Duckling #2 (Asuma Sarutobi Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to ANNAISE]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,663

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Good Girl, Duckling, Ducky, Daddy, Baby
- Age Gap (Older Man/Younger Woman)
- Size Difference (tiny bit)
- Daddy Kink
- Choking
- Thigh Humping
- Praising
- Soft Dom/Bratty Sub
- Orgasm Denial
- Older Brother's Friend Trope
- Fingering
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Fluffy Part 3?

     Asuma squeezes my throat, cutting off my breath even more, but only for a second. As soon as the pressure is given, it falls away. His hands coat down my sides, fingertips slowly tracing every rib before resting on my hips. "Good girl," he whispers in my ear, gripping me before his touch falls toward my pants. His fingers toy with them, undoing them before shimming them down my legs. Once the material hits the, he lets me go.
     I wait a beat before taking a shaky step to the side. My eyes stay locked on his blanket as I walk toward his bed, pussy already slick from the past few moments. Slowly, I crawl back in, situating myself into the position I woke up in. Asuma's eyes eat at me, picking up every micro-movement.
"Good girl," he repeats, following the trail to the bed I just took. He situates himself just like before too, thigh pressed between my legs and his hands roughly rubbing at my thighs, slowly inching his shirt up my skin. "Be a cute Duckling and waddle for me, just like before."
My thighs tighten around his, taking a second to process what he's asking. Asuma stays patient as I try to connect the dots, big hands sliding up for a beat before they run out of room and have to slide back down. My hips jerk down when I finally figure out what he's asking of me, a moan already bubbling in my throat from the small amount of friction.
"Good girl." My hips jerk down again at the praise, my body responding before I have time to order it too. After the small movement, I freeze, embarrassment enveloping my chest. This is not how any of my fantasies with Asuma have played out. "Keep going, Ducky. I didn't tell you to stop."
     A soft "fuck" slips out under my breath, my hips responding again before I can fully process his words. This is how I imagined sex with Asuma. Gentle, dominating, soft, demanding, just like he is as a Shinobi. My grinding falls into a rhythm in time with his hands. His fingers slide up, my hips slide down. His touch slides down, my hips jerk up.
     The edge of my orgasm slowly approaches, tricking against my skin like the heat of Asuma's touch. Just like his fingertips, my finish comes to a raging halt and all but disappears as he pulls away from me. "No!" I wail, jolting upright in despair. "Come back! You're being mean! I want to cum."
     He gently shushes me, his big hands cupping my face as his thumbs brush away imaginary tears. "Oh, I know, I know, I know," he coos at me, the softness of his tone not fully hiding the spark of amusement in his eyes or the conceitedness lying under his words. "I'm so mean to you, aren't I, Ducky?"
     I nod my head in agreement, fully aware the question is a trap no matter how I answer it. "You're mean too," he mutters, the softness of his voice replaced with a block of ice. Asuma's eyes trail after his thumb, watching it like a hawk as it rubs back and forth over my bottom lip. "Storming around my room, in my shirt, as you tell me your plans to fucking another man. That's not nice, Duckling."
"You weren't going to fuck me. What else was I supposed to do? Leaving a girl needy isn't very becoming of you, Asuma."
His eyes flare up because of my sass, his thumb sliding off my bottom lip and shoving itself into my mouth. Instantly, my mouth wraps around him, my tongue slashing at the tip as I softly suck. Asuma is fuming from my prior plans - something I find enjoyable. I'm sure he'd be fuming more if he knew this was how I started Genma's blowjobs before he'd face fuck me.
"For starts, little Duckling, I'm still not going to fuck you." My whine of disappointment is muffled, but only for a second. Asuma tears his thumb out of my mouth before replacing it with two of his fingers, both of which are slowly thrust in and out of my mouth in time with the teased off-brand blowjob.
More disapproving whimpers spill from me, shoved back down my throat by the fingers taking up residency on my tongue. "Just because I'm not going to fuck you doesn't mean I can't make you feel good. Don't question my ability with women, even if you are barely a woman."
I gently sink my teeth into the skin of his knuckles, displeased with Asuma still being hung up on the age gap. It's not even that large. Eleven years is nothing. He retaliates by shoving his fingers further into my mouth, making my throat contrast as a gag rumbles up and out from between my lips.
"Don't be angry with me, Ducky. I just don't want you doing something you'll regret." Dumb ass older men, always thinking they know what's best for me. Kakashi, Jiraiya, and now Asuma too. I nick my teeth against his skin again, in another moment of disagreement. "You're drunk and eager to please. Maybe when you're a little older I'll think about filling your pussy."
