Birthright #4 (Fugaku Uchiha Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Sadly, I don't know who to give credit to]

Requested by: I Don't Want to Talk About

Word Count: 3,828

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Incest (Brother/Sister and Father/Daughter)
- Mentions of Mother/Son Incest
- Name Calling: Princess, Spoiled, Harlot, Good Girl, Daddy
- Hair Pulling
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Groping
- Titty Play
- Hickeys
- Clit Stimulation
- Humping
- Fingering (more or less)
- Dubcon

Fear bubbles in my chest as Sasuke crawls onto the bed, his sharingans locked on me. "I can make you feel good too," he mutters, a hand locking around my ankle. "You know that, right, Princess?"
"Of course," I whisper, my eyes constantly glancing at the door. What should I do? If I stay quiet and let Sasuke do as he wishes, Itachi will be mad. If I call out, Daddy will wake up and be mad. The wrath of Itachi will be a lot less than Daddy, that's for sure.
Sasuke settles on top of me, situated between my legs just like Onii-Chan was a few moments ago. His hands claw up my legs, threatening to tear at my flesh. "You're so pretty," he coos, his hands pawing at my stomach and his head dipping down to slide kisses against my neck.
His hips start rubbing, coating his boxers in the mess left on me, shoving Itachi's cum against me. Hissy breaths spill from me, the growing familiar sensation racing through my veins again. Slowly, Sasuke's hands work their way up my body, ghosting over my breasts like he's not sure what he's doing. He doesn't grab at me like Itachi does, doesn't have the confidence Itachi does when he touches me.
"We're going to have sex," he whispers against my throat, his lips wrapping around some of my flesh before inhaling a strip of my skin. The spot starts to sizzle, the same sizzle Onii-Chan leaves covering my skin. The same sizzle that promises a bruise, one that's going to make Daddy explode when he sees it. "I'm going to fuck you," he repeats, dropping his hold on my neck. "So I can make sure Itachi can't have your virginity. Do you want that too?"
     "Sasuke," Daddy's voice booms out, followed by the light switch snapping on. The room is flooded with light, taking away the safety and hiding of the dark.
     My brother's face falls, slowly turning as white as a ghost. Fear rakes through every inch of him as he looks down at me. It's almost funny seeing him like this if it wasn't for the situation. "Dad?" He mutters, a hint of a shake running through his body.
     "I recommend that you return to your room for the night. I will handle you in the morning," Daddy says, his tone scarily even. The only thing scarier than his yelling is him being calm when he's angry.
     "Yes sir," Sasuke races out, tearing himself away from me. My eyes trail after him, watching him scurry out of the room, terrified of our father.
     "Hi, Daddy," I whisper, reaching down to pull the blanket over myself.
     He jerks forward, snatching my wrist before I can cover myself. Fear tumbles around in my stomach, my eyes cast down so Daddy can't catch sight of them, so he can't do the little trick that he and Itachi both use to get their way. "Princess," He calls, anger and a warning laced in my nickname. "Would you like to tell me what happened?"
     I mumble a no, locking my thighs together to help hide some of the evidence. The movement makes more of the mess spill down, dripping across my legs and onto my bedsheets. "Fine," he hisses, letting go of my wrist. "I'll figure it out myself."
"Daddy, please," I yelp, trying to fight against his hands tearing my knees apart; my fighting is pointless.
He settles on the bed, ripping my legs open. His arms wrap around my legs once he's between them, keeping them in place and stopping any further attempts to snap them closed. The glow of Daddy's eyes rolls over the mess Itachi left me in.
I squirm around, fear and embarrassment knotting in my chest as his sights stay locked in place. "Stop staring. Daddy, pretty please?" I whine, my legs barely moving despite the fight I'm trying to put up.
"Sasuke made quite a mess of you, didn't he?" He asks, yanking on me so I fall flat on the mattress.
