Object #2 (Akatsuki Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to Pizaya]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 5,753

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Still no relational explanation for this short series so sorry :) (ps sorry it's so long)

- Characters include: Kakuzu, Tobi, Deidara
- Sadism (Death threats, Hair pulling, biting, choking, spanking)
- Domination (various levels)
- Oral/Face Fucking/Hand Job
- Degrading/Praising
- Humiliation/Begging
- Creampie/Titty Shot
- Nicknames/Name Calling: Penny, Bitch, Doll/y, Good Boy/Girl, Firecracker, Explosion, Artwork
- Exhibitionism (public sex)
- Orgasm Denial
- Voyeurism (taking photos/videos)
- Blood/Knife Play (licking up blood/small cuts)

     The hot water sliding down my body feels nice, at least until it wraps around my legs, running over my wounds from earlier today. Despite that, it's still relaxing. Relaxing enough that I might even take a nap after I get out of the shower.
     Well, relaxing until the shower door slams open. "There you are, Penny," the intruder grumbles, easing some of the panic.
"Kakuzu," I mutter back, turning so I can look at him. "Do you mind waiting until-"
My request is cut off. "Bend over."
"Zu, please? It'll only be-"
"Fine, you don't want to bend over? I'll just cut your heart out. You're going to be useful and you're going to be useful now."
     The threat is followed by a hand being shoved into my hair. Kakuzu uses his grip on me to tug me out of the shower. For the second time today, I'm pushed down to my knees. "Zu," I whine, griping his hand in an attempt to loosen his grip. "You're hurting me."
     "Why would I care?" He hisses, his free hand working his dick out of his pants. "If anything you should be grateful. I'm spending time away from my money to use you. Not many other objects outweigh my finances."
     I look up at the tall man, doing my best to pout. It's not going to work, it never works on Kakuzu. He's the most selfish of the Akatsuki members. "Use that mouth for something other than pouting, Penny," he orders, his glowing green eyes glaring down at me.
     I make a show of it, snapping my mouth shut and keeping my jaw locked. "Don't start with me," he hisses, shaking my head around, pulling on the roots of my hair as he does so. "I either get what I want or you die. It doesn't matter to me." His eyes slit as the threat is repeated.
     My chest fills with fear as my heartbeat falls between my legs. I do my best to send a glare back, but let my mouth fall open. As soon as my lips part, Kakuzu is brutally shoving himself down my throat.
     His thrusts are heavy, shoving himself all the way down, causing me to gag around him. Zu's pace isn't any better. It's quick and constant, giving me no time to catch my breath. I try to tug myself backward, an attempt to wiggle away and catch my breath.
     That just pisses Kakuzu off even more. He shoves me back down his penis, my nose pressed against his torso. "What do you think you're doing? Trying to squirm away? Go ahead, try it again."
     Instead of squirming, I brush my teeth against him. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to startle him. "You have a death wish, don't you?" He husks out, his voice raspier than usual. I'm tugged off him like I wanted. "Is that what you want? To die?" He continues to threaten, tugging me back to my feet before slamming me against the shower door.
     The door groans when I come into contact with it, the glass threatening to give out. "Maybe I should kill you. At least it would be entertaining."
     Zu's empty threats make my arousal brew even more, as do his large hands. One is still curled up in my hair, shoving my face into the door, as the other one grips my hip, keeping the rest of me pressed against the glass.
     Kakuzu sinks himself into me, his pace back to being hard, and fast. It hurts taking him like this, no stretching and nowhere near wet enough to take him. It doesn't take long for the aching of being stretched so suddenly to fill my head, making me whimper under the money-hungry man.
     "Stop being so whiney. It's a turn-off," he grumbles, trying to shove my cheek further into the shower door. The glass has started to chill from the now cold water that's still running. The chilliness of the door coats my body, water droplets still dripping off of me and making me colder.
     "Zu," I whimper, trying to squirm again.
     "I said stop whining." Each word is followed by my head being picked up before slamming down against the glass. I can already feel the bruise forming on my cheek. "Why are you such a whiney bitch? Hmm? Why are you being such a bitch?"
     "It hurts," I shortly explain, trying to squirm away again.
     Kakuzu's hand releases my hair, falling to my hip like the other one. "Why would I care, Penny?" He asks again, using his grip on me to shove my hips backward, matching his thrusts. "You're so ungrateful. I should make you beg for your life."
     This threat scared me more than the rest, but still turns me on even more, making me pulse around him. "Go on, beg for your life. Beg me not to kill you," he pushes, arms wrapping up my body before taking a grip on my chest.
     The stitches of Kakuzu's arms rub against my skin, snagging it as his thrusts push me forward. "Zu," I call, trying to get my thoughts straight enough to give him what he wants. "Please... please don't kill me."
     He chuckles darkly behind me, head dipping down to lean against my shoulder. His face mask keeps the stitches of his mouth separate from my skin, making me a tad bit unhappy. "You got to try harder than that, pretty Penny." Kakuzu's fingers paw at my boobs, shifting between massaging them and toying with my nipples.
     "Zu, please. I don't... I don't want to die," my voice trembles with my plea, the empty threats not seeming so empty after his laugh.
     He groans, thrusting into me hard again, pinning me to the door. Kakuzu, stays still, pressed into me as his dick twitches. Another twitch comes before the familiar warm feeling fills my pussy. "Christ," the word spills out under his breath and echoes against the shell of my ear. "You sound hot begging for your life."
     The back-handed compliment makes me clench around a spent Kakuzu, getting me another curse for the money man. "I suppose I should keep you alive," he says in his normal grumbles, "Even if you were a waste of time."
     Following the last insult, Zu pulls out of me and tucks himself away. Without another word he walks out of the bathroom, leaving me shivering, the only warmth coming from his cum leaking out of me.

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