Sweet Girl #4 (Shikaku Nara & Inoichi Yamanaka Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to unknown; I couldn't find the artist :( ]

Requested by: All You Horn-Dogs (I'm kidding. I love you all. Please keep requesting stories)

Word Count: 3,742

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Age Gap
- Threesome (duh)
- Nick Names: Toy, Chief, Commander, Sweet Girl, Spoiled Brat, Sweets, Bitch, Asshole
- Titty Fondling
- Soft and Hard Dom
- Grinding
- Begging (ish)
- Spanking
- Dacryphilia
- Threats of Violence (?) "I'll keep beating your ass until it bleeds"
- Slight Degrading
- Hair Pulling
- Titty/Face Shot
- Cum Eating (? Idk I suck at warnings)
- Smoking

     My nerves are trickling down to my pussy, my thighs chilly from the cold air of the night, and my mess that's still present. My anticipation only gets worse when Inoichi pushes me against the front door, yelps from Shikaku to be gentle following the movements. "I can't wait to destroy you, my pretty toy." The Chief's hands wander under my shirt, squeezing my breasts as he grinds his boner against my ass.
"You're being too rough, Ino. Break your toys, not mine," the Commander continues to complain, shrugging his friend off of me. Shikaku nuzzles my neck with his nose, his hand busy trying to unlock his front door. "Don't worry, Sweet Girl. I won't let him be too rough."
"Of course not," Shikaku chuckles in my ear, a hand wrapping around my waist when he pushes the door open. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't share? A good friend shares everything, even the youthful cunt of their favorite girl."
My pussy tingles even more when both men laugh at me, the Commander's fingers sliding past my waistband to toy with my soaked panties. I'm ushered into the house, a second pair of hands clinging to me as I'm steered down the hallway, towards the bedrooms. As promised, music blares from Shikaku's son's room, covering his eventful night.
     The music is cut off when I'm led into Shika's room, the door slamming closed behind the three of us. I twitch around as I'm poked and prodded at, hands tumbling all over my body. At least until I'm shoved on the bed, then pushed around until I'm laid how they like. "How pretty," Inoichi coos, pushing my head into the mattress and his free hand shoving at my back so my ass is propped in the air. "I can't wait to beat your ass."
"Chief Yamanaka," I whine, trying to squirm out from under his hold.
"Don't start whimpering now. You weren't whining when you disobeyed me and came on your new daddy's fingers," the Chief grumbles, pulling his hands away from me to start undoing his belt.
I go to sit up, but Shikaku's hands replace his friends, fingers tangled in my hair, shoving my cheek into our blankets and the other one on my back, keeping my ass in the air. "Be my Sweet Girl and take your punishment. The better you behave, the sooner it'll be over."
My Commander's cooing is followed by his friend tugging my panties down my legs, disapproving clicks of his tongue filling my ears. "Look how soaked you are. What a desperate, fertile young lady you are."
"Inoichi," I whine, squirming around again. "Don't say that."
"Why not?" He asks, tone cautious, and his hands massaging my hips as Shikaku's hands rub my back and my scalp.
"It makes me uncomfortable," I murmur, settling back into the position I was placed in.
"Sorry, Sweetheart," Inoichi coos, littering my back with kisses before he stands up straight again. "It won't get you out of your punishment though."
I let out another whine, rubbing my face against the bed. "Meanie."
"Spoiled brat. You have a spoiled brat, Shikaku. He turned you into a brat," the Chief grumbles, his belt snapping as he rips it off, the sound making me rub my thighs together.
Inoichi rubs my ass, kneading my flesh, Commander following his lead and rubbing me again.
"Fuck, ow. Chief," I whine, trying - and failing - to shoot up from my spread-out position.
"You're fine. Stop whining," Chief grumbles, rubbing the sore spot on my butt.
Smack, smack. Smack, smack.
"Chief," I whimper again, my back being pushed down by Shikaku as I squirm around.
Smack, smack, smack. Smack, smack, smack.
"Come on, Chief," I cry, tears prickling the corners of my eyes. "I'm sorry. I should have listened."
"I don't believe your half-assed apology," he grumbles, fingers making my ass sting as he toys with me.
Shikaku uses his hold on my head to pick up my head, pressing kisses right under my eyes. "You're okay, Sweet Girl. You're doing so good," he coos, his legs shifting to adjust his growing boner.