I ignore the question, keeping my mouth snapped shut. I don't want Sasuke to take the fall for this but I don't want to get Itachi in trouble either. If I keep my lips sealed I can't sway Daddy one way or the other.
Slowly, his head lowers, making me squirm even more. "Daddy!" I yelp, the feeling of his tongue sliding against me startling me. My hands shoot down, knotting in his hair before I tug on it. "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning you, Princess. You can get sick if you're left like this for too long," he mutters, burying his face closer to my pussy.
My body trembles, shaky whimpers spilling from me as he slowly licks the mixed cum off of me. The knot in my stomach is tightening quickly this time too, faster than the first two times. "Daddy," I whine, trying to pull his head away from me. He ignores me, skillful tongue still cleaning my cunt. Just as the knot is about to loosen, he pulls away from me. "You're mean," I wail, disappointment replacing the knot.
Daddy softly chuckles, placing a kiss on my tummy. "Let's bathe you," he mutters, dragging me off the bed as he stands.
My legs lock around his hips, arms resting on his shoulders as I keep my grip on his hair. "Daddy," I whimper, my pussy tingling with the need for Itachi.
He softly shushes me, a hand settled under me to hold me up as the other one slides through my hair, twirling the ends of it. "Your brothers have turned you into such a spoiled girl, haven't they?" Daddy hums, peppering kisses across my cheeks. I tug on his hair, continuing to whine for Itachi. A grunt spills from him, a soft yank being pulled on my hair. "It's not appropriate for a girl to act like such a harlot. Are you a harlot? No, you're a Princess. Act like one."
"I'm sorry, Daddy," I murmur, trying not to squirm against him. I can feel him pressed against me, making it harder not to be needy for my Onii-Chan. "Please? I want Itachi. Daddy, give me Itachi."
He chuckles again, his lips sliding across my jaw as he shoves the bathroom door open. Daddy freezes in the doorway, the gentleness of his expression melting away. "Itachi."
My head snaps backward, excited at the presence of my older brother. "Onii-Chan. Onii-Chan. Onii-Chan!" I whine, eyes glued to him as I wiggle against Daddy. He'll make me feel better, he'll make the tingles go away, he'll give me kisses.
     The longer I look at Itachi, the more excited I get. He's fresh out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his hips, his hair floppy and still a bit wet. Water droplets slide down his chest, making me envy their trailing path. "Please?"
Daddy sets me on my feet, his hands gripping me so I can't dash toward Itachi. "What might you be doing?" He asks, his hands gripping at my chest, toying with my nipples. He rolls them between his fingertips, occasionally tugging on them.
The toying only makes me needier and makes me crave Itachi's touch even more. "I want Onii-Chan. Daddy, give me Onii-Chan."
"I couldn't sleep so I thought a hot shower would help," Itachi mumbles, his jaw locked tight as he glares at the hands on me. "What are you doing with Princess?"
I'm pushed forward, Daddy leading me toward the shower. I try getting what I want, lunging for Itachi, calling for him, trying to get a hold of him. Daddy isn't having any of it though, keeping his grip tight and me pressed against himself. Itachi's eyes trail after us, his body only getting tighter the longer he stares at us, but he doesn't reach for me or even call back. I know he won't, Daddy is the only person he won't rip me away from.
  "I walked in on Sasuke on top of her," he starts explaining, picking me up long enough to place me in the shower. "He left quite the mess on Princess. I was worried she'd get sick. All kinds of illnesses can come from situations like that," He finishes, turning on the water, eyes stuck on my older brother, testing him.
"Oh," Itachi grumbles, staring at Daddy with equally intense energy. "I can bathe Princess. I'm sure you're tired."
"I got it," Daddy bites back, turning his sight to glare, daring my brother to push the subject.
Onii-Chan's eyes flicker between the two of us, anger vibrating off of him. "Fine," he whispers, eyes glancing over me once more before he leaves the bathroom. A long whine spills from me as I try to climb out of the tub, planning to run off after him. I want him and I want him now. Why can't I have him?
