Patience #1 (Jiraiya Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to SUk1J1]

Requested by: Myself

- None

Word Count: 5,678

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Masturbating (clit stimulation & pillow humping)
- Age Gap
- Power Difference (Teacher/Student)
- Overstimulation/Orgasm Denial
- Pet Names: Little One, Sweetheart, Pillow Princess, Obedient Girl, Sweet Thing/Girl
- Choking (for like five seconds)
- Hair Pulling
- Soft Domination
- Praising
- Fingering/Oral
- I'm stuck on what to do for part two. Should I do wake up sex or the story from Jiraiya's pov? Maybe I'll just make this a four part story instead of a three part story. We'll see :)

"Jiraiya-Sensei," the name slips out before I can stop it. Disgust with myself mixes with the pleasure sliding down to my core. Despite the disgust, I continue letting the shower head shoot stimulating bolts of water into my clit.
     That's so bad, so inappropriate of me, so wrong. I shouldn't be getting off to thoughts of my Sensei. Jiraiya is a highly regarded Shinobi, one of the legendary sannins, old enough to be my father, all of which only seem to make me hornier.
     I can't stop the dirty thoughts seeping into my head, causing my empty pussy to clench with need, to pulse from the lack of being filled.
     Thoughts of my Sensei in his nightshirt circle my head, images of him in it pushing me forward. The lovely nightshirt that shows off his defined muscles a lot better than his day clothes. The thin material that dips with his scar. The scar I've thought about tracing with my fingers a million times.
     Soon the thought is replaced by another. The innocent memory from earlier this week is soaked in sin. I can't help it, the sight of Jiraiya pushing up the sleeves of his undershirt was just so attractive. The way the bunched-up material empathized his arms just churned something in my stomach.
     When the memory of my sensei's heavy hand pushing against my back this morning crosses my mind, it snaps the band between my legs. "Please Jiraiya," I whine, a lot louder than I meant to. I shouldn't mean to. I shouldn't be thinking of my Sensei in this, saying his name in this tone, in this situation.
     My legs are just as shaky, if not shaker, than my breath, but I don't move the shower head away. This will be my punishment, overstimulation to wash away my unprofessional thoughts. It's not a punishment though, and I know it. I know I'm going to enjoy continuing to get myself off until I can barely stand.
     The continual stimulation only lasts for another minute or two before I can't stand it anymore.
     The thought of my Sensei forcing my overstimulation crosses my mind as I pull the shower head away from myself. I don't know what's worse; having the thought or knowing Jiraiya would. After all, he's known for making his students train until they drop. I can't see him being any different with his sexual partners.
     I shake my head, trying to clear the thoughts out and steady myself. I just need my legs to last long enough to clean my mess up.
     As I clean myself again, the pleasure from before washes away, leaving only the disgust I feel from my thoughts and my actions.
     The disgust doesn't subside as I climb out of the shower and dry myself off. It sure as hell doesn't drain as I dress myself into my sleep clothes. It gets even worse when I question whether Sensei would find my panties cute or sexy.
     By the time I get out of the bathroom and into our empty hotel room, I'm making myself sick from the reappearing thoughts. Why am I so horny? Why am I so perverted? Why isn't Sensei back from his outing yet?
     A whine bubbles in my throat as I scan the room again for Jiraiya, even though I know he won't appear from thin air. Maybe it's good that he's not back yet. Having him here would only grow the fire that wasn't completely put out in the shower. But, it would be so nice to see him right now, to get to appreciate his appearance, to have him distract me from the ache between my legs.
     Acknowledging the ache only makes it worse. I need my hormones to stop, for my horniness to go.
     Before I can stop myself, I crawl into Jiraiya's bed, leaving the other bed in the room - my bed - empty. The faint forest smell of my Sensei wisps off the sheets, causing the heat to grow even more.
     I'm such a pervert, a terrible student, a nasty person.
