Tiggie #2 (Itachi Uchiha)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to cytosine]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,815

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- I was too lazy to look up Genma's parental statues so surprise they're dead; sorry, not sorry if it's not canon
- We're going to pretend Minato didn't do the Reaper Death Seal cause I got tired of researching and cause I'm the author and said so :)

Itachi's fingers shift around under the table, in search of my wrist again. "You know she can't answer that question," he grumbles toward his father, shooting down the chief's newest question about our mission this afternoon. His fingers slide over my wrist, squeezing it once or twice before letting me go again.
"Your father is just trying to get to know your new friend, Sweetie. It doesn't help that you haven't told us much about her," His mother mediates, placing down a plate of crackers and cheese before turning back toward the supper she's cooking. "We don't even know her name."
"Oh, it's - "
"Tiggie," Itachi cuts me off, making his father's and my eyes glance toward him. My name is very much not 'Tiggie' and he knows that. What the hell are you on right now, Itachi?
"Tiggie?" His father repeats, stone eyes back on me. Well, at least I know where Itachi gets his death grip sight from. "Your parents must have lacked... futuristic thinking skills."
"Fugaku," Itachi and his mother say at the same time, shooting the same glare at the man across the table. "Don't mind him, Sweetie. He's just old and set in the past," she says, this time setting down a pitcher of juice. A couple of grumbles come from her husband but he doesn't comment on my 'name' again.
     Itachi's hand moves again, bumping against my leg before wrapping around my wrist for the hundredth time. When his fingers slide into place, the uncomfortable fear causing light to flicker through my senses before the room goes dark like the night sky. Instantly I drop my head down, staring at the table. It looks about the same, with a few aging marks present now.
"Anyway, Tiggie," Fugaku starts, making me panic more. "You're on the same squad as Itachi, your family must have some decent skills."
"Ya, my older brother is a bodyguard for the Hokage. More specifically Lord Fourth, but he served under Lord Third now," I answer toward the table, glancing my eyes to the left.
Nothing is there, no Itachi despite his hand clinging to my wrist and no sign of his mother even though I can hear her clinking around the kitchen. I quickly glance to the right, my stomach dripping at the sight. Itachi's parents are kneeling on the ground, the tip of a sword poking out from between them.
Do I look? Do I not look? I should look, I should see what's going on. What if they're being murdered? What if it's an attack on Itachi's clan? What if it's an attack on the village?
"That's impressive. An older son protecting our leader and a younger daughter in one of the top anbu squad. Your parents must be proud," Fugaku says, his spot being a void when I glance up. What do I do? How do I get out of this scenario? Detach Itachi?
"They were, yes," I mutter, taking a peak to the right again, lifting my head higher this time.
The question barely registers, the whole of my mind taken up by the person on the other end of the sword. My telling is that of Itachi murdering his parents, of his parents willingly dying at the hand of their son, of him dressed in his anbu uniform soaked in blood with his mask resting on the top of his head.
"Hey? Are you okay?" Itachi asks from my side, his hand dropping my wrist to shake my shoulder.
"Um... ya," I mumble, shifting to look at where I think he is in reality.
"Your... eyes," he mutters, dropping his hold on me. "You... what is... dad?" He continues, hand cupping my face to shift it toward his father.
While my head is kept in place, I shift my eyes to the side again, a gag surfacing as I watch future Itachi slice his mother's throat. My hand jumps up, covering my mouth as I try to use my breathing to settle my churning stomach.
"I didn't know there were any dojutsu users in the village aside from the Hyuga and our clan. Well, and Kakashi," Fugaku mutters, the sound of him shifting leading the touch of his fingers to my cheek. "What is it that you can see with those eyes of yours, child?"
"Uh... it just... just snips of the future," I mutter, not able to pull my eyes away as I watch the future version of my friend kill his father as well.
"Fukagu, stop pestering the young lady."
A swat follows the statement, along with a groan. "You didn't have to smack me with the spoon, Mikoto. I'm just curious how her eyes work."
"She is our guest. Tiggie is here to get to know us and eat, not to be questioned about her abilities. Leave the girl alone," Mikoto bites back, smacking her husband with the spoon again.
A small boy runs through my vision, causing future Itachi to panic for a moment before evening out again. "I didn't know you had a brother," I mutter, watching the boy fall to his knees, clinging to his head as he freaks out.
"How do you know that?" Itachi mutters, the feeling of his hand waving in front of my face mixing with his words.
Future Itachi walks out of the room, the ending light of my vision following before the sight of present Itachi's hand fills my view. "I just had a vision of him is all," I mutter, rubbing my eyes in circles a few times. "What's your brother's name?"
"Sasuke," he answers, his face replacing his hand when my eyes flicker open. "He'll be joining us soon." Itachi smiles softly at me before shifting back in place.
"Are you alright, child?" Fukagu asks, eyes intense as he looks at me, curiosity swirling in them. "What did you see?"
"Fukagu!" Mikoto yells at her husband again, hands on her hips as she glares at her husband.
"Just Itachi and Sasuke... having a sibling... dispute," I mutter, trying to find a way to be truthful without giving too much away.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this vision. Do I tell Fukagu? Mikoto? Itachi? Genma? Do I tell the Hokage? Do I ask the Captain for guidance? Maybe I misunderstood what happened. Though it's pretty impossible to misunderstand Itachi murdering his parents. Why would he do that? When does he do it? It has to be sometime soon since he didn't look much different than he does now.
"Hmm..." Fukagu hums, letting his eyes close. "How unusual. Our boys tend to get along. They're pretty inseparable, though I suppose with age they're more likely to draw apart."
"I guess so," I mutter, shifting away when Itachi tries to grab my wrist again.

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