Birthright #3 (Itachi Uchiha Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to CYBERxYT ]

Requested by: My Attachment to this Series

Word Count: 4,465

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Incest (Brother/Sister)
- Pieces of Sasuke sneak in here and there 
- Choking
- Name Calling: Onii-Chan, Princess, Spoiled, Good Girl
- Misogyny
- Spanking
- Exhibitionism
- Hickeys
- Dubcon
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Humping
- Sasuke getting degraded
- Pussy Shot
- Voyeurism

Itachi's fingertips tug on the necklace around my neck, using it as an unofficial leash, pulling on it like a Master telling his dog it's wandered too far away. His mouth snaps open, my lecture already brewing in his throat.
"Leave it be," Sasuke grumbles, stopping my tongue lashing before it can start. "Nothing's going to happen if she's a couple of steps ahead of you."
"Shut up," Itachi hisses, yanking on the necklace again. I'm tugged backward, the metal of it pressing into my neck as I'm dragged backward. I start whining from the uncomfortableness, trying to loop my fingers around the material to loosen it. "Stop whining," he fusses, situating me by his side again.
     I'm tucked against him, his hand cemented on my lower back, balling the material of my overcoat in his hand. "Itachi?" I whine, trying to tug his hand off of me.
     Instead of letting me go, he tugs me closer, his free hand gripping my necklace again. "I," he starts, twirling the chain around his fingers so it tightens. "Am so sick of your tantrums today." The metal rubs against my throat, making my skin ache as my throat burns from my airway being blocked. "Knock your bad behavior off before I spank your attitude back in line."
     A shaky breath vibrates out of me as I squirm, this time from the tingles forming between my legs again. "Sorry, Onii-Chan."
     Sasuke grunts at our conversation, rolling his eyes as he simmers in annoyance. "Can't we just eat?"
     This time, Itachi rolls his eyes, loosening his hold on my necklace but keeping his hold on the tail of my shirt. "This way," he groans, pulling and tugging on me as he leads the way to whatever restaurant he's decided we're going to have dinner at.
     It doesn't take long until I'm let go of, the boys leaving me to hold the door to some Mom and Pop noodle shop open. "Come on, Princess. Let's go eat," Sasuke coos, offering his hand to me. I take it, despite our older brother's grumbling. His lips are pressed to my knuckles before he leads me inside, a cocky head shake and smile on his face as he beams at Itachi.
     "Mine," Onii-Chan hisses, shrugging him aside before trudging after me. His hand grips the back of my shirt again, using it as a makeshift lead. "You're mine. You know that, don't you?" He grumbles, pushing me around the room to head toward a booth in the back.
     "Of course, I do, 'Tachi," I whisper back, trying to stay on my feet as I'm jostled around. Sasuke does some mumbling too, complaining about how it's not fair that Itachi gets everything. "Onii-Chan," I yelp from being shoved into the booth. "Calm down."
     "I am calm."
"Ya, and I'm the Hokage," Sasuke huffs, sliding into the other side of the booth.
Itachi ignores our brother, his fingers gripping my cheeks to force my sight upward. "Hey Onii-Chan," I try to lull, smiling up at him.
"Princess," he exhales, fingers flexing against my skin. He takes slow breaths, trying to calm down from the stress of the meeting and Sasuke egging him on.
"I need to go potty."
"Of course, you do," he huffs, letting go of my face to grab my wrist instead. All the calmness from a second ago is gone, Itachi's grip is rough and his movements are edged as he walks the five or six steps. I don't mind though, an idea to completely calm him is already rolling around my mind. "Bathroom," he grumbles, shouldering the door open before he drags me into the room.
     I'm thrust into the room, his hold dropping and the door slamming shut once I'm safely touched inside. I stand still for a few moments, fighting with myself over what I'm going to do.
Slowly, I sink to my knees, settling on the tough and cold floor. My hands mess with my skirt, resting it as far up my thighs as possible. I should look into getting those leg strap things that hold up stockings. The ones with the metal hearts that sit on your thigh. Itachi's eyes might not wander away from me, but Sasuke's do, and he seems to like those things.
