Birthright #7 (Itachi & Sasuke Uchiha Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to GintoAi]

Requested by: You know who you are

Word Count: 4,277

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Onii-Chan, Daddy, Cock Warmer, Pocket Pussy, Lap Dog, Crybaby, Good Girl, Pathetic, Useless
- Incest (Brother/Sister)
- Verbal Fighting
- Threats of Death
- Proof/Mentions of Child Abuse
- Mentions of Mother/Son & Uncle/Niece Incest
- Sadly, no Itachi smut this chapter; Next chapter, however...
- Blowjob/Deep Throating/Face-Fucking
- Hair Pulling
- Voyeurism
- Degrading
- Breeding Kink
- As of right now there's plans for a Part #8, #9, & #10
- Sorry it took so long to get out. I'm on the butt end of moving and with the holiday coming up I've been swamped at work :(

     Seven or eight pairs of eyes are caught on me, staring at me as the hushed voices of Onii-Chan and Daddy muffle their way into the locker room. They're loud enough to hear their voices but soft enough to not make out any of their words. The animal masks are all aimed at me, sizing me up as they wait for their commander to come back, making a hint of fear muster in my chest.
     "You let what happen to Princess?" Itachi yelps, the group of eyes snapping toward the door before shifting back to me. My fear is no longer a muster; instead, it's a heavy boulder crushing my lungs. I knew he was going to be mad, especially at Daddy, but I didn't realize he'd be this mad.
     "No. No, no, no, no," Itachi continues to yell, slamming the locker room door open. His underlings scatter at the ringing sound of the door hitting the wall, off to finish changing out of their uniforms like they were doing before Daddy and I showed up. "I said - "
"I know," Daddy interrupts, his face as flushed and angry as Onii-Chan's.
"I said," Itachi hisses, the bloody color of his sharingan dripping into his eyes. He takes a step toward Daddy, his body tense and ready to start a fight if that's what our Father wishes for. "She wasn't safe and you didn't listen. You said it would be fine. You said you'd be with her all day. You said to only worry about making it home. You said you had everything under control."
"Obviously," he barks, taking another step forward. Daddy backs up, his sharingan glowing now too. "You didn't have everything under control. You weren't with her all day. You're a liar and can't be trusted with Princess."
"Itachi - "
"A pathetic man doesn't take care of what's his, right? That's what you said yesterday, isn't it? What the hell does that make you then?"
The room falls silent, everyone fearing to even breathe with the men of my family at each others' throats. Everyone is fearful of being at the receiving end of the glares being exchanged between Daddy and Itachi.
     "Fine," Daddy hisses after a few moments, glaring for another beat before turning his eyes away from my brother, his attention set on me. His face softens at the sight of me but his anger with Itachi is still brewing in his sharingans. "Your Mother and I have plans tonight," he starts, keeping his tone matter-of-fact. "You will stay with Itachi. You will go home with Itachi. You will not leave the house without Itachi, am I understood?"
     "Yes Sir," I murmur, glancing toward Onii-Chan. He's still steaming, the pointed tips of his anger still aimed at our Father. "Have a good night out with Mom."
     "I will," Daddy utters, his eyes slowly blinking until the red of them melts away. "Be safe, Princess. Have a good night with your brothers."
     "I will," I echo, squirming when Daddy snaps his eyes back toward Itachi, the order to have a goodnight framed like a threat toward my brother.
     The staring seems to drag on forever, finally breaking when Daddy turns away, pulls the door open, and slides out of the room. An edible exhale spills from Itachi, his body loosening once our Father is completely gone.
     Slowly, his head turns toward me, sharingans still shining and a mix of worry and sadness coating his features. "Are you alright, Princess?"
     "I'm fine," I chirp, lacing a lopsided smile on my face. I don't know why Daddy and Itachi are strung so tight. I know it's not proper for men to touch me like the clerk did, but it's no different than how they touch me. The guy just had a bad attitude the whole time, unlike the men in my family. Well...
Itachi studies my face, his eyes jumping around looking for even a hint of a lie. "Okay," he finally utters, taking a few steps forward. His hand catches on the shirt of his I'm borrowing, using the material to lead me further into the room.
