Flower (Rock Lee)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to Twinvenus]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,574

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Peep me having to look up types of flowers because I ran out of names
- I know Kurenai retired when her kid was born but I refuse to believe that cause screw Kishimoto's semi-sexist writing
- A little heated/None sexual shower scene

"My Petunia!" Rock's voice rings out, filling the field with his voice. Kiba lets out a long sigh that quickly melts into a groan. He's not the biggest fan of Lee, the reason why is still unknown. However, I think it's just our clan's territorial behaviors shining through. I get a little defensive when people flock to him too.
"Over here, Rocky!" I call, throwing my hand up to wave it around in hopes he'll see it.
Akamaru jumps up from his sunbathing spot, running circles around Kiba and me as he barks his snout off. My dog, Gekko, does the same, chasing after Akamaru in a playful game of tag. When he catches Akamaru, he flips around, running in the opposite direction as Kiba'a dog chases.
When Rock gets closer, Kiba lets out an exaggerated sigh, and Gekko beelines for Lee. Akamaru follows, the two dogs now attempting to pounce on the Shinobi. "Sunflower, call off the dogs!" He whines, trying to escape the ball of fuzz that keeps following him around. "Rose! Kiba!"
I let out a whistle, throwing my hands up again with my palms facing the dogs. They do as the signal suggests, racing forward to press their noses against my hands. "Who's a good boy?" I praise them, rubbing their snouts as I take turns littering them with kisses. "Are you a good boy Aka? Yes, you are! How about you? Are you a good boy too Ge-Ge? Yes, Sir."
The dogs settle down, Gekko resting his head in my lap as Akamaru goes to bother his owner. "You're home early," I mutter, leaning backward to look at Lee as I scratch my dog's ears. "I didn't think you'd be home for a few more days."
"My mission ended early so I figured we could celebrate!" Rocky cheers, falling into his usual placement. His hands cup my neck, his wraps rubbing against my throat as he massages it. Lee's head dips, his hair flapping around in its cute way as he looks down at me. "What time would work best for you, my Iris?"
"Kiba and I have to meet up with Kurenai-Sensei in about an hour. We're usually done training by five-thirty."
"Five-thirty it is!" Lee cheers, brushing kisses across the red markings of my cheeks.
Kiba rolls off his back, fake gagging as he does so. "I'll need to shower afterward, Rocky. How about six-thirty? It'll give me an hour to shower and look nice," I giggle out, Gekko jumping up to cover me in kisses too. It's funny how much competition Rock and my dog think they have over my attention.
"Six-thirty, and not a minute later!" He cheers again, littering my nose in kisses. "We'll go get some good curry and then go for a walk. Oh! Maybe you can even spend the night!"
"I'll think about it," I say the words coming out as a laugh. I let my eyes flutter closed, soaking in the feeling of his lips against my face and his nimble fingers caressing my neck. "But, it'll probably be yes."
"Yes," he mumbles under his breath, joy coating the single word. "All right, I'll let you be, Daisy."
Three, four, five kisses are pecked on my lips before Lee drops his hold on me. A huge smile is on his face as he pulls away. He pats Gekko's head before he starts walking away, waving at me the whole way.
"Gross, disgusting, I'm going to throw up my lunch," Kiba grumbles, sitting upright. "You two are gross."
"You're just jealous," I tease, knocking my fist into his shoulder.
He teases back, dramatically falling back to the ground as he holds his arm. "Oh no, you broke it. You broke my shoulder. Tell Kurenai-Sensei I can't train today."
"You're such a baby," I giggle out, standing up and dusting myself off. The dogs trail after me, a groaning Kiba making up the butt end of the pack per usual.