"Your brother is a pathetic man," Daddy mutters, gripping my waist before placing me in the shower again. Once I'm settled, he turns to test the water, the popping of the shower plug following soon after. "I'm sorry your mother and I have left you to such a man." He gently lulls me into the water stream, letting the warm wetness coat my body.
"I love Itachi," I tell him, watching as he walks away to grab a rag. I might not be happy about being forced into the shower and parted from Itachi, but the water does feel nice on my skin.
"I know you do Princess, because you're a good girl. You'll make an amazing chieftess," Daddy coos, wetting the rag before lathering it with soap. His hand falls to my hip, gently pushing me back out of the water.
His hands wander across my body, rubbing my skin down with soap. He works his way down before working back up, taking his time on my breasts. Daddy moves slowly as he rubs the cloth over them. His tongue clicks a few times, his fingers repeatedly rubbing across the bruises littered across them. "Sasuke was way too rough with you, Princess. My poor baby," he coos, carefully rubbing the cloth across the sore and marked skin, his fingertips poking out from the rag on occasion.
"I'm fine, Daddy," I mutter, shivers sliding up my spine as his hands work back down, rubbing at the skin of my belly.
His tongue clicks again, the rag - and his hand - sliding across my cunt. "I think we should spend the day together tomorrow," he tells me, his touch staying light as he rubs the cloth back and forth. Sparks roll around between my legs, working up the knot he left abandoned earlier.
"But - "
"Itachi has an anbu mission tomorrow and you're not allowed to be alone with Sasuke until further notice. Am I understood?" Daddy says with a pointed look sent my way as his hand freezes.
"Yes Daddy," I murmur, avoiding his stare.
An approving hum spills from him, his touch being pulled away from me. "There's my good girl," he coos, popping the shower head off its holder. He runs the streams over my body, slowly sinking to his knees the further down the water runs.
     He settles on the bathroom floor, gripping my leg and settling it over his shoulder. "Daddy," I murmur, taking grip of his hair to steady myself. His face settles near my pussy again, his lips parted a bit as he runs the water over it. "Daddy. Daddy, what are you doing? Knock it off," I ramble, squirming around, trying to escape the feeling of the water streams tapping against my clit.
     I'm ignored, the water dripping down, stumbling over Daddy's lips. "I'm just making sure you're clean," he whispers, his fingertips sliding through me before falling still, spreading my cunt open. The water runs over me easier, jump-starting the need to cum because of the extra availability. Broken noises fall from my lips, mixing with the sound of the water hitting the tub. "You sound so pretty, Princess."
     "I want Itachi," I wail, yanking on Daddy's hair. I keep calling for him, begging for him as the knot in my groin tightens. "I'm sorry. Onii-Chan, I'm sorry. I want Onii-Chan," I whine, the knot seconds away from loosening.
     Daddy jerks the shower head away as I come undone, my juices dripping onto the tongue he has sticking out of his mouth. His breath coats over my cunt, only adding to the melting feelings leaving my body. "Good girl," he hums, laying a long and slow tongue lashing at my pussy.
     "I want Itachi," I continue to wail, pulling Daddy's head away from me. "Give me Onii-Chan."
     "You can't have Itachi right now," he softly sighs, running the rag over me again, cleaning up the mess he caused. "You've been spending too much time with your Onii-Chan. It's distracting him and making Sasuke jealous. You're going to spend some time with Daddy instead." He runs the water over me again, moving it back and forth to wash away the soap. "We'll have a good day tomorrow, I promise, Princess."
     "Fine," I huff, leaning against the shower wall. "I'm sleepy."
     "I know, Princess. We'll go to sleep soon," he coos, unhooking my leg before standing up. I watch him pop the shower head back in its place, turning the water off, and leaving me shivering and wet, but not for long. Soon one of the white fluffy towels is wrapped around me, rubbing the soft material across my skin. "I love you. You're Daddy's perfect little Princess, aren't you? Yes, you are. You're Daddy's favorite person. I love you so much," he coos, peppering my skin in kisses as he dries me off.
