Ours #6 (Shikamaru Nara Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,444

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Thigh Humping
- Biting
- Improper use of shadow jutsu
- Choking
- Name Calling: Spoiled brat, Sir
- Edging
- Fingering
- Smoke Play
- Temperature Play: Burn Marks
- Biting
- Titty fondling

     "Shika!" I whine, wiggling on his lap and tightening my arms around his neck. The office has been boring today, all he's done is paperwork over the crop in and outtake. Leaving me to be bored out of my mind with nothing to do but stare at him. My constant staring has led to an amp-up of my needs again.
     "Pretty Girl," he hums, eyes jumping between the report and the notes he's taking on it.
     I toy with the waistband of his pants, softly grinding against him. "I'm bored."
     "Would you like me to find you something to do?" Shika mumbles, moving his legs so I'm shifted off the imprint of his dick.
     "I like what I'm doing," I tell him, grinding against his thigh, toying with myself as I tip my head down. "I would like it if you fucked me more though," I mumble, sinking my teeth into his neck, softly nibbling on him as my tongue slides back and forth between my teeth.
     Shikamaru's hand gripping my hair, pulling me back from his neck and forcing my head to tilt backward. "Pretty Girl," he says, tone warning and eyes pointed as he looks down at me. "I have work to do."
     "So?" I whine, humping his thigh again, my pace quicker this time. I slither a hand down his pants, set on getting what I want. "You can finish your work later."
     His free hand shoots down, gripping my wrist and tugging it away from his crotch. "Just wait a little longer. Work first and then we can play," Shika tells me, moving me so I'm turned around, back against his chest and facing his desk now.
     "Please, Sir?" I whimper, arching my back some so I can wiggle my butt against him.
     Shikamaru's hands settle on my hips, fixing my placement again before he turns back to his work. "I already told you, I need to finish my work. We can play later or we can play not at all," he grumbles in my ear, nibbling on my ear before his full focus is on his paperwork.
     I let out a soft sigh, choosing not to ask again. I don't want to push my luck and not get laid again today. My eyes fall to the edge of my skirt, an idea flickering through my mind. I could just get myself off if Shikamaru is too busy to do it for me.
     I squirm on his lap shifting myself so I can spread my legs open wider. Shikamaru's eyes flicker towards me, eyebrows raised as he watches me. "What are you doing?"
     "I'm just moving around," I mutter, humping his thigh again, my hands settling on the desk as I rock my hips. My breath gets heavier as my speed picks up, knees clinging to Shika's as I get myself off.
     Disapproving hums spill from him, main focus still on his work with an occasional eye glance toward me. My head tilts, my back arching to get a better position, my eyes snap shut, and my tongue hangs out as I pant like a dog in heat.
     Just as my orgasm is threatening to tip over, something chilly slides across my thighs. Soon, new strands of the cold curl around my arms and slither across my neck. "I told you to be patient," Shikamaru whispers in my ear, the strands tightening around me.
     My eyes flicked open, being met with the sight of Shika's shadow wrapping around me, twirling around my limbs, stopping my movements. "Shika - " I'm cut off by his shadow tightening around my neck, cutting off my airway.
     "I told you," he starts repeating, fingertips sliding over my wet panties. "You need to wait. I will get to you when I'm done," he finishes, his touch moving away, shifting back to his work. "Maybe if you would have asked instead of playing with what's mine without asking, I would have let you hump yourself raw like the spoiled brat you are."
     Shikamaru's shadow loosens enough to let me squeeze out a whine but not enough to keep squirming. He chuckles at me, rubbing a few more circles against my clit. "Be a Pretty Girl for your Sir, okay? Sit still and be quiet while I work," he orders, continuing to softly rub me as he goes back to his paperwork.

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