     Just like before, the disgust with myself doesn't outweigh the neediness of my pussy. My eyes snap closed as my hand snakes up the bedsheets, colliding with one of the fluffy white pillows on the bed. I tug the pillow down, shifting it between my knees and propping myself onto it.
     When tingles fill me again, I know I'm in the perfect position. I waste no time, burying my head into the sheets to soak in more of Jiraiya's scent as I start thrusting my hips forward.
     My hands cling to the bedding when I try to shove my face further into the mattress. Despite my efforts, whines and my sensei's name still come tumbling out of my mouth. "Jiraiya," I whine to myself, grinding my clit against the pillow faster, keeping my thrusts nonstop. The feeling of my slick reapply to my thighs only pushes out another whimper. "Please Sensei?"
Pressure is added to my clothed hole, causing me to clench before I'm ripped from my dirty fantasy. A yelp falls from me because of the added pressure, the added pressure not being caused by me.
"So chatty, aren't we?" A voice curves from behind me, causing me to shoot up. My hands are still clenched to the bedding, which is now pulled up from my sitting position. My clit slides against the pillow because of my movement, pulling out a soft moan from my throat.
My heart is racing as my mind starts processing what's going on. A big, warm hand is now pressed below me, cupping my pussy because of my sudden movements. I can hear the soft breathing of the intruder behind me, my mind fuzzy from the surprise and stimulation, making it hard to process the situation and figure out how to get out of it.
"Are you going to answer me? It's disrespectful not to answer your Sensei."
Arousal and embarrassment seep down my stomach from the words. My mind is both empty and packed as I process Jiraiya's words. Jiraiya... my Sensei... who I've spent the past five minutes whining for. "I... um... didn't hear you," I murmur, letting my hands back down, the bedding following suit.
"Are you a chatterbox in bed, sweetheart?" He repeats, tugging his hand out from under me before laying both of them on my hips.
"Sometimes," I whisper, my breath shaky as I focus on the headboard in front of me. I fail at this, my attention fully being on the weight of my sensei's hands on me.
"What have you been up to, little one?" Jiraiya purrs, his head dipping down to whisper into my ear. His hands go to work, slowly sliding me back and forth on the pillow still held between my thighs.
"While you were..." I try, cutting myself off to hold a moan back.
One of Sensei's hands releases me long enough to poke my cheek before forcing my hips back into motion. "Don't do that, sweetheart. I want to hear those pretty noises again." I shift my head to try and glance behind me, being met with my stimulation stopped again and hands cupping my cheeks to keep my head still. "Keep your head forward, little one."
I shift my head back into place, leaning it to the side to soak in Jiraiya's touch. "While you were gone I practiced my clone jutsu," I finally answer, rolling the current situation in my head. This can't be real. This isn't my Sensei, this has to be someone pretending to be Jiraiya. "Sensei?"
"Sweetheart?" The word is followed by soft circles being rubbed into my cheeks and a kiss pressed behind my ear.
"If I can't look at you, how do I know it's really you?" Another kiss is pressed into me, behind my other ear this time.
"Oh, little one, are you that desperate to see me? If I knew you'd miss me this much, I'd go on more outings while we're out of the village."
The answer makes me huff, mostly out of jealousy. I know what Jiraiya does on his outings, I know what his 'research' really is. All Sensei ever does is thirst after any woman who crosses his path.
"Oh, don't be so jealous, Sweetheart. I was actually busy this time." It makes me angry how easily he reads me.
"Busy with what? Peeping into another bathhouse?"
     Jiraiya chuckles, the sound echoing throughout the room. "No. Believe it or not, I was meeting up with one of my under-covers."
     "Lair," I mumble to myself, shifting my head so it leans the other way.
     Sensei chuckles again, this time softer than before. His hands dip, tugging my head back as far as it'll go. Finally seeing him makes more embarrassment seep into my bones. My cheeks start to heat up as I look over Jiraiya's face, taking in his dark eyes before my sight slides down the red stripes of his face. "Hello, little one."
     "Hi," I answer, shifting my sight away from him.
