Little Mouse #1 (Orochimaru)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Watagashi710]

Requested by: Me :)

Word Count: 4,364

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Mouse, Crybaby, Darling, Pet
- Biting
- Description of Blood and Wounds
- Gentle Degrading
- Orochi being a bit of a sadist and horn-dog
- Medical use of a knockout drug
- There's going to be a part two :)

I softly hum as my hands work through my locks, a hairbrush carefully untangling it as my fingers trail after it, shifting it to enjoy the glossiness. It's not as glossy as usual, courtesy of it being the end of the month. The first day of every month is left to 'pamper' myself. A day full of appointments to keep my skin soft, my hair glossy, and any other possible upkeep I might need to maintain the perfection that keeps the Lord of the village happy.
Orochimaru is... a lot of things. A person's appearance is at the top of the list, which means I need to keep my appearance in check to. He calls me his 'little mouse'. It's a fitting name. I'm kept around for his enjoyment and his enjoyment only. Kept to make him happy, to entertain him, to please him. I serve him no purpose aside from that; no better than a pet.
A little mouse he keeps in the cage of the Sound Village. A mouse that he constantly gives checkups too like a vet. A little mouse he spikes the food for with different vitamins and other things he thinks I need. A mouse whose fur he constantly cares for and pampers with cute outfits. A little mouse he likes to bring treats home too and travels with on safe journeys. I'm nothing but a pet. Orochimaru's pet.
Kabuto stretches, a few of his joints popping as he shifts in my bed. It's as luxurious as everything else Orochi has gifted me. Crafted from beautifully dark redding wood, different swirls and designs are carved into the bed frame. The nightly black curtains are pulled back, and tied to two of the posts so I can see the mattress and bedding. It's a bed that reminds me of something you'd see in old-time art. Or maybe one of those beds you'd imagine while reading a royal-themed love story.
"My Lady?" Kabuto mutters, glancing up from the scroll he's been reading. I cut off the soft lullaby I'm humming, sparing him a glance before I look back in the mirror hung over my vanity. "Lord Orochimaru has returned."
"How can you tell?" I ask, my voice soft so it doesn't echo off the stone walls.
"I can sense his chakra. He will be here soon, I believe."
"You believe?"
Kabuto leaves my bed, straightening the comforter before he starts the walk toward me. The young boy stops behind me, his footsteps still echoing in the room for a moment. He takes a second, his hands hovering over me before settling on my shoulders. "I believe he will stop in to see you, but there are many other rooms down this corridor."
I let out a short hum, running my hairbrush through my locks once more before setting it on the counter. "Thank you, Kab-Chan," I thank, reaching a hand up to rub my fingertips against his cheek.
The young boy's face flashes, his eyes tearing away from the mirror to look away from me. "Of course, My Lady," he mutters, soaking in my soft touch for a second before he steps away from me. Kabuto's hand falls to my chair, pulling it out and offering his hand to me.
"Thank you," I repeat, gently taking his hand to help pull myself to my feet. My robe slides against the floor as I stand, the black feather ends of the material rubbing the stone and the skin of my wrists. The material melts down my body as I move, the layers falling into place like a river. The robe is fancy, expensive, bought in excellent taste just like everything else I have to my use.
He drops my hand, taking a wide step away from me. There's a soft knock on the door, my signal from the guards that I have a visitor. No ask for approval follows the tip-off that Orochi is my visitor. No surprise there; the only two people that visit me this late are him and Kabuto and well... the younger of the two is already present in my room.
The doors creak as they're being tugged open, filling the room with the sound of the wood scraping against the stone floors. Kabuto falls into a bow as the doors open. My hands cling to the silk material of my robe, balling it up as I drop into a curtsy.
"My darling Little Mouse," Orochimaru's smooth voice greets, his heavy footsteps bouncing off the walls. "How many times do I have to tell you not to bow your head to me?" He asks, snatching my hands in his, and using his grip to pull me out of my curtsy.
"Apologies, My Lord," I mutter, tilting my head to look up at him. My hair curtains to the side, the necklace around my throat jingling. The pendant around the chain matches his earrings, a stamp of ownership coating my body.
"Don't call me that either, Little Mouse," he coos, lifting my hands to butterfly kisses across my knuckles. "I am just your Orochi. I am not your Lord."
