Birthright #2 (Itachi Uchiha Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Anashin]

Requested by: Trauma

Word Count: 4,075

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Incest (Brother/Sister)
- Misogyny
- Name Calling: Princess, Good Girl, Onii-Chan, Spoiled
- Emotional Manipulation
- Fingering
- Titty Play
- Masturbation/Jerking Off
- Pantie Shot (?)
- Dubcon/Improper Use of Sharingan
- Hair Pulling
- Finger Face Fucking
- Threats of Violence
- Exhibitionism
- Fugaku still being a shitty dad
- You cannot convince me Fugaku was a good father and don't bring up the whole "he let Itachi kill him" shit. He let the child he used as a weapon kill him. It was a fitting end to his life.

Itachi's hand wraps around my wrist before I can exit the Clan Hall, pulling me back so I'm pressed to his chest. "We're not going outside," he grumbles, glancing around before quickly pecking a kiss on my wrist.
"Speak for yourself," Sasuke mutters, pressing his head against mine and lightly squeezing my shoulders in a goodbye.
"Where are you going?" Onii-Chan asks, pulling me away from our younger brother.
"To hunt down Sakura as Dad recommended," he answers, sliding out the door before he can be stopped.
Itachi grumbles, tugging me down a hallway as he complains about Sasuke's disobedience. "What are we doing?" I ask, stumbling along as I'm pulled around by my older brother.
"Going to the bathroom," he shortly answers, pushing one of the bathroom doors open before dragging me in.
I'm finally let go, just long enough for him to snap the lock on the door. "I can wait outside," I mutter, glancing around the blue and white colored room.
"I'm not using the bathroom," Itachi sighs, fingers digging into my wrist again.
I'm yanked on, situated between him and the door before I'm pressed against it. "What are you doing then?" I ask, shivers swirling around my body as he busy himself with pushing my overcoat off.
"I have twenty-five minutes to play with you. It's a lot, but not really," he mutters in response, quickly shoving my shirt up and over my head before adding it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. "Be quiet so no one hears you whining."
I nod my head in obedience, the chill off the bathroom quickly working its way over me and through my bra. Itachi's hands are quickly on my skin, the warmth of them trying to fight off the chill I've gained. "You're a pretty girl. My pretty girl," he coos, his lips sliding down my neck as a hand slides up my sides. "What are you, Princess?"
"Your property," I whisper, a different kind of shiver racing through my body when his hand cups my breast, squeezing it and the material of my bra. "Your birthright."
"Good girl," he hums, his slim fingers dropping down to poke under the wire. As Itachi's hand inches its way across my boob, his knee pushes mine apart, spreading my legs. The hand not pawing at my breast drops to my thigh, hiking my skirt up. "I'm sorry our time by the lake got cut short," he whispers against my throat, dotting it between words with soft sucks.
"It's fine," I breathe out, the usual buzzing he makes me feel trickling between my legs, making it hard to focus on anything except the tension building.
"No, it's not, Princess. Onii-Chan doesn't want to be selfish like Dad. I want to make sure you feel good too," Itachi mutters, shoving his body between my legs.
He falls quiet, leaving nothing but his actions and the sensation of him to focus on. Itachi presses his groin against me, the front of his pants are hard, painting the memories of our times alone in my head. Over the last few years, I've felt his dick pressed against me often, felt him grind and rub it against different parts of myself.
Itachi is a good Onii-Chan, always divining and not asking for much, unless he wants me to help him take care of his needs. How am I not supposed to help when it's my fault he gets horny?
     So, I don't mind him rubbing his pants against my underwear, his hands always toying with my chest, or even when he asked me to put my mouth around his dick. It scared me, sucking on him, but he was sweet, so patient as he was teaching me how to do it right. I like it when he rubs against me more though. It always makes me tingle. Sucking on him didn't make me tingle.
     Itachi pushes his hips against me, sliding himself up and down, new waves shooting through me, pulling out a noise I stifle every time he pushes against my clit. His fingers dig into my flesh, clinging to the meat of my thigh as the cushioning of my chest melts through his fingers.