     "Aw, come on, sweetheart. Don't do that. I want to see your pretty eyes. Look at me." Reluctantly, I do as I'm told, turning my attention back to Sensei's face. His eyes are soft but a smug look coats the rest of my face. "What an obedient student I have," he murmurs, dipping his head down.
     I stay still, not knowing what he's going to do or what to do with myself. Jiraiya's lips brush against my face, leaving behind dragged-out kisses as he works his way down to his fingers. Once he's done littering kisses on the right side, he changes his attention to the left.
     "Hush, little one," he orders, his hands dropping down to my neck. They're light against my skin, his fingers overlapping quite a bit. Jiraiya's hands are big enough that he doesn't need both of them to wrap around my throat. "We're going to work on patience, okay?"
     "But nothing. I'm your teacher after all. Am I not? It's my job to teach you, to train you." Sensei's speech is followed by a gentle squeeze to my throat, causing me to wiggle uncomfortably. I don't like that, it scares me.
     He freezes, his attention being pulled from the repeating kisses being pressed into my face. His eyes scan over me for a beat before his hands shift back to cupping my cheeks, his fingers gently massaging my jawline. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to scare you."
     Once again I'm a bit pissy at how easy he reads me. I don't like him knowing he scared me. I don't want it to scare him away from the attention I'm getting, the attention I've been craving from him. "It's okay."
     "It's not," Jiraiya whispers back, lips back to attacking my face. "I won't do anything you don't want, little one."
     The nickname makes me squirm, adding a bit of friction to my forgotten clit. Half of a whimper slips up from the small attention to my pussy, getting me a tighter grip on my face.
     "Let's start your lesson, ya? Do you want to start your lesson, sweetheart?"
     "Please?" I ask, the question coming out whiner than I meant it to.
     "Fuck," Jiraiya husks out under his breath, causing me to tingle even more. "You sound so pretty." Sensei's hands drop down to my hips, lifting me off the pillow I've been sitting on before placing me on my feet. "My pretty pillow princess," he mumbles, keeping me in place so I'm facing the wall again.
     A hand slides into my hair, holding on to the roots of it. He waits for a second, scanning for my reaction before he tightens his hold. "I'm going to start our lesson, okay? You tell me if there's something you don't want to do, got it, sweetheart?"
     "Got it," I mumble, rubbing my legs together. The small touches and ignorance of my needs are making my ache worse. I want to get off now, I need to cum now. Why won't Sensei give me what I want?
     Jiraiya's hand relaxes in my hair, loosening his hold but not letting me go. "You need to learn some patience, to learn to wait for me and not rush into things. So, we're going to go nice and slow, okay?" I hum out a yes, nodding my head a bit but that doesn't work out very well. "I'm going to work out your orgasm, slowly. Soft little licks, slow curls, and pumps, and if you behave I'll give you a nice reward, okay little one?"
     That sounds terrible. I don't have the patience for a slow pace. I want to orgasm and I want to do it now. "Yes, Sensei," I answer, following my answer with a disappointed whine.
     He's silent for a couple of seconds, his hand massaging my head before he drops his hold on me. Sensei's hands land on my hips again, gently pulling me against him. He's warm to the touch, his chest stretching out wider than my frame and coating me with the familiar forest smell he gives off.
     "There's my obedient girl," Jiraiya coos, his fingers toying with the hem of my shirt before he starts sliding it upwards. His fingertips tickle as they slide up my sides, tugging my shirt up with them.
     I squirm from the touches, rubbing against my Sensei in the process. The hard impression of his dick presses into me from my movements, only making it harder not to move. It excites me to know he's as turned on as me. "Or not," Jiraiya says, his hands - and my shirt - falling back down. "Let's try again, little one. I know you can do it."
     This time around, I set my mind on staying still. I'll never get what I want if I can't even make it past the first step.
     Once again, Sensei's hands work their way up, tickling my sides the whole time. "Good job, sweet thing," he coos again once my shirt is over my head and disregarded to the floor. "Sweet, sweet thing," he continues to utter, his big hands rubbing soft circles into my stomach. "Are you ready for our next step?"
