Birthright #1 (Itachi Uchiha)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to DinocoZero]

Requested by: My Issues

Word Count: 3,590

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Massacre didn't happen :)
- Incest (brother/sister)
- Titty Play
- Name Calling: Onii-Chan, Princess, Good Girl
- Fugaku being a shit father
- Child Abuse (Smacking)
- Misogyny
- Spanking
- Finger Face Fucking

     "Princess," Itachi calls from my bedroom door, softly knocking on it as he lets the light from the house filter through the crack. "Princess, you need to get up," he mutters, pushing the door open wider, coating more of my face in the bright light. I groan, rolling over in bed to bury my head into my pillows.
He shushes me, closing the door, and cutting off the light from the hallway. "You're fine. Princesses don't whine," he coos, settling on the edge of my bed. "Why are you so whiney?"
"Daddy wakes me up a lot nicer than you," I mutter, trying to bury my head deeper into my pillows. It doesn't work, Itachi's presence still disrupts my groggy half-asleep state.
"Well, Dad is already gone for the day. You need to get up so we can make it to the Clan Hall in time for the clan meeting," he hums, his hand sliding up and down my back, slowly pushing my blanket down to my waist.
"I don't want to," I whine, shivers sliding down my spine when his hand dips under my shirt, slowly inching its way up my bare back.
"You have to, Princess. Good leaders don't blow off meetings. Don't you want to be a good clan leader?" His hands are warm against my back, rubbing slow circles, his fingertips sliding down my sides the further up he gets. "Roll over, Princess."
     "No," I grumble, hugging my pillow closer to me. Itachi uses the slight arch in my body to slide his hand underneath me, curious fingers dancing around under me. "Maybe I don't want to be a clan leader."
     "You don't have a choice, Princess. You know that," he mutters, lightly cupping my breast. "Be good and roll over for your Onii-Chan," he repeats, his hand softly massaging my chest, and sending more shivers down my spine.
     I let out a huff, determined to keep my whiney act up. If I'm lucky - and if Itachi and Daddy aren't at each other's throats by the end of the day - I might be able to convince the two of them to take the family out to eat tonight. "Good girl," he coos, shifting his position when I turn over.
     Itachi's eyes fall over me, slow and steady as they climb down me. It's hard not to squirm under his stare, partly because it's so intense, and partly because you can never tell what he's thinking. However, the growingly rough pawing of his hand tips me off a bit. "Princess?"
     He stays silent, eyes drinking me up again. "Dad is retiring in a year or so." I nod my head, sinking my teeth into my tongue as his thumb rolls over my nipple. "Then I'll be the chief."
     "I know," I breathe out, snapping my eyes closed.
     "Do you know why?"
     "Because Daddy is the chief and you were born before Sasuke."
     He hums in approval, his other hand snaking under my shirt to toy with my neglected breast. "That's right, Princess. Since I'm the oldest the clan is my right, being chief is my right, you are my right. All because I was born first. You're my birthright, Princess. Your future, Sasuke's future, I get to decide all of it as soon as Dad retires."
      "I know, Itachi," I mumble, the boob he's been playing with the longest starting to ache from the constant attention.
     "Open your eyes," he whispers, his voice closer to my face, and his nose barely touching mine. "I want to see your pretty eyes." Slowly, I do as I'm told, peeling my eyes open. That gets me another approving hum. "You're going to be such a pretty chieftess. Do you know that, Princess? Do you want Onii-Chan to make you a pretty chieftess?" I nod my head, letting a whine slip out.
     Itachi drops his hold on my chest, pulling his hands and his face away from me. "Then get up. A good chieftess isn't late to clan meetings."
     I whine again, louder this time as I roll back over. This time a disapproving hum spills as he rolls off my bed. His footsteps fill the room, followed by the snap of a switch, and then bright light inviting itself into my sights. "Onii-Chan," I groan, tugging the blanket over my head.
     "Princess," he calls back, paired with more footsteps and then my closet being snapped open. Itachi walks around my room, pulling out whatever he wants me to wear today.
     Daddy has been very open with us since childhood, and because of that he's let Itachi do as he wishes with me, for the most part. Even now I can hear his voice rattling around my head. 'What use does a princess have to our clan? You make heirs, you keep your chief happy, and you make our people hopeful for the clan's future'.
     Once, when I was younger and heard some of the girls in my class talk about taking over their clans, I asked Daddy what would have happened if I had been born before Itachi. He chuckled at me and then said nothing would have changed. Itachi still would be taking over and I'd still just be a 'silly, pretty girl responsible for giving Itachi a son'.
     Itachi is back next to my bedside, his hand sliding under my shirt again to stumble over my spine. "Sit up, Princess."
     "I don't want to."
     There's a swat to my butt, followed by a soothing rub to the smack. "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Sit up and let me dress you. I'm not in the mood to deal with your attitude."
     Well, so much for going out for dinner I guess. I pout, making sure to make it audible as I sit up in bed, settling on my knees as I rub my eyes. "Why are you so moody today?"
     "I'm not moody," he grumbles, gripping my shirt to pull it over my head.
     "You waited five seconds to grope me this morning and now you're bitching."
     Itachi grips my neck, pushing my head back into my pillows before landing two more swats to my butt before releasing me. "No potty mouth," he mutters, leaning over to kiss my cheek before he walks away. "Come on, Princess," he adds, tapping his thigh.
     I crawl out of bed, grumbling the whole time and rubbing my backside to help with the stinging. "You're being mean today."