"As you wish, Orochi."
His hands shift on mine, moving to my palms to gently push on them. My fingers sprout out how he wants, Orochimaru's lips instantly dotting each fingertip with a kiss. "My beautiful Little Mouse. I missed you so much. We have so much to celebrate."
"Your mission was successful?"
"Yes, it was. Plans to kill Lord Third are all set in place. This time next month he shall be dead," Orochi almost cheers, his kisses growing more eager with each word.
"The most wonderful thing to possibly happen, aside from coming home to my obedient Mouse," he flutters, letting go of one of my hands.
Orochimaru knots our fingers together, his other hand falling to my waist. He gently pushes on me, making me take a step to the side. He uses the step to start twirling us in wide circles, dancing us around my room in joy. My robes spin with us, the thin blood-red material whirling at our feet. My slippers click against the floor, mixing with the sound of his shoes slamming against the stone.
He lets go of my waist, jerking our hands upward to spin me in circles. After a few go-arounds, I'm pulled backward, my arm crossed over me as Orochi's chest presses against my back. "What a joyous day, Little Mouse," he sighs, a hand on my hip, softly rocking the two of us from side to side. "I cannot wait to watch the life drain out of Hiruzen's eyes."
"I'm happy that you're happy," I mutter, letting my head rest against his shoulder. I don't know who this Hiruzen guy is or why Orochimaru has such a vendetta against him but I don't care that much about the situation. Why should I care about a person I know nothing about? All I care about is my Lord, my owner, the man who holds the key to my cage. That's how it should be, how he wants it.
My arm is tugged upward, the material of my robe sliding down and balling up on my elbow. Orochi's lips brush against the veins of my wrist before his fangs poke out. They slide against my skin, testing the blood-filled lines of life against the porcelain of his jaw. The teasing doesn't last long, the pointed ends of his teeth digging into my flesh.
     Pain blossoms from my wrist, clawing up my arm and pumping adrenaline through my veins. I try to focus my breathing, keeping it even as Orochimaru shreds my skin. The pain forms tears in my eyes, the water sliding down my cheeks.
     It's a weird comparison, the tears leaking from my eyes pinned against the blood dripping from my wound. My tears are cold and silent. My blood is warm, filling the room with the soft pattering of droplets falling to the ground. It slides down, painting the outside of my skin with the same red that coats the inside. If I didn't know any better I'd believe Orochimaru was a vampire instead of a snake.
     Soon, a soft sizzling filters from his mouth, the feeling of a warm liquid filling my veins, mixing with the sensation. The feeling is nice, almost soothing as it coats my blood, making my body buzz with energy. I swear this feeling of peace, of power, is addictive. This must be why I stay, why I'm so submissive, why I don't test my Lord, because I know I'll get just an ounce of the complete peace his venom has to offer.
     "Orochi?" I call like I'm supposed to. He's always told me to stop him, to scream, cry, or push him off if that feeling surfaces in his bites. I never want to, the feeling always turns my tears of pain into tears of pleasure. I love the feeling it brings me.
     Orochimaru, on the other hand, doesn't like the mark it leaves after. He doesn't like the black inking on my skin. Doesn't like the shivering sweats it causes me in the aftermath. Doesn't like the chakra it gifts my body, chakra I do not know how to control.
     Unlike the rest of the Sound Village residents, I'm not a shinobi. I don't have chakra reserves that can be used to make and control jutsus. I have enough chakra to live, to be a normal civilian, and that's it. Despite the situation I live in, Orochi refuses to show me basic ninja skills, insisting he won't let any harm come to me and that he likes me 'being a defenseless mouse in need of his protection'.
     Slowly, he detaches his teeth from my wrist, his pearly whites coated in my blood. "My darling Little Mouse?" He falls quiet, his eyes scanning my wrist and his face falls. "My poor Mouse, you should have stopped me sooner," he sorrows, his thumb brushing over the three dark tomoes stamped into my wrist.
     Orochimaru's head tilts back down, his tongue slithering out to brush over the puncture wounds settled just above the inking. The pleasure starts to melt away, pain quickly melts into its place. When he pulls away, my wrist is coated in his salvia, his spit mixing with the blood dripping across my skin. "Kabuto?" He hums, peppering kisses across the ache. "Fetch me a vial of ketamine and meet us in the lab five would you? And make sure you get someone to clean up the spill."
