I Hate You #1 (Kakuzu)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to cafemoooooka39]

Requested by: reincarnatedornotimfuchked

Word Count: 3,975

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Implied Trauma and Self-harm
- I know I wrote Zu's stitches in a way that's not canon but I think it's cute
- Verbal Abuse/Yelling
- Minor (ish) Physical Abuse: Dropping, Hair Pulling, Pushing, Dragging
- Name Calling: Harlot, Bitch, Cry Baby, Little Mouse, Toy, Sex Doll
- Misogyny
- Grinding
- Torture Describing

     "I hate you."
     "Good morning, Zu," I mutter, the assassin's deep voice being my wake-up call like it is most mornings. "I hate you too."
     "I've killed grown men over lesser insults."
     "I know," I whisper back, stretching myself out in the bed, the sheets ruffling because of my movements.
     Once my muscles are woken up, I roll over, being met with intense green eyes burning into my face and caging stitched arms around my frame. "I hate you," Kakuzu mumbles again, jaw set as he looks down at me. "I hate when I roll over in bed and you are present. Get out of my bed."
"Five more minutes, then I'll get out of the bed."
The old man grumbles, tone low enough that I can't make out what he's mumbling. "I said get out." The repeated order is followed by arms wrapping around me, Zu's stitches snagging on my night clothes as I'm lifted. "I have things to do today. Time is money and something I do not wish to spend on you. Up."
I'm lifted from the bed, pissy but stable arms wrapped around my legs and my back. "What things do you have to do today?" I ask, wrapping my arms around the grump's shoulders before my head buries into his neck.
"I am returning you to your village." That's a lie, it's been a lie, for three years. Kakuzu has told me he's returning me to my home village for a while, and every time there's an excuse why it didn't happen. At this point it's more of a 'you are joining me today' than anything else. It's taken some time but I've gotten pretty good at figuring out what the old grouch means when he says things.
"Are you?"
"Do not question me, Harlot."
I bury my head deeper, rolling my eyes once I'm sure he can't see it, but do stop my questioning.
The hallway echoes with the noise of Kakuzu's steps, the sound cut off when he opens a door. The chilliness enveloping me tells me it's the bathroom without having to look up. "Harlot," he grumbles again, dropping me on the bathroom counter.
A hand shoots up, cupping my head, but he doesn't stop the edge from digging into the back of my thighs or the stone counter from threatening to bruise my spine. I steady myself, sitting up straight as his hand falls down my back, fingertips digging into the developing bruise. "That hurts, Zu. Knock it off," I mumble, trying to push his arm off of me.
"You have survived worse. Your body will not give out from my actions." Fingers dig into me harder, pulling a small whimper from me. "Stop being a whiney bitch. It's unattractive."
"You're unattractive."
Again, Kakuzu's hand shoots up, gripping my hair this time instead of just cupping my head. "The fuck did you just say?" He grumbles, nose barely a centimeter away from mine and eyes hard as they glare into mine.
"Nothing," I whisper, glancing around the still dark sheeted bathroom.
He lets out a hum, releasing my hair from his fist. "That's what I thought. Undress yourself, Harlot."
Despite the command, Kakuzu starts undressing me himself. Maybe it was the broken sleep I got last night or maybe it's the lights still being off or maybe it's just Zu being a little too rough this morning but the feeling of his fingers on my bare skin shoots veins of fear throughout my body. "Zu?"
"Harlot?" He sighs, hands stalling on my rib cage.
"I don't want to."
"You don't want to what?" He grumbles, the melted emerald color of his eyes burning through the darkness, only adding to the ticking time bomb that is my meltdown.
I let my eyes settle closed, trying to even out my breathing as I wrap my fingers around his wrists, my nails digging into his skin, a few getting snagged on his makeshift stitches. "I don't... no shower... I don't, Kakuzu?"
"You need to shower," he grumbles, letting out a sigh as his eyesight pulls away from my face. "You're annoying when you're having a meltdown," Zu mutters, tugging his arms away so my shirt can fall back in place.
"I'm sorry," I whisper, calming down a bit now that his hands aren't on me anymore.
"No, you're not," he mutters again, the sound of him shifting forcing my eyes open.
Kakuzu has settled on the floor, his hands shooting up to roughly drag me down with him. I'm shifted around, my back pressed into his broad chest, arms knotted around me, the whole of him enveloping me in the dark. "Zu - "
"Shut up," He orders, letting out a sigh. "I hate being your compression. All because you can't keep your head out of the past. You are fine, Cry Baby. As long as I have money there is nothing to worry about." Another long line of grumbles spill from the assassin, but his arms do tighten around me, helping me soothe out the growing meltdown I was going to have.

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