Thoughts of how crazy this is are swirling around my head as my hands jump up, slowly shimming my overcoat off before settling on my shirt. My hands push the material up and over my head, resting it on top of my other layer. Should I take my bra off or leave it on? I think I'll leave it on.
Onii-Chan has paid a lot of attention to my breasts today, to the point they still ache from him constantly gripping them. Though they mostly still hurt from his rough sucking and nipping at them after his lecture from Daddy. There's going to be bruises on them tomorrow morning.
"Itachi?" I call, my voice a bit shaky. This is either going to go great or terribly.
"Princess?" He grumbles, softly knocking on the door. I know he's right outside, he always is. Onii-Chan never wanders too far away from me, no matter the situation. The only time we're apart is when he has an away mission with the anbus. Even then, his crow is at my window every day with a lengthy letter and occasionally a bouquet.
"Can you come here? Please?" I continue to call, letting my mouth fall open and my tongue hang out once the question is out. I try my best to keep my eyes light and wide as he likes it, hoping the extra effort will tip the situation into the 'great' option.
     Itachi grumbles out mumbles that my ears can't make out but his tone is still pissy. "What could you possibly need help with - " he starts, his question falling short when he gets the door open. He freezes in the doorway, hand gripping the handle as his eyes droop down me. When his sights make their way back up my body, his expression is dripping in anger. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
     My tongue slides back into my mouth, my teeth clicking closed. "I... um..." I stumble, messing with the hem of my skirt as my eyes jump around the small room. "I just... I thought... if maybe... you know... if you let me... suck on... on you... maybe it would... I don't know... help you calm down?"
     Onii-Chan slides into the room, slamming the door behind him. The noise echoes in the room, the sound making the very being of my bones shake. The sound of the door's lock clicking fills my stomach with even more fear. He is not happy, at all, with my idea. "Princess," he hisses, taking slow steps toward me.
     "I was... I just... I thought," I stutter, scooting across the floor away from him.
     "That," he barks, snatching my necklace, and using it to tug me closer to him. "Is your problem," Itachi hisses, yanking on the chain until my head is tipped back as far as possible. His fingers twirl the material, tightening it around my throat. "Pretty Princesses can't think. Do you know why? Because girls aren't as smart as boys. You guys get silly little ideas that are of no use. Why should dumb girls bother thinking? All you're good for is looking pretty, making the clan happy, and making Onii-Chan's dick feel good, am I understood?"
     "Understand. I understand," I wheeze out, my hands jumping up to tug on the metal of my jewelry. Itachi has it wrapped tight, tighter than before. It pinches my skin as it cuts off my ability to breathe, making my breath jagged and quick. "I'm sorry."
     "No, you're not," he growls, tugging on my necklace to drag me to my feet. "All you've done today is cause me issues. Giving me a constant boner all day, filling my head with thoughts of your titties, getting me yelled at by Dad because you're so needy for Onii-Chan's touch," he lectures, dragging me across the room before shoving me down on the sink.
     The counter digs into my hips, my lungs pumping with the release of my necklace to try and replace the oxygen they're missing. Itachi flips up my skirt, shoving the material up before his hand paws at my butt. "I am so sick of how spoiled you've been acting. You're an entitled Princess. Maybe that's Dad's fault, maybe it's my fault too. We've been too easy on you, answering to your every whim, giving you everything you could want."
     Itachi clicks his tongue, before a
     lands to my ass. "Onii-Chan," I whine, squirming to try and escape his rough hands.
     "Princess," he coos, a hand settling on my back, pushing me down so I can't escape. "I've been more than patient with you today. The more you fight with me, the longer it's going to take. Be a good girl for your Onii-Chan and it'll be over soon, okay? Be a good girl and take your punishment."
     I whine but stop wiggling, hoping my compliance will get me out of trouble. "Nice try, Princess," he softly chuckles, rubbing his hand across my back.
     Smack. Smack.