     "Yes, My Lord," the boy mutters, heading toward the open doorway. He stops in the frame, bowing down as he throws out his exit greeting. "My Lord, My Lady."
     In one swift moment, Orochi pulls me off my feet, his arm settling under me to hold me in the dip of his elbow. "My darling Mouse," he coos, keeping his grip on my wrist, brushing more kisses across the wound he caused. "You are such a defenseless thing, aren't you? Imagine if I hadn't stopped. Your pain would be immensely worse. You would have to survive with it so much longer. You know how fragile mice are and yet here you are, letting a snake sink its fangs into you."
     The constant reminder of the pain I'm in makes it so much worse. My tears shift out of pleasure back to pain. My breath shakes as I try to keep it even, an attempt I'm quickly failing at. The pain isn't as loose or flowy as before. No, now my wrist feels like it's being stabbed with a thousand needles, a feeling that is quickly multiplying and inching down my arm.
     "Oh, oh, oh, is my little Mouse crying now? I didn't know you were such a crybaby. Why the tears, Mouse? I didn't bite you that hard. The curse doesn't hurt that bad. You're fine, Mouse," he teases, his mouth shifting focus from my wrist to my cheek, lapping up the salty water from my face. "Your tears always taste so sweet. I adore them," Orochi compliments, his body finally moving forward to carry us to the lab.
     The compliment barely registers in my head; my mind is too preoccupied with pain. The needles have trailed up to my shoulder, making me silently pray to any God that'll listen and gift me pain relief or just make my arm fall off at this point. My lungs are pumping over time, any attempt to keep my breath calm is gone. It feels like I'm overheating, sweat droplets trailing down my spine.
     Why do I enjoy the feeling of Orochimaru accidentally cursing me? All it brings is aches and pains. It brings torment over the tears my body uses to respond to the pain. "Make it stop," I sob, leaning more of my body weight against him.
     "Hush, Little Mouse. You're alright. It doesn't hurt that bad," he murmurs, adding a touch of pressure to the puncture wounds caused by his fangs. Orochi softly hums, nuzzling my neck as he winds around the lefts and rights of the manor, mazing our way to whatever lab he ordered Kabuto to meet us in.
     "I think mice, are rather nice," he starts to hum, stalling in front of a dark metal door. "Their tails are long, their faces small," Orochi continues, clicking a code into the pin pad situated by the door, taking a second to peck a kiss on my cheek. "They haven't any, chins at all." A kiss is stamped on my chin. "Their ears are pink." His lips stumble over the shell of my ear. "Their teeth are white." My lips are pecked, an approving buzz spilling from the door, followed by the sound of air letting it open.
     "They run about, the house at night," Orochimaru continues the lullaby, whisking me into the room before carefully setting me on my feet. "They nibble things," his smooth voice lulls, gentle nibbles teasing my neck as his hands wrap around my wrists. "They shouldn't touch, and no one seems, to like them much." I'm led further into the dark lab, his thumbs rubbing against the veins laced under his fingertips. "But I think mice, are nice."
     The lullaby tumbles around my head, my feet feeling like I'm on a cloud as Orochi leads me around. "I'm a mice," I mutter, my mind foggy with the soft tale and the pain still wrapped around my limbs.
     "A mouse. You're a mouse, Darling. My pretty Little Mouse," he gently corrects, sweeping me off my feet again. Orochimaru doesn't hold me for long, his arms around me long enough to set me on one of the counters in the room. His hand cups my fingers, head bowed as he lifts our connection toward his face. "I'll be right back, my Little Mouse. Be a good pet and stay put until I'm back," he softly orders, pressing his lips against my knuckles.
     "Yes, my Lord."
     "Orochi," he corrects me again, his voice still gentle despite his dislike of repeating himself. "You are your most beautiful while you're in pain, Little Mouse. I cannot get enough of this beautiful sight." My mouth clicks open, an empty sentence resting on the tip of my tongue. A whine of pain spills out instead of words, winding an almost silent chuckle from his lungs. "Exactly, Mouse," he hums, carefully resting my hand on my knee.