"You're babying her again," Chief grumbles, rolling his eyes at his friend.
Smack, smack, smack.
"Apologies, beg me to stop, or else I'll keep beating your ass until it bleeds."
"Inoichi," Commander grumbles, his tone warning and eyes sharp as he glares at the man behind me.
Chief Yamanaka groans out an apology, rubbing my ass again before he goes back to spanking me.
Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.
"Chief!" I yelp, shifting my ass down. These spanks were more spaced out but hurt more than the rest, making my tears spill down to cheeks. My attempt to move away doesn't work, Inoichi's hand settling on my hip, lifting my ass again. "I'm sorry. I won't cum again without permission, I promise. I'm really sorry. Please?"
"There's a Sweetheart," he hums, kneading my sensitive ass again.
Shikaku is buzzing next to me, releasing me long enough to shift his hands to my waist. "Fuck, Sweet Girl," he mumbles, sliding me on top of him. "You're so pretty when you cry," he praises, his hands shifting further down, both men toying with my sore cheeks.
"That hurts, I'm sore, you two are being mean," I whine, my tears trickling off my face, dripping onto the Commander's cheeks.
"Damn it, Sweet Girl," he groans again, using his hold on my butt to force my hips against his, grinding me against his boner. Shikaku lifts his head a bit, his tongue sliding out, running across my cheeks to collect my tears.
"You're hogging her," Inoichi grumbles, gripping my hips and tugging me off of my... boyfriend?... before flopping down on the bed next to him. I'm positioned reverse cowgirl, my hips moving again but grinding on the Chief this time. "Shikaku is right though, you are pretty, with your ass all red. Damn it Shika, why'd you have to get to her first?"
Commander chuckles, his hand snaking over to start toying with my clit, rubbing soft and slow circles into it. "I'm just better than you."
"You're just a pushover," Inoichi laughs back, shoving me off his boner, causing my face to fall into the sheets again. "Shikaku? You should go get the kitchen timer."
"Why?" We both ask; my tone curious and Commander's warning, his eyes flickering down to me. "Don't you think you've been rough enough, Inoichi?"
Chief lets out a sigh loud enough that it almost covers the sound of his pants being tugged down. "Always the sensitive one, aren't you Shikaku? Once I get off I'll get out of your hair, then you can coddle your 'sweet girl' all you want," he mocks, getting another pointed look from the Commander.
"Inoichi - "
"She'll be fine. Hell, I'll even be nice and give her four minutes instead of two."
Shikaku grumbles under his breath but does leave the room, going to collect the kitchen timer I assume. "Chief?"
"Sweetheart?" He hums, gripping my hips to tug me backward. The tip of his dick toys with me, just barely poking in me before being pulled out again.
"What's the timer for?"
"We're going to play a game." That doesn't sound good, at least not coming from the Chief. "You, Sweetheart, get four minutes to ride me. If you make me cum, you win."
     "And if I don't? If I don't win?"
     A soft chuckle comes from the older man, his blonde hair tickling my cheeks as his lips brush against my neck. "Shikaku's sweet, sweet girl. You're a smart girl, I'm pretty confident you can think of a thing or two that'll happen if you fall." He's right, I can, and it sends shivers down my spine. My body shifting from the shivers gets me a reward of more laughs. "I love how responsive you are, Sweetheart."
     "And I would quite like it if you didn't cling to my Sweet Girl so much," Shikaku's voice spills into the room, a smile crossing my lips when my eyes lock on him in the doorway. Jealousy? Waves off of him as he looks at us. "I've already stated you've been too rough with her today. Dial it back." Wrong, not jealousy, protectiveness.
     Inoichi grumbles, his dick slamming into me as my hips are pulled down. "Just start the timer. Four minutes."
     The Commander rolls his eyes but does click the timer on. He settles it in front of me, propped on the bed so I can watch it tick away. "Be a Sweet Girl," he coos, his hands cupping my face, tilting it so he can brush kisses across my face.
     My hands jump up, wrapping around Shikaku's wrists as I shift myself around, settling into a seated position. My bounces are slow, my ass aching every time I settle back in Chief's lap, and my pussy feels raw from the constant use it's been getting recently. "You have to live faster than that, Sweet Girl. You're just going to edge him doing that," he guides, pulling away an inch or two so our eyes can lock.
