Desert Lily #3 (Kankuro Sabaku Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to DeoxyDiamond]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,150

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- I think I'm going to do a part four (yes, it's going to be another smut cause I'm a wh*re)
- Also, anytime I read the line "where have you been" (regardless of the context), I read it in Mrs Weasley's voice
- Exhibitionism (public sex)
- Humiliation/Degrading/Praising
- Color Safe Word System
- Bite Marks/Hickies
- Choking
- Oral/Fingering
- Creampie

     Worries and the sound of my breathing ring in my head. Kankuro keeps himself busy, toying with my legs, tugging them open before closing them a bit, just to repeat it. He's worked his way up from mid-thigh to my hip, purple streaks being left against my skin. "Ro?" I call, shaky hands clinging to his shoulders.
     "Desert Lily?" He mutters, working his way back down my hip.
     "I don't... we can't be caught. That would be... terrible."
     Lips stale on my leg, Ro's tongue slithering out to lick at my skin as he thinks. "So?"
     "So?!" I repeat, hands jumping to his hair to tug him out from between my legs. "We're not even publicly together. Do you know how terrible of an image that would set me up for? How terrible of an image that would settle you into?"
     His head tips to the side, fingers toying with the hem of my skirt. "My pretty lily? What do you think me asking you as my date was?"
     "You wanting to spend time with me," I answer, my tone just as confused as my mind is.
     A smile cracks across his face before he dips down to brush more kisses into me, this time across my knees. "Of course, that's a correct answer, but it's not the one I was looking for."
     "Then what's the answer you're looking for?"
     Kankuro's head pops up again as he climbs to his feet. His arms stay under my knees, pushing me onto my back as he moves. "My desert lily," he purrs, shifting himself between my legs, and placing them around his waist before he hovers over me.
     His hands crawl up my body, fingers sliding under my bracelets before wrapping around my wrists. His growing hard-on is evident as it presses against me. Kuro hovers over my face, nose tapping against mine as he looks down at me. "Our nation's greatest allies are here. Tonight's events will be in the news for at least the next month. A million pictures of us have been taken. The only way I could make our relationship more public would be if I fucked you on the dinner table instead of in the kitchen. Is that what you need my lily?"
     The words brew in my groin, the thought of Kuro so willing to fuck me in front of our nation - his nation's greatest allies makes me tingle. "No," I whisper, tightening my legs around his waist.
     "Are you sure? I'll carry you out there. I'll fuck you in front of everyone," he taunts, hands falling to my hips and lifting me.
     "Hush," he orders before pressing a kiss to my lips. I'm carried across the kitchen, kisses littered against my lips until I'm set on my feet again.
     "Kankuro," I call again, but I'm ignored. He turns me, forcing me to face the door before he pushes it open. "Ro, please don't."
     Again, I'm forcefully shifted, tucked to the side of the door with my head turned to the side so I can see out of it. People filter in and out of my view; Hokages, highly regarded shinobis, fellow villages of the Sand, and others I don't know anything about.
     Hands rub against my hips as Ro's head settles against mine. "Is this okay? If it's too risky we can go upstairs or wait until another time."
     "I... um... I don't want to be caught, Kuro."
     He hums, pressing a kiss to my cheek before letting me go. I watch as his fingers rub against the door, blue threads glowing from his fingertips as he pulls away from the wood. The ends of the threads cling to the door as more length spews from his fingers while he moves back toward me.
     "Do you know what these are?" He asks, flexing his fingers - and the hued strings - as he settles back in front of me.
     "They're your chakra threads, right?" I ask, admiring the glow of them.
     "Yes they are, Desert Lily," he says, shifting around so I'm cocooned between his arms and the visible chakra without anything getting tangled. "When I tug on them," he starts, movement following his words. "The door will close. When I push on them," Once again his movements mimic his words, "the door will open."
     "That's so cool," I mumble, continuing to admire the chakra. "Can I touch them?"