     "Kisses," he hisses, tugging his lips off my neck to hover them over mine. I eagerly do as I'm told, plopping a kiss against his lips. "Real kisses. Onii-Chan wants real kisses," Itachi grumbles, his breath picking up as his hips move faster. I lean to kiss him again, my lips parted this time. "Good girl," he praises before kissing me, his tongue shoving its way into my mouth. It dances over my tongue, sliding against it, tangling with it.
     That only excited him more, his hips jerking against me rougher. Itachi squeezes my boob, his thumb finding my nipple to roll over. "Good girl," he huffs the praise out again, pulling apart our kiss, leaving my mouth empty because of the distance. "Do you feel good? Is Onii-Chan making you feel good?" He rambles, his hand finally leaving my chest to slide toward my back.
     "You're making me tingle," I whisper, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. I don't know why I'm embarrassed, Itachi always says the tingles are good, that he's happy he can make me tingle, that I make him tingle. On the deck, he said my mouth made him tingle better than he's ever felt. This is a good feeling.
     "Let me make you feel more good things, okay? I'll help you feel better, help the feeling go away," he murmurs, releasing my thigh before his fingertips slide across it, wiggling their way between our hips.
"You're not supposed to touch me there," I whisper, squeezing his hand between my thighs in hopes of stopping him, the chilled metal around his wrist eating at some of the heat of my skin. Squeezing my legs shut doesn't help the feeling that's expanding from Itachi's hand fluttering over my panties. "Daddy said. He said you're not allowed to touch me there until - "
"I'm just trying to be a good big brother," he cuts me off, his fingertips pressing against the spot that always ignites new sparks. "Do you want me to be a bad brother? Do you think Dad wants me to be a bad brother? If that's the case then I'll stop. I'm sure he won't be too mad at me for not taking care of you - "
"No," I yelp, my hand shooting down to cling to his wrist, my fingertips rolling over the smooth material of his watch. "I... I want you to be a good brother. I don't want... I don't want Daddy mad at you again."
The glowing red of the sharingan melts into Itachi's eyes, a grin gingerly sliding onto his lips. "There's a good Princess. Such a good girl for me," he murmurs, his fingers sliding down to loop around the crotch of my underwear.
"Onii-Chan," I whimper, my hands jumping up to cling to his shoulders, balling up the material of his robes. "I'm scared."
"You're okay, I promise," he hushes me, tipping his head to knock his nose against mine. "I'm going to make you feel good like you make me feel good. There's no reason to feel scared," Itachi continues to purr, catching my eyes in his dojutsu. "Calm yourself," he coos, peace instantly starting to wave through my chest.
His movements stall, eyes locked on me for a few moments. "I'm going to make us feel good now, okay? We're going to feel good," Onii-Chan mutters, eyes still on me as he starts tugging my panties down. My eyes flicker, watching him rest the cloth around my knees, giving him room to slide his hand around.
The hand on my back rubs across my shoulders for a moment, mocking the circles Itachi is rubbing further and further up my thigh. His finger slid down, unclasping my bra. "Onii - "
"You're okay," he coos, rubbing over the strip of skin the band of my bra was covering. Slowly, he works my bra off of me, ripping my hands off his robes to unloop the material from my arms. "Onii-Chan loves you," he mutters, letting my hands settle on his shoulder again. "Onii-Chan loves you so much," he repeats, peppering a few light kisses on my lips.
Itachi's eyes jump down, glancing at my chest before they settle on me again. I slowly exhale, counting the tomoes placed around his irises. He loves me, he's taking care of me, I'm okay. "You're doing so good," he whispers, pecking my lips once more before his kisses start trailing across my jaw, beelining for my neck. "Just keep breathing, Princess."
"Okay," I exhale, letting my eyes snap closed. My voice is quickly replaced with a hissy breath pulled out of me by Itachi's fingertips sliding through my pussy. "Onii-Chan?"
"You're okay," he repeats, his lips brushing over the top of my breast. His kisses move slowly, trailing down my boob as his finger brush back and forth through me. "Deep breath, Princess," Itachi orders before wrapping his mouth around me. He sucks on my flesh, his tongue curling around my nipple for a second before sliding across it.