Asuma drags his fingers out, his eyes still scorching my face as he leaves my mouth empty. "Secondly, I already told you once not to use my name in my bedroom. Just because I'm not shoving my dick into you doesn't mean I can't enjoy the situation too. Be a Good Girl and use my title."
"Yes, Daddy. I'll make sure to also use your title when I'm bouncing on Genma's dick tom - "
His hand shoots forward, his palm covering my mouth as his fingers dig into my cheeks, a single hand easily covering the bottom half of my face. Irritation and a dark pool of arousal darkness Asuma's eyes, the sight seeping straight down to my core. "Nice try, Duckling, but I have more control over myself than that. Your little jealousy game isn't going to work. I'm more than capable of filling your needs without having to use my dick. Every last whimsy need, any time you have one."
"Any time?" My words come out slushed because of his hand still clinging to my face.
"Any time," he repeats, fire still blazing in his eyes. "You call, I'll come, and I assure you, I'll make you feel so good you forget your name. Every. Single. Time. Without getting my dick wet."
His touch goes gentle, thumb back to brushing against my cheek. "You're still so young, Ducky. Things need to go slow, to feel safe, so you don't feel trapped or scared. Be a Good Girl and let me set the tempo so you don't end up somewhere you don't want to be, okay?"
"Fine," I grumble, rolling my eyes at him before letting them land on the pillows.
"Duckling," Asuma coos, using his hold to force my eyes back toward his. "I don't just mean right now."
"What do you mean then?" I question, my burning irritation from my squashed orgasm quickly fueling my temper.
He doesn't even bat an eye at my snippy tone. He simply leans down, gently brushing his lips against mine. "We'll talk about it when you're a little more sober and a little less frustrated. I'm sorry for teasing but you can't get away with acting like a spoiled brat when I tell you no. Apologize."
"I'm not going to apologize until I get to cum."
"You don't get to cum until you apologize," Asuma echoes, his eyes gentler than before but still swarmed with the dare to try him. "I'm in charge, not you. Apologize or I'll spend all night edging you until you do. Is that what you want? To be a squirming, crying mess because you're so sexually frustrated? Because it's not what I want. I want to make you feel good."
"No, it's not what I want," I mutter, following my agreement with a soft apology.
"I can't hear you," Asuma says, tilting my head again to stop my scattering sight.
"I said," I start again, my tone snippy as I keep attempting to look anywhere but his eyes. "I'm sorry for acting like a spoiled brat."
An equally annoyed and frustrated sigh shoves its way out of my nose, my eyes slowly sliding over to lock with his. "And for trying to make you jealous of Genma."
"Good Girl," he sighs, pecking my lips with a string of soft kisses. "You pull that shit or even think about using Genma's dick again, and I'll edge you until just the scent of my cigarettes has your thighs soaked." The threat is followed by Asuma sinking to the ground, the soft thud of his knees hitting the floor fills the space.
I know it was a threat, but the hypothetical situation he laid out for me sounds more intoxicating than threatening. It's a fleeting thought though, one chased away by Asuma's big hands gripping my thighs again. Slowly, his hands inch upward, the pads of his thumbs eventually making contact with my wet panties.
Another "fuck" slips out as he rubs lazy circles against me. One over my clit and one over my cunt, equal pressure added to both, just enough to tip my panties into the source of my wetness. "You're teasing again," I whine, trying to shove my hips downward and force more pressure against my sensitive spots.
"I'm not teasing, Ducky," he mutters, the flesh of my inner thigh cushioning his words. "It's just some foreplay. I want to make sure you're slick enough before I finger you."
I know it's in good faith and definitely needed by how much of my mouth his fingers took up, but I don't want that. I want his dick in me, I want his body pressed against mine, I want to feel every vein and groove of his penis, I want to feel the warmth of his sperm filling my cunt.
I can only imagine how big his dick is, especially since he has a physique that rivals Guy's, but Guy is also known for having a small dick, so maybe Asuma does too. I really hope not. I want to feel myself ripping at the seams as his dick splits me in half.
"Daddy - "
"I know, Ducky, but I already told you, let me set the tempo," he interrupts me, his fingers laying under the material of my panties, slowly rubbing my hips as his thumbs hook around the crotch of my underwear.
