Sweet Girl #2 (Shikaku Nara Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pii (Fc2)]

Requested by: Also my hormones

Word Count: 3,733

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Age-gap
- Oral (fe/male receiving)
- Dacryphilia (aka getting hard cause of tears)
- Creampie
- Fighting (yelling)
- Name Calling: Commander, Sweet Girl, Bitch, Good Girl
- Pleasure Kink
- Praise
- Auralism (hearing people having sex)
- Hairpulling
- Exhibitionism
- Three some (with Inoichi, kinda and cause you can't convince me that the Ino-Shika-Cho first gen weren't swingers. Those men were real close)
- Face fucking
- Coercion (more or less)
- Part Three?

     The tingles of neediness coat me, mixed with a layer of grogginess as I slowly shift out of sleep. Fear is the next thing to coat my senses, the feeling of something slithering through my pussy sparking it. "Good Morning, Sweet Girl. How'd you sleep?" The Nara chief's voice mutters, sending hot waves of breath across my very present arousal as his eyes look up at me.
     Once the question is out, Shikaku tips his head down again, going back to lazily licking at me, toying with my clit before poking his tongue in, then making a slow trip back to my clit. "I... um... uh..." The answer won't form in my head, my eyes close as my hands ball up the sheet under me.
     The events of the day before slowly filter in, making it even harder to form an answer. Shikamaru cheating. Shikaku 'apologizing' for his son. Shikaku pleading with me balls deep to stick around, to let him take care of me in any and every way I want. Shikaku filled me constantly, somehow managing to go the rest of the day with no problem. Shikaku buried between my thighs again and again, somehow between my knees more than he was in me.
     "I slept good," I finally manage to push out, fluttering my eyes back open.
     "Wonderful!" He cheers, his usual smirk coating his lips as his head picks up from its spot. "We have a busy day today," he tells me, slowly climbing up my body. Shikaku hooks his elbows under my knees, dragging my legs up with him as he crawls. "But, before you, pretty little thing, tug along with me for the day, I should properly greet you good morning," he says, leaning against me and pressing my knees into the mattress by my head.
     Shikaku's nose brushes against mine, his dark eyes soft and admiring as he scans over my face. "Good morning, Sweet Girl. Thank you for spending the night with me."
     "You're welc - mhm," the reply is cut off by Shikaku sinking into me. My pussy is raw and sensitive from constant use yesterday, a slight aching burn pooling with my arousal. Before I can stop myself, my hands shoot up, gripping the loose ends of his hair and tugging on it.
     His head falls to the side I'm pulling it towards, eyes shiny and smile wide as he looks at me. "I know, I know. You ache, don't you? My poor Sweets. I promise as soon as we're done I'll help all those pains go away. But, for now, I need a little help with my morning wood, okay? Do you think you can help me with that?"
"Yes Commander," I murmur, tugging his head further to the side.
Shikaku gets off on my reactions, the ones he especially likes getting a chuckle from him, like this one is. "That's my Sweet Girl," he praises, working against me to settle his head on my shoulder. My painful cries are praised with kisses littered up and down my shoulder. "I'm sorry" and "Thank you" spilling on repeat from the older man as he slowly works himself in and out of me.
When I need a distraction from the pain, I tug on Shikaku's hair again, tugging his face closer to mine. "Oh, Sweet Girl," he coos, eyes sparkling at the sight of tears streaming down my cheeks. "You know I can't help myself when you cry," the chief mutters, lips brushing across my face to clean up my tears. "You're just going to dig yourself a deeper hole doing that. Calm yourself."
One of his hands drops from under my thigh, letting my legs tumble back to the bed. The hand still wrapped around my other leg pushes it further, as if the mattress will give way and let Shikaku snap me in half. His free hand snakes between us, ghosting over my clit, pulling another sob from me, and costing my cheeks in fresh tears. "Shikaku," I whine, trying to tug his hand away. "I'm - "
"I know, I know, I know. I've been overworking you. You're all sensitive and your cunt aches from stretching around me so much. I know, Sweets. I'm sorry for being so selfish, but I can't help it. The more you cry, the more I want to stuff you," he softly taunts, head dipped to suck on my titties for the first time today.
My nipples ache too from all the pinching and playing he did with them yesterday. Another sob comes from the added pain, my sight going blurry. "Damn it," he mutters, mouth snapping down on my nipple, his teeth tugging in it as he shoves himself into me. Shikaku tops off in me, coating my pussy in his cum. His chest pumps for air, mouth soft and pressing soft licks to my bruised tit as he calms himself down.
"I'm sorry, that was selfish of me. You're hurting and didn't get to finish. I'm sorry, Sweets," he mutters against my skin, slowly slamming his softening dick into me, shoving his cum deeper and deeper into me.
"Shikaku," I whine, snapping his head back, another round of chuckles spilling from him. "If you keep finishing in me, I'm going to get pregnant."
"I wish, Sweet Girl, but I'm shooting blankets. Don't worry your pretty little head."
Thank the Lord.

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