Ours #5 (Shikamaru Nara Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to PEIEN516]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 4,481 (I'm sorry it's so long, I didn't think it was gonna be this long)

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Un/Pretty Girl, Sir, Spoiled, Brat
- DD/LG Themes: Daily Routine Control,
- Hair Pulling
- Praising
- Spanking
- Creampie
- Talk about weight (nothing terrible, I just know it can be a sensitive topic)
- Oral (Fe/male receiving)
- Breeding Kink
- Vibrator
- Overstimulation
- Pantie Gag
- Begging

     "Pretty Girl. Pretty Girl, it's time for you to wake up," Shikamaru's voice soothes me out of sleep, kisses brushed to my neck and his hands sliding over my stomach under my shirt. "You need to get up so I can get you ready before my first meeting, do you understand?"
     "Yes, Sir," I grumble, my voice dry from the night and still groggy with sleep. I wrap my arms around Shika's shoulders, tugging myself closer to him before digging my nose into his neck.
     He laughs softly, lifting me out of the bed. I shiver from the loss of the bedding heat, clinging to him more, trying to collect warmth from his body. "What should I make you for breakfast? Rice and peaches or rice and bananas with honey?"
     "Bananas and honey," I whisper against him, softly digging my teeth into his clothed shoulder. "Please?"
     "Anything for my Pretty Girl," he coos, the sound of a kitchen chair being moved following Shika's softness. His movements are slow and gentle as he settles me into the chair, pecking my lips before leaving me shivering in the cold room.
     "Good morning," he continues to coo when he returns, wrapping a throw blanket across my lap, and helping me cuddle into it before kissing me again. "Who's a sleep girl? Are you sleepy? Yes, you are," he gently mocks, cupping my face as his thumbs slide under my eyes. "My sleepy girl." Another peck to my lips until I'm left alone again, Shika sliding away to finish making my breakfast.
     I rest my head on the table, tugging the blanket further up my body as I wait for my food. I don't have to wait long, courtesy of Shikamaru starting my breakfast before he wakes me. When he returns he's balancing two bowls - one of rice and one with my fruit - and two cups - one filled with water and my cup of coffee to follow the water.
     "Lift your head," he orders, setting down the dishes before using my hair to tug my head up. "Pretty Girl," he praises, settling into the chair next to me. Shikamaru continues to coo at me, telling me how pretty I am, how lucky he is to have me, and how he can't wait to marry me, as I eat. "Pretty, pretty girl," he compliments once more, pecking my lips before starting to clean up my dishes. "Go wait for me in the bathroom, okay?"
     I nod my head slowly, waiting for my coffee to kick in. "Spoiled," he says, losing his soft morning voice because of my lack of obedience.
     "I'll wait in the bathroom for you, Sir."
     My quick fix is rewarded by a string of kisses littered across my face. "That's my Pretty Girl. What a good girl I have. Good girl." I nod along to my compliments tilting my head toward him as I half listen.
     Shikamaru is always gentle with me in the morning, softly cooing and coddling me as he directs me through my routine. This is usually the only time he truly gets to be the soft dom he is at heart, courtesy of me being a brat throughout the day. It gives our dynamic a nice balance, an hour or two in the morning of me obeying so Shika can coddle to counteract all my antics throughout the day.
     I know he enjoys me misbehaving and getting to punish me throughout the day, but I also know he enjoys the moments I simply behave and blindly obey him. It reminds Shikamaru how much I trust him to lead me and make decisions for me. It reminds me how much he loves me and cares for me.
     I sulk away, heading towards the bathroom. I snap the light of the room on before climbing onto the counter, resting my back against the mirror, and letting my legs dangle over the countertop. Slowly my caffeine starts working, sweeping away the reminder of sleep trapped behind my eyes. "Shika!" I whine, my impatience for his attention building.
     "One second. Let me finish making your lunch."
     "One second!" I mock, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth when he lets out a sigh.
Shika isn't wrong - mostly because it's rare for him to be wrong in the first place. His footsteps fill the house as he heads my way, stopping to lean in the doorway as he looks at me. "You're beautiful."
"You're handsome," I echo, letting my eyes tumble around his frame.
He moves forward, pressing another kiss against my lips before pulling away. My eyes follow his movements, watching him prep my toothbrush before giving it to me. I do what is expected of me, brushing my teeth under Shikamaru's watchful eyes.
"Are they clean?" He mumbles, his hand cupping my cheeks, forcing my mouth open so he can double-check. "Do it again," he mutters, slightly pushing his dominance. Again, I fall into compliance, brushing my teeth for the second time, my mouth falling open when I'm done. Shika nods in approval, letting me know I can rinse my mouth out. What a cocky little thing he can be sometimes.
Once my mouth is rinsed, I sit up straight again, face turned up as I wait for the next step of my morning routine. Shikamaru wets a cloth before using a hand to hold my chin in once. His free hand rubs the cloth over my face, his touch gentle and soft, and his eyes locked on me. "I love you," he whispers, bopping my nose before focusing on my forehead.
"I love you," I echo again, my hands moving up to cling to the wrist holding my head still.
I get another kiss before he pulls away from me, dousing his hands in the water before coating them with my face wash. He falls back in place before his fingers again are gentle and nimble, rubbing the soap across my skin. "I have left you a list of chores to do while I'm at work today."
"I wanted to go to the office with you," I whine, squeezing his wrists I've wrapped my hands around again.
"I know but the house needs attention. If all the chores get done before I come home for my lunch you can spend the other half of the day at the office with me, okay?" Shika promises, pulling away to wash his hands and grab the cloth again.
"Yes, Sir," I mutter, clinging to the same part of him as he carefully wipes the soap from my face.