     The soft touches are pulled away as my panties are pulled further down my legs. Asuma isn't gone for long though. Soon, he's between my legs again, the bend of my knees resting in the dip of his elbows and my ankles resting on his shoulders. "This won't do," he murmurs before tugging on me. I'm yanked down the bed, my knees sliding up to rest on his shoulders instead and my ankles locking together behind his neck. "A man doesn't like to reach for his meal," he teases, amusement glinting in his eyes as he glances up at me.
     "Sorry," I babble, the single word being difficult to get out. All I can focus on is Asuma's hot breath gliding over my pussy.
     "It's alright. I'm just teasing," he coos, his lips moving painfully slow as he decorates my thigh in soft kisses.
     I squirm in his hold, thighs squeezing his face, hips jerking downward, and my ankles trying to push his head forward. The roughness of his beard is a weird but pleasant contrast to the leftover buzzing placed by Asuma's lips. "You're moving too slowly! Stop teasing!"
     His hold tightens but his movements are gentle - and still stupidly slow - as he loosens my legs. "Duckling," he shushes, his kisses now peppering over my pussy, purposely avoiding any stop that could satisfy the ever-growing fire of need. "Let me set the tempo," he repeats, finally caving and giving me what I want. Asuma's tongue slides through me, again avoiding my clit and my aching opening.
My breathing seems loud as he repeats the teasing he's trying to mask as foreplay. The sound of my lungs fills the room, only interrupted by the occasional sound of Asuma's tongue slurping at my wetness. Maybe my panting is so loud because I'm trying to cover up the moans, trying to take away his satisfaction of knowing he's doing a good job.
"Plea - oh," my pleas are cut off by a moan. His tongue slides over my clit, just as slow and gentle as the rest of his movements. "Oh, oh, oh," I breathe out on repeat, each sound being led by another kitten lick. "Daddy, please?"
"Alright, Ducky," he mutters, his voice falling short when his lips wrap around my clit. Asuma sucks on me, his tongue lulling back and forth over the nerve bundle.
A string of pitched whimpers spill from me, my hips jerking from the constant stimulation. His hands slide, gripping my hips and forcing them against the mattress. "Tell me what you want, Duckling. I can't figure out what you want from whines."
"I want your dick," I whisper, trying but failing to keep thrusting my hips.
The answer I get back is a gentle chuckle and Asuma's tongue against my clit again. "I can't do that yet, Ducky. I can do this instead though." His smooth voice is followed by the tips of his fingertips brushing against my pussy.
"Oh, please," I moan, trying to chase after his touch. Another soft chuckle breezes over my cunt, his fingers dipping into me the slightest. His fingers scissor, slowly working me wider so he can inch deeper and deeper. "I don't like your tempo. It's too slow, come on," I wail when his fingers are as deep as they can go.
My whining is ignored, Asuma's focus on trailing his tongue back and forth over my clit. The fingers buried in me slowly curl, the thickness of them rubbing against every inch of me they can reach. His thumb rubs circles into my skin between each curl of his fingers, adding to the sparks knotting together in my groin.
After a beat or two, his fingers start tugging out of me. My mouth falls open, disagreement resting on my tongue. Before my disapproval can be voiced, Asuma thrusts his fingers back into me. "Oh God," I mutter, my hands balling up the sheets as my back starts to arch off the bed.
A sound of self-pride escapes his throat, the vibrations of his vocal cords raking through my body. His pace slowly picks up, his fingers and tongue working together to stockpile the ball of arousal. "Daddy, fuck me. I want your dick, I want you to fuck me. Please," I beg, the craving for his dick building up with the arch of my spine. "Daddy, please?" I try once more, the ache in my groin loosening as I come undone.
"I can't, Duckling," he whispers, his fingers moving slowly as he licks away the cum spilling out of me. "Not yet, baby."
     The pumping of my lungs and the fire in my veins make it difficult to disagree, so I let the fight simmer out of me. Two more kitty licks are slithered against me before Asuma pulls back, still buried between my thighs but not pressed against my cunt anymore.
     Once my breathing settles down and my fists loosen against the sheets, I start to push myself away from him, already making my mental list of my things to grab before leaving his house. My shirt, my pants, underwear, and shoes. I need to make sure I have my wallet, keys, and my ID badge in my pants pocket too.
     "Where are you going?" Asuma asks, pulling me out of my bubble of thought. His large hands grip my hips, yanking me back in place. My knees are still hooked over his shoulders, back against the mattress again.
     "Home?" I say, the word coming out more as a question than a reply. The room stays frozen, the two of us staring at each other, slowly blinking.
