Patience #4.5 (Jiraiya)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Kare-Chikin]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 4,703

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- You know the deal by now; Part four from Pervy Sage's POV
- Also super long like most of my Jiraiya POVs
- Titty Fondling
- Nick Names: Sensei, Little One, Sweet Thing, Princess, Obedient Girl, Kitten, Sweetheart
- Masturbating
- Power Difference (Teacher/Student)
- Nude/Sexual Modeling/Pictures
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Hair Pulling
- Overstimulation
- Cock Warming

     I feel like I'm walking on air as I exit Tsunade's office. My new book passed its proofreading, which leaves nothing but the illustrations to do and my lovely ex-squad mate gave both me and my kunoichi 'a reasonable amount' of time off so I can work on it. Nothing but my house, my student, and me... and the six hundred and forty or so panels I need to illustrate, send out, and get approved.
     It doesn't take long for my student to fall into my sights, the beautiful girl waiting for me a few paces away from the office. "Little One," I say, quickly settling behind her. She looks gorgeous today. She looks gorgeous every day, but the sun filtering through the windows makes her features stand out more than usual.
     "Guess what?" I mutter, slightly giving in to my wants. The sun showering on her and the promise of a lot of alone time has my groin tumbling. I toy with the hem of her shirt, quickly passing it, my fingers crawling up the skin of her sides.
It doesn't take long for my hands to cup my Princess's breasts. They're warm and soft and melt through my fingers like butter. How'd I get a partner so perfect? So pretty? So damn addictive?
It also doesn't take long for the material of her bra to upset me. I want to feel her skin on mine. I run my thumbs over the edge of her bra, debating how likely Tsunade would take away my time off if she found me fiddling with my Sweet Thing's chest right outside her office. I decide I don't care very much, letting my fingertips slide down, cupping her bare breasts.
"What?" My Little One mutters, her breath heavy as I mess with her. I shift my hands on her, sliding my thumbs over her nipples, encouraging them to perk up.
My excitement only grows as I watch my Princess's eyes flickering around the hallway. No matter how many times or how many places I mess with her, she's always so anxious about getting caught. It's adorable.
I tilt my head down, resting it against hers, my lips pressed against her ear as I speak. "Tsunade agreed to give me some time off so I can work on my concept sketches for my new book." I catch my Sweetheart's earlobe between my teeth, softly biting it once my words are out. I focus on her body, pinching her nipples when I bite down on her ear and then softly twisting them when I relax my jaw. Her breath picking up doesn't help my swallow professionalism. It encourages my thoughts of pushing her against the wall and enjoying her sweetness.
"Oh, that's good," my kunoichi whispers, the sound of people down the hallway almost drowning out her voice. Her hands cling to my arms, trying to shove them off.
     I tug my hands out of her bra, adjusting the material before clinging to her hip bones. "Yes it is, Sweet Thing, and you, Princess, are going to help your Sensei," I tell her, herding her down the hallway as I start pulling up her dress. Maybe a quickie in a supply closet won't be too bad.
     "How am I going to do that?" My Little One asks, leaning her weight against me.
     "Well, you're the muse for my book so why not be the muse for the artwork as well?" I counter, enjoying the way her cheeks redden the higher I pull her dress up.
     "What?" She mutters, leaning her head back to look at me.
     "Don't worry about it, Little One. Just know you're going to be my pretty little model." The thought of my student modeling nude makes blood rush to my penis. I grind my growing boner against her ass, deciding a quickie is the way to go.


     My naked Princess clings to me, squirming in my hold as her nails dig into my shoulders. "Sensei, I can't," she whimpers, squirming against me more.
     This is going to be a long and hard battle to stay focused on my task. "Yes, you can," I encourage her, wiggling my fingers under hers so I can undo her hold on me. "I've seen you naked before, I've seen you in the shower before, I've gotten you off in the shower before. How is this any different?" I ask, placing her in the bathtub, my eyes jumping over her nudity.
     She's so cute, thighs rubbing together and cheeks a soft pink as she looks up at me. "Because you're watching me get myself off," my Sweetheart whines, standing on her tippy toes to grab at my shoulders again.
