Object #5 (Akatsuki)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to m-joice]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 4,538

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Characters include: Pain/Nagato, Konan, Sasori, Tobi, Kakuzu
- Itachi too but he's living his best NPC/background character life
- Choking/Slapping
- Dry humping
- Name Calling: Whiney, Bitch
- Death/Violence Threats
- Little heated at the end (obviously ^)

My body aches as Nagato shifts me around, freeing one of his arms to open the door to the hideout. The aches are courtesy of our travel home, the cruel heat of the sun, and Pain's last bit of time to have me to himself.
Our long-term trip was nice and rather enjoyable even if he was the normal brick wall of nonexistent emotions. I like it when I get time alone with Pain, he's a little less 'I want the world to burn' and a little more 'I want the world to simmer'.
But, that's done for now, which makes me a bit nervous. Almost a month away from the other members means a lot of pent-up needs and the promise of them filling their needs cruelly, in any way necessary.
The thought makes me stiffen and causes my fingers to dig into Nagato's shoulders deeper. "We are not even through the door yet, what could you possibly be upset about?" He grumbles, arm back around my leg once the door swings open.
"I'm not upset. I'm just... worried, I suppose."
"Worried about what?" He asks, his tune still bored and a bit annoyed. I'm shifted backward, Pain using me to push the door closed. "Princess, you're upsetting me," he continues to grumble when I don't answer. Nagato takes a slow pace down the hallway, his footsteps silent so as to not startle the other members. "I cannot fix a worry I do not know about."
     "Just your... employees," I mutter, burying my head into his neck. His chain necklace is warm for once, the metal weighing on my nose because of my placement.
     "They are not employees."
     "Then what are they?"
     My question is ignored, silence feeling the imaginary space between us. Pain has picked up the habit of carrying me around on his back, insisting it's because he wants to travel further before dark or the occasional excuse that I get tired quicker than he does.
     "Why are you worried about the members?" He mutters after a while, stopping at the hallway intersection. Nagato's head swirls back and forth, shifting his decision between heading towards his office or stopping in our room first. "Princess, I am about five seconds away from making sleep outside. Why are you worried about the members?" Pain's patients are almost nonexistent at this point of the day, his anger bubbling the longer I take to answer.
     "We were gone for a while and they get a little... needy, is all. I mean, they're always needy when we leave for some personal time but we were gone longer than usual."
     "It was not personal time," Nagato mumbles, finally deciding to head towards his office. "It was simply some time away, a break on your body."
     "Wasn't much of a break last night," I mutter, picking my head up and scanning the hallway. Sooner or later one of his members is going to pop up. They're all usually home by now unless they're on an away mission.
     He's 'displeased' by my comment, proven by him dropping his hold on me. Despite that, his hands shoot up to grip my wrists, helping me slide back onto my feet. "I will take of it."
     "Like, stringing Hidan in a tree - take care of it, or?" I ask, balling his robe in my hands, continuing to let the terrorist lead me forward.
     "I will inform them at dinner that you are off limits," Nagato huffs out, my questions picking at the minimal amount of patience he has at the moment.
     A deep sigh escapes the man, just a hint of his body deflating alongside the noise. "I will give you forty-eight hours. I will tell them you are not to be touched, and then I will limit them."
     "Limit them?" I push, tugging on the cloth in my hold so I can run my hands under Pain's shirt.
     His movement stalls, but not before his hand snakes backward to grip my wrists, stopping my plan to feel his skin against mine again. "I will give you a week of no physicality. Your mouth is more than capable of handling them. Is that a suitable time frame for their needs to even out?"
     I hum a yes, enjoying the sight and feeling of Pain's fingers knotted alongside mine. "Thank you."
     "Be silent, your voice is becoming annoying." The command is harsh but soft enough that I almost miss it when Nagato opens his office door. "I have work to do. If you will be silent you can be a pretty object for me to look at. If a sound spills from you, I will leave you to the members to use until dinner. Am I understood?"
     I nod my head, yes, trailing into the small room after the annoyed man. The room is dark, at least until Pain flips the light switch, flooding the room with the soft yellow of its lightbulb. "Find somewhere out of the way to sit," he mutters, dropping our bags on his desk before rummaging through them. "Perhaps you can read your new book as I work."
     Again, I nod yes as I curl up against his side, watching him search for one of my newest gifts. "Good, be silent, be out of the way," he mutters, shoving one of the books into my hands.
     It's the one on origami I begged him to buy. One of the booths we stumbled upon during our trip was covered in little paper statues, piquing my interest. I saw it as a waste buying the folded papers especially when the person running the stand was also selling 'how to' books, hence why I got my way.
     "Now, out from under my feet," Nagato orders, shooing me away. I do as I'm told, finding a space in the room to curl up in and start my new read.

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