     "I'm not being mean," Itachi mutters, hands on my waist to position me how he likes. His hands fall, pushing off my pajama pants and letting them tumble to the floor. "You're being an improper Princess," he adds, toying with the waistband of my panties. "How are you supposed to be my pretty chieftess if you can't keep your mouth clean?"
     "I'm sorry," I murmur, more sparks collecting in my belly from Itachi's lingering fingers.
     "No, you're not," he deadpans, eyes locked on me as he finishes stripping me. "You get off on misbehaving, but you better listen closely," he starts, his hand jumping up to cling to my cheeks.
     "Itachi," I whine, slouching and letting my head lull around. "I don't care about this stupid meeting - "
     I'm cut off by the fingers of his free hand being shoved into my mouth, pressing down on my tongue, and slowly inching their way down my throat. "Be quiet, listen, and suck. I already told you I'm not in the mood for your attitude," he grumbles, letting his fingers rest. Itachi stares into my eyes, waiting for me to obey.
     When I do finally listen, starting to suck on his fingers, his eyes widen a bit, and a visible shiver slithers through his body. "Dad and I already got in a fight today. Don't go stirring more trouble for me, do you hear me?" I nod my head in understanding, already planning to sideline this agreement. "I'm being serious, Princess. Behave today. Sit still, look pretty, and don't talk unless you're spoken to first." Again, I nod my head in agreement.
     Maybe I should behave, especially if Itachi is being this strict. Whatever he fought with Daddy about must have been heavy if he's this wound tight. He lets out another sigh, visibly relaxing from my agreement. His attention fixates on me harder, his fingers starting to thrust in and out of my mouth as he releases my cheeks.
     Slowly, the red of Itachi's sharingan melts into his eyes, the three pretty tomoes of them standing out against the bloody color.
     I always hoped I'd manage to awaken the sharingan, but when Sasuke's awakened and mine was still nowhere to be found, I gave up hope of being blessed with our clan's greatest gift.
     Despite not having the power, I still notice the little ticks of Itachi's body. Least noticeably, his picked-up breathing, and most noticeably, the way he grips himself as he finger-fucks my mouth. After a few more pumps, he tugs his fingers out of my mouth, turning away from me as he sucks my saliva off them.
     Itachi's focus stays on my clothes, slowly pulling them onto me and avoiding looking at me as he does so.
     "Onii-Chan?" I ask once I'm fully dressed, trying to fill some of the silence.
     "Princess?" He mutters, face still scrunched up in discomfort as he messes with the collar of my over-cover, making sure it's popped up, and perfectly straight.
     "Do you want me... to... suck you... again?" I whisper, flickering my eyes around the room. Despite Daddy letting Itachi pretty much do whatever he wants concerning me, he still has a few rules. Most of which has to do with keeping up appearances with the village and the clan. Though, he has always told Itachi we're 'not allowed to lay together in compassion or perform any such acts until after your inauguration'.
     Growing up being told that was confusing but Itachi seemed to always know what it meant, like he always does. I swear, he knows everything.
     Despite that being one of Daddy's only rules, Itachi doesn't listen to it very well. He kisses and makes out with me a lot, and he likes to play with my breasts when he's stressed. Last week he talked me into giving him a blow job and I've been nervous about Daddy finding out ever since. Most of the time he'll turn a blind eye to the stolen kisses, but I don't think that's something Onii-Chan can talk us out of.
     "No, Princess. I'm fine," he mutters, leaning down to peck my nose with a few kisses. Itachi shifts, rubbing his nose against my cheek before his lips press against mine. "I don't want Dad mad again."
     My eyes widen a bit, quickly adding two and two. "Did Daddy and you fight about - "
     "Our little fun on the dock?" He teases, chuckling a bit as he holds my chin, continuing to pepper my lips in soft kisses. "Yes, we fought about it this morning, which is why it's so important for you to behave today, okay?"
     I mutter a yes, my obedience being rewarded with something more than a hum this time. Itachi tilts his head, his fingertips sliding up to squeeze my cheeks and force my lips apart. His tongue slides in, rolling over mine as his lips dance against mine. His free hand wanders around my body, ending up on my boob again.
     Small noises tumble from me, being eaten up by him. The longer Itachi violates my mouth and fondles my tit, the louder my sounds get. A knock at the door is what finally pulls him off of me. "Yes?" He calls, wiping his mouth on his sleeve before sliding his thumb across my lips, cleaning up the mess he left behind.
     "Daichi here. He says he's here to collect us and Princess for the clan meeting," Sasuke answers, his voice muffled by the door. "Are you guys ready to go yet? I don't want to be late."
     "We'll be out in a second," he grumbles, slamming his lips against mine and shoving his tongue back into my mouth. A soft huff of warm breath coats my face when he pulls away, Itachi's stress about the meeting and his fight with Daddy slowly becoming evident in his body language again. "If Dad or me or Sasuke isn't around and a guy tries to talk to you, what do you say?" He mutters, running his fingertips over my bottom lip.
     "My Onii-Chan will be right back. You'll want to talk to him instead."
     "Good girl," he coos slowly, dragging out the words as his eyes trail after his fingers. "Alright, we should get going before Dad comes banging down the door himself." Itachi steals another kiss before gripping my hand and pulling me out of the room.
     As we head out of the house, an annoyed Sasuke trudges behind Itachi right next to me, his eyes flickering between us as we all follow after Daichi. "Why couldn't Dad and Mom have had another kid?" He grumbles to himself, eyes stuck on our knotted hands before he rolls his eyes.

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