     "I have before. I watched you use a shower head to get off and then watched you hump a pillow. The only difference is I'm going to sketch it this time," I remind her, catching her wrists before she has the chance to get a grip on me again. My hand looks good wrapped around both of her wrists, reminding me how much bigger Mr frame is compared to her.
     "Sensei," my Sweet Thing whines again, wiggling her arms around to try and get her hands free as I turn the water on.
     I tighten my grip, shifting her forward before I rest my face against hers, our eyes locked as I speak. "Sweetheart, we have three options. One, I pay a model to act out your little sins so I can do my concept art. Two, you can be an Obedient Girl and act out the scenes again while I sketch. Or three, you act out the scenes and I take photos to refer to. The choice is yours."
     I hope she chooses option three. My poor Princess wouldn't be able to stand being in the same position long enough for me to do a sketch, let alone mess with herself for that long. Though as long as she doesn't pick option one I'll be fine. I want to draw her, not some other woman.
     "Option two."
     I let go of her wrists before bending down to kiss her. "There's my Obedient Girl. Now, you get all wet and soaped up while I go get my pencils and sketchbook," I tell her, starting to work myself up. Maybe it wasn't the smartest option to have my Sweetheart model for me.
     I shake the thought out of my head, turning the shower on before I turn away. As I leave the room, a whimper and the shower curtain closing fill my previous space.
     I hurry around my office, collecting my things as fast as I can before returning to the bathroom. When I snap the curtain back open, my blood rushes so fast that I'm a tad worried I'm going to pass out. I rest my sketch pad and pencil case on the sink before turning my attention back to my pretty kunoichi. "Let's fix your position, Princess," I whisper, slowly moving my hands to position her how I remember her looking during the not-so-long-ago accidental peep show I had. "See? Perfect, and so sexy, Little One," I compliment when she's in place.
After a beat or two, I pull away from her, using the toilet lid as a makeshift seat. Once my pad is in my grasp, it becomes easier to focus on the task at hand. I sketch out a quick outline, eyes jumping around to start laying out some simple details.
"Jiraiya," my Little One whines, her eyes swimming in arousal, big and round and already ready to burst with her first orgasm. She isn't going to survive this.
"Sweet Thing?" I whisper, my focus caught on her pussy. I could say screw it and fuck her against the shower wall, try my best to sketch the situation from memory.
"How long is this going to take you?"
"I don't know, Sweetheart," I whisper, trying - and failing - to keep my mind where it needs to be. I need my sketches, I need to finish them semi-soon, I need to send them out, I need to finish my book. "The whole detailed sketch will probably take thirty to forty hours but right now I'm just doing a rough outline. That'll take an hour or two," I ramble, snapping my eyes closed to see if that'll help; it doesn't.
"I can't," my Princess whines, making my eyes snap back open. "Two hours?! I can't do that. Sensei." My title comes out as a moan, my Little One's orgasm spilling over.
"Princess," I whisper, my eyes trailing the path of her cum mixing with the water and soap of her shower. "I gave you options," I remind her, sinking to my knees next to the shower, and using my pencil to spread her legs apart further. For research, only research, and not because I like how wet and gushy my kunoichi's pussy gets when she cums. "We can do option three if you prefer," I mutter, dropping my pencil to the ground before wrapping my hand around her thighs, and tugging her legs further apart.
A little taste won't hurt. It'll help even, I'm willing to bet. If I have the fresh taste of my Sweetheart on my tongue it'll help me sketch her better. Or, at least that's what I'm going to use to justify disregarding my work.
I tug my Sweet Thing's leg up, resting it on my shoulder, spreading her open even wider. My free hand wraps around the one she's using to hold the shower head, keeping it put to encourage a second orgasm to spill out and drip onto my tongue.
"Jiraiya," she whimpers, taking a fistful of my hair. My tongue slides past my lips, eagerly sliding across the delicious mess on her legs. I let out a hum, eyes bouncing up for a second to make sure the water streams are still aimed toward her clit. "I don't... what if... my photos get out?" My Sweetheart stumbles out, leaning her weight against the shower wall. That's another pretty sight, maybe I'll add that one to my book too. But, for now, I need to focus on making her feel safe. My book can wait.
