Coffee #2 (Neji Hyuga)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to omanee]

Requested by: coldkittyfox

Word Count: 4,096

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Writing Shino as a sibling is so fun to me cause 1) I get to remind people that Shibi is literally a father by choice and 2) As a fellow adopted kid I love seeing people with similar history as me in the media

     Lee moves before I can, pushing himself off the wall and gently pushing me around the corner. "If it isn't the Aburame siblings!" He chirps, an arm around my shoulders to stop me from hiding away and mellowing in my embarrassment. How could I have been so clueless? How couldn't I have noticed their relation?
"Hello, Lee!" Aburame-Chan greets him, smiling at my friend as she waves. Her smile wavers for a moment as she shoves her brother's hands out of her hair again. He lets out a sigh, evidently unhappy with the situation.
"Lee," Shino grumbles, face tight and sights still set on his sister as he nods in acknowledgment.
Lee squeezes my shoulders, pushing me forward a bit before he lets go. I clear my throat, trying my best not to chicken out. The small sound gets Shino's attention snapped towards me. "Aburame....s," I greet, nodding my head to the older of the siblings before sending my date a soft smile.
"Hey, Neji," Aburame-Chan returns the greeting, her voice softer than it was while she was speaking to the others.
I can feel my composure slipping from the simple words. All the training on proper public etiquette, all the lectures about maintaining our clan's high-class behavior, all the times my Uncle reminded me how Hyugas behave with each other and outsiders, it's all melting away because of two words, because of the want to drop to my knees and beg the Aburame Princess to start a life with me. I need to get out more, this can't be normal.
A cough breaks the spell I seem to be under, tugging my attention back to the Princess's overprotective brother. I know the kind of trouble I am for Naruto, so I can only imagine the kind of trouble Shino is going to be for me. "Aburame-San," I mutter, nodding my head to him.
That gets me a pointed look before the younger man moves to cut off my view of his sister. Whispers are shared between the siblings, the Prince of their clan is angry and harsh while my date's are equally angry but still soft.
Lee bumps into me, tugging my attention away from the mini-fight. "And here I thought it would be you fighting with your Uncle instead of Shino fighting with his sister," he teases with his usual huge smile on his face and a hint of a chuckle in his words.
"They're not fighting," I mutter, flicking my eyes back toward the siblings.
"Probably not," Lee continues, letting himself shift so his body weight is pressed against my side for a moment. "But Shino is going to have it out for you. I guess this will be your karma for the overbearing 'big brother' role you play in Hinata and Naruto's relationship."
I'm a bit impressed Lee had the same thought process as me, but that's shortly lived. If even Lee can see the trouble brewing from Shino, I'm going to have a lot of work in front of me. I haven't been that terrible to Naruto, have I? I guess karma will tell.
     "You're being unreasonable," Aburame-Chan groans, sidestepping her brother before breezing past him. Shino grumbles to himself but doesn't move to stop her. From the glare, I can feel him shooting my way, a part of me wishes he had. Does my glares toward Naruto burn him as much as Shino's glare burns me? "Neji," she calls, stopping her footsteps in front of me.
     My eyes drape over her, her shared traits with her brother forcing their way into my sight. Even though the similarities are far and few, there still seem to be some. How could I have been so clueless about their relationship? "I wasn't aware you had a brother."
     Her face shifts into a closed-eyes smile, head tilted as she keeps her attention on me. "Shino and I are both adopted so the day-to-day people in our lives don't usually make the connection."
     Perhaps my mind invented the similarities. "I wasn't aware," I mutter, flickering my eyes upward. Lee's hyperactive behavior has been shifted to Shino, my squad mate bouncing around as he chats the brother-of-my-date's ear off. Shino is mostly ignoring Lee, his sights still set on his sister and me.
     "It's not exactly something we go around talking about. Don't get me wrong, none of us are ashamed of it. If anything it only means I'm certain my Dad loves Shino and me, but it's still not something that's anyone's business."
     I nod my head, dropping my eyes down to Aburame-Chan's face again. She has a sour look, like she's happy about the situation but also a bit sad. This is certainly not a way to start a date. "Aburame-Chan?" I softly call, her head shifting up and a smile instantly decorating her lips. "Are you ready for our outing?"
My question makes her smile grow, which in turn makes my heart thump faster and the hold on my composure starts slipping again. "I'm ready if you're ready," Aburame-Chan answers, moving forward to slide her hand around my arm.
She waves at Lee and her brother, bidding them both goodbyes before she leads us forward. The whole time all I can think about is the pressure of her fingertips against my bicep and the feeling of her elbow tucked between my arm and my side.
     Is this what Hinata feels when she's around Naruto? Is that why she's so love-struck over the foolish, idiotic boy? I've never done drugs and I haven't ever had a drop of alcohol, but I imagine this is what an addiction feels like.
There's a gentle tug on my arm, followed by Aburame-Chan's honey-like voice calling out "Neji?"
"Yes?" I answer the word coming out like a whisper instead of the normal volume I was trying for.
My eyes fall on her again; how couldn't they? Aburame-Chan's eyes are bright and around as she looks up at me, her smile a bit shallower than last time. "I asked you a question. Did you hear me?"
"My apologies, Fairest," I mutter, reaching over to pat her hand with my free one. "I was lost in my thoughts and didn't quite hear you. Do you mind repeating yourself?"
The light returns to her smile but confusion fills her eyes. "I asked where you're taking me to eat. If your mind is preoccupied, we could reschedule."
     "No," I breathe out slowly, wrapping my fingers around hers. "I don't want to reschedule. I wish to take you out. Perhaps I'll take you to dinner tomorrow too, as long as tonight goes well. My apologies for being preoccupied."
     The confusion melts from her eyes, the light of her smile reaching up to replace it. "What a sweet talker," Aburame-Chan giggles, flexing her fingers underneath mine. "Already asking me on a second date and we haven't even finished the first."
     I tear my eyes away from her, the familiar heat of embarrassment crawling up my neck. "I just hope to continue our outings. As for tonight, I am taking us to the Dango Shop."
     Aburame-Chan bounces on her heels, her excitement shimming through her body movements. Weirdly, I find this behavior mildly annoying from Lee but cute from her. "My Fairest," I coo, tightening my hand around her fingers. "Be careful or you'll trip."
     "I won't trip," she mutters, but the jumps in her steps settle down a bit, making my heart swell. I hope my Uncle was serious about removing the marriage traditions. If I'm already this wrapped up in Aburame-Chan, I can only imagine the overflow of emotions I'd have if I were ordered to stay apart from her. "So, what's at this Dango Shop?"
"It's a sweet shop. It focuses on dangos, of course, but there are a few other sweet treats as well. Afterward, we will find somewhere more appropriate to eat." That seems to be the right answer, my Fairest bouncing in her steps once again; good.
     She's so childish, so it makes sense that she likes the idea of a candy shop for our date. Maybe I should ask Lee for help more often, he seems to know how this whole dating thing goes.
     No matter what I order at the Dongo Shop, my name falling off Aburame-Chan's lips will be the sweetest thing I have today. I hum in acknowledgment, letting my hand fall away, settling back down at my side with the fear that it's more sweaty than I think it is.
     "I think I'm going to get a Hanako dango. Do you know why? Because it's the best dango, duh. I hear they have good tea there too, hopefully, caffeine-free teas, though I could always just get water or - "
     I nod along to her ramble, making a mental note that Hanako dangos are her favorite. Perhaps I'll start bringing her dangos instead of coffee in the morning.

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