     "Yes," I breathe out, trying my best to stay still. It feels like I'm vibrating with the need to shift in Jiraiya's hold. His hands are so close to my waistband, why can't he just dip his hand down and give me some relief?
     "Come here, little one," he calls, tugging me with him as he sits on the edge of the bed. I slide into his lap, his boner pushing against my butt as he cradles me between his knees. "Turn around, sweet girl."
     I do as I'm told, shifting in Sensei's hold. His hands slide down, cupping my ass while his gaze rolls over my bare chest. "What an obedient little thing. You're being so good." The praises make me tingle, forcing the lack of attention further into my mind. "I'm going to play with your chest, okay sweetheart?" Jiraiya asks, one of his hands letting my butt go so he can ghost his fingertips over my nipple.
     "Okay, Sensei," I whisper, lifting my hands to rest them against his broad shoulders. I swear this teasing is going to kill me. "Why won't you touch me Sensei?" I whimper, shifting forward to grind myself against anything I can reach.
     Jiraiya's hand shifts from my ass to my hip before he gently pushes me back in place. "I am touching you, little one. You need to be patient if you want me to touch your pussy, okay? Be patient."
     I whine in disappointment but still fall back into place. I'm getting attention, the attention I want, even if it's not in the place I want. "Stop pouting, sweet thing. I'll get you off after our lesson." Once the sentence is out, Jiraiya latches himself to my nipple, softly sucking on it as his hand gently rolls my other nipple between his fingers.
     He does as he pleases, switching his mouth and hand between my boobs. It feels nice, having him attack my chest, but it doesn't help my craving for attention. It makes me ache more. "You're being good," he praises, his tongue poking out to slide over my hardened nipple. "So, so good," he continues, his teeth grazing me now.
     Sensei does the same to the other side as he tugs me into his lap. I'm shifted around by his free hand, my clothed pussy being pressed against his cock. Jiraiya's eyes flicker up at me, taking in my distressed face. This isn't fair. How am I not supposed to squirm against him? Not stimulate myself when he's so eagerly pressed against me?
     After another minute or two of sucking and nipping at my chest, pain starts to overwhelm the pleasure I was receiving. "Sensei?" I call, my nails digging into his shoulders.
     "Yes, little one?"
     "It's starting to hurt."
     Without another word, Jiraiya loosens his mouth from me and the hand that was toying with my nipples drops back down to cup my ass. "Good job, sweet girl," he coos, lips sliding over the sore skin of my boobs. "You're being so good. You deserve a reward."
     "For what?" I ask, not convinced this is the end of my so-called lesson on patience.
     "For listening, for telling me when to stop. A good student knows their limits, knows when to not be obedient."
     Sensei's hands slide up to my hips, taking hold of them before he shifts me against his penis. "Hey," the word tumbles out, curling with a shaky breath. My arms wrap around Jiraiya, clinging to him for some form of grounding. The grinding sends sparks through me, my clit throbbing from finally getting the needed attention.
     Before I get too much attention, the movement is stopped, leaving me still as Sensei is pressed against me again. "You're doing great, sweetheart. One more step and I'll give you what you want, okay? Be good and I'll fill you up."
     My thighs tense as I clench around nothing. I want to be filled so bad. At this point, I'll do anything to get what I want. "Okay, Sensei," I whisper into his shoulder, leaning my head down for the slightest break.
     "For our next step, I'm going to spread you out all nice and pretty on the bed, okay? I'm going to taste you and play with you, and you're going to stay still the whole time, you understand? Are you going to let me spread you out?"
     "Yes!" The word rips from my lungs, my clit throbbing again from the promised attention I'm going to get.
Jiraiya laughs at my excitement, the noise following us as he stands up, pressing me into his chest as he does so. Once again I'm set on my feet, body pressed up against Sensei's. Unlike last time, his hands dip past my waistband like I want. His fingers inch down my legs, his thumbs hooked around the waistband of my pants, tugging it down with his hands.
