Elegant #2 (Shino Aburame Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to uttttate]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,948

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Subby Boy Shino
- Handjob
- Bedroom Toys: Vibrator
- Begging
- Oral (Fe/male Receiving)
- Orgasm Denial
- Nick Names: Good Boy, Mutt
- Creampie
- Breeding Kink

I can hear the buzzing of Shino's kikaichus from the bathroom, their wings flapping in response to their master's anxiety. "Ladybug?" He calls again, his impatience shining through as I adjust my lingerie. "Are you done changing yet?"
With tonight being a special night, I decided to buy something new for the celebration. It's a pure white babydoll dress, string panties underneath the see-through material, and a short veil clipped into my hair again. Not my style but it's in the spirit of the day. Besides, Shino is going to be so flustered, it's going to be so adorable. "Yes, Love," I call back, fixing the veil again before I open the bathroom door.
I make my way into the bedroom, taking the time to model in the doorway. As predicted, Shino's cheeks shift from his usual paleness to a soft pink to a bright red. "You... I... um..." he stutters, the lack of his sunglasses giving away his jumping sights.
     "Do you like it?" I ask softly, taking slow steps into the room. Shino is sitting on the edge of the bed, with nothing but his very strained boxers on, giving me the answer to my question. "I'm waiting for an answer," I push, using my leg to spread his legs apart before I settle on my knees between them. "Do you like my new set?" I ask slower this time, rubbing my hand over the tent in his pants, making sure my touches are feather-light.
     Shino shakes his head quickly, eyes jumping from my face to the hand toying with him. "I can't hear your head shake, Love."
     "Yes," he breathes out, voice airy as his chest pumps faster. "You look... very elegant," he mutters, leaning back on his hands with his head tilted back as well.
    "Thank you, Love," I coo, toying with the waistband of his boxers. "What should we do with our night?" I teasingly ask, knowing it's difficult for Shino to use his words.
     "What?" He almost whines, head flipping up to look at me. "Ladybug... we're..." he lets out a huff, eyes intense as he looks down at me.
     "We're what?" I continue, tugging his boxers down enough to let his penis spring out. I let my fingertip slide over his tip, keeping my touch light as I toy with his slit. "What do you want me to do?"
     Shino looks like he's going to burst as his mouth stumbles, unable to form a sentence let alone a single word for a moment. "Y... you can... you can't... Ladybug?"
     "I don't know what you want, Shino. I can't read your mind, you need to tell me." Again, he stumbles incoherent mumbles falling from him but no words to be found. "Well, since you don't want to do anything, I'll just take care of myself," I say, cutting off his mutters, and placing a sloppy kiss on his tip before I climb to my feet.
     "Ladybug," he whines, blinking repeatedly as he watches my movements.
     "Shino," I hum, crawling onto the bed. I situate myself, head resting on our pillows as I stretch out. I tug the nightstand drawer open, feeling around for my toy. When I find it, I tug it out, situating it between my legs before I turn it on. I use my vibrator to toy with myself through my underwear, quickly amping myself up as I play.
"Ladybug," he calls again, moving around the bed so he can hover over me. "Don't do that."
"Why?" I mutter, shoving my panties out of the way so I can press my toy against myself.
Shino huffs, his long fingers wrapping around the wrist buried between my thighs. His eyes jump from my face to peak between my legs. "Knock it off," he tries again, using his hold on me to shake my hand.
"Why?" I ask again between soft moans, my orgasm slowly building up.
"The reason... the reason..." he puffs his pink cheeks out, the words caught in his throat. "I want to... stop it," Shino whines again, tugging my hand - and the toy I'm holding - away from my pussy.
"Shino," I complain, the orgasm that was about to bust lost because of my whiney husband. "I already told you, that if you aren't going to tell me what you want, I'm going to take care of myself."
"I want to..." he mumbles, eyes everting the fake glare I'm sending him.
"You want to what?" Shino lets out a mumble low enough that I catch the gist of what he wants but not loud enough that I can make out his words. "I can't hear you," I tell him, using my free hand to grip his face, forcing him to look at me.
"I want to make you finish," he repeats a little louder this time, eyes still avoiding mine.
"Ya, Love?" I ask, running my thumb over his bottom lip. His head eagerly shakes in agreement, eyes set on mine now. "How do you want to do that?"
"I just... I want to... please?" Shino stutters out, eyes back to bouncing around my body.
"Please what? What do you want to do to me?"
"I want... you should let me... you... Ladybug?" A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth as he struggles to form his words. I love seeing my oh-so-put-together partner fall apart over something as simple as asking to eat me out.
