Patience #2.5 (Jiraiya Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to hageeeeeee]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 6,357

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Part 2 from Jiraiya's POV
- Oral/Fingering/Masturbation
- Hair Pulling
- Nick Names: Little One, Sweetheart, Sweet Girl/Thing, Sensei, Obedient Girl, Pillow Princess, Tease
- Praising/Soft Domination
- Power Difference/Age Gap (Teacher/Student)
- Exhibitionism (public sex)
- Hickies/Bite Marks
- Thigh Shots/Creampie
- Vibrating Panties

     My hands trail over my student's back as she sleeps, napping like I told her to. I fully intended to nap too, but the Sweet Girl keeps squirming in her sleep, clenching and rubbing against my dick buried in her.
     Even if she was a still sleeper, I wouldn't be able to sleep. Tsunade is never going to let me hear the end of it when we get home. That, and I'll owe Naruto three thousand yen. My old student was convinced I was going to 'go full pervy sage mood' with my new student. And he was right.
     When the Sweet Thing shifts again my eyes flicker down to her. She's adorable, curled up on top of me as she clings to my chest. "Jiraiya-Sensei?" She calls, sleep still evident in her voice. My Sweetheart sits up, her fingers sliding against a valley of my scar, sending new mellow shocks of pain through my chest.
     "Hello, Little One," I answer back, watching her shift upward. The Sweet Thing clenches around me as she moves, jump-starting my hips. "How'd you sleep?" I ask, circling my hips slowly. I know she's fine to take me, courtesy of me being buried in her for the past few hours and the juices that have been dribbling out of her on occasion. Just because she's physically ready doesn't mean she is mentally. Not everyone wants to be fucked awake.
     "I..." she starts, mouth hanging a bit as she looks down at me. My Little One is back to her wide eyes, 'please fuck me' look that was driving me crazy earlier today. "I slept..." a whimper tumbles from her lips, more desperation for me swirling on her face. "Good. How'd... you sleep?"
     "I slept good, Sweetheart," I lie through my teeth. I don't want her to know she kept me awake. My heart swells a bit at the question, a small reminder of how sweet my kunoichi is.
     My hands fall to her thighs, fingers wrapping around her flesh to tug her off of me, mindset to settling her on my chest again. I like the way it burned, having her cunt drip into my scar. Plus, I want to taste her again, to bury my head between her thighs, to hear her call for me in need. "What are you doing?" My Little One almost cries, her desperation for me no longer only present on her face. "Sensei, you said - "
     "I know, my Sweet Girl," I coo, trying to calm her down. At this rate, my youthful student is going to have me feeling my age. I have the sex drive of a dog, but I'm starting to think my kunoichi has the sex drive of a rabbit. "I'll fuck you, I promise. I just need to prep you again," I half lie. She doesn't need it, proven by her pulsing around me on repeat, but it wouldn't hurt to warm her up a bit.
     I flip us over, resting my Sweet Thing on her back as I hover over her. She looks cuter balled up under me, being engulfed by my form. I start us off slow, littering kisses down her stomach, enjoying the taste of her skin against my lips. By the time I get to her legs, the Pillow Princess is antsy, squirming around as I shift myself lower, continuing to press kisses into her as I line myself up to her pussy.
    My eyes settle on her wetness, enjoying the sight of her arousal and the way she gaps for me. The thought of filling her up and enjoying the sight of her pussy spilling over flutters through my mind, giving me the mental note to talk to her about my infertility and her comfort level of me cumming in her. That's a discussion for another time though.
     I stay locked on the beautiful sigh as I slither my tongue out, focusing on her clit right away. I flick it once before running down her folds, lapping up the mess that built during her nap.
     "Sensei," my Princess calls as her fingers bury into my hair. My dick twitches at the small movement, quickly reminding me how much I like my hair pulled.
     "Sweetheart," I call back, making sure the vibrations rub against her clit. Her hips jerk, forcing my face further into her pussy.
     From there, my Little One takes her eat-out into her own hands, keeping my head still as she grinds against my face. I laugh a bit at the sight, enjoying every second of her desperation to get off. I decide to help the horny youngster out, shifting my hold to her legs to lift her, offering a better angle for her to ride my face.
     I continue licking at her, doing my best to keep pace with her unrhythmic hips. "Sensei?! Jiraiya?!" She whines, her breath picking up as her orgasm approaches. My student looks adorable like this, eagerly riding my face, head thrown back with her titties pushed out as she yearns for me.
     "Little One?" I respond, shifting my focus to her hole, hoping it'll help her neediness. I focus on running my tongue along her insides, mentally tallying what spots get the best noises out of her. I occasionally bump her clit with my nose too, encouraging her cum to spill out so I can taste it again.