     "I'm sorry, Onii-Chan. Really, I'm sorry," I whimper, trying to catch his eyes in the mirror. It doesn't work, he's avoiding my stare, because we both know he'll cave and let me off with a swallow warning if he looks at me.
     "No, you're not. You've been disobedient all day," he mutters, more slowly circles being painted into my back.
     Smack, smack. Smack, smack.
     I try everything I can, whimpering, whining, calling for him, to try and get him to stop. Itachi ignores me, continuing to mercilessly spank me.
     Smack, smack, smack. Smack, smack, smack.
     "Itachi, please," I whine, drawing out the word, deciding to give up on my obedient attempt. I squirm around, not getting far because of the hand shoving me on the counter. "It hurts."
     Smack, smack. Smack, smack.
     "Come on," I whimper, my ass stinging from the constant contact with it. "I'm sorry! Onii-Chan! I'll behave, I promise. Please stop."
     "Damn it," he sighs, his eyes sparing a glance at my watery ones. "Why are you so spoiled, Princess?" He mutters, fingertips rubbing against my cheeks, forcing new pointed stings to spark on my ass.
     "Because you take such good care of me," I whimper, forcing the tears out of my eyes. I've perfected my crocodile tears, using them in the few incidents that Daddy does give me some blame and Itachi isn't able to talk me out of trouble. "You're so good to me, Onii-Chan. So good. I'm so lucky to have you, so lucky to be your property, to be your birthright."
     A hissy breath escapes him, his fingertips still kneading at my aching butt. "You're only saying what I want to hear," he grumbles, fingertips sliding down to run across my panties. "You're a spoiled Princess that gets off on being in trouble," he continues to ramble, wiggling his fingers under my panties, running his fingertips through me, collecting the wetness his spanking caused. "A spoiled Princess that everyone heard whine and cry because she couldn't take the punishment she caused herself."
     "I'm sorry."
     "Sure you are," he grumbles, tugging his hand away from me. "Get dressed," Itachi orders, popping his fingers into his mouth, and sucking my juices off of them.
     I quickly jerk off the counter, rushing away before he can change his mind. Itachi watches my every movement, sloppy slurps spilling from his lips as he watches me redress myself. "Good girl," he hums once I'm dressed, stepping forward to rub his spit across my face, wiping his fingers off. "You're such a good girl for your Onii-Chan."
     I can't help the giddiness that fills me at the small praise. I live for his praise, for Daddy's praise, for Sasuke's praise, for the clan's praise. "Really?"
     "Really," he mutters, clinging to my cheeks, squishing them as he pecks my lips. A soft whimper spills out when Onii-Chan pulls away from me. I want more kisses, real kisses. "Don't whine, Princess. I don't like when you whine."
     A huff replaces my whining, my eyes skirting to the side as I pout. Why can't Itachi just give me what I want? I just want kisses. My eyes fall on the locked door, Itachi's comment from earlier playing in my head. "Do you think anyone actually heard me whining?"
     "No," he mutters, sliding his lips against my neck before letting me go again. "Come along, Princess," Onii-Chan orders, patting his thigh as he starts walking away. The lock pops, the door swinging open before I'm waved forward.
     I eagerly slide out the door, the craving for ramen resurfacing. He follows close behind, helping me slide into the booth before he settles next to me, my two brothers sandwiching me between them. Since I've been gone a waiter has brought menus and some water. I snap the menu open, glancing through it even though I know I won't get to order for myself; Onii-Chan always orders for me.
     As I'm scanning over the laminated paper, my eyes start to wander around the restaurant looking to see if my brother is right, looking to see if anyone is glancing our way in disgust of overhearing our bathroom events. From what I can tell, no one heard, at least until my sight settles on Sasuke. His knuckles are white from clinging to his menu, jaw locked and attention burning into the paper in front of him. My eyes fall further down, glancing at the tent in his pants.
Itachi was wrong, Sasuke overheard us, and he's strung tight with sexual frustration and envy. My prayers go out to that pink-haired girl he's into. May the Lord help her if he sneaks out to see her tonight.

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