I move forward, helping her lean against the wall easier as I slide my tongue into her pussy a few times. "I'd never let that happen, Sweetheart. Whatever needs to happen for you to feel safe, I'll make happen. You can keep them, you can be around when I need them for my sketches, we can get a lock box for them, you can have the only key to the box, whatever you want," I coo between more dips of my tongue. I swear I could live off her pussy and her pussy only.
Nails dig into my scalp, heavy breathing and small noises spilling out between my Sweet Thing's words. "Oh... okay... ya... that... that seems okay." She comes undone again, fresh and warm juices spilling onto my tongue. My eyes flicker up as I flatten my tongue against her cunt, trying to slurp up as much as I can before the shower water washes it away. "Sensei, I can't... I can't take anymore. Please?" She mutters, nails no longer scratching me, but her hand does ball up my hair, tugging my head away.
I give in, letting my Little One pull me away from her pussy. "Whatever you want, Princess," I mumble, my eyes jumping around her form. Her chest is pumping a mile a minute, her legs threatening to shake, and her eyes soft and ready to burst into tears any second now. "Do you think you can hold on long enough for me to take some pictures? Are you going to be okay with that? Can Sensei take pictures of your pretty cunt?" I ask, forcing the shower streams to move up and down, giving her sensitive clit a small break.
Her head shakes rapidly, my Princess's legs fully shaking now. Dear Lord, her pussy is so wet and warm and inviting. I could just fuck her, watch the tears roll down her cheeks as she babbles about wanting more but wanting me to stop... but I have work to do.
I slowly climb to my feet, taking a second to kiss my Sweetheart. "What an Obedient Girl. You're so good to me. You keep this right here," I order, running the streams down her pussy once more before situating it against her clit again.
"Yes, Sensei," She mumbles, pulling a silent laugh from me. I peck her lips again, taking my time with the kiss before I pull away.
I tear through my office again, in search of my camera. The whole time my dick pulses almost painfully. Lord, I should fuck my Little One, I should fill her trembling pussy with my cum, I should do my work. Right, work. That's why we're in this situation, because of my book, my work.
Once my camera is found, I dart back into the bathroom, being met with a crying Sweetheart. Her legs look ready to give out, tears spilling down her cheek with just as much cum and water spilling down her thighs. "Sensei," she whines, causing me to lunge forward. I press my lips against hers again. When I pull back, I snap a picture of her messy face. I think that'll be the cover photo for my book.
When the picture prints out, I eagerly shake it, excited to see how pretty my Princess looks in her photo. Once I'm done looking over the photo, I settle it on the bathroom sink. "Just a couple of photos, Sweetheart," I tell her, gently situating her back into her original position.
After My Sweet Thing is situated, I pace backward, snapping a string of pictures. Once I'm sure I have every possible position, I decide I want her back how she was before I left. She looked hot like that too. "Alright against the wall again, Princess," I mumble, helping her shift back into place. "Just like that. You're such a pretty model. Who's Sensei's pretty model?" I ask, taking more pictures from different angles, even going far enough to adjust her position a time or two.
By the time I'm satisfied with the range of photos, my Sweetheart is a trembling mess from a mix of the chilled air running across her wet body and the overuse of her pretty cunt. What a poor Little One. "You did so good," I praise, setting the camera down next to the stack of photos I've collected.
I take the shower head out from her shaky fingers, putting it back in its place before turning the water off. "Let's get you warmed up," I say, wrapping my kunoichi in a fluffy towel, and rubbing it up and down her sides to help her warm up. "And get my pretty model a warm drink and some kisses and maybe a nap," I continue to coo, peppering kisses across her nose.
Her hands shoot forward, digging her nails into my shoulders as she clings to me. "And then you'll fuck me?" My Princess asks, a huge smile on her face despite the tears still rolling over her cheeks.
"Yes, Sweet Thing. Then I'm fucking you," I laugh, picking her up and looping her legs around me. I swear my student would live on my cock if I'd let her.

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