     "I can't wait to make you feel good, little one," he whispers into my ear, his lips falling down my neck once the praise is out. When his arms are stretched as far down as possible, they crawl back up to me, leaving my bottoms to be pulled the rest of the way by gravity.
     Sensei picks me up again, successfully leaving my pants abounded on the floor with my shirt. The bed is soft, almost as soft as Jiraiya's hold, when he sets me down. "Lay down, princess," the command is followed by peppered kisses across my shoulder blades.
     The shifting of the bedsheets seems loud as I move around. I feel exposed with myself spread out, knees open as Jiraiya looks at my vulnerable spots. As if the shyness wasn't enough, I'm suddenly very aware of the situation going on right now. My Sensei - my teacher - is hovering over me as I'm very much nude under him.
     "Jiraiya," my voice shakes out as I slowly close my knees. I keep my eyes locked on the ceiling, hoping that looking away from him and clinging to the bedsheets will help me ground myself.
     "Hey," he calls softly, hands gently clasping my knees as his thumbs rub circles into me again. "What's going on in that smart little mind of yours?"
"A lot," I whisper, closing my eyes to help focus on my breathing.
     Lips brush against my stomach, making a path of swirls and curves as Sensei travels across my skin. "You're overwhelmed. It happens sometimes when you get stimulated for too long. We'll take a breather, give you time to calm down."
     The explanation is followed by arms wrapping around me, pressing me into him again as he shifts us. When we're settled, my back is against his chest, his arms wrapping me up and resting in my lap, and his knees pressed up against mine, keeping me secured between his legs. Jiraiya's head is nestled into my neck, his nose brushing butterfly kisses into my skin.
     "Sensei?" He pushes out a hum, the vibrations raking over my skin when his lips brush against my shoulder. "I know what being overstimulated is."
     "Do you, sweetheart? I've spent about thirty minutes playing with you. After you enjoyed yourself in the shower and on my bed. So, it's safe to say you've been going for a little over an hour. Do you regularly overstimulate yourself for that long, little one?"
     My cheeks warm from Jiraiya's words. He knows about all of it, he heard all of it. All my whines and whimpers for him. "Answer me, sweetie," he orders, poking my cheek before letting his arm fall back in place.
     "No... I don't usually last longer than a couple minutes of it." My answer makes the temperature in my cheeks rise even more. Sensei is a pervy guy, of course, he knows more about situations like this than me.
     "Mhm, that's what I thought," he mumbles, cockiness coating his words. It's quickly chased away by another line of kisses being pressed across my shoulders. It's soothing, having his body warmth envelop me as he presses soft kisses across my skin. "My pretty, little, obedient girl," he murmurs, hands going back to work, rubbing large circles on my inner thighs.
I let my legs tumble open, bumping against his as I do so. "Sensei?"
The word sticks in my chest, the shyness coming back from earlier but luckily none of the overwhelmness. Instead, I let my hands slide backward, my fingers wrapping around the hem of his shirt before I tug on it. "Please?"
"How am I supposed to say no to a request like that?" He teases, hands clenching my thighs to shift me forward. My ears ring with the sound of clothes shifting, causing the ache between my legs to ramp up again.
When I'm pulled back into place, my chest connects to Jiraiya's scared chest. The rough tissue rubs against my back in a weird calming way. It's a reminder that it's my Sensei behind me, my Sensei touching me, my Sensei making me feel good. No one else's bare chest will ever feel like this against my back.
"Spread your legs wider, Princess," he orders, moving me before I can do it myself. My legs are shifted, hooked around his so I'm spread wide. The mixed warmth of Jiraiya behind me and his fingers dancing over my inner thighs is intoxicating. "Good job, little one," he coos, small licks sliding over my neck as his fingers inch closer to my clothed pussy. "I'm going to touch you now, okay?"
"Okay," I breathe out, tipping my head back so it's resting against his shoulder. My hands settle in his thighs, gripping them softly.
Fingertips ghost over me, adding pressure on my hole again before focusing light circles to my clit. A hiss breath escapes me before my eyes snap closed. "Look at me sweetheart," Sensei orders, his nose bumping into mine when he turns his head.
