Sweet Girl #3 (Shikaku Nara & Inoichi Yamanaka Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to 1ndi g0]

Requested by: The Pope

Word Count: 4,049

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Threesome (duh)
- Name Calling: Sweet Girl, Chief, Toy, Sweetheart, Commander, Good Girl, Leftovers
- Like a 20 year age-gap (also, duh and for both parties)
- Hickeys/Biting/Bite Marks
- Hair-pulling
- Fingering (Female Receiving)
- Titty Playing
- Choking
- Orgasm Denial
- Cum eating (but not really I guess??? Be warned or whatever lmao)
- Daddy Issues (obviously, it's the underlining cause of wanting older men)
- Exhibitionism
- Humiliation (Semi, like super small amount)

I'm hoisted up, settled on my knees on Shikaku's desk before he repositions me. I'm shifted around, legs dangling over the edge of the desk with my back facing the Commander. He hums softly in my ear, cooing at me as his hands grope at my breasts and his heartbeat thumps against my spine. "You're going to be great. You're perfect, Sweet Girl."
Inoichi looks like he's going to vibrate out of his skin as he walks back toward the desk, eyes locked on me and chest pumping like crazy. The closer he gets, the further down Shikaku's hands fall. By the time Inoichi is a step or two away from me, his friend is gripping my thighs, tugging them apart. "Hello," Inoichi says, cooing at me like I'm a rabbit that's going to dash at the sign of trouble.
     "Hello," I say back, tilting my head back so I can look up at him. "Are you going to stand there and watch Shikaku feel me up or are you going to touch me too, Chief?" My eyes flutter down for a second, taking a peak at his growing hard-on before resting on his face.
     The Chief's face flashes for a second before he moves forward, sliding between my parted legs. I close them around him, his hip bones digging into the flesh of my thighs as I keep him in place.
     What the hell am I doing? I'm about to have a threesome, that's what I'm doing. I'm going to get poked and prodded at by the Nara Chief, again, and the Yamanaka Chief. How'd I end up here?
     Shikaku's lips brush down my back, trialing soft kisses down my spine as his hands crawl up my sides. "You look so pretty," he whispers into my skin, using his thumbs to rub circles against my rib cage. "Don't you think she looks pretty, Ino?"
     "Uh... ya," Inoichi mumbles, his eyes trailing across the curves and dips of my body now. His sights land on my chest where small blotches of pink and purple are decorating my skin because of the events of the week. "You leave hickeys like an amateur," he mutters to his friend, hands slowly moving forward to cup my breasts.
     His eyes jump up, the analysis, well, analyzing how I react to his touches. Inoichi's hands start gentle, groping at my boobs, gently squeezing them as his fingers dip into my skin. Soon, his hands aren't so gentle anymore. "H... hey," I whine, tugging a soft smile on the Chief's face as pinches my nipples. I swear, what is with these men and pinching me?
     "You're so soft," Inoichi praises, his head dipping toward me. His lips brush against mine in a testing kiss before clashing against me. When he twists my nipples, I let out an audible whine, the sound getting trapped in his mouth. "And so responsive," he continues to coo, pulling away and twisting again.
     "Don't do that. You're going to hurt her," Shikaku grumbles, sliding his hands under his friend's, effectively shoving Inoichi's hold off of my chest. "I didn't invite you to join so you could break my toy," he adds, his hands softly massaging my aching nipples.
     Chief rolls his eyes at his friend before his focus settles on me again. "Since Shika wants to baby you, let's try something else, okay Sweetheart?"
     "I'm not babying her," the Commander grumbles again, his kisses slowly making their way across my shoulders, beelining for my neck.
     Inoichi ignores his lifelong friend, rolling his eyes at him as he undoes his pants. Once he's free from his pants, the Chief rests his dick against my thigh, heat rolling off of him and warming up the spot he's softly grinding against.
     One of his hands clumsy finds my hair, balling it up in his grasp before tugging my head backward. That gets him another lecture about being gentle that he once again ignores. "I want your eyes to stay on me alright? Do you think you can do that?" He asks, his fingertips ghosting over my core, making my pussy ache for attention.
     "Yes Chief," I answer, shifting my hips forward in hopes of getting some of the attention I'm craving. I get what I want, two fingers dipped into me. My mouth falls open a bit and my eyes widen from the touch, a silent moan testing my lungs.
"Dear Lord," he mutters, eyes fluttering around my face as he sets a slow pace.
"I told you she was pretty," Shikaku peeps up, his hand falling to my pussy too, fingertips rubbing against my clit. His free hand jumps up, clinging to my throat and giving it a soft squeeze before climbing up to my face and cupping my cheeks. "Wider, Sweet Girl. Show Inoichi that sweet face you make when you want to suck my dick."
I do as I'm told, opening my mouth and letting my tongue slide out. Inoichi lets out a hissy breath, his fingers picking up their pace. His head dips down for a second, lips brushing against my ear as he talks. "Your face would be even prettier covered in my cum, do you know that?"
"Yes, Chief Yamanaka," I murmur, my mind going numb from the two men helping my orgasm build.