     "What do you want, Love?" I ask again, dropping my hold on his face.
     My fingers dip into my folds, coating them in my juices before I wrap them around Shino's dick. I slowly pump him, lathering his dick as my fingers slide up and down. "I want..." he starts again, his hold on my wrist tighter and his breath picking up again. "Please," he hisses out, eyes barring into mine again. "Just... please? Let me taste you, please?" He finally spills out, letting go of my wrist.
     I let the toy tumble to the bed, bouncing both my hands up to cup Shino's face. "Of course, Love. Anything you want," I coo, littering kisses across the bridge of his nose.
     He perks up at my approval, eagerly dipping down my body, settling his arms under my legs and his head between my thighs. Shino is a lover of action instead of words, and this is an action he's gotten quite good at over the years. And he knows it, even if he does like me reminding him.
     Shino nuzzles my thigh for a while, his tongue occasionally sliding out to toy with me through my panties. "I want to taste you," he whines again, toying with the hems of underwear.
     "I already told you yes," I mutter, letting my eyes flutter closed as I run my hand through his hair, my fingers focused on working his strands loose from the gel holding them down.
     With my reversed approval, Shino tugs my panties off, shoving them off the bed before he buries his head between my legs again. He goes right to work, tongue eagerly licking at my clit. Soft noises spill from me as I'm toyed with, an occasional hiss spilling out when he probes my hole with the tip of my tongue.
     "Ladybug," he whines, lifting his head a bit and ruining my orgasm for the second time today. "You're not watching."
     "Sorry, Love," I mutter, fluttering my eyes open and shooting them downward. Once our eyes meet, Shino lowers his head again, eyes still stuck on mine as he sucks on my clit.
     "Shino," I moan, trying to keep my hands gentle in his hair. He hums in acknowledgment, eyes flickering down to watch himself before jumping back up. He shifts, pressing himself against me more before his tongue shoves its way into my pussy. "Shino!" I hiss, locking my knees against his head, my orgasm spilling over from him sliding his tongue against my walls.
      He stays put for a moment, lapping me up. Shino moves slowly, enjoying every drop of my juices he can before he pulls away from my cunt again. "Ladybug?"
     "Hmm?" I hum, my hands being pulled up as he shifts. My eyes are half-lidded, trying to calm myself down but keeping my focus on Shino so he doesn't whine again.
     "Did I do good?" He mutters, fingertips dipping under my outfit to toy with my hidden-away skin. One of his kikaichus spills over, crawling over my skin before Shino shoos it away. "Ladybug?"
     "Yes, you did good."
     "How good?"
     "Really good, Love," I mutter, sitting up now that I've calmed down. Shino shifts onto his knees to make up for the change in my position, eyes eagerly eating at me as I move around. "Go back to how you were originally sitting," I order, sliding off the bed to position myself on my knees again.
     Like the submissive boy he is, Shino shifts down the bed, sitting on the edge like he was when I first entered the room. I move forward, situated between his knees again. I tug his boxers down the rest of the way, leaving them on the floor. "Ladybug?"
     "Shino?" I ask back, dipping my fingers into my pussy to use myself as lube again.
     "Look at me," he whines again, tilting my head up. "Stop looking away."
     "As you wish, Love," I murmur, wrapping my hand around his dick again. I do as he wants, keeping my eyes on his as I slide my hand up and down him. Shino's breath picks up, chest pumping as his neglected dick gets attention once again.
     When my wrist starts to tire out, I switch my actions. I shift my head down, placing small licks across Shino's tip, making sure to move painfully slow over his slit. "Ladybug...you're... you're teasing," he huffs out, balling up our bedding in his fists.
     "You poor thing," I mock, giving into his whines once again. I wrap my lips around his tip, sucking on it as I slide my fingertips over the rest of him.
     Hissed breaths spill from him, trying to keep his noises silent. His hands jump from the bedding to mess with my veil. My focus shifts as I sink more of him into my mouth, rolling my tongue as I suck on him. Shino is a thin almost frail-looking man in every way but the size of his dick.
     I let my spit spill out, running down what of him I can't take down my throat. I also switch my hands so I can continue jerking him off. "Ladybug... Look at me. You're not looking at me," he complains with rushed breaths, softly tugging on the veil caught in his grasp.
      I mumble a sorry, the sound coming out as babble because my mouth is still wrapped around his dick. Shino is a very giving partner but he's a very needy partner too. Sometimes it feels like he takes forever to cum and it's not unusual for him not to finish once or twice a week because I just can't handle him any longer.