I obey him, whizzing in as much oxygen as I can, my body feeling like it's trembling because of the sensations mixing from between my legs and my chest. As I start exhaling, Onii-Chan dips two of his fingertips into me, anxiety exploding in my chest from the small touch, and whines of distress spilling from me as well. "You're fine. You're okay. I love you," he rambles on repeat, letting my tit fall out of his mouth so he can whisper in my ear.
"You're okay, you're doing great," he keeps whispering, inching his fingers deeper and deeper until he can't reach any further. "That's great, Princess. You're being such a good girl," Itachi coos, keeping his fingers deep, slowly flexing them in me. His lips brush against my temple, coating me with more affection.
     "I don't want to do this," I whisper, my eyes snapping open, watching the way my knuckles have gone white from clinging to his shirt and the way my hands shake from my nerves.
     "Yes, you do," he answers, all the softness gone from his voice. Itachi's head shifts, his eyes back locked with mine. I watch the way his tomoes swirl, melting into his mangekyo. "You, Princess, want to stay right here. You want to keep making those little squeaks and moans of yours. You want Onii-Chan to make you feel good, to make you cum. Do you understand?"
      "I understand," I mutter, Itachi's order echoing in my head, helping the tension in my body seep away again.
     "Good girl," he sighs, the pointed edges of his mangekyo melting back to the three simple tomoes that circle his irises. "Onii-Chan doesn't like having to do that to you. Why can't you just listen, Princess?"
     "I'm sorry," I mutter, mind foggy with the feeling of his fingers being tugged out of me and his commands still swirling in my head.
     "It's okay, Onii-Chan forgives you," he coos, the softness quickly returning to his voice. "Just stay still and feel good, okay?"
     Itachi's head falls back to my chest, lips latching around my breast again so he can enjoy himself. His tongue laps at me, trailing back and forth over my nipple as his fingers repeatedly thrust in and out of me, curling against the walls of my pussy every time they're dipped as deep as possible.
     Soon, his thumb swirls around too, rubbing against my clit to send waves through me. "Onii-Chan," I whimper, tightening my hands around the dark cloth of his robes. He hums in response, flicking his eyes up at me. "I think... I think I need to pee," I murmur, the lower part of my stomach tightening the longer he keeps toying with me.
     "No, you don't," Itachi mutters, tugging his mouth off of me just to start inching toward my neglected breast. "You're just going to cum, Princess. That's what we want," he explains, his tongue sliding over my nipple before he latches on again. He starts the routine over, sucking as his mouth gently tugs on my titty.
     "No, no, I need to pee," I ramble, shaky hands letting go of his robes to wrap around the loose half of his hair. "'Tachi, please?"
He ignores my pleas, moving his fingers faster as his free hand jumps up to my stomach, pushing on my bladder. "If you need to pee, pee, but you don't have to. I know you don't have to." My cheeks flush at what he's implying. I'm embarrassed enough, I'm not going to pee on his fingers too. "That's what I thought," he grumbles, his hand falling away from my belly.
My eyes follow his hand that dips into his pants, watching as he pulls out his dick. "Onii-Chan," I yelp, my anxieties building up again, courtesy of the growing tension in my body and how close his cock is to me.
He gently shushes me, tugging his fingers out of my pussy. Some of the tension breaks in my groin both helping me relax and making me a bit upset. I like the feeling of Itachi's fingers touching me like that, I don't like the possibility of tinkling on him though. "Don't look so sad, Princess," he coos, wrapping the fingers that were just buried in me around himself.
I try lightening my face, showing him I'm fine, but it just makes the grin on his face grow. "Don't worry, Onii-Chan isn't done making you feel good," he lulls, dipping his other hand into me, fingers back to stretching me out this time.
     Itachi shifts closer to me, his dick aimed down so the tip of it is pressed against the center of my panties. "Onii-Chan?" I murmur, my legs stiffening the longer my stomach tightens. "Onii-Chan?" I babble again, the heat of his penis waving off of him, mixing with the heat of my genitals.
     "Princess?" He grumbles, his voice a bit airy because of his hand rubbing up and down his dick.
     "I need you to stop," I whine, wiggling my hips to try and get away from him. It doesn't help. If anything, it strengthens the tension hovering just above my pussy, his fingertips rubbing against new parts of me because of my movements.
