup away from his mouth, the brown liquid comes squirting out, spewing all over the road. "Ew, ew, ew!" Lee yells, running back and forth in front of me with his tongue hanging out. "Take your cup back! Take it back!" He whines, his words jumbled up by his tongue still hanging out.
I do as Lee asks, taking the to-go cup back from him. "I don't know how people drink coffee," I mutter, eyes ping-ponging as he keeps running around. Hopefully, Aburame-San likes coffee more than Lee and I do.

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