My Son (Sasuke Uchiha)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pizaya]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 4,256

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Implied Sex
- Teen Pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Sorry, it jumps around a lot at the start
- Angst :)

     "Thank you," Sasuke mutters, his blood-red sharingans glowing in the darkness of the room, slowly rolling across my face. His nose is rested against me, moving just as slow as his eyes, back and forth against mine. It's the only part of himself he lets touch me despite the recent events that took place between us.
     We're both laid under my bedsheets, the black cloth being the only thing covering the two of us. Sasuke is still dripping out of me, promising to stain my sheets, but I don't care. I don't want to get up and break the small moment I have with him. It's been years since we've had a second alone, much less a whole night. How long has it been? Three or four years? I don't have the energy to figure it out.
     It's strange, how being apart so long hasn't broken our infatuation with each other. It's also strange how quick we were to connect in such a way. How quickly he brushed his lips against mine, how quickly his hands were under my nightshirt, how quickly he was to kneel on the floor to please me.
     "I should be thanking you," I murmur, my eyes dancing over his pale skin, missing the soft pink they held a few moments ago.
     "You do not have to thank me," Sasuke whispers, tipping his head so his lips can brush against mine. "Happy seventeenth, Beloved," he mutters before fully resting his lips against mine. They're still tainted with the taste of me, a tad sour but he doesn't seem to mind.
     If anything, he seems to enjoy it, proven further when he pulls away from me. His tongue slips out, sliding across his bottom lip as his eyes fall off my face, dropping toward my breasts again. Sasuke's eyes seem to glow more as his advanced sight stumbles across every inch of exposed skin.
     "Let me gift you again," he coos, his hands sliding under the bed sheets, quickly gripping my thigh. "If you wish for that, Beloved."
     A grin quickly spreads across his face, cockiness instantly waving off of him. "Whatever the birthday girl wishes," he mutters, dipping below the sheets, and floating his way between my knees.
     "Stay?" I slowly ask, my hands stumbling around to find his hair, wrapping around the raven-colored locks.
     Sasuke's head pops up, the blanket spilling off of me and ending on his back. The gentleness of his face is gone, replaced with the usual stone expression he wears. "No."
     I tilt my head back, staring at the ceiling as my eyes blink rapidly, trying to push back the tears. "Why?" I peep out, trying to keep my voice steady.
     Sasuke crawls up my body, his lips slowly kissing up my stomach the whole way. "You know why," he whispers against my neck, finishing the short path to my lips. His nose settles on mine again, his eyes baring into me. "Don't cry, Beloved," he coos, kissing away the tears that spill down my cheeks. "Let's enjoy our night. Stop crying over me, just enjoy what I'm able to offer you."
     "Alright," I breathe out, my voice shaking with the single word. "I love you."
     "I know."


