Spitting Image #6 (Gaara Sabaku Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to yo_gud2]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,677

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- "Good Boy"
- Subby Boi Gaara
- Scratch Marks
- Oral (Male Receiving)
- Exhibitionism
- Hair Pulling
- Grinding (on Gaara's boot)
- Mommy Kink

"Papa? Papa's Darling?" Shinki's voice filters through my ears, softly lulling me awake.
"Good morning, Sweetie," I mumble, trying to make my words loud enough for him to hear me through the door. I shift in bed, going to sit up but the weight on my body keeps me in place.
"Darling?" Gaara grumbles, having the same idea as me. He sits up, head lifting from my stomach and his hands sliding over my thighs, helping the events of last night trickle over me.
As he sits up, his hair tickles my chest, tipping me off to my nudeness and shifting the trickle to a full wave. Gaara hovers above me, hands pressing into the bed, the blanket hanging on his hips, barely covering either of us. His cheeks are bright pink, eyes locked on my bare chest. The fact of him being buried in me is brought to the front of my mind as well, the sand shinobi pulsing in me the longer he looks at me.
"Oh good, you guys are awake," Shinki's voice comes again, paired with the sound of my bedroom door opening.
"Don't come in!" Gaara barks, leaning down to cover me as he turns to face the door. "Please, wait outside, Shinki. Papa is... busy," he mutters, tone softer and cheeks darker.
My eyes flicker between Gaara and his oldest son standing in the doorway, looking very confused. "What are you two doing?" He mutters, making the room even more uncomfortable.
"Training!" We both answer, turning to look at each other. Gaara is blinking quickly, cheeks now red instead of pink. "Please, just... wait in the kitchen Shinki. We will be out in a couple of minutes."
"Okay," he mumbles, leaving the room, and slamming the door behind him.
"Dear Lord," I sigh, my hands jumping up to cover my face and the embarrassment slowly crawling onto it. "That was... terrible."
"Yes, terrible. Embarrassing, even. Tell me I'm a good boy, Mommy," Gaara grumbles, head buried into my neck as he starts moving his hips against mine, his pace instantly fast as his tip buries itself into my pussy. His arms snake down, looping themselves under my knees before I'm shifted up the bed, knees settled on his shoulders.
"You're a good boy," I whisper, sliding my fingers through his hair, and gently massaging his scalp. "Make sure you pull out this time," I tease, trying to shift my position under him. I'm not prepared and the needy man between my legs is moving too fast for me to comfortably adjust.
"What... why... you're squirming... good or... or bad?" He whispers against my skin, his hot breath and sloppy kisses coating me as well.
"Bad," I mumble, trying to adjust myself again. Gaara's movements freeze, head moving so he can look at me. He looks ready to burst into tears as he looks down at me. "Not super bad. I'm just not wet enough, Sunshine."
"How do I... I want to fix it," he grumbles, his movements slow and inching as he thrusts in and out of me. Kisses are littered across my face, desperate and hungry. A kiss is laid on my lips between each patch of skin his mouth presses against. "Make you feel nice, yes? You... you feel nice... need to make Mommy feel nice," Gaara mutters more to himself than me, pulling himself out of me before he stumbles down my body.
"Sunshine," I call, hands shooting down to cup his face, tilling it up so he has to look up at me. "How about we wait? You told Shinki we'd met him in the kitchen."
"But... but... feel nice?" The Kage whines, tilting his head to nuzzle his cheeks against my hands.
"We can have sex later, Sunshine. I promise. For now, let's go have breakfast with the boys." Gaara lets out a few high-pitched whines, deflating and letting his body weight crush my legs. "Gaar - "
     "Yes, yes. Breakfast with our boys," he grumbles, stamping a kiss into my knee before he rolls off of me. Maybe it's the use of the word 'our' or maybe it's the scratch marks littering Gaara's back or maybe it's seeing his dedication tattoo for me in the light for the first time, but another child doesn't sound too scary.
     My eyes trail after him, watching Gaara collect our clothes from the floor, tossing mine on the bed and slowly pulling his back on. I think it's the tattoo. He's insane. We hooked up once and he fell so head over heels for me that he permanently imprinted his skin with proof of me. That's insane...ly hot.
     "Do you want head?" What?! Why did I say that? Because I want to give him head - no - breakfast with the boys. We're going to have breakfast with the - our - boys.
     Gaara stops moving, head tilted and eyes blinking as he processes my question. "I appreciate your dedication to me, my darling, but no I do not wish for you to give me someone's head."
     "That's not... okay," I mutter, deciding that's something I should explain to him later. We don't have time to fill in Gaara's lack of sexual knowledge right now. "What's on your agenda for the day?" I ask, using the sheet to cover myself before I climb out of bed. I get the feeling that my co-parent will be the type to cling until I fulfill my promise.
     That only being further proven when his arms dig under the bedding wrapped around my frame, trying to shove it off of me as his hands wander over my bare skin. "I have a meeting at eight and another at nine. I am making an appearance at Shinki's classroom to talk about the hierarchy of our government around eleven. Then mostly paperwork and scanning over the results from the festival and yesterday's harvest."
     The ramble continues, Gaara filling me in on the different piles of paperwork he has to do. The whole time his hands are present on my chest, massaging them and occasionally stopping to try and yank the blanket off of me again.
"I'm going to a daycare viewing for Yoshiki at eleven. If it goes good he'll stay there until about three I think."
"Daycare?" Gaara mumbles, enjoying his success in making the blanket slide down my shoulders by pressing kisses to them. "We have an in-house nanny. Do you not like her? Should I request applications for a new one?"
"I don't mind Shinki's nanny. She's nice and helpful, but it's good for children to socialize with kids their age. I'm sure Sana would appreciate the four-hour break, even if it's only five days a week. Besides, when I start working again we'll need options for when Sana is on vacation." My ramble is difficult to piece together, almost as difficult as trying to balance the sheet around myself, Gaara's added weight to my body, and trying to wiggle on a bra and a pair of underwear.
"Working?" He asks, his tone confused as he tilts his head up, my shoulder kisses forgotten.
"Yes, working. Yoshiki and I are settled, so it's time for me to start looking for a job," I explain, letting the sheet fall to the ground now that I've managed to slide on some clothes.
"You... no? Absolutely not. Do as you wish with your time, my darling, but you will not be working. The Consort Kazekage, Lady Sabaku, does not work. The lady of our village does not take orders from anyone besides Kage. You do not take orders from anyone besides myself, and you do not even do that."
I stand still in my spot, mouth wide and eyes blinking as I stare at the personification of stupidity. This is the man that knocked me up? I take it back, he's not insanely hot, he's just insane. "What?" I husk out, still trying to wrap my head around Gaara's rant.
"You, my darling, the stars in my sky, will not be working," he mutters, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You can do volunteer work, or pick up a hobby, or start a business if you so wish. My consort will not be working under another."
"What if I want to work?" I push, taking deep breaths to hopefully keep my growing anger under wraps.
"There is no reason to work. You have more than enough money from me working. If you so wish to, I don't agree with it but I will not stop you. I just wish for you to spend your time how you want, not wasting away at a job you do not need to have."
"I have more than enough money?" I ask, snapping my eyes closed and leaning against Gaara, enjoying the feeling of his hands rubbing my stomach.
He hums, pressing kisses along my back. "Everything I have is yours. My money, my resources, my house, my name, my title, it all belongs to you. Everything I am is to be of use to you. I am here to serve you until the second my lungs give way." Damn it. I'm going to give Gaara another baby, aren't I?

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