Birthright #6 (Fugaku Uchiha Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]

Requested by: Nada

Word Count: 4,717

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Incest (Father/Daughter)
- Name Calling: Daddy, Princess, Sweetheart, Good Girl, Harlot
- Strip Tease
- Exhibitionism
- Mentions of Child Abuse and Hickeys
- Titty Play
- Clit Stimulation
- Grinding
- Jerking Off
- Improper Use of Underwear
- Dubcon
- Gentle Face Fucking
- Voyeurism
- Improper Use of Money
- Sexual Assault

Daddy is buzzing next to me, at least his version of excitement. Kenzo is a few steps away from us, swimming in the pile of dresses I've picked to try on. "You're going to look so beautiful," he compliments, his arms wrapped around my waist as he nuzzles my hair.
     Since entering the boutique, the other customers have filtered out, doing their best to not be caught in the glares sent their way by the two men with me. The associates stuck in the store with us, three or four of them, keep their eyes cast down, trying their best to seem busy.
     "Thank you," I mutter, flicking through the dresses on the last rack in the store. There aren't a lot of white options for dresses, upsetting me a bit.
     I'm already betrothed so I'm expected to wear white to the ball. Married women like Mom are expected to wear black, whereas those unmarried and unbetrothed wear red. Those not on the marriage court wear blue. Next year I'll hopefully get to wear black, as long as Itachi takes over and we have the wedding before the ball.
     I softly sigh as I slide the last dress across its hanging bar, even more disappointed than before. If I don't find a dress here we're going to have to go to another boutique. I enjoy shopping but trying on dresses isn't my idea of a fun shopping spree.
     "Stop sulking, Princess," Daddy coos, his fingers jumping up to tip my head backward. "Let me see that pretty smile of yours," he mutters, his lips brushing against my temple. I do as told, painting a toothy smile on my face for him. "Good girl," he praises, his lips strolling their way across my face. It doesn't take long for them to tumble onto mine, the leftover flavoring of syrup from his breakfast coating my mouth.
     I give him a moment to soak in the kiss before jerking my head away. "Can I just try on my dresses?" I mumble, quickly getting fed up with Daddy's suffocation and my want for Itachi. I barely saw him today and only got a sheepish kiss before he raced out of the house. I want my Onii-Chan.
     "Stop being so pissy, Sweetheart," he hums, his fingertips massaging my sides. "But yes, we can go try on your dresses." With that, his arms tighten on me, softly tugging me away from the clothing rack. I fall in line, letting Daddy drag me toward the back of the store, our loyal servant trudging behind us as he tries not to drop anything from the pile.
Daddy whisks me behind a curtain, finally letting go of me once we're in the dressing room. Now free from his grasp, I head toward one of the smaller curtained rooms lined against the wall, planning to leave the two men in the showing space of the changing room. "Where are you going?" He asks, one of his hands lunging forward to grasp my wrist.
"To choose a changing room," I answer, pointing to the five little divided sections of the big room, each hung with a separate curtain.
"Why in the world would you do that?" Daddy mutters, pulling me toward the circle of chairs resting in front of three big mirrors. He settles in one of the chairs, leaving me to stand in the center of the showing section of the dressing room.
"Because that's what you do when you try on clothes?" I mutter, completely lost on what he's trying to get at. Do I not know how changing rooms work?
Daddy softly hums, his eyes rolling over me in a way that sends shivers shooting up my spine. "Yes, it is." Oh, okay, so I do know how changing rooms work. "But there's no one else around so why waste time walking back and forth to change when you can do it here?"
My face heats up at the order disguised as a recommendation, my eyes flickering to find Kenzo. He's settled my dresses on one of the empty chairs, himself standing behind Daddy's chair now.
"But - " I start, quickly getting interrupted by Daddy. It seems to be something he likes to do.
"But nothing, Princess. Like I told you, there's no one here but us. You will change out here and save us time." After the order, he waves his hand, motioning for Kenzo to settle in the chair next to him.
My eyes jump around the room as I sway my weight between my feet, trying to find any sort of argument that'll make Daddy give in. "There's still workers outside and Kenzo is here," I mutter, more embarrassment slowly twirling itself around my veins.