     It feels like I'm a warm little puddle, melting at every syllable Daddy utters. My fingertips wrap around his shirt, clinging to it as the craving for his approval starts to outweigh my craving for Onii-Chan. "I am?"
     "You are. You're perfect and pure and such a pretty girl," he continues to mutter, resting the towel around my body. Daddy's hands wrap around me, picking me out of the tub bridal style. My arms settle around his shoulders, my face cuddling up against his neck.
     "You're so sweet," he lulls, kisses wandering across any skin he can reach. Daddy carries me around the house, pushing his bedroom door open and whisking me into the room. I'm set on the bed, the mattress dipping with my weight. His hands wander over me, tugging the towel off of me before dropping it to the floor. "My pretty girl," he mutters, nudging my head up before his lips slide across my neck.
     His kisses coat my neck as he crawls onto the bed, nudging me further up until his pillows cushion my back. "Daddy," I whine, wiggling around under him. "You said we could go to sleep soon."
     "We are going to sleep," he sighs, rolling off of me, his head settling on the pillows. His hand falls, gripping my thigh to tug me down with him.
     "Daddy, I'm still naked," I huff, trying to squirm out of his hold.
     "Harlots sleep naked. Since you wanted to act like a harlot, you get to be treated like a harlot," he grumbles, tugging on me until I'm laid on my side. Daddy presses me securely against him, his hardened dick pressed against my ass. His arms snake around me, a hand roughly gripping my titty as the other one settles between my legs, cupping my pussy. His head is shoved into my hair, softly nuzzling it as he gropes me.
     My eyes stare into the darkness, trying to imagine it's Itachi gripping my chest, that it's his hand shoved between my thighs. I look over the outline of Mom in the bed, her chest slowly fully up and down. When my sights tumble up to her face, her eyes are wide open, looking at the two of us.
     Slowly, Mom moves across the bed, shifting until her face is settled in front of mine. "Hey, baby."
     "Hey, Mom," I whisper, jerking when Daddy's fingertips coast through my pussy.
     Mom's eyes flicker down, her hand moving to gently grip Daddy's wrist before she pulls her touch away from him. He listens, his fingers falling still against me. Instead, his focus switches to gently sucking on my shoulder. "Is Sasuke in his room?" I nod my head, tearing my eyes away from her.
     I know our family isn't normal. I know most mothers don't touch their sons like Mom touches Sasuke. I know most brothers don't play with their sisters like Itachi plays with me. I know most brothers don't fight over their sisters like mine do. I know most fathers don't touch their daughters like Daddy touches me. I also know parents aren't supposed to have favorite children. Yet, everyone knows I'm Daddy's favorite and everyone knows Sasuke is Mom's favorite.
     "Alright, Sweetheart," Mom mutters, cupping my face before she leans down, sliding a kiss to my cheek. "You have fun with Daddy, okay? I'm so glad you're going to make him happy tonight so I can make Sasuke happy," she adds before pulling away, sliding off the bed, and heading out of the room.
     Daddy grunts, grinding his hips against my butt. His fingers start sliding back and forth again, toying with my clit on occasion. "Daddy is so happy you're still a virgin," he mutters, sucking on my shoulder harder. "I would have killed Sasuke if he took your virginity away from Itachi."
     "I know, Daddy."


     "Good morning!" I chirp, my hair bouncing with my movements as I burst into the kitchen. The windows in the house are open, a soft breeze adding to the bounce of my hair.
Daddy dressed me this morning, insisting Itachi dresses me too provocatively, though I'm pretty sure I'm wearing less clothing today than I did yesterday. Itachi likes me in skirts, but he prefers shorts so that's what I'm wearing, a pair of shorts that seem to ride up with every step I take.