     Kuro hums a yes, an amused smile on his face as he watches me. I reach out, running my fingers over the blue glow. The threads are warm and make my fingers tingle as I touch them. "As long as my threads are connected, no one but me can control the door. Do you still want to wait? We can if you want."
     I think over it for a second, continuing to toy with the bands. "You promise you're the only one that can move the door?"
     "Yes, my lily."
     "And if anyone comes near the kitchen?"
     "The door will close instantly," he reassures, shifting the door closed again for good measure. He shifts it back open, exciting me even more.
     "I'm fine with it then." My yes is followed by littered kisses across my shoulders and arms around my hips.
     "My flower?" I push out a hummed yes, soaking in the feeling of his lips against me. "I want to use this sex system I heard of."
     "I need more of an explanation than that."
     "So..." Kankuro's cheeks puff out as he thinks over his words. "There's three colors. Green which means all good and you're enjoying it. Yellow is more of a like a slow down or 'I'm not done but something needs to change'. Red is an instant stop. You can call out a color as need be and I'll ask now and again."
     "I like that idea," I coo, reaching forward to cup his face and litter it in kisses. I busy my fingers, rubbing his cheeks. "It'll help you know you didn't hurt me and help us communicate as need be."
     He stays quiet, soaking in my small touches for a while before he peeps up again. "It's not going to be as needed tonight because... well, I'm not going to be super crazy cause the situation and it being our first, and ya. But it'll be good practice."
     I hum in agreement, peppering kisses against his lip before diving in for a deeper one. Hands fall to my hips again, kneading at my flesh as Kankuro's lips brush against mine. "I want to taste you, flower," he murmurs against my mouth. "Color?" He teases me a bit, hands starting to hike up my dress.
     Another smile cracks across his face as he pushes me backward, my spine connecting to the wall. My eyes flicker to the side, taking a quick peek at the people only a couple of feet away.
     Ro settles on his knees again, head ducking under the material of my dress. My skirt tumbles down his back, concealing him slightly. Lips brush against my thighs again as fingers toy alongside them, the sizzling from his chakra strands colliding with my skin. My attention focuses outside the door, nervously scanning the partygoers.
     Soon teeth sink into my skin, pulling a whimper from my lungs. "Color?" Kankuro asks again, his tongue tracing the bite mark.
More bite marks are littered, Ro toying with the depth of his teeth as his mouth crawls around my legs. His fingertips slide up my hips, snaking under my panties and clinging to the material. He tugs on the material, slowly pulling it down my legs before settling them around my knees. "Color?"
     "Green," I breathe out, anticipation creeping from my core. My legs shift, squeezing Kuro as he inches his way up my legs again, teasing me with his slow pace. "Kankuro?"
"You're teasing, that's not very nice."
"I know," he chuckles out, kissing my stomach before a long slow lick slithers through my folds. "I like it when you squirm."
     After the mocking sentence is out, Kankuro's tongue plunges into me, instantly starting to thrust the muscle in and out. "Ro," I mutter, settling my hands on his head.
     My eyes flicker out the door, scanning the room of people again. Before I can stop it, my hips are thrust forward, grinding myself against Kuro's face.
He chuckles at me, tongue swirling around my clit before his lips latch around it. One of his hands falls down my leg, poking at my hole as his mouth focuses on my clit. It's a weird mix of pleasure and electric energy sizzling off his chakra threads. "Color?" He mutters against me, two fingers sliding into me.
     "Green. So green," I answer, back arching as my eyes flutter away from the door, settling on the imprint of Kankuro under my dress. His fingers pound into me, kisses and lick being littered over my clit and thighs. "Ro," I mutter, tugging up my skirt.
     Once the material is balled up, exposing my lovely suitor, I'm met with dark eyes staring up at me and beyond speared face paint. "Desert Lily?" He calls back, eyes staying locked on me as he continues to play me, fingers sinking in and out, and tongue lapping me up.
     "Please?" Is all I can manage to push out, eyes repeatedly flickering from the door's opening to Kuro wrapped up between my legs.
