Birthright #5 (Fugaku Uchiha)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]

Requested by: A Few People

Word Count: 3,506

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Incest (Father/Daughter)
- Mention of Hickey's and Sexual Activities
- Uchiha Racism (?)
- Name Calling: Princess, Sweetheart, Daddy, Spoiled Brat, Your Highness
- Misogyny
- Heated arguments/thrown insults (?)
- As of right now there's plans for four more parts. Idfk bro lmao, I didn't except this story line to go on so long but I have ideas for it now so we're all kinda stuck

     Daddy strolls behind me, giving me space to walk and bounce around as we head toward the gate that marks the Clan's territory. One of the plus sides of going out with him instead of Itachi is that he offers me more freedom and gives me more space to just be; at least in the safety of the clan. My brother doesn't do that; he's always worried if I'm not right by his side that something or someone is going to hurt me.
Though, the closer to the gate we get, the more that freedom is taken away. Daddy doesn't trust the village and Itachi doesn't trust anything. Despite that, he still stays a few steps behind. The only difference being the lost softness of his face and the sharpness of his eyes.
As we approach the gate, I notice Kenzo - Daddy's adviser and probably the closest thing he has to a friend - leaning against one of the fence posts. "Hello!" I greet, my hand stretching up to wave at him.
"Princess Uchiha," he greets back, his head bowing in respect. "Chief," he adds on, also bowing to Daddy. "Aren't you cheerful today?"
"Yes! We're going shopping and I get to pick out my dress for the Betrothal Ball," I tell him, my excitement making my body buzz.
"Kenzo knows," Daddy mutters, falling into place next to me. His hand slithers around my side, his warm fingers pressing against my ribcage as his thumb toys with the end of my shirt, sliding just below it. "He's going to join us on our trip today. After all the village is unsafe and - "
" - there's power in numbers," I mumble, rolling my eyes at Daddy.
An approving hum is sent my way, his arm falling to hang loose on my hips. "Exactly, Princess. That's why you're not allowed to go anywhere alone. You're safer going out and about with me or your brothers."
Again, I roll my eyes, starting my steps up when Daddy softly pushes on me. He stays wrapped around me, his arm loose and sliding against the skin just below my shorts, toying with the clothing and poking his fingers underneath the hem to run his fingertips over parts of my thigh that are covered.
     "Speaking of my sons," he picks up when Kenzo settles on the other side of me, my body trapped between the two older men. "You won't believe what I walked in on last night."
"Daddy," I hiss, squirming to try and get away. He tightens his hold, sliding his fingers so they're pressed against my inner thigh. His fingertips paint delicate shapes against my skin, turning my squirms from embarrassment to trying to shake the tingles away.
Like I said before, I know my home dynamic isn't normal, at least outside of the clan. The elders say the newer clans don't appreciate or understand the value of keeping our bloodlines clean and that the Hyuga's similar thoughts on the matter are their 'only saving grace'. On the other hand, the newer clans say our traditions are 'unethical' and 'perverted'. They also say it's selfish of the Hyugas and us to 'keep our dojutsus to ourselves'.
I don't know what I think. I know I like Onii-Chan, I know I love him, and I know I can't wait for him to become chief, for me to become his wife. I also know that sometimes I don't like Daddy touching me and that he can be a bit mean to the other people and clans of our village. He says it's to keep us safe though, so I guess it's okay.
Daddy hushes me, adding more pressure to his fingertips. "Sasuke made a complete mess out of our Princess."
"Daddy," I whine again, my cheeks heating from both embarrassment and the feeling of his hand against my leg. He ignores me, his hand pulling away to settle on my hip again when our group makes it past the threshold of the gate.
"What do you mean by 'a complete mess'?" Kenzo asks, his tone low and hushed as we walk through the village. It's not usually busy close to our territory but the further into the village we get, the busier and more crowded it is.
"I walked in on him on top of her, humping her like a dog in heat."
Kenzo chuckles, shaking his head at the embarrassing situation that happened last night. "I don't know how you do it, Chief. I could only imagine how my boys would be if our last child was a girl. Though now I'm scrambling to find my oldest two wives, so I guess at least you have that advantage. On the plus side, one of my sisters' oldest daughters is on the marriage court this year so I'll be able to get one of them betrothed, at least."
Daddy rolls his eyes, his constant anger with Onii-Chan amping up. "Itachi isn't much better."
"Are you still upset about the lake thing?"
"He knows better," Daddy hisses, his fingers feeling like steel digging into my hip. "So does Sasuke and yet my poor Princess is covered in bruises. Her chest is more hickeys than skin after last night."
"Oh ya?" Kenzo asks, his eyes falling to roll over my breasts, his glance not going on noticed by Daddy, whose mouth twitches with a smile.
Despite the constant warfare at home, he takes pride in my brothers and me. He enjoys Itachi being a top Shinobi and a respected Anbu, he takes pride in me being the gem of beauty among the clan and even outside of it, and I know he's excited to see how Sasuke's journey on the police force plays out.
"That's not even the half of it," Daddy grumbles, his fingers relaxing and gently massaging the bone he was just gripping. "My poor daughter's pussy was dripping because of my youngest son. Soaked in his semen. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was trying to knock her up."
     "Daddy," I hiss, tugging on his shirt. "Don't tell Kenzo about that. It's embarrassing."
     The man chuckles, his eyes swimming over me again. "And I repeat, I don't know how you deal with it."
     "I don't know how you deal with all boys. I only have two and the wife still pays more attention to them than me. Though, with Itachi being older her main focus is on Sasuke." That's a bit of a lie. Mom's focus has almost always been on the younger of my brothers. I keep my mouth shut though, knowing better than to call Daddy a lair.
     "Maybe I'll talk the wife into trying for another baby," Kenzo mutters, his eyes glued to the cut-off of my shorts. "It would be nice having a little girl. Someone to pamper and spoil. Someone to play with."
     Daddy chuckles at that, his hand sliding up, not so discreetly squeezing my breast before his arm falls off of me. "She's the gem of my life," he says, continuing his conversation like I'm not even here. "There's nothing better than hearing her squeals for me. But, with four boys at home, they'll keep you on your toes with a daughter around. Who knows how constantly I have to pull Itachi and Sasuke off my poor Princess?"
"Daddy - "
"Hush," he silences me, adding a glare to send the point home. "Anyway," Daddy mutters, turning his attention back to Kenzo. "I think it'll be worth it. My Princess does a good job taking care of me."
"You sure are lucky Chief," the advisor utters, his eyes falling down my form again. "Lord knows how feral I'd be having a sweet girl walking around the house."
Daddy laughs again, his hand sliding under Itachi's shirt hanging on me. His fingertips soon slide under my top too, painting designs between my shoulder blades. "You wouldn't believe how many times I've debated taking Itachi's right to her away, but I won't," he says, cutting off the hissy fit I was about to start. "After all Princess's virginity is Itachi's birthright, just as Mikoto's was mine. Besides, there's nothing taster than something you made yourself. Getting to taste my Princess is more than enough."
"I'm going to talk to the wife about trying for a daughter."

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