Ours #7 (Shikamaru Nara)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pnpk 1013]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,404

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- DDLG Themes: Financial Control, Diet Control
- DLLG dynamic explanation
- Spanking
- Also, Choji is 100% someone who'd call everyone chica regardless of age or gender

     My shoes eagerly tap against the pavement as I race forward, beelining toward Choji. A sigh and a 'Be careful!' spill from Shikamaru as he strolls after me, eyes glancing around for possible dangers he's not going to find.
"Cho!" I cheer, body slamming into the man who barely moves from my actions. "I didn't you were coming too!"
"Naruto invited me this morning. He didn't want to third wheel," he explains, lifting me off my feet a bit before settling me in front of his friend. "You shouldn't be running ahead like that. What if something happened?"
I groan, leaning into Shikamaru as I do so. "You two seem to forget I'm a Shinobi too."
"I haven't forgotten. You're a... decent Shinobi."
"My apologies Mr Jonin. Not all of us are born with massive heads and big brains," I tease back, poking fun at Shika's higher ranking.
Naruto laughs at my joke, his obnoxiously white teeth standing out just as much as his whiskers. "The Mrs has the mouth to keep up with your insults, doesn't she Shikamaru?"
"Ya, she does," he mumbles, a hint of a smile on his face. "This is already a drag. Let's get going," he grumbles, fixing our placement on the road so I'm stuck between the line of buildings and himself.
As we walk, Cho and Naruto chill behind us and Shika occasionally bumps into me, shifting me closer to the buildings. "What's Shikamaru doing?" Naruto - attempts - to whisper, his closeness and lack of a quieter level making it easy to pick up on his words.
Choji lets out a hum, turning toward the blonde boy before shifting his focus to Shika. "He doesn't like it when he's not between the Mrs and the open public, so she's usually closest to the side."
"Oh," Naruto mumbles, confusion laced in his tone. "That's a little weird."