"I doubt the workers will bother us and Kenzo knows what your body looks like. He's gone swimming at the lake with us multiple times. Now come here, Princess." Slowly, I walk forward, keeping my eyes on the ground to avoid looking at Kenzo as I take a few steps toward Daddy. "Aw, my poor Princess," he coos, hands settling on my hips to pull me between his knees. "Don't look so embarrassed. You know I love your body and you know Kenzo will feel honored to get to view it."
Daddy's hands slide across my sides, petting me like it'll help calm down the storm of emotions in my chest. After a moment his hands jump up, starting to push Itachi's dress shirt off my shoulders. "Good girl," he hums right before his lips settle on my stomach, brushing kisses across my skin.
I squirm in his hold, trying to will away the tingles that build from his soft touches and his descending kisses; I squirm from a bit of embarrassment too, a feeling I'm quickly losing hold of. "Daddy, please?" I try begging, vibrating even more when his hands latch onto my shirt and start tugging the material up my body.
"You'll be fine changing out here, Princess. There's not much of a difference. We've both seen your body and a worker can just as easily walk behind a changing curtain as they can walk behind that curtain," he mutters, nodding toward the long cloth standing as the only divider between us and the workers.
My shirt goes tumbling to the ground at the same moment Daddy brushes his tongue over my lower stomach, the wet muscle poking under the waistband of my shorts. "You're just trying to humiliate me because of my hissy fit at the flower shop."
"Maybe, maybe not," he utters, hands falling to toy with the button of my shorts. "Maybe I'm just trying to make you feel better, Princess. Maybe I'm just trying to remind you why it's so great to 'come from an incest-ridden clan'," Daddy coos, snapping my shorts open before slowly tugging them down my legs.
I spare a glance up, getting a peek at Daddy's strained pants. He's a lair, he's doing this to get back at me for my tantrum or because he's still worked up about last night, maybe both. "You're being mean."
Daddy's head shifts upward, his chin resting against me as his fingertips ghost over my panties. "No, I'm not. If I was being mean I would have beaten your ass like I did to Sasuke because of last night. Is that what you want?"
"No," I murmur, shivers sliding up my spine from his light touches. "I don't want that."
"I didn't think so," he grumbles, pressing his fingertips against me, starting to slowly rub circles against my clit. "Take your bra off, Princess."
I hiss in a breath, trying to keep my breathing even as I answer. "I don't need to take my bra off to try on dresses."
"Are you going to wear one with your dress?"
"Well... no," I murmur, my hands settling on Daddy's shoulders to steady myself. I want Onii-Chan, even more than before. He'd make me feel good, make me cum. He wouldn't be teasing me like this, he wouldn't be touching me in a dress boutique. I want Itachi.
"Then you need to take it off so we can get a proper viewing of your outfit, don't you?" No, I don't, but I'm not going to win this fight with Daddy. He's not going to let me win. I cave, my hand stretching backward to unclasp my bra. "Good girl," he coos again, tugging the material down my arms before adding it to the pile of my clothes on the floor.
Daddy's head tips upward again, his lips pressing delicate kisses across the hickeys on my chest, the hickeys Itachi gave me. "I want Onii-Chan," I whine, tightening my hold on his shoulders.
"Oh, I know, Princess. I know," he coos as his tongue lashes at one of my nipples, slowly rolling back and forth across it.
When Daddy gets tired of that, he latches onto me, roughly sucking on my titty. "I want Itachi," I whine again, the knot in my stomach slowly tightening. He hums in response, curious fingers jumping down to press my panties against my pussy before they slide back up to continue teasing my clit.
We stay like this for a few beats, Daddy sucking on my breast as his fingers tease me enough to make me needy but not enough to finish. I stand still, letting him have his way as I squirm and whine for Itachi.
"Alright, Princess," he finally mutters, pulling away from me to relax in his chair. His eyes eat at me again, staying stuck on my panties. Daddy's tongue clicks a couple of times, paired with a slow head shake. "You can't try on dresses with soaked panties. It's unethical and unfair to the store. Take them off."
"Daddy - "
"Off," he repeats the order, his eyes hardening for a second before they go soft again. "You want to be a good girl, don't you? A good representation of clan?" I let out a huff, continuing my whining fit for a few moments before I cave again. My hands fall to my hips, pushing my panties down my legs. He's being mean, doing this on purpose because he knows he can.