     My blurry eyes trail after him, watching his outline descend around the darkness. "Close your eyes, Darling," his voice rings out in the dark, my eyelids drooping closed in instant obedience.
     There's a click and then a soft buzzing before the fluorescent lights of the lab are waiting outside my closed eyes. A few moments pass, nothing but me, the waiting light, the pain attacking my body, and the sweat covering every inch of my skin. At least until Orochi's fingertips are settled on my lips, slowly sliding back and forth. "You are so pretty, Little Mouse. My pretty, pain-filled, defenseless Mouse."
     "Thank you," I slur out, the aches of my muscles and the soft touches from Orochimaru quickly tiring me out.
     I can feel his eyes burning into me, tracing the path his fingers forge against my lips. A soft sigh spills from him, his touch falling away from me. "Open your eyes. I want you looking at me."
     Slowly, my eyes peel open, squinting against the rough light filling the room. Since they've been closed, he's pulled up a chair and settled in it right in front of me. Enjoyment flickers through his face before melting away, his usual expressionless features quickly back on his face. "This isn't fun-filled pain, Darling. Kabuto needs to hurry so we can celebrate."
     My head lulls in agreement, tipping toward the side as I look at Orochimaru. He's not enjoying his time with me, not a single ounce of it. He's right, the boy needs to hurry up so I can feel better, so I can make him happy again. "Why is your face so sorrowful, Little Mouse? Why so sad?"
     "I ruined your happiness," I slowly answer, trying to focus on getting my words out right.
     Orochi chuckles again, still as soft and airy as before. "You are my happiness, Mouse. Well, aside from the lust for immortality, of course."
"Of course," I echo, my voice falling short to the sound of the door exhaling and swinging open again.
My head rocks to the other side, eagerly awaiting my pain medication. Orochi's lips chase after me, stumbling their way on top of mine. His kiss is sweet, still laced with the metallic taste of my blood. "Tasteful," he hums, his tongue sliding out to slide across my bottom lip. "I can't wait for our celebration." I hum in agreement, slowly nodding my head.
Orochimaru pulls away from me, sitting back in his chair, but his hand still clings to my knee, gripping it like Kabuto is going to snatch me off the countertop. "My Lord, My Lady," the young boy utters, torso tipped down in a bow as he greets us.
"You couldn't take any longer?" Orochi hisses, snatching the vial from his hand. "Fetch a syringe," he grumbles, waving his assistant away. Another bows comes before Kabuto wandering off to do as ordered.
My Lord moves forward, his hand sliding up to my thigh. "My darling Little Mouse," he sighs, his long slim fingers toying with the material of my robe, pushing it out of the way so his chilled fingertips can rest against my warm skin. "You'll feel better soon," he adds, the vial between his fingertips being shaken back and forth. The liquid tumbles around behind the glass, the dark of it splashing as it moves.
The boy returns with a plastic-wrapped syringe in tow. He tips it toward Orochimaru, who quickly snatches it. "Little Mouse, let me see your wrist." I lift my arm, the pins and needles of it amping up with the movement. He rips the plastic off the medical tool and twirls the top of the vial before sticking the needle into the liquid.
After pulling out the needle, Orochi grips my wrist, his thumb breezing over the cursed marking his bite left. "How should we celebrate my victory?" He asks, eyes locked on his actions. He tips the needle into one of the puncture wounds slowly pushing it into my flesh.
"Sweets," I mumble, leaning against the stone wall of the lab. "And... and the twinkles."
"Stars, Little Mouse," he tells me, pushing on the device so that the liquid melts into my veins. "You wish to see the stars?" I nod my head, my tiredness lay heavier on my mind. "We can look at the stars once you wake. I'll make us a nice little spot in the garden and I'll read to you," he coos, carefully pulling the needle out of my wrist.
My mind is foggy, making it difficult to focus on his words. I think he's agreeing with me but I'm not a hundred percent sure. "Sleep, Mouse," he utters as my eyes fall closed. The chill always haunting Orochimaru's body envelopes me but does nothing to stop the unconsciousness racing through my body. "My Little Mouse."


My eyes slit, ears perked at the sound of Kabuto re-approaching. He took too long to fetch the ketamine. Left my pet in pain for much longer than I appreciate. It excites me, seeing my Mouse squirm and writhe in pain, but that's not the kind of pain my curse brings a person. That's the kind of pain that comes from me poking and prodding at her, from me exploring her most intimate parts.