"This is such a drag," Shika grumbles, the voice making it to me despite the distance between us. The curtain of his dressing room snaps open, the rings on the bar shrieking as they're shifted. "What about this one?" He asks, walking out of the small room to show us the dress shirt he chose to try on.
"You look handsome in that too," I tell him, sending him a smile.
"You think I look handsome in everything," he grumbles, turning to check himself in the mirror.
"No, you don't. I think you look flushed out in purple and yellow makes your skin tone look like that of a ghost's," I counter, letting my eyes crawl up and down his back. "I liked the shirt you tried on before this one better."
"I second that," Cho pipes up from his stretched-out spot in one of the dressing room chairs.
"I'll get that one then," Shika murmurs, heading back behind his dressing curtain. "Pretty Girl?" He calls over the sound of shuffling clothes. "Can you go find Naruto for me?"
Shika pokes his head out from the curtain, exposing some of his chest and some of the love nicks I littered on them. "He's an idiot that dresses in bright orange most of the time. He doesn't get to pick out his formal attire."
"Ya, I can do that for you," I utter, my eyes ping-ponging between the dark shading of Shikamaru's chest.
Choji chuckles, sending a knowing glance toward his friend and getting a glare back before Shika disappears behind the curtain again. "Somebody had a good night last night," he teases, sending his knowing glance my way this time.
"Jealous much, Cho?" I tease back, standing up and glancing around the shop in search of Shika's fox friend.
"No, at the rate you two are on each other, I'm pretty sure my dick would be permanently deflated by day three."
We both laugh at that, my eyes snagging on the pointed tips of Naruto's hair. "I'll be back," I mutter, heading in the direction of said fox-n-friend. It doesn't take long for me to end up behind him, Naruto still unaware as he looks at the different bracelets, a pile of dress shirts, and slacks in his arms. "Naruto!"
     "Hey!" He barks out, turning around with his signature toothy smile on his face. "You a scared me a bit, Mini Nara."
     "Don't call me that," I tell him, a smile on my face as well, hoping to come off gentle and not angry. I'm not upset by it, it just tickles my nerves on occasion; this being one of those occasions. "I love Shikamaru and I love getting to be his wife soon, being known as his wife, but I'm still a separate person from him."
     "I didn't mean anything by it, you two just seem..." he lets out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. "Is Shikamaru done trying on clothes now?"
     "Ya, he is. He sent me out to find you so you could try on a few shirts and such."
     "Well, lead the way," Naruto says, the nervousness gone from his voice.
     I do just that, slowly heading back towards the dressing rooms, taking my time as I walk so I can look at the different items littering the shelves. A layered chain necklace catches my attention, making me stop in my tracks. I toy with the jewelry, testing out the weight and feel of it.
"What are you looking at?" Naruto asks, his head peeking over my shoulder. "Oh! That's pretty!"
"I think so too," I mutter, flipping the price tag. The necklace is only three thousand yen, but it's towards the end of the month so my allowance for unneeded personal items is pretty low. I tug it off its rack, deciding the worst that can happen is Shikamaru telling me no.
"Shika! Shika, Shika, Shika," I call, finishing my walk towards the other half of our group, Naruto and his bundle of clothes in tow.
"Pretty Girl, Pretty Girl, Pretty Girl," he calls back, tipping his head back in the chair he's slouched in. "What did you find?"
"A fox," I tease, pointing at Naruto before shaking the necklace I found. "And this pretty necklace." I lean against the chair Shikamaru is sitting in, dangling my necklace in front of his face so he can see it better.
"How much is it?" He asks, taking the jewelry from me before he turns it over. "No."
"Why?" I whine, snatching it back from him. "It's only three thousand yen."
"Ya, five hundred yen over your allowance," Shika explains, gripping my arm to tug me around the chair.
"Please?" I continue to whine, settling in the position Shikamaru has put me in. My legs are sandwiched between his, my butt resting on his leg so I'm sitting in his lap. "It's only five hundred yen over. Please? Shika!"
"I told you no. Now stop being an unpretty girl," he groans, a hand sliding against my hip, his fingertips rubbing against my side as a warning to pipe down my whining.
"Sir, please - "
Tap, tap, tap.
" - ah!" I whine, popping out a pout as I wrap my fingers around Shikamaru's that are rubbing against my new sore spot. "I'll come back tomorrow and buy it by myself then."
Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap -
Naruto springs forward, latching to Shika's wrist and tugging it away from me. "It's not that big of a deal, Shikamaru. It's only five hundred yen over her... allowance," he says the word like he's not sure if it's real or not. "If it's that big of a deal I'll pay the difference."
Shika shakes his wrist loose, his touch jumping back to soothe my aching skin. "No, she's not getting it. She has an allowance for a reason and she's not allowed to go over that allowance. You're not getting it," he reiterates, digging his fingers into my hip harder.
"But Shika," I start, reaching up to toy with the ends of his ponytail. "It would look so good with the wedding dress ideas I have. I'm going to ask Ino and Hinata to go dress shopping with me while you're away with Lord Sixth."
With that little play, I know I won. At the moment, the only thing Shikamaru craves more than his cigarettes is seeing me walking down the aisle and exchanging our vows. "Well..." he starts, shifting his legs around, making me move around because of it too. "Fine, but you're not wearing it until you go dress shopping."
     I squirm in his lap because of my excitement, eagerly snatching his wallet when he takes it out of his pocket. I quickly scurry up to the register, paying for my new necklace before Shikamaru has the chance to change his mind. Finally, I won against him instead of losing like usual.
     I thank the cashier, taking my new jewelry, and recite before heading back toward my group. "Shikamaru!"
     "Pretty Girl," he hums, hands wrapping around my waist as I settle back into my place.
     "You should put my new necklace on," I mutter, dangling it in front of his face again.
"Wait until you try on dresses. That's the only reason you got it. Stop testing your limits, it makes you a very unpretty girl."
I lean forward, resting my lips near his ear. "But think of how pretty it'll look dangling in your face as I ride you."
Shikamaru's jaw locks, hands clinging to me as he lets out a long, deep sigh. "You are a spoiled brat," he grumbles, unpacking my necklace before sliding it around my neck. "Now behave yourself while we help Naruto pick out clothes."
"Yes, Sir."
As if Naruto's ears were ringing, a curtain rips open, the blonde boy strutting out in a mismatched outfit. "So, what do you guys think?" He asks, doing a little circle before checking himself out in the mirror.
"Naruto," Shika groans, scrunching his eyes as he pinches his nose. "I knew this was going to be a drag, but I didn't know it was going to be this lame."

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