I reluctantly do as I'm told, snapping my eyes open with the fear of spooking myself again simmering in my head. "There are those pretty eyes," Jiraiya whispers, eyes glancing down at my lips. "Can I have a kiss, sweet girl?"
The distance between us is closed, his lips brushing against mine as his fingers work on tugging my panties down my legs.
"Wider, sweet thing," Sensei mumbles against my mouth, his pressing against me again as he shifts our legs wider. "Fuck," he husks again, fingerings sliding through me and getting coated in my mess. "Open your mouth."
I let my mouth fall open, Jiraiya's fingers quickly filling it. His fingers press down on my tongue as they slide down my throat. More soft curses spill from him as I suck myself off his skin. "I swear I could fuck you right now."
"Please?" I ask from around his fingers, the word coming out butchered.
Sensei stays silent for a moment, his mind torn between continuing my 'lesson' or giving me what I want. The answer is given to me when his fingers pop out of my mouth and go back to my pussy. I can't complain too much about the aching of my needs finally being met.
My eyes stay locked on his as his fingers explore me, two of them slightly dipping into me before going back to rubbing circles into my clit. This is another test of my patience, an attempt to get me to thrust forward to be filled more. A test I won't fail.
When Jiraiya is satisfied with the results, his lips brush against mine again. As my lips are busy with his, fingers plung into me, his knuckles rubbing against my folds as he pumps his digits in and out of me. "Hey," I drag out when Sensei curls his fingertips against my walls.
"Hey," he mocks, the pace picking up ever so slightly as he stares back into my eyes.
The pace stays as is, slow and rough with a mix of thrusts and curling. Just as I'm sure the bend of my orgasm is going to snap, I'm left empty and gapping. "Hey! That's... you can't do that," I whine, nails digging into the material of his pants.
"I can and I did, sweetheart," Sensei answers, his soaked hand coming up to squeeze my breast. Opened-mouth kisses are pressed along my neck as he continues to squeeze my boob, his grip switching from being gentle to being a lot rougher.
"We're going to play a game," I'm told, the words hard to process as Jiraiya slides his tongue over the previously pressed kisses.
"We... we are?" I ask, my heavy breaths making it difficult to push out my question.
Sensei hums a yes, hands dropping down to grip my thighs. "You are going to sit nice and pretty on my face like the pillow princess you are. As long as you're talking I'll play with you. If you stop talking, I stop playing. Does that sound fun?"
"Ya, yes, yeah," I stumble out, leaning forward to get another kiss. I'm given what I want, a string of small kisses before a deeper one is pressed into my lips.
After I'm given my kisses Jiraiya lifts me off of him, but quickly sets me back down on the bed beside him. My eyes trail over his body, taking in the way his chest muscles work to pump oxygen through him.
My attention catches on his hands. I watch them slide down his body, quick to undo his pants and shove them off of him. The imprint of his dick in his boxers makes me pulse. His big, bigger than I thought he would be. I don't know why I'm surprised though, my Sensei is built like a brick.
"Come here, sweet thing," he orders, hand gripping my thigh to tug me back on top of him. I'm pulled onto his chest, a leg on either side of him, before I'm shimmied upwards. Jiraiya's hot breath coats over my pussy, proving to me how wet I am. "Sit, sweetheart."
I shift down a bit, the worry of suffocating my Sensei forcing me to stay hovered. "Where's my obedient girl at? I said sit," he repeats, hands gripping my thighs before I'm pulled the rest of the way down.
"Jiraiya," I call when his tongue presses against my clit. My hands shoot forward, a fist full of his hair being clenched in my fingers. He hums in response, his tongue licking short strips against my nerve bundle.
One, two, three more licks are pressed into me before he stops. "I... I don't... please? Sensei please?" My voice is rewarded, his tongue going back to work. "I don't... know what... what to talk about." The words stumble out of me as my hands brush through his hair, my fingers snagging on the knots.