"Good girl," he utters, his hand stretching out to me. Reluctantly, I hand him my panties, the embarrassment from before starting up again because of the action and because of my bareness in the room. My eyes trail his arm, watching it flick to the side before quickly being followed by his head. "I can't have my dedicated advisor lacking in the fun."
My face heats up more at the sentence, embarrassed tears prickling my eyes as I watch Kenzo cautiously take my underwear from Daddy. Once his hands are free again, they settle on his pants, shoving them - and his boxers - down enough for his hardened penis to pop out.
     Daddy's hands fall to my hips again, gripping them before he starts tugging me onto his lap. "Come on," I whimper, planting my hands on his chest to keep a bit of distance between us. "Just let me try on my dresses."
"You can in a second, Princess," he mutters, situating himself against me. Daddy tugs on my hips, grinding me back and forth on his dick. My arms tighten around his shoulders, my head buried in his neck to hide the small whimpers and moans that spill out every time his tip brushes against my clit.
"Chief?" Kenzo calls, reminding me of his presence only a few inches away. This is way more embarrassing than the events of last night.
Daddy's head turns to look at him, my forced grinding only getting faster because of the reminder. "When Itachi was younger," he starts, pulling another whine for Onii-Chan from my lips. "I would often find him with Princess's panties wrapped around himself as he got off. You won't get to enjoy your Majesty like I can but I figured that would offer you something. Help you make a final decision on whether or not to try for a daughter."
"Daddy," I hiss, more embarrassment building in my chest. Why is he always so mean? Why would he offer such a thing to Kenzo? It's not like he'll cash in on the offer.
     He ignores me, tugging on me a few more times before he releases me. "Alright, Princess, go put on one of those pretty dresses," Daddy mutters, wrapping his hand around his dick to lazily rub it.
I scurry off his lap, taking the chance to part from him before he can change his mind. I spare a glance at Kenzo as I shift through the pile of dresses, trying to decide which one I want to try on first. My cheeks flash before I tear my eyes from him. He took Daddy up on his offer, just as lazily rubbing himself with the cloth of my underwear sandwiched between his hand and his cock.
     My fingers ball up one of the dresses, tugging it out of the pile and on myself. I know dressing myself isn't going to help anything but it still brings a bit of comfort. At least none of the associates will walk in and accidentally see me. My hands mess with the material, straightening it and tugging it into place.
     "Come here, Princess. Let me zip your dress for you," Daddy calls, the dark glow of his and Kenzo's eyes on me. My legs feel shaky as I walk over to him, my nerves bouncing like crazy as I obey him. "Good girl," he sighs for the thousandth time, a hand back on my hips to turn me around.
Sparks explode across my back as Daddy's hand wanders, tugging on the dress before settling on the zipper. Each tick upward sounds loud and yet so slow. Once it's fully closed, his hand falls back down to squeeze my bottom. "Hey!" I yelp, jerking away from the touch.
The two men softly chuckle at my reaction, burning some of the embarrassment away to replace it with irritation. "You look beautiful, Princess," Daddy hums, leaning forward so he can wrap his arm around me.
His fingers grip the material covering my stomach, yanking on it so it slides up and exposes my bareness underneath. "Knock it off," I whine, trying to tug his hand off of me.
"I just want to look, Princess. Why are you so whiney today? You spend too much time with Itachi. He caves to you too much," Daddy mutters, his hand cementing itself on the skin of my abdomen, keeping the skirt of the dress tugged up. His head tips to the side, eyes locked on the mirrors painting our image. Painting the image of Kenzo getting off to me in the same way.
Their eyes wander my body, always falling back down to my pussy. Daddy's fingers flex against my stomach, routinely rubbing lines into my skin. I avoid looking into the mirror or at either of the people I'm stuck in the room with, my eyes glued to the floor.
Daddy is just throwing a power trip, reminding me I got my way because he allowed it. Reminding me I can ignore him all I want and it won't stop him from touching me, that it won't stop him from getting his way. Reminding me that until Itachi becomes chief, at the end of the day I answer to him, not my brother.