     "Princess," he hisses, eyes locked on me, burning with a mix of anger and something I can't quite put my finger on. It reminds me of the eyes of a panther before it devours its prey, adding a new kind of fear into the mix of emotions. "You are going to stay right here until I flood your panties with my cum. You are not going to move until my property, your cunt is dripping cum onto my dick, am I understood?"
     "Yes, Onii-Chan," I murmur, jerking my eyes away from his face. He's scary right now, but it feels so good, making the knot tighten even more. "I'm sorry," I race out, the tightness loosening before liquid starts to drip out of me.
     "Dear Lord," Itachi gasps, his fingers staying in me, focused on curling instead of pumping. "Beautiful, Princess," he purrs, letting his head fall to my shoulder. "You look so beautiful cumming on my fingertips."
     My hands tighten around his hair, trying to calm my breathing and emotions. My mind is foggy, euphoria soaked into every inch of my skin. Onii-Chan wasn't kidding when he said he'd make me feel good. I want to feel good again. I rock my hips, trying to get his fingers to move against me.
     Itachi lets out an airy laugh, the sound of his hand moving mixing with the sound. It sounds sloppy now, his fingers gripping and rubbing against his cock. "Alright, Princess, you can have more," he coos, the thrusts of his fingers being slow, a lot slower than I'd like.
     "Onii-Chan," I whine, gripping his hair before I yank on it.
     His head tips up, a toothy grin on his lips as his eyes jump around my face. "Don't whine. Princesses don't whine." Despite the lecturing, I get what I want, his fingers moving in and out of me faster. Itachi's lips brush against my neck again, careful not to nick or suck too hard. Daddy would kill him if he marked me so openly. "Your pussy is soaked, Princess. Dripping your warm cum all over Onii-Chan's aching cock. Onii-Chan wants you to feel that warm too, okay? You're going to feel it too," he rambles, his breath echoing in my ear, proving to me how eager he is to cum too.
     The tension in my stomach has started again, the knot tightening faster than before. Words won't form in my mouth, so all I can do is whimper and pull on his hair. "Damn it, Princess," he groans, his fingers stopping halfway out of me.
     "No," I shriek voice chipped high as I rip at his hair. "Onii-Chan, keep going. Please? Move your fingers," I whine, continuing to tug on his locks, rocking my hips against his fingertips. "Please, please, please, please," I wail, tugging hard enough to snap his head backward this time.
     "Princess," he hisses, shooting me a pointed look before his eyes soften again. "Give Onii-Chan a second, okay? I just need a second." A sob spills from my throat, my head throwing back as I continue throwing my hissy fit. "You're fine. Knock off your tantrum," he mutters, peppering kisses across my jaw.
     Itachi lets go of his dick, the weight of it resting against my panties and pulling the material tighter against my legs. "Look at me, Princess." Another long whine fills the bathroom, but I do lift my head, looking at him like he asked. "Open."
     My mouth falls open, eyes locked on him as he presses his fingers against my tongue. My taste buds explode with a mix of tangy and salty flavoring. I recognize the salty flavor, the same salty flavor of Itachi's sperm he shot down my throat on the dock. The tangy taste must be what I taste like.
     I suck on his fingers, swirling my tongue around his digits like he taught me to do to his dick. Onii-Chan's breathing starts to go jagged again, his jaw tightening as his eyes twitch just a tad.
     When he starts pulling away his fingers - both from my mouth and my pussy - I chase after them, trying to keep sucking and trying to keep my cunt filled. "Princess," he exhales, shallow attempts to even his breath filling the space between us. Itachi's eyes flicker to the watch around his wrist, his jaw tightening even more as he reads the time. "We have to get going. We're going to be late."
     "So?" I whine, my hand darting down to do it myself.
     Onii-Chan's hand races down too, snatching my hand before I can touch myself. "Don't do that," he growls, his glare back on his face, back to shooting it at me. "Your dripping cunt is mine. It's been mine since the second you were born. It's my birthright, it's my property, it belongs to me. You don't get to touch it unless I tell you so. Take care of your tingles by yourself and I'll beat your ass until it bleeds, am I understood?"