     I slide my tongue over a new spot, getting rewarded with a few things. My name called, my head pressed down again, and her cunt clenching as she comes undone. There it is, my Sweet Girl's g-spot. "Sensei? Sensei? Sensei?!" My student moans out the melody of my hard work.
     "Sweetheart, Sweetheart, Sweetheart," I tease, mimicking her sweet sounds before lapping up the fresh cum coating her pussy.
     "Sensei?" Princess whines, fingers so tight around my hair that I'm a tad bit worried she'll hurt herself. "Please?" She continues to whine, tugging on me.
     The pull of my hair makes me twitch again as I give in to her wants, crawling up her body. I laugh again when her face falls into view. She's adorable because of how eager she is. It reminds me of someone seeing the ocean for the first time.
     I hover over my Little One, watching as her mess falls from my face, coating her dusty pink cheeks in her arousal. The sight is almost enough to make me cum now. My hands cup her knees, spreading her open even more so I can fit against her. "Hello again, Little One," I murmur, soaking in her softness.
     Her little innocent act gets me way too hard, way too quickly. The Sweet Girl's desperation is rubbing off of me, making my balls feel heavy as I rest against her. I bend down, bumping her nose so more of her cum covers her cheeks before I kiss her.
     I want her to taste herself, to know how good she tastes, how addictive she is. It's solely a selfish act, sliding my tongue past her lips, sucking on hers so her taste is forced against her tastebuds, but I don't care. I deserve a selfish act now and again.
     My fingers dig into her knees, bending them up to her head so my Sweetheart's pussy is on display for me. "You're doing so good," I tell her as I sink into her cunt.
     My Little One feels so good, wrapped around my deprived dick. My focus is set, trying my best not to pound the life out of her. There's plenty of time to ruin her ability to walk, but for now, I need to be gentle, to be sweet, so my Princess can enjoy our first time together.
     Despite it being a bad decision, I decide to shift my gaze down, watching her pussy cling to my cock. My nerves shift to my fingers, clinging to the back of her thighs to stretch her out more, hoping it'll calm my want to let loose.
     "Sensei, it hurts," My Obedient Girl whines, laying out another boundary.
     "I'm sorry, Sweet Girl," I apologize, adding the thought of flexibility training to my mental note list. I like her pressed like this, I like getting to see her face and her pussy stretching at the same time, but my Princess needs to be comfortable.
     I drop her legs down, scooping up her waist before switching our positions again. I settle my Little One on top of me again, resting her back into our nap-time position. "Be a good student and bounce on your Sensei's dick," I encourage, causing my Sweet Girl to clench around me again.
     The encouragement gets me what I want, my student eagerly riding my cock like the sex-driven rabbit she is. Her hands settle into my scar again, clinging to some of the valleys as she bounces. "My perfect Obedient Girl. You feel so good wrapped around me," I praise, holding her hands as I enjoy the small rest.
     Just as I figured, the rest doesn't last long, dissatisfaction coating my Sweet Thing's face as her speed picks up. A whimper spills from her, my name quickly following the noise. "Please?" She whines head tilted as she looks down at me.
     "Please what? Is my pillow princess upset I put her on top?" Another chuckle roars through my chest, my Little One already playing me like a fiddle.
     I pick up her hands, quickly pressing eight kisses against them, coating each one of her knuckles. I lift her off of me again, my tip red and angry from the lost satisfaction. "I suppose I can't complain if I keep complying," I confess, settling my Sweetheart on all fours before I shift behind her.
     She looks hot in this position, her cute butt arched up to show off her soaked pussy. I thrust back into her, setting the pace faster than her bounce. Her hips jerk backward, verifying her whine to get off was from the lack of speed she could muster. My hands drop down, pressing into her sides so I can maneuver her alongside my thrusts.
     "Look at me, Sweetheart," I order, trying to keep my desperation out of my voice. I want to see her, watch her face shifting from the pleasure I'm giving her, see her big doe eyes staring up at me with need.
     My Obedient Girl does as she's told, arching her back as her head tilts back. The arch lets me sink into her further, quickly shoving me closer to the finish line. My sight skates over her body before settling on her eyes. When our eyes lock, I'm a goner. "Fuck, Little One," I mutter, reluctantly pulling myself out of her.
     I hunch over, still clinging to her as my cum paints her thighs. A moan tumble from my lips as my dick twitches against her legs, continuing to lay claim to my student. "Good job, Sweetheart. You did a really good job. Your sensei is proud of you," I praise, sliding my hands down to rub her stomach as I catch my breath.

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