My answer gets me an approving hum. "Let's test our Shikaku's toy," he mumbles, curling his fingers a few times before pulling them out of me. Inoichi's fingers are shoved into my mouth, thrusting in and out of my mouth. "Be a 'sweet girl' and suck yourself off my fingers," he orders, mocking Shikaku's nickname for me. Again, I do as I'm told, sucking my juices of his fingers as my tongue rubs against them.
The Commander replaces his friend, three of his fingers thrusting into me as his thumb continues toying with my clit. I moan around Inoichi, my thighs pressed against him harder as my orgasm threatens to tip over. "No, you don't get to finish," he tells me, ripping his fingers out of my mouth before tugging Shikaku's touch from my pussy.
"Hey!" I pout, my hands shooting forward to grip his shirt. "That's not fair. You're being mean."
"I'm not being mean. I'm just not spoiling you as Shikaku does. You'll survive," he tells me, the hand in my hair going gentle and massaging my scalp. The hand not in my hair grips his dick, lining it up to me. Inoichi tests the waters, poking his tip in and out of me two or three times. His hand tightens in my hair again as he pushes himself in me, slowly inching until the whole of him is stretching me out. "Be a good toy and watch," he orders, using his grip on my hair to move my sight down to our connection.
As Inoichi fucks me, Shikaku goes back to playing with my tits. He tugs on my nipples, making them ache before he lets go of them, so they bounce in the way he likes. He praises me too, like I've grown used to over the past couple of days. "You're doing so good, Sweet Girl. Look at you, taking Inoichi so well. I'm so proud of you! You're doing amazing. Do you hear me? Are you paying attention?"
"Yes... yes, Commander," I stumble out, my focus on his friend repeatedly disappearing into me.
The sight makes me clench, getting another hissed breath from Inoichi. "Damn it, if you keep doing that I'm... damn it, toy," he groans, snapping my head back up as his body weight leans against me, and in turn, I lean into Shikaku.
Inoichi's head hurries into my neck, his teeth sinking into my skin into my throat. "That hurts," I whine, my hands climbing up his shirt to grab hold of his long blonde hair. I pull on the strands, trying to get him to detach as the pain of his bite blossoms faster. "Chief Yamanaka. Let go," I continue to whine, tugging on his ponytail again as tears prickle my eyes.
He huffs but does release my skin from between his teeth. "You've turned her into a crybaby," Inoichi grumbles, causing a smile to form in Shikaku's kisses.
"Well, ya. I like it when she cries."
"Pervert," the Chief mumbles, kisses coating the bite mark I'm sure is present on my neck. "Are you on birth control, toy?"
"Yes, Chief," I mumble, loosening my hold on his hair but not letting it go.
     "That's a good girl. Good girl," he coos, his thrusts getting sloppy, quickly followed by the warmth of his cum filling me. Despite Inoichi finishing, he keeps pumping into me, shoving his semen deeper into me for another couple of thrusts. "Good... good girl," he mumbles again, resting against me, his soaked cock pressed into my thigh again, coating my skin with our mixed mess.
      "Good job. You did such a good job. You're so sweet," Shikaku coos, not-so-secretly trying to shove his friend off of me. Someone is impatient for their turn. "Are you going to be sweet for me too? I bet you are, I know you are," he continues, getting an eye roll from Inoichi.
     Hands from both of the men wander over me, groping at my chest, my legs, my hair, and my neck, as they switch places. Inoichi settles in the desk chair, a hand massaging my waist as the other leans my head back. "Keep your eyes on me again, okay?"
     "Yes, Chief." I think Inoichi likes being the center of attention.
     Shikaku settles on his knees, arms tucked under my legs as he litters my legs in kisses. "You're going to make her rotten if you keep spoiling her," Inoichi tells him, tugging me backward a bit.
     "So? You think she's too young for me, so what do you care?" Shikaku bites back, pulling me forward before dipping his head, set on going down on me despite his friend's mess still very present on and in me.
"Well, I can't bitch at you about it anymore," Inoichi grumbles, sinking his teeth into me again. This time he focuses on littering my shoulders with bite marks instead of my shoulder.
Shikaku starts on my thigh, licking up the mess left behind by the Yamanaka Chief before he switches to my pussy. "You'd taste a lot better with my cum leaking out of you," he mumbles, sliding his tongue through my folds before dipping into my hole. He laps at me, cleaning me out and occasionally teasing my clit.
"Commander," I whine, sliding my hands through the neatly laid out roots of his hair before colliding with his ponytail.
He hums in acknowledgment, eyes glancing up as he laps at me again, a long slow line being pressed into my pussy. "Commander," I call again, my orgasm building up.
Shikaku chuckles, pulling away from me and letting my orgasm clash away, not in a good way for once. "You heard Inoichi. You don't get to finish," he chuckles, plopping a kiss on my clit before softly sucking on it. "If you want to finish you have to wait for him to tell you so."
I pout as Shikaku climbs to his feet, the two older men chuckling as I squirm around. "I got to get going, I told Ino I'd met her for dinner," Inoichi murmurs, gripping my chest roughly as his fingers dig into my skin, threatening to decorate them with more bruises. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

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