"I... I've... thought about this a lot and... oh my god." Jiraiya's tongue rolls around the rim of my hole before dipping into me, rubbing long strides against my walls. "You're really hot. Like... really hot and... I hate... I hate it when you're a flirty jackass with everyone."
I'm lifted off his mouth, deep breaths being sucked in by the man under me. "That's because you're a jealous little thing. I'll stop being so flirty, sweet girl."
I'm gently set back down on his mouth, his tongue jumping back and forth between my clit and my vagina. "Oh... okay... that's... that's good... fuck." My ears are filled with the sound of my Sensei slurping up my juices. Once my slick is cleaned up, his tongue is back to poking at my walls, quickly pushing me to my edge.
"I... um... I don't know... how... you're going to fit." I can feel the smirk being pressed into me as Jiraiya continues his work, my pussy clenching around his tongue.
When his mouth wraps around my clit, sucking it gently, my long-awaited orgasm washes over me. "Fucking Christ, Jiraiya. Holy fuck." My head tilts back, filling my sight with the ceiling as I grip his hair tighter. My hips thrust forward, his nose bumping into my clit as he dips his tongue back into my pussy.
My orgasm works its way out, Jiraiya slurping and licking my mess up as it spills out. A couple more soft licks slide through my folds before I'm pulled back down his body, my dripping cunt resting against his chest as I pant above him.
"That was quick, sweet thing. Maybe I shouldn't have toyed with you so much," he coos, rubbing soothing circles into my thighs. His face is smug and dripping as he looks up at me, quickly pushing me toward being ready for round two.
"I'm... I'm sorry," I murmur, trying to calm my breathing down.
"You don't need to be sorry, Princess. You did a good job," Sensei answers, his words calm as he shifts us on the bed again. I'm starting to enjoy getting manhandled by him.
When he settles, I'm laid on top of him, my legs around his waist, his penis pressed into my bare pussy, and our hands tangled together.
"Sensei," I huff out, my breath still heavy despite my attempts to calm it down. "You said you'd fuck me. I behaved, I was good, I passed every step." I whine, humping myself against him. The panic from earlier starts to rise in my chest again.
"I know, little one, and I will, but you need to calm down again. You're getting too overwhelmed," Jiraiya says, his voice still soft and gentle as he denies me what I want. The disappointing words are followed by a handful of soft kisses to ease the denial.
"You promised. You promised me. You said if I'm good you'd fill me up. You're not being fair." More whines tumble out of me as I grind against him. The feeling of being empty is so overwhelming it almost hurts.
Sensei looks at me amused as he sways my hands next to his head. "I'll make you a deal, okay?" I eagerly nod, my pussy filled with sparks as I keep attacking my clit with his hard-on. "I will nestle myself into you, filling you up like I promised, but we're going to take a nap, okay?"
"A nap?!" I yelp, another panicked wave washing through my chest. "Sensei-"
"Yes, a nap. You're overwhelmed again, sweet girl. If I fuck you now, you're not going to enjoy it. I'll fill you up, all nice and full while we nap. Then, when we wake up I'll fuck you, okay? I promise, Princess."
"Fine," I huff out, the sudden feeling of my body vibrating overflowing my nerves.
Jiraiya untangles his fingers from mine, gently pushing me onto all fours. I stay still, arching over him as he tugs his boxers off. The last piece of clothing is thrown to the ground, joining the rest of our clothes.
"Nice and easy, sweetheart," he orders, his warm hands wrapped around my hips once again. A long moan seeps from me as Sensei lowers me onto his dick. It stretches me out, pushing me to my limits as it sinks into me. By the time I'm back on top of his lap, I swear I can see it imprinted on my stomach.
"Nap time, sweet thing," Jiraiya orders, his arms wrapping around my back before pulling me against his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder, letting his body heat seep into my shaky muscles. My fingers dance over his scar as the feeling of Sensei buried deep into me fills my head.
"I don't see why you can't fuck me now."
"Patience, little one," he orders, words coated in sleep.

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