I trudge along after him, the others in the room scurrying to stay out of our way. I only stop when Onii-Chan settles in front of a locker. He lets me go, his fingers snapping before pointing at the bench screwed in between the rows of lockers. He doesn't even bother to look as I sit down, his focus on popping his lock open. "Aside from... all that, did you have a good day?"
"Yes!" I cheer, clapping my hands as I wiggle on the bench. "We stopped at a few shops, and then got flowers from the Yamanakas and then I got my dress for the Betrothal Ball."
"How were the shops?" Itachi questions, slowly tugging his weapons out of their hidey holes and placing them in their rightful places in his locker.
"They were good. I got you a present like I promised and I got Sasuke this big onigiri tray I found." Itachi hums, sparing me a glance before he starts pulling off his safety gear. "The Yamanaka flower shop was okay. We got peonies for the ball. Oh, and their chief is coming by tomorrow."
"Why?" Itachi barks, snapping his head toward me. His face falls once his sight settles on me, a deep frown coating his lips. "I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't mean to yell at you like that."
"It's okay - "
"No, it's not. You don't deserve to be treated like that. Onii-Chan is sorry. Anyway, why is the Yamanaka chief coming by tomorrow?"
I stare at Itachi for a moment, trying to figure out if I should acknowledge his apology or if it's better left alone; I decide to leave it alone. "His daughter got her feathers all ruffled because Daddy let me get peonies. I kind of pushed her buttons, poking at her crush on Sasuke and the fact that the Yamanakas don't treat her how you guys treat me. She didn't like that very much and ended up insulting the clan."
Again, Itachi turns around, his eyes slowly blinking as he looks at me, waiting for me to further explain. "She said I was jealous because I come from an 'incest-ridden clan'," I whisper, my focus on my shoes so I don't have to see his reaction. Even though I don't see it, I can still feel it, still feel the angry heat waffling off of him.
After a few moments of madden-filled silence, Itachi continues to ask about my day. "Besides..." he falls quiet, his jaw clicking three or four times before he continues to speak. "How was dress shopping?"
"Um..." I murmur, glancing around at the room still packed full of people, most of them waiting for my brother to dismiss them with a few stragglers trying to finish changing. "It was... um... I got a dress." I can feel the heat of his stare even with my eyes glued to the wall. He's already not happy with Daddy and when he wiggles more of the events at the boutique out of me, he's going to be even more upset.
Itachi crouches in front of me, hands on my knees to pull them apart before he inches closer to me. When he settles, my knees are pressed into his sides. My eyes flicker down, checking his placement. He's further away from me than normal but still closer than most brothers would be, though, I guess most brothers wouldn't be in a position like this to start in.
"Princess," he hisses, tone low and warning as he stares up at me. "Did something else happen at the dress shop?" He whispers, fingertips clinging to the bones of my knees.
"Well... nothing... nothing like, bad, I guess," I whisper back, bouncing my eyes around to look anywhere but him. "Daddy and Kenzo were just... they just... had some fun." My tone is almost mute with the last three words, but not mute enough that Onii-Chan doesn't pick up on it.
He springs up from his spot, his hands sliding up to cling to my thighs. Itachi is hunched over me, head pressed against mine, and his lips right next to my ear. "And what the hell might that mean?" His voice fizzles, his anger quickly building to the point it was at when Daddy was in the room. His head tilts after the question, lips pulled away from me and his ear pointed toward me.
My hands settle on his shirt, balling up the material to tug him closer to me. I keep my tone hushed, making sure the events and the game Daddy had me play with his advisor present stay between the two of us. Onii-Chan's fingers tighten against my flesh with every word that passes my lips, making me worry that he'll leave bruises behind.
     "I'm going to kill him," Itachi grumbles when I'm done speaking. He pulls away from me, a rush to his movements as he finishes changing.
     "Which one?"

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