"There's my Pretty Girl," he coos, another string of pecks peppered to my lips. I'm lifted off the counter and settled on my feet as Shikamaru's hands rub up and down my sides. "Go wait as I clean up, okay?"
"Yes, Sir," I repeat, scurrying away to wait for him to put away the few items used in the bathroom. I settle on the edge of the bed, eagerly waiting for Shika to join me in the bedroom.
My stomach is already churning by the time he joins in the room. "Pretty Girl," he coos, slowly walking towards me. "Strip." I obey instantly, tugging my pj top off before wiggling out of my shorts and panties. "You've been so good this morning," Shika coos, falling to his knees on the ground. "My Pretty Girl deserves a reward. What do you want your reward to be?"
"Fuck me, please," I mumble, rubbing my thighs together.
"Is that the only thing you want?" He asks, peeling my thighs apart, his eyes locked on my cunt.
"No," I mutter, wiggling around because of his intense stare. "Could you... I want... please?"
"Use your words," Shikamaru orders, blowing a soft breath over my arousal. "I can't give you what you want if I don't know what you want."
"I... I want you to... to eat me out. Please?"
"Anything my Pretty Girl wants, she gets," he mutters, arms wrapping around my legs before tugging me forward, making me lay flat on the mattress. Shikamaru's tongue instantly starts lapping at me, trailing up and down my cunt.
     I squirm from the stimulation, making him tighten his hold on my legs to keep me still. "Stop acting unpretty and sit still," he mutters against me, twirling his tongue around my clit again.
     "Shika," I whine, tugging on the hands clinging to my thighs.
     He chuckles, the vibrations from the noise being pressed against me as his eyes are cast up. "Are you already tapping out? What a drag," he teases, letting me pull his hands off my legs. Shikamaru crawls up my body slowly, decorating my skin with his lips during his short trip.
     "What are you?" He mutters when his trip ends, his lips brushing against mine as he talks.
     "Your pretty girl," I whisper, tightening my thighs around his hips as he grinds himself against me.
     "Louder," he orders, his hands falling to work himself out of his pants.
     "Your pretty girl," I repeat louder this time, my hands shooting up to grip Shikamaru's shirt when he thrusts into me.
     "Your pretty girl," the answer tumbles out again, my of pitched from Shika's thrusts.
"Your pretty girl."
The cycle continues, Shikamaru ordering me to repeat myself with every thrust, and me giving into his want. I know where his sudden need to remind me of our relationship is coming from. He's worried - even possibly terrified - that he's not around enough now that he's the chief, now that there's more people than just me relying on him.
It doesn't take long for his thrusts and my voice to unravel Shikamaru. His hands cling to me as his thrusts get sloppy, the usual warmth of his sperm soon filling me. "Just... one more," he mutters, his thrusts slow but still active, pushing his cum deeper into me.
"I'm your pretty girl, Shikamaru," I whisper cupping his face in my hands before pecking his nose. "Ever since I knocked into you at the academy," I tease, giving him another kiss, this time to his lips.
Shika hums in approval, covering my neck in kisses to help calm himself down. Slowly he pulls away from me, his dick being tugged out as he moves.
Once he's out, I'm flipped over, ass in the air, and head pressed into the blankets. "You are so pretty. So, so pretty," he tells me, the heat of his eyes on my pussy again. "I should get you dressed though. I have to get going soon," he mutters, shoving his fingers into me a couple of times before leaving his mess to drain into me.
The sound of Shikamaru opening the closet and shuffling our clothes around fills the room. When the sound settles down, I'm shifted around, tugged to my feet standing in front of him. Shika hums softly to me as he dresses me, hooking my bra on, followed by my shirt, and helping me wiggle into my panties.
     "I'm not wearing that," I mutter, turning my nose up to the skintight skirt he chose for me to wear.
     "Why not?"
     "It makes my thighs look fat."
     Tap, tap, tap.
     Three quick and hard swats are slapped into my ass. "Sorry, I don't think I heard you right. Please repeat yourself Pretty Girl," he hisses, glaring down at me as he waits for an answer.
     "I said," I start, my voice louder as I glare back at him. "That skirt makes my thighs look fat."
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
     The skirt tumbles to the ground as Shika spanks me again, his now free hand balling my hair up so I can slither away. Once my spanks are done, he uses his hold on me to force our faces closer, eyes locked and nose bumping against each other. "What have I told you about using that word in a negative light? So what if you're 'fat'? That's a word used for someone at an unhealthy weight. Do you feel unhealthy? Is it difficult for you to do things? To breathe because of your weight?"
     "Well, no but - "
     "But nothing. So what you're not a stick like some other girls? I like you with a little bit of meat on your bones. It makes you look healthier. You're being a very unpretty girl right now. Your health is what matters, not your weight. Our future children won't have confidence if they see their mother lacking it. You are beautiful, no matter your size."
     Shikamaru lets out a soft sigh, his fingers going gentle and sliding against the roots of my hair to massage it. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. That's not how I discipline you, I was out of line."
     His apology is closed off with twenty or so kisses peppered across my face. "Alright, here's what we're going to do, okay? Since I broke one of your rules for me, I'll take off some of your chores and I'll do them when I get home for the night. Now, is there a reason aside from your weight that you don't want to wear the skirt?"
     "I don't like how it squeezes my legs. It's too tight and leaves imprints," I mutter, letting my eyes flutter closed as I enjoy Shika's soft touches.
     "Alright. You don't have to wear it then," he tells me, another layer of kisses being pressed into my cheeks. "I'm going to go set your reminder alarm for your meds and pick something different for you to wear. You sit here and look pretty for me."
     "Yes, Sir."

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