     Itachi's claim on me and the threat of being spanked makes the knot in my groin tighten again. I don't care about the meeting. I don't even care about Daddy being mad if we're late or miss it. I just want him to touch me again, to make me cum again. "Am. I. Under. Stood?" He repeats, each word comes out drowned in anger.
     "Yes, Onii-Chan."


     My fingers are wrapped around Itachi's wrist, my nails digging into his skin. He doesn't seem to notice or care, his expression as stone as ever. If I had to tack an emotion to his face it would be boredom.
     I'm trying hard to look the same way, but it's not working so well. My chest is pumping like crazy, trying to keep my breath steady and my mewing silent. My cheeks feel warm and I'm sure they're pink. My eyes flicker down for the hundredth time, checking to see if my legs are shaking. They feel like they are, but luckily they're not.
     My sights catch on Onii-Chan's arm, caught on his wrist where my fingers are wrapped around, where my skirt starts to hide the remainder of his hand. "'Tach," I whisper, trying but failing to keep the whine out of my voice.
     He doesn't stir, doesn't even bother to glance at me, most of his attention is on the current farmer rambling about this month's barley crop, or maybe he's talking about the wheat crop. I don't know, I can't focus on anything besides Itachi's fingers pressed against me, shoving the cum soaked material of my panties into me.
     The past hour and a half of teasing has been unbearable. It's not fair, the cloth between his fingertips and me, the barely present pressure he's adding. "Itachi," I whine again, my fingers flexing against his wrist. I want him to touch me more, to touch me better, to let me touch myself if he's not going to.
     Daddy's eyes flicker toward us, reminding me of the situation. Reminding me I'm in a room packed to the brim with our people. Reminding me how mad he'd get at Itachi if he knew what he's doing, what we did during the break. Concern flickers across his face, quickly replaced by anger when his eyes slide over to my older brother.
     He leans over, whispering into Onii-Chan's ear for a second. Daddy's voice is soft enough that I can't make out what he's saying, but the twitch of Itachi's mouth lets me know it's nothing good. "She just needs to eat on the next break. She's fine." Daddy grumbles, voice still low enough that I can't hear it, but I can make out the pissy tone he has.
     "Onii-Chan," I whimper again, releasing his wrist so I can ball his hair in my hands again.
     "You're acting spoiled," he whispers, the hand not buried under my skirt wrapping in his hair too, trying to untangle my fingers from it.
     "Itachi," Daddy growls, keeping his voice low so it doesn't spread too far but loud enough that I can hear it. "This is inappropriate behavior."
"I know, Dad."
"You should be entertaining her enough to keep her happy and preoccupied."
"I know, Dad."
"She should only be second to the clan."
"I know, Dad," Onii-Chan sighs, carefully working his hair loose.
"Your sister is your property which makes her your responsibility. You should be taking care of her. What kind of man takes poor care of what's his? What kind of man keeps his property bored and hungry? A pathetic man. You are a pathetic man, not fit for the rights your birth has gifted you," Daddy hisses, sending Itachi another glare before he focuses on the speaker again.
"I know, Dad," he repeats yet again, rolling his eyes once he's sure Daddy isn't looking. His eyes fall on me, unreadable as they stick to my face. Itachi leans over, lips pressed to my ear as he whispers, soft enough that I almost don't hear him. "Way to go. Your drippy little cunt got me yelled at. Do you feel proud of yourself?"
     "I'm sorry," I utter, dropping my hands from his hair.
     "No, you're not. Spoiled Princesses like you get off on getting in trouble," he grumbles under his breath, his fingertips tugging my panties to the side. Itachi settles back in his seat, settles back to barely paying me any attention.
     Despite his lack of interest, his fingers dip into my pussy, fingertips rimming my entrance. "Please?" I whine, both hands wrapped around his arm, trying desperately to pull his touch closer.
     Itachi rolls his eyes at me, an almost silent annoyed sigh spilling past his lips. "Spoiled Princess," he grunts, pushing his fingers into me. My teeth sink into my tongue, trapping my whimper behind my teeth. "Be a good girl and thank your Onii-Chan."
     "Thank you, Onii-Chan."

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