Duckling #1 (Asuma Sarutobi)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to L. PILZ]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,549

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Duckling, Quacker, Ducky, Big Girl
- Alcohol/Drinking
- Age Gap (Older Man/Younger Woman)
- Size Difference (Cause Asuma is built like a fucking brick)
- Daddy Kink
- Thigh Humping
- Smoking
- Older Brother's Friend Trope ~•~
- Threats of Violence
- There will be a part two

     "Kashi?" I slur, twirling in a slow-paced circle so my eyes can scan the bar for my older brother. "Ka-shee?" I try calling again, dragging out his name in hopes of him hearing me.
"Hey, Duckling," a voice whispers right next to my ear, a light hand resting on the small of my back. The nickname tips off the speaker - Asuma Sarutobi, one of my brother's friends. "Looking for your Mama Duck?" He teases, his lips still close to my ear, brushing his breath over the shell of it. The gentle breeze sends shivers down my spine, making it hard to stay still.
Asuma has always teased me, calling me a duckling and referring to Kakashi as my Mama Duck. The gap between my brother and I is ten years, a single year less than the gap with the man next to me. With the death of our father quickly following my birth - and our mother stepping out with no return soon after - I've always been close to my brother.
Growing up, I could usually be found near Kash, clinging to the hem of his shirt as I hid behind him or stepping on his heels, never too far away from the safety he'd always offered me. Hence the 'Duckling' nickname from his friend.
Another side of being so close to Kakashi is being close to his friends. I don't hang out with very many people in my age group. I spend most of my time with my brother or his friends. With that, I've grown close with Guy and might have developed a small crush on Asuma over the years. Maybe, but probably not.
"Ya," I murmur, most of my focus on trying not to squirm from the feeling of his hand on my back and the feeling of his breath tickling my ear. "Do you know where he is?"
"He left an hour ago, remember? He wasn't drinking because he's on call tonight."
"Oh, ya," I mumble, snips of him denying drinks and saying Guy was going to stay with me flashing through my mind. "I forgot."
Asuma chuckles, coating me in more of his soft breath, adding to the chills twisting around my spine. "Of course you did, Duck. Always so lost without your Mama Duck around."
"I'm not lost without Kash," I huff, crossing my arms as I jerk my head away from the older man.
"I know," he hums, tilting his head to hover his lips by my ear again. I know he's only doing it so I can hear him over the noise of the bar, but it still makes my skin tingle. "But you are pretty drunk. We should go find Guy so he can take the two of you home."
"I'm not that drunk."
"You forgot your brother left and for the past thirty minutes, you've been swaying anytime you move. Pair that with your slushy words and it's time to hang the towel for the night."
     "Stalker," I groan before I can stop myself, the confession of Asuma watching me wandering around the past half an hour sticking in my head.
     He chuckles again, gently pushing on my back as his other hand slides onto my hip, helping him aim me in the direction he wants me to go in.
I'm lead across the bar, Asuma's touch not leaving until we're standing near the door. "You stay right here, Quacker. I'll go find Guy," he orders, patting my head twice before he ruffles my hair.
"That's worse than Duckling," I complain, rolling my eyes at the older man.
A toothy grin spreads across his face, his fingertips sliding down a strand of hair that is framing my face. "You'll be fine, Ducky," he murmurs, twirling the end of the strand before letting it slip through his fingers. "Stay here," Asuma repeats, looking at me for a second longer before he turns to make his way through the sea of bodies and booze.
     I let a sigh spill out, leaning backward to rest against the chilly wall of the bar. The cold eats away at some of the heat on my skin but doesn't do anything to erase the feeling of Asuma's hands on me. My eyes droop closed, soaking in the leftover sizzling from the few moments with him.
     Denying my crush on him would be easier if he didn't have a habit of being so touchy or standing so close to me. Or, if he wasn't so unbearably sexy all the time. I swear Asuma's smile could cure the blind. It's just so bright and full of life. If I didn't know any better, his smile would make me think he's never seen a hardship in his life.
     "Hey," the man of the hour calls, his hand back, resting against my hip. My eyes slowly blink open, the endless shots I've done tonight finally weighing on my body. "I can't find Guy."
     "That sucks," I mumble, glancing around the bar before focusing on looking for the exit. It's a few steps away from me. I knew that. I shake my head, trying to clear out some of the fog coating my mind. Maybe I am drunker than I thought. "I should get home."
     "Duckling, you shouldn't be home without Kakashi and you shouldn't walk across the village alone, especially so late and while you're so drunk."
"I don't need Kashi. I'm an adult now, not just the young duckling of the Copy Ninja. I am my own ninja with my own skills and my own two feet that I can use to walk home."
Asuma looks amused with me, a loose smile on his face as his hand tightens its hold. "Oh, ya, you're such a big girl, Ducky. Barely legal to drink and already getting smashed at bars. So adult of you," he teases, sliding forward a few inches so he can press up against me, effectively trapping me between the wall and his chest.
"I am a big girl," I whisper, my eyes glued to his chest, watching the way it puffs out with each breath and the way his pecs flex in compliance with his lungs.
"I know," he hums, his hand sliding down from my hip to the back of my knee. He pushes on it, making it buckle. Asuma's arm wraps around my knees, swiftly picking me off my feet and holding me bridal style in his arms. "You're still so tiny, Duckling," he coos, shifting me in his arms.
"I'm not tiny. You're just built like a damn log," I grumble, crossing my arms and slouching in his hold. "When you're the size of a tree everything seems small, dumbie."
"Still so pouty too," he continues to tease, shouldering the door open before whisking us into the cold night's air. "You know, this reminds me of when you were smaller."
"Here we go," I groan, rolling my eyes and resting my head against his shoulder.
"When your brother would have me pick you up from school and you'd whine and pout until I'd carry you home, insisting you were too tired to walk. Now I get to do it again. I didn't think I'd get to."
      "Gushy much, Asuma?" I ask, finally getting the chance to tease him back.
     He chuckles, his chest vibrating against my side and forcing more of his body heat to wrap around me. Asuma's head dips down as his laughter filters to a stop. His face is hovering over mine, his nose close enough to my cheek that not even a sheet of paper could slide through. "What can I say? I'm just a teddy bear and you're just a little ducky."
"Oh," I whisper, my eyes locked on his lips that are hovering so close to mine. I wonder what his kiss would taste like. Cigarette smoke I bet.
"Close your eyes, Duckling. Try to sleep. I'll wake you when we get to the house."

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