     "I can't. I can't. I can't do this! I can't do this!" I scream, my body ravaged in pain. It feels like I'm being torn in two, every inch of my body screams at me to make it stop.
     "You're doing great. Just breath. In and out," Naruto coos, his hands wrapped around one of mine. He exaggerates his breathing, trying to model the breathing the doctors and nurses and every other soul in the room keep trying to make me do.
     "Take your breathing and shove it up your ass!" I screech, digging my nails into his hand. Another loud groan of pain follows the insult, my eyes burning and blurred with tears. Why do people have kids? It's not worth it. This baby better be the next goddamn Hokage if I'm going through all this pain for it. "Make it stop. Please. Naruto, make it stop."
     "I can't. I'm sorry. You're doing great," he continues to coddle, peppering kisses across my knuckles.
     "Come on, Mama, we need another push. You can do this."
     "I can't," I cry, my mind foggy, not being able to focus on anything except the tearing happening between my legs. "Where's Kakashi? I need Kakashi. Where is he?" I sob, being able to focus on something else for a split second. The sting of my Sensei not being here after promising almost hurts more... just kidding.
     My abdomen cramps again, tearing a pain-filled scream from my lungs. Fuck Sasuke. Fuck him abandoning the village. Abandoning me, not being here when he should be. Fuck him for not pulling out. Fuck Kakashi for not being here. Fuck Sakura for being away on a mission. Fuck Naruto and his dumbass optimism.
     "Just breathe. We're almost there. We got this."
     "We?! We?!" I yell at him, snapping my head to glare at him. "Are we pushing a baby out of our vagina? Are we getting ripped to shreds? Were we stuck eating ice chips for the past two hours? There's no we in this situation. Fuck. Off," I lecture, tugging my hand out of his hold before I try - and fall - to shove him away from me. "Go away. I don't want you here. I want Sensei. Where is Kakashi? Go fucking find him."
     "Right. Kakashi. I'll go find Kakashi!" Naruto babbles, slamming a kiss to my sweaty forehead before he races out of the room, listening to me for once today.
     "We need you to push, Mama. Come on, push," the doctor orders again, instantly filling my chest with a mix of fear and dread. I do, reluctantly, listen, trying to push this fucking bowling ball out of me. My voice is raspy and strained, another long and high-pitched screech tearing from my throat. "You're doing great. Breath Mama. Deep breath and another push. You got this. You're amazing."
     "I can't. I really can't," I sob, rapidly shaking my head, no.
     "Yes, you can. You're strong," my Sensei's soothing voice butts in from beside my hospital bed, cutting in before the doctor can respond.
     "Fuck you. You're a terrible person. I hate you," I wail, snapping my head toward his voice.
     "I know. I know. I'm sorry," he soothes, his hands cupping my cheeks. Kakashi's fingers feel cool against my face, eating away at some of the heat burning my skin. His fingertips are quickly getting wet, some strands of my sweat-soaked hair are wrapped around his digits. "I thought I'd be back before you went into labor," he explains, his thumbs rubbing against my cheeks.
     "I hate you. I hate Sasuke. I hate everything. Fuck you. Fuck him. He's a terrible person. I hope he burns in hell. I hope you burn in hell. Why weren't you here? I asked you to be here."
     "I know, Honey. I know," Kakashi keeps repeating, his head tipping down to smother my face in mask-covered kisses. "You need to keep pushing, though. You need to push."
     "I can't," I yelp, my hands jumping up to cling to his wrists, digging my nails into his skin, not caring if I rip at his flesh. "Please, Sensei, make it stop."
     "Sweetheart, I can't. The only way it's going to stop is if you keep pushing. You need to push. You got this."
     Hissy breathes, steaming tears and more pain-filled sounds spill out, mixing with the chatter of the doctor, nurses, and my Sensei cooing at me. It feels like forever has passed, but Kakashi keeps insisting it's only been an hour. After a few more pushes, something loosens in me, forcing a shaky and airy breath out of my lungs.
     A screech fills the room, a new kind of fear weighing on my chest when the sound hits my ears. "My baby," I yelp, jerking forward to lunge at the doctor. Instantly, strong ripples of pain shoot through me, feeling worse than the labor itself.
     "Honey," Sensei snaps, trying to keep his voice light as he gently pushes me back down. "You need to lay down. You're in no condition to be jerking around like that."
     "My baby," I wail, shoving to get Kakashi off of me so I can try and grab my newborn again. "He's crying. I need to fix it. Give me my baby. Make them give me my baby."
     "Please, Sweetheart, you have to let the doctors do their job."
     "I want my baby!" I shriek, my eyes falling on a very pale-looking Naruto. His eyes are wide, looking at the scissors a nurse is holding out to him.
     "I know. I know, but you have to wait. They have to make sure he's okay, that you're okay."
     I fall silent, tears still rolling down my face because of the pain I'm in and the sounds of my baby - of my son - screaming. "He?" I ask, my mind too foggy to process what my friend is saying as he cuts the umbilical cord.
     "Yes, he," Kakashi repeats, his hand wrapping around mine, clinging to it as his free fingers slide through my hair. "You did great, Honey. Your son is beautiful. You are absolutely beautiful."
     "I want my baby," I repeat, the sound of him wailing being the only thing I can focus on. My chest feels hollow, filled with dread and fear. Why haven't they given me my baby? I want to see him, hold him. I need him. I need Kakashi to make them give him to me.
     "I know. You can have him soon, I promise," Sensei coos, helping me lay back down as he nods along to whatever the doctors are saying. His head settles pressed against mine again, more masked kisses stamped to my face as he plays with my hair. "You need to take care of yourself right now. We need to make sure you're okay. The nurses will make sure your baby is alright, okay?"
     "I want my baby."
     My son falls quiet, only making me more fearful. Why is he so quiet? How am I supposed to know where he is? I can't see him and now I can't even hear him.
     Kakashi keeps cooing at me, petting my hair and smothering me in affection as he tries to keep me calm. The doctor is talking to me too, explaining what she's doing to me, but I can't process anything except the continued screams of my son. Every second that passes feels like an eternity, the abyss of dread deepening the longer he's apart from me.
     "Alright, Mama, are you ready to hold your son?" A nurse asks, breaking the frozen time it felt like I was in.
     "I want my baby."
     "He's all yours," the nurse murmurs, carefully resting my baby on my chest.
     The weight of my son on my body instantly drains the sea of negativity in my chest, quickly filling it with love instead. "My baby," I whisper, carefully resting my hand on his back. He feels so warm yet so small against me. "It's my baby."
     "It's your baby, and you are my baby," Sensei coos, his fingertips feathering over the hand I have rested against my son's back, more kisses being stamped into my mess of hair. "My strong, powerful, beautiful baby."
     Slowly, I turn my head to the side, finally getting to see what my child looks like. He's fast asleep, his back repeatedly rising with his breaths. With every breath I watch him take, it feels like it's easier for me to breathe too. His cheeks are pink. Well, all of him is tinted a bit pink, but his cheeks more so than the rest of him. There's a tuff of black hair on his head, more hair than I'd expect for a newborn. The same beautiful hair his father has.
     "He's beautiful," I whisper, fresh tears pricking my eyes.
     "Just like his mommy," Naruto mutters, slowly approaching the side of the bed and taking the spot next to our Sensei. "Did you pick a name yet?"
     "Mikoto," I whisper, resting my head against the pillows and finally letting my eyes fall closed. "Mikoto Uchiha. After Sasuke's..." I fall silent, wanting to hold on to one of the only parts of my son's father I still have. That secret will stay with me, sealed behind my lips until my son is old enough to know his history, his father's history, and his clan's history.
     "It's a beautiful name, Honey," Kakashi murmurs, coasting his hand through my hair again. "You did a good job."

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