     "I can't," I whine, picking up my pace a bit, the added soreness causing my eyes to fill with tears.
     "Damn it, Sweets. You are making it very hard on me right now," Shika grumbles, thumbs rubbing away my tears as his eyes scree shut.
     "Use her mouth, it's not good for anything but whining anyway," Chief grumbles, his breath picking up as he flops on the bed, lying on his back.
     "I guess I could," Shika mumbles, his hand gripping my hair. "Sweets, be sweet for me and open your mouth." I obey, letting my mouth fall open as I watch him tug his dick out of his pants. He wastes no time, shoving his cock down my throat and making me gag on him.
     My mind is torn between moving my hips fast enough to make Inoichi finish and focusing on sucking on and not accidentally nicking Shikaku. The ticking of the clock only makes everything worse, reminding me that if the Chief doesn't finish my ass is going to get beat again. It doesn't help that I can't look at the timer to see how much time I have left, my head bobbing up and down Commander's dick making that impossible.
     The sound of the room is intoxicating. The slushing of my pussy gushing and my mouth sliding around. Inoichi's huffs and grunts, Shikaku's praises and puffs, it's all too much, I can feel my orgasm building, threatening to snap before I even have the chance to ask for permission.
      Right as I'm about to break, the timer goes off, shooting sparks of dread down to my stomach as it buzzes. Before I can process what's happening, I'm left empty, hoisted out of the bed, and suddenly clinging to Shikaku. "You did so good, Sweet Girl," he whispers into my ear, nuzzling the side of my face.
     "Come on," the Chief groans, slowly sitting up. "You're ruining my game. Give her back."
     "No, I already told you. You're being too rough. She's done with your dumb punishments for the day." Commander's hold on me tightens once his sentence is out, the men butting heads - and glares as they test each other's will to dominate.
     Inoichi sighs, flapping back in the bed, and signifying Shikaku's win. "Fine," he groans, nodding his head back and forth. "You baby her too goddamn much."
     "No I'm not, am I Sweets?" Commander gushes, littering my face with a dozen kisses. "I'm not babying you. Inoichi is just a hardass."
     "Am not!" He bickers, Chief snapping upright as I'm lowered to the ground, placed on my knees once again.
      "Be a Sweet Girl," Commander tells me for the millionth time, his hand placed under my chin, filling my head up. "Take your shirt off so Chief Yamanaka and I can cover your pretty face and chest, okay? You're going to look absolutely wonderful drenched in our sticky cum, aren't you?"
     My hands instantly go to my shirt, working it up my body as my thighs rub and my head shakes rapidly. "Who's a Sweet Girl? Who's my Sweet Girl?" Shika coddles, praising me for my eager obedience.
     "At least I still get to cum," Inoichi grumbles, climbing to his feet to stand next to his friend, both men towering over me as they start to stroke themselves.
     I arch myself so my chest is puffed out, my tongue hanging out of my mouth as I wait to be covered. My position gets me praises, even from Chief, which makes my pussy tingle more. It doesn't take long for them to finish, Inoichi before Shikaku does. I'm coated in their cum, like I was promised. Some spilling onto my chest, some coating my face, dripping down my cheeks to join the majority covering my titties.
     "Please?" I whine, desperately rubbing my legs together, the warm stickiness of the two men sliding over my skin making my earlier teased orgasm even worse.
     "I guess you can cum," Inoichi says, the glint in his eyes tipping me off that this won't be so easy. He bends down, scooping me up in his arms. "But not tonight since I've 'been too rough with you'. You need your rest." And there it is. Both men chuckle at my whines, kisses being pressed into both sides of my neck; Chief on the left and Commander on the right. "You'll be fine, Spoiled Brat. You can finish first thing tomorrow morning, I promise."
     "Your promise isn't worth much to me," I mutter, tilting my head to rest it on top of Shikaku's.
     Another round of laughter spills from the men, Commander carefully taking me from his friend's arms before goodbyes are traded among all of us. "Let's get you cleaned up, take a shower, and then go to bed, Sweet Girl," Shika mumbles, his tongue already sliding over my cheeks, cleaning up the mess the two men left behind.

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