     It doesn't take long for my jaw to start aching, the threat of it locking - again - knocking at the door. "I'm sorry, Love," I mutter, tugging him out of my mouth.
     "It's alright," he mutters between huffy breaths, toying with the ends of my veil. "Can I... can we..." His cheeks puff out, getting tinted pink again.
      "Can we what?" I ask, crawling into his lap. I position us, burying him between my folds as I grind against him. Both our breaths get jagged, Shino's tip rubbing against my clit. "What... what do you... want to do, Love?"
Shino whines, clinging to my hips as I grind against him. "Ladybug... you're teasing... you shouldn't... can you... Ladybug?"
"Can I what?" I ask, shifting so his tip teases my hole, popping just the head in before I lift myself off him to repeat the cycle.
His hands squeeze my hips, more whines and babbles spilling from him. "Can you... you... please?"
"Please what?" I ask, tipping his chin up so I can crash my lips against his. "What do you want me to do?" I press a kiss against Shino between each word, only making him whine more.
     "Fuck me, please," he whispers, tongue almost hanging out of his mouth.
     "As you wish, Love," I whisper back, slowly sliding his penis into me.
     Shino stretches me out, almost painfully so. I swear no matter how many times I'm filled by this man, I'll never get used to him bottoming out in me. His hands crawl up my body, jumping up to cup my face. He shifts my head, forcing our eyes to connect. "Stop looking away from me," He almost cries, pouting as his breath picks up again.
     "You're so needy aren't you?" I ask, shifting myself upward. I keep my movements slow as I shift up and down Shino's dick, giving myself time to adjust.
     Shino's head shakes quickly, hands falling back down to my hips. "You're... you... faster?"
     "Give me a second, Love," I mutter, sinking myself back down as I wrap my arms around his neck. "I need to adjust still."
     "Help? I... can help?" He stumbles out, his hand tumbling from my face down to press his fingers against my clit.
     "Yes, you can help," I giggle, decorating the side of his face with kisses. Again, Shino nods his head repeatedly, fingertips rubbing circles against my clit. "Good boy," I coo, shifting myself upward again before I clash back down. "Who's a good boy?"
     "Me?" Shino mumbles, his nose running across my cheek. His nose bumps against mine before his lips crash against me.
     "Yes, you," I agree when we pull apart, picking up my pace as I bounce on Shino's dick. It doesn't take long for a second orgasm to build up, the mix of my bouncing and his nimble fingers working it up. "My good boy," I coo again, hands jumping cling to his head as I come undone. "My good, good boy."
     "I'm your good boy. I'm a good boy," he mutters, flipping us over. I'm pushed into the mattress, Shino pinning me to it as he continues to thrust into me. "Say it again. Please? Say it again," he mutters, hands crawling up my body in search of mine.
     "You're my good boy," I repeat, lacing my fingers with his.
     A pitched whine spills from him, his thrusts almost painful from his needy pace. "I'm a good boy, I'm your good boy, good boy," Shino says on repeat, rutting into me almost desperately, his ring digging into my fingers as he clings to my hand.
     "Shino, my love," I call, my hips and pussy aching from our position. "You need to slow down or let me change positions."
     "Yes ma'am," he mutters, pulling out before flipping me onto my stomach. Shino's dick dips back into me, his pace slower but thrusts still hard. "Look at me," he whines for the hundredth time, playing with the ends of my hair.
     "My love," I mutter, moving myself onto all fours before I arch my back, tilting my head so I can look at him. "You're a needy boy."
     "No," he whimpers, the hand not holding his weight slipping under my outfit to run over the curve of my spine. "I just... I like when... Ladybug."
     "My good boy?"
     Shino lets out another whine, his thrusts picking up more. His hand dips down, clinging to my waist to pull me backward. "You're... you are my wife..." he starts mumbling, his pace loses its rhythm. "So I don't... I can... inside you? Please?"
     "Sure, Love."
     He moves around, hips still working his dick in and out of me, both his hands digging into my sides under my lingerie. Shino is crushing into me now that he's not holding himself up, making my limbs give out. I'm pressed into the mattress, my needy husband still rutting into me, desperately trying to cum before my body gives out. "My wife... my wife... mine," he mutters, still thrusting into me, pace growing faster the longer he takes to finish.
     "Yes, Shino. I'm your wife. Let's take a break though, okay?" I ask, knowing it'll leave him even more desperate but also knowing if we don't take a break my pussy is going to ache from overuse. It's a hard balance between wanting to listen to my body and wanting to let him finish.

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