"You should do your Daddy a big favor," he mutters, dropping his hand away from me. It's only gone for a second, soon present again, pushing against the back of my knee. "Daddy needs to finish and I don't have anywhere to put it or anything to clean it with."
     I let myself sink to my knees, my chest brewing with what he's implying. I should have known he wasn't going to let Itachi off so easily after he found out about our time by the dock. Daddy was just waiting for a chance to get back at Onii-Chan and this situation fell directly into his lap.
     "Turn around, Princess."
I do as I'm told, like I always do, slowly turning around with my knees still planted on the floor. "Daddy - "
"Don't start your whining," he hisses, eyes sharp and cast on me. "You weren't whining with your pretty lips wrapped around Itachi, were you?"
"No, but - "
"I have been more than patient this week. I let the stuff by the lake go, and then what happened? Itachi went and let you get used by Sasuke. I am sick and tired of trusting him with you just for you to get used as a harlot by your brothers. Open your damn mouth and shut up," Daddy continues to hiss, his face soaked in irrational.
Instantly, my mouth clicks open, my tongue hanging out just as Itachi told me. A hum spills from Daddy, his shoulders slouching in relaxation. "There's my good girl," he coos, his fingers sliding into my hair, gently toying with it as he sticks two or three inches of himself into my mouth. "Don't worry, Princess, I'll be gentle," he mutters, continuing his light tone.
Daddy slides in and out, never going far enough to make me gag or choke on him. What he doesn't thrust into my mouth he continues to rub his fingers against. He stays true to his word, his pace slow and steady. "Deep breath, Sweetheart," he orders after a couple of thrusts.
Like always, I comply, sucking in a deep breath. Daddy shoves more of himself into my mouth, a groan ripping from his chest as his cum spills out. The taste of him coats my tongue, the salty wet paper-like substance leaking down my throat. "Good girl. You're a good girl. Such a good girl," he rambles, twirling strands of my hair around his fingertips.
I wait a second, making sure he's finished before I pull backward, letting his limp dick drop off my lips. A glare sets onto my face, aiming itself at Daddy whose eyes are screwed shut and whose chest is pumping from his climax. When his eyes open and his head tips up, a soft smile rests on his lips. "That's going to cost me, isn't it, Princess?"
"I'm mad at you," I huff, crawling back onto my feet.
"Oh, hush," Daddy silences me, lunging forward to wrap his arms around my waist. "Let's play a game," he hums, turning me in his arms, and setting me back to face the mirrors as my back faces him.
I can see Kenzo's reflection in the glass. His face is red, his chest huffy, and his hand is still sliding up and down his cock. My panties are still wrapped around him, reminding me that he lusts after me just as much as Daddy and my brothers do.
Daddy's hands push on my abdomen, folding me over. My hands fall to my knees, helping to support my hunched-over position. "You're so pretty, Princess," he mutters, shoving the skirt of my dress up, letting it settle on my waist.
"What game?" I ask, trying to peek behind me. My question is ignored, like always. Instead, Daddy slides my feet further apart before his hand digs through his pocket. My curious eyes trail his movements, watching him tug his wallet out and snap it open.
I shift, trying to get a better view of what he's doing. My sight catches on the dollar bills he's pulling out of his wallet, a few crisp ten-thousand yen. Daddy's fingers carefully roll the paper, ten pretty rolls lining his leg before his attention is back on me. His fingertips ghost over me, settling to spread me open again. "What are you doing?" I yelp, squirming when the feeling of paper rubs against my pussy.
"We're playing our game. Your pretty pussy is going to hold a hundred-thousand yen while you try on your dresses. Every bill that's left in you after you're done playing dress up you get to keep. Sounds fun, right?" He asks, carefully stuffing my cunt with the money. "Want to play, Princess?"
     "Fine," I utter, knowing I don't have a choice. Daddy always gets what he wants and this is what he wants, might as well get some kind of payout from it. My pussy aches with need as he keeps stuffing it full of cash.
     "Your Majesty," Kenzo grumbles, tugging Daddy's and my attention toward him. I try to tug my eyes away but I can't help but watch as he cums, ruining the panties he was using to jack himself off with.
     Itachi is going to kill Kenzo when I tattle and he's going to pick a major fight with Daddy when I tell him about our little game. At least I'll get a hundred thousand yen out of it.

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