Daddy also decided on a belly shirt, one of the ones I wear around the house when it's too hot outside. He insisted it'll help show off my 'flawlessly soft skin'. Of course, topped with one of Itachi's dress shirts to 'not show off too much' and to 'walk around with the fashion of our clan'. Since it's one of Onii-Chan's shirts being used as my cover-up, it hangs lower than my shirts do, sliding just below the cut-off of my shorts.
I swear I'm just a dress-up doll for my family. Oh, well. This is what Daddy chose and I'm not going to fight him on it, especially with him still simmering on his anger with Sasuke.
"Good morning, Princess," Onii-Chan greets, getting out of his chair at the table to race to my side. His hands shake a bit as he grips the collar of my top layer. He messes with it, making sure it's popped up and straight, like he does every morning.
Itachi's eyes skirt over my outfit, openly unhappy with it. "You're not supposed to wear these kinds of shirts out of the house, you know that," he lectures, tugging on the material of my top as if tugging on it will make it cover more of me. "Your shorts are too short too," he continues to mumble, abandoning my shirt to tug on my pants instead. "You are not leaving the house in this. Go change."
"She's wearing what I told her too," Daddy calls, his voice filling the house despite him using a normal tone. His footsteps down the hall come to a stop right behind me, his aura quickly wrapping around both of us.
Itachi's sight stays locked on my clothing, continuing to pull on it as he avoids Daddy's eyes. "She's not covered properly. She shouldn't be walking around the clan, much less the village dressed like this. What if someone gets the wrong idea?" He grumbles, sparing a glance behind him before his eyes fall again.
Daddy's arm snakes around me, wrapping around my waist before tugging me away from Onii-Chan. "She'll be fine. Princess will be with me all day. We're going to have a fun day shopping, aren't we?" He coos, the undertone of venom very present in his words. I nod my head, my agreement being rewarded with a big kiss on my cheek. "Exactly. You run along to your mission and just worry about getting home safely to your Princess. I have everything under control."
Itachi doesn't like that much either, a grimace coating his face. He reaches out to me again, glancing at Daddy before his fingertips toy with my hair. "It's just a day mission. I'll be home before dinner," he mutters, leaning forward to brush a kiss on my forehead. "I promise."
     "Alright, Onii-Chan," I hum, leaning into his kiss.
     "I love you."
     "I love you too," I chirp, tipping my head up to smile at Itachi. He smiles back, slowly running his fingers against a few strands of hair. "I'll make sure to get you a present while I'm shopping today."
     "You do that, Princess," he mutters, pecking my lips before jerking away from me, rushing to get away before he can get grabbed at.
     "Itachi," Daddy barks, tightening his arm on me. He shoots glares at Onii-Chan's back, his free hand jumping up to wipe at my lips. "Your brother needs to stop doing that. He's ruining your purity. Ruining my perfectly innocent daughter. Picking away at my untainted flower."
     The memories of last night flow through my head. Memories of what Itachi did. Memories of being 'caught' with Sasuke. Memories of Daddy's lips and tongue on my skin, in my pussy. Memories of Daddy humping me, of him coating my back in the same way Itachi coated my pussy.
     But I don't say anything. I keep my mouth shut because I know for whatever reason, it's important to Daddy that I'm a virgin. For whatever reason, he's obsessed with making sure Sasuke doesn't touch me like he does, that Itachi doesn't start touching me until he's the chief.
     "Daddy wants a kiss," he mutters, his hand sliding up from my stomach to rest under my chin, tipping my head backward. His head leans down, lips pressed against mine and his tongue shoving its way between my lips. He explodes my mouth, his tongue twirling over mine before sliding over my teeth.
     "Good girl," he sighs, slowly pulling away from me. Itachi's kisses are much better than Daddy's, but I'd never say that out loud, at least not until he takes over as chief. Once Onii-Chan becomes chief, once I'm chieftess, I won't have to deal with Daddy touching me anymore. "Let's go shopping, Princess."
     "Yes, Daddy."

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