     When the weight of the silence becomes too much, I try to wiggle out of his hold again. "No," he yelps, drugging me back into position again.
     "No," he repeats, staring down at me again, a mix of hurt and confusion in his eyes. "Why would you leave?"
     I blink a few times before shrugging my shoulders, confused about why I wouldn't leave and confused about why he's confused. "That's just what you do after sex?"
     The confusion drains from his face, quickly replaced with disgust and a hint of anger. "No, it's not. You need to be cleaned up, cuddled, hydrated, cared for, appreciated. What the hell, Ducky?" Asuma grumbles, plopping a somewhat aggressive kiss just below my belly button. "Fuck Genma," he grumbles, laying three gentler kisses over the previous one.
     "You stay right here, Duckling. I'll be right back," he whispers against my stomach, peppering a handful of kisses across both my hips before he pulls away from me. Asuma's movements are as slow as ever as he unhooks my legs from his shoulders, gently setting my legs back on the bed and massaging my hips for a beat before he crawls off the floor.
     Before he's fully out of the room, he glances over his shoulder, his toothy smile on his face before he turns back around. My belly warms at the sight, and not the lustful needy warmth from before. I don't know why he's so stuck on me staying. Every time I've done anything with Genma, it was the dance and then dip. Maybe it's because Asuma knows I have a crush on him. I'm sure that's what it is.
     "Hey, Ducky." The sound of him lulls me out of my thoughts again, my head snapping toward the bedroom door. There Asuma stands in all his glory, chest bare and pulled tight against his frame, his hair still messy but drier than earlier, and his shorts hanging on his hips in a way that shows the definition of his v-line. "You look beautiful."
     I doubt it. I'm sure my hair is a mess and that my skin is still sticky with sweat. Plus I'm still spread open like a corner store.
     Asuma makes it back between my legs in three strides and a quick descent to the ground. The pile of things I didn't notice in his arms is dropped onto the bedding. My eyes scan over the pile, taking in the chocolates, mini bags of chips, water bottles, lotion, and an ice pack.
     The feeling of something wet against my pussy yanks a yelp from my throat and pulls my eyes away from the pile of items. "Sorry, Ducky," he softly chuckles, holding up the washcloth for a moment before dipping it back down. "I should have warned you before I started cleaning you up."
     I relax back in the bed, my muscles loosening, for the most part. My hips sting with my movements, the leftover effect from being spread and positioned for so long. "You don't have to do that. I can clean myself up."
     "I want to," he deadpans, his movements freezing as he looks up at me. "Any good man should want to take care of his sexual partner, long-term or short-them." A soft smile crosses his face, a gentle kiss pressed against my stomach again before he goes back to cleaning me.
     Silence falls between us again, but a gentle, warm silence instead of the awkward staring contest silence from before. He takes his time, carefully and preciously cleaning my mess as my eyes roll over the stuff in the bed again.
     "Asuma?" He hums an acknowledgment, eyes and a smile flickering up at me. "What's with all the stuff?"
     "You use a lot of energy and hydration during sexual activity. You need food and water."
     "And the other things?"
     He looks up at me again, the rag now pawing at my sticky thighs. Asuma's smile weavers as he looks at me, a flicker of anger and disbelief in his eyes this time. "Your hips hurt or are going to hurt Duckling. I'm going to massage and ice them to get ahead of the pain and hopefully get rid of it so you feel normal tomorrow."
     An annoyed sigh spills from him as he abounds the rag and climbs to his feet. "Are you angry with me?"
     "Of course not," he answers, comfort leaking from his words as his arms wrap around me. Asuma plops on the bed, tugging me into his lap as he gets situated. My back is pressed against him, the muscles of his chest only separated by his t-shirt hanging on my frame, keeping our skin apart. He leans over me, reaching for the bottle of lotion and the ice pack. "I'm mad at Genma for being an ass and I'm mad that you don't know the proper way to be cared for but that's not your fault."
"It's not your fault. There's only so many holes in your life Kakashi can fill and I don't expect you to know things you haven't been taught."
"Oh," I repeat, my eyes trialing his movements, watching him coat his hands in the lotion.
"Stop worrying, Ducky," Asuma coos, kissing the side of my face as his hands slide across my hips. The chill of the lotion fights with his body heat as he starts massaging my hips, spiking the pain for a moment before it slowly starts to subside. "We'll take things nice and slow. I'll show you how a man is supposed to treat his romantic partner. I'll take care of you, Duckling."

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