     "Please what?" He pushes, pulling his fingers out of me before he climbs to his feet. Kuro's hands slide up my slides, keeping my skirt up and pussy exposed. "What do you want, my pretty lily?"
     The words stick in my throat as I cling to his arms, nails digging into his bicep as I try to pull him closer. "Please?"
     "Please what?" Kankuro repeats hips pressed against mine as his hands fall from me. "Please fuck you? Is that what you want? Do you want me to fill you up with everyone ten paces away?" His hands are busy as he degrades me, undoing his pants and tugging himself out of his boxers.
     The words sink into my core, dragging even more arousal down with them. "Color?" The word comes out soft, Kuro's focus intense as he scans my face.
     "Green," I whisper, eyes falling to his dick. His hand is slow as he pumps himself, the tip pink and screaming to be shoved into me.
     "Okay, good," he mutters, shifting against me. His penis settles between my folds, hands gripping my knees before picking me up. I'm pressed against the wall, legs around his torso and my own hands sliding up to his shoulders.
     "You are gorgeous," Kankuro mutters against my neck, littering soft kisses against my skin.
     "You are handsome," I echo, leaning down to litter his face in kisses.
     He smiles at me, a hand loosening on me to line himself up to me. His tip pokes in, settling there as his now free hand slithers up my neck, fingers sliding under the gold chain dangling around my neck. Slowly his grip increases, gently cutting off my air flow.
     "Yellow," I mutter, when his grip becomes a little too tight.
     Kankuro's head lifts, eyes locked on me as he loosens his hold a bit. "Color?"
     "Good," he mutters, head lowering again as he sinks into me. His pace is slow, making sure I feel every inch of him as he bottoms out. "You are perfect," he mutters, hand pulsing, hold tightening before going back to the approved grip.
     Kuro settles in me for a second, letting me soak in the feeling of him. It's nice, having him wrapped around me and having him buried deep. "I'm going to move now," he whispers, the pace still slow as he pulls out.
     It stays like this, slow and soft, and not enough for me. "Lord Sabaku," I tease, trying to sink him into me faster by tightening my legs around him. "Please move faster."
     His head flips up, eyes locked on mine as he stills. "If you want to act big and official, I'll fuck you out there," he warns, hand sliding further up so his fingers can cling to my jaw. He shifts my head to the side, forcing me to look at the Sand Village's visitors again.
     "Is that what you want?" He asks, giving in to my requests. His thrusts are faster but still shallow, his dick being pulled out almost as soon as it tips back in. "Do you want all our allies to see me destroy you?"
     "Will it make you fuck me like a Lord instead of a civilian?" I ask, testing Kankuro as much as he's testing me.
     He chuckles, the noise coming out deeper than his normal laugh. "Oh, so Miss Civilian thinks she knows everything, huh?" Kuro asks, once again giving in to my request. His thrusts are deep and fast, fully stretching me every time. "Do you know what it's like to be fucked by a Lord? Have you messed around with a Lord before?"
     "No," I mutter, heart pounding as someone shifts closer to the kitchen.
     "Oh, then you just want to be lusted after by them then? Is that what you want? Was your whiney little 'please don't' just a ploy?" Kankuro's head shifts back down, sucking on the skin of my neck as he speaks. His tongue slithers out repeatedly, attacking the skin of my throat that pokes out between his fingers. "You want to be fucked in front of everyone, don't you? Is that what you want? For everyone to watch as you fall apart on your Lord's dick?"
     "No," I hiss out, breath heavy from the constant pressure on my neck. I clinging to his shoulders and tugging myself closer to him.
     Despite my plea of difference, I clench around him from the thought, which doesn't go unnoticed by the shinoboi. "Ya? Maybe tell your body, Lily, because it seems to like that idea." Teeth sink into my neck, clinging to my already bruised skin as Kankuro continues to pound me.