When my loyal assistant returns, he holds the syringe for me to grab. I take it, shooting him a side glare before my full focus is on my pet again. "Little Mouse, let me see your wrist."
Her arm jerks up, discomfort coating her face in ugliness. My Mouse looks so much better being stretched to her limit, her chest pumping for air because I've pushed her to finish too many times, her body covered in sweat because of our physical activities, her body aching from the pretty bruises, bite marks, and swats I've left on it. I don't like her lungs overworking, her sweating because of a fever, or her in pain all because of the accidental curse I gave her.
My fingers tear at the wrapping of the syringe, anger bubbling in my chest. This is all Mouse's fault. If she wasn't wrapped up in that flowy little robe I gifted her, if her skin didn't look so delicate in the light of the torches, if her blood didn't feel so warm against my tongue, I wouldn't be so drawn to bite her so often.
My eyes flicker toward my Mouse, her eyes watery and almost empty beside the small spark of discomfort in them. My fingertips focus on opening the vial and dipping the syringe into the jar. I pull back on the plunger, being careful not to fill the hub with too much of the ketamine. I need her knocked out, not dead. It would be such a waste, having to dispose of her and train a new lab pet.
The needle clicks against the jar as I shake it, knocking off any extra substance clinging to the point. My hand moves up, cupping my Little Mouse's wrist. I rub my fingertip against her, tracing my curse punched into her delicate skin. My anger melts away as I pet her, calmness feeling my chest.
I hate how calm she makes me feel and how much the thought of her dying bothers me. It's a damper on my education, my mission in life, on my goals. She's nothing but a simple mortal woman. One that I can't help but feel a tsunami of freezing water in my chest every time my thumb rolls across her veins. "How should we celebrate my victory?" I mutter, focused on sliding the needle into one of the open wounds my fangs have left on her body. I don't need to give her another wound to heal.
     "Sweets," her soft voice rings out, her pain evident on the edges of her words. My eyes snap close, another chilled wave stirring in my chest. Maybe I should kill my Mouse. If she's not around these feelings wouldn't surface. "And," her voice rings out again, making my eyes snap open. "And the twinkles," she murmurs, her voice uncertain.
     "Stars, Little Mouse," I correct, my mind racing to remember the last time I took her outside. I was only gone a week and I'm sure I let her outside the walls of the manor before I left... I think. Maybe I didn't. I'll have to have Kabuto check and perhaps set up a schedule to have my pet taken on walks more often. I'll also need him to put some vitamin D in the sweets I have made for us, just to be sure.
     I push down on the plunger, letting the ketamine drip into her bloodstream. "You wish to see the stars?" I know she does, I heard her ask to, but I can't help but crave her voice again, even if it's shaky with discomfort.
     My Mouse's head shakes in a yes, the drug already working to make her movements groggy and her eyes heavy. "We can look at the stars once you wake," I hum, disappointment from the lack of a verbal response weighing on the ache in my chest. "I'll make us a nice little spot in the garden and I'll read to you."
     I move slowly, inching the needle out of her arm. My eyes stumble across the silver of the needle, my tongue sliding across my teeth with the craving of her warm blood against my taste buds. A hum slithers between my Mouse's lips, pulling on my attention. Her eyes are closed, her head lulling forward.
     "Sleep, Mouse," I coo, jerking into a stand. My hands grip the countertop as I lean forward, catching the weight of her warm body against mine. My eyes flutter closed, the weight and warmth of her calming the waves of the hurricane that have been licking at my rib cage. "My Little Mouse," I utter, filling my head to rest it against hers.
     "My Lord?" Kabuto calls, ruining the calming moment.
An annoyed sigh is shoved out of my nose, the peace in my chest melting away and being replaced with my usual indifference. "Get the table ready for the curse removal, have someone set up the gazebo for Mouse's attention feeding, and have the chef begin making those sugar things she enjoys."
"Yes, My Lord," Kabuto mutters, bowing before he wanders to do as ordered.
My body relaxes with the sound of the door swinging closed behind him, my attention falling again. "I do not require a pet, don't you know that?" I mutter to her, knowing she can't respond even if she can hear me. "And yet, here you are, my Little Mouse."

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