My focus is on Lee's mirror I'm kneeling in front of, sights set on applying my makeup. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Rock sitting criss-crossed in my bed, his eyes jumping between me and my sketchbook I'm letting him flip through.
"Rocky?" I call back, rubbing my brush over my cheeks again. My blush is too pink and I can't get it to blend out for the life of me.
"I saw the prettiest field on my last mission." I hum in acknowledgment, finally making progress on my blending. "I think when we get home you should sketch it for me since I didn't get to take a picture of it."
"I can do that for you," I mutter, letting my eyes flicker up. Lee has left the bed and is now standing behind me, my book hanging from the fingertips of his right hand. His left hand jumps up, cupping my throat again today.
I managed to talk him out of his outfit. The usual green is still present, this time as a sweatshirt with his Shinobi tag hanging out the pocket of the workout shorts he chose to wear. Rock is a pretty boy, and he definitely works his body suit but he looks so much better in his day-to-day clothes. Despite the change-up, his hands are still wrapped up in his signature bandages.
Said bandages rub against my neck again, toying with my skin as Lee's big eyes focus on me in the mirror. His eyes remind me of a stuffed animal, so round and soft. I could melt away in them.
My eyes trail over him as his eyes trail over me. I like it when Rock wears shorts, it shows off some of the 'sleep build' he has.
As if he can read my thoughts, Lee shifts forward, tapping his knees against my back. "Are you ready to go, Lavender?"
I hum a yes, letting my eyes trail over him again. "You're hot, you know that Rocky?"
"Oh, well, thank you, Blue Bell," He races out, one hand tightening around my sketchbook as the other one jumps off of me to scratch the back of his head. His cheeks are a bright red as he glances away from me, his flusteredness evident in the darker red his face gets. "You're very pretty too. Just cause you are, not because of your makeup. Though your makeup is pretty too and I appreciate your efforts to look nice for me. I just want you to know that I don't think you're not pretty without it or that I don't think your makeup is nice. I just - "
"I know, Lee," I cut him off, climbing to my feet as the man goes on a ramble. "I'm glad you think I'm pretty." I turn around so we're face-to-face, letting my hands snake into the pocket of his hoody. Rocky's hands fall to my hips, my sketchbook between his hand and my side on one side. "Can I have a kiss?" I ask, leaning forward so I'm pressed against him.
"Of course, Tulip!" He answers, his face lighting up at my question. His free hand jumps up, cupping the back of my neck as his head dips. Lee's lips brush against mine, soft and slow like always. It melts me how much time and care he takes when kissing me. It's always kisses that make my knees weak.
Rocky's hold on me tightens, head tilting to the side a bit as he keeps his lips gentle. My mouth parts slightly, testing to see what it is he wants. His tongue pokes out, rubbing against my bottom lip before disappearing. It pokes out again, running over my own this time. He tastes like a honey-crisp apple, which isn't a surprise. Lee insists having an apple for breakfast helps his immune system.
His head tilts again, giving him more space to trail his tongue around my mouth. The moment doesn't last long though, Lee pulls back, hand still present as he tugs himself away from me. A huge smile is set on his face, cheeks dusted pink again and mouth stained from my lipstick. "Thank you, Pansy."
"For what?" I ask, leaning forward in search of another kiss.
Lee backs away, cheeriness still lingering off of him as he smiles down at me. "For our kiss. I like kisses like that." The second half is almost whispered, his cheek darkening as he looks away from me. "Anyway," Rock cheers, hand moving to toy with my hair. "Are you ready to go?"
"Ya, we should probably clean my lipstick off of you first," I mumble, sliding my hands out of his pocket. I let them dance up his chest before dangling over his shoulders, crossing them to try and keep him in place. "I want another kiss first though."
Rocky shifts in my hold, cheeks flaring again as his eyes jump around. "We should eat before we... do anything else."
I hum in agreement, tightening my arms around him as I lean against him again. "We won't do anything until after dinner," I murmur, crashing my lips against his.
Lee gives in, tongue poking my lips instantly. My head tilts, mouth parting to give him what he wants. His apple taste slides into my mouth again, the sound of my sketchbook tumbling to the ground as his grip tightens. "Daffodil," Rocky mutters, tugging me backward as he sucks in a breath.
"Rock," I mutter back, my hands dancing across his shoulders.
He bumps into the bed, falling into a sitting position as I shift myself between his knees. Lee's hands fall to the back of my knees, gripping them to tug me up, settling them next to his hips. "We should... we need to get going," He stumbles out, lips pressed against mine again.
"We should get going," I echo, letting our kisses continue for another beat before I pull away. "But first, let's clean you up and fix my lipstick."

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