     The mix of Ro's mouth clinging to me, his chakra threads buzzing against my skin, and his dick nonstop pounding me breaks me. "Kankuro," I hiss, nails clinging to his shoulders and head falling to hang against him. "My lord," I mutter as I come on done on him, my juices flowing down my thighs.
     "Yes, Desert Lily?" He purrs into my ear, his thrusts slow but still deep as he chases his high. "You are beautiful," Kuro mutters the hand around my neck loosening but staying put as I try to catch my breath. "You are excellent," he continues to praise, burying himself in me.
     Despite his hips being still, I feel him twitch before warm slowly bubbles into me. "Did you...?"
     "Ya," he huffs out, still clinging to me as he tries to catch his breath. The room falls quiet, the soft mix of our breathing and the sounds from the party filtering in. "Color?" He mutters, lazy kisses tracing the recently made bruises.
     "Why?" He asks, head lifting to look at me again, this time softer.
     "Because you finished in me, Kankuro," I hiss, looking at him in disbelief. I swear this man is so lucky I like him despite how dumb he can be. "Are you trying to get me pregnant?"
     A huge smile cracks across his face as he chuckles silently. "I mean, my main thought was how warm and snug you felt around my cock but if you did end up pregnant it would be good grounds to marry you sooner."
     "Kankuro!" I gasp, empty anger sizzling in my words as I tap the side of his head.
     "I'm kidding, Lily," he says, a cocky smile still on his face, letting me know he is not kidding. "Let's straighten you up before Temari notices we're gone and flips her lid."


     "Where have you been?" A very angry Temari asks through clenched teeth.
     "We went on a walk," Kuro answers, shrugging his shoulders as he continues to usher me back into the ballroom.
     "Ya? Ya?" My suitor's older sister asks, a sarcastic smile on her face as she shakes her head. "Last time I checked, going on a walk doesn't require you to reapply your face paint," she hisses, smearing one of the newly applied lines on Ro's face for good measure.
     Our clean-up was rushed and half-done. Kuro rushed me up the stairs to remove our smeared paint and reapply it. Since it wasn't very detail-oriented, purple smears still coat my hidden legs and Ro settled on piling on more gold chains to hide the old and new bruises decorating my neck. The chains are heavy but a lot less time-consuming than the design that's smeared and hidden under the new jewelry.
"If people - like you - would stop smearing it maybe I wouldn't have to keep reapplying it," Kuro snaps back, rolling his eyes at his older sister.
"I swear Kankuro, if there's a new scandal because of you-"
"Oh my lord, Temari. Chill. It's a long event, my makeup is going to get smeared, so I'm going to reapply it," Ro rants, his fingers lacing with mine before his thumb rubs circles into my hand. The soft touches soak away my anxiety, making me feel a bit better. Maybe Temari doesn't know as much as she's pretty to know.
His sister glances between us, glaring deep in her face before huffs. "Fine. Don't disappear again though. It looks bad on the Village."
"Ya, ya, ya," he mumbles, rolling his eyes at his sister again. Ro's sight settles on me for a second. His head shakes, a cocky smile on his face as he looks away from me. "Scandalous," he teases, glancing at me again before looking away.
"Says the guy smiling ear to ear," I shoot back, my smile crawling on my face.
"My pretty little lily?" I hum a yes, scanning the partygoers. Lord Fifth seems to have found a puppy while we were gone. A blonde boy with whiskers is chatting his ear off as Gaara nods his head, attention intensely on the boy. "I think you should come over tomorrow."
"To do what?"
"Take a wild guess," he says, tugging me in front of him. Arms fall around my hips, tugging me against Kankuro who's very obviously ready for round two.
"Oh," I utter, heat crawling up my face, making the face paint seem even heavier against my skin.
"We'll get dinner too, but I'm going to have my dessert first," he teases, rubbing circles into my hips and pawing at my thighs.
     "I don't know how you have so much stamina."
     "Because I'm a good shinobi, duh. I can't have my Desert Lily being panned after by a lousy ninja."

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