Friends #2 (Shikamaru Nara Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to Nachotart]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,590

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Lee and Shika love triangle cause why not
- Fingering
- Hickies/Scratch Marks
- Creampie
- Nickname/Name Calling: Pretty Girl, Good Girl

Shikamaru's hands are clumsy as they crawl up my body, almost as clumsy as his lips sliding against mine. His speech might not be lacking with the alcohol in his system, but his body language sure as hell is. "Are you sure about this?" He whispers into my cheek, his sloppy kisses trailing across my face.
"Ya," I mutter the answer as Shika's hands tumble down to my hips, pressing them against a door he found.
Teeth sinking and sucking of my skin is an untracked mess, a one-eighty from his usual 'no face, no case' attitude about our hookups. "Good, great," he mumbles into my neck, his fingers sliding against the wood in search of the door handle. "It's terrible of me to say but all I thought of was you on my date yesterday."
"You're full of shit," I bite back, clinging to his shirt when my balance is offset by the door swinging open.
Shika's hands fall back down to support my weight, making the both of us stumble into the room. "No, I'm not."
His answer gets cut off though, almost hiding the bickering forming between us. "Yo, Shika. Get the fuck out," Someone groans, making me dip my head backward to see who's in the room.
Sat on the bed is Kiba with a shirtless kunoichi a year or two younger than us who seems eager to be with the want-to-be furry. Kiba's head tilts in confusion, his sights set on me. "The hell are you doing with - "
"Get out," Shika cuts him off, hands slowly crawling under my shirt.
"We were here first," Kiba grumbles, not budging from his spot.
"Fine, stay, I don't care," Shikamaru answers, fingertips digging into my ribs so he can lift me. He goes back to attacking my neck, leaving more proof of himself on my skin.
He collides with the bed, making us stumble. I land on my back, a small 'puff' further proving Shika's temporary inability to support us. His acts stall for a moment, just long enough for him to regain his balance. Shikamaru's hands tug up my shirt, his mouth cupping the smooth skin of my stomach to further litter proof across me.
"What the fuck, Shikamaru," Kiba grumbles, his eyes rolling over me.
"I told you I didn't care, do you, Kiba? Do you care?" Shika repeats, head tipping up to look at me. He looks hot right now, his narrow eyes are focused, set on me as his hands grip my thighs, and his mouth still nipping at me.
"No," I whisper, enjoying the feeling of him slowly tearing my thighs apart.
Shikamaru wiggles his way between my legs, setting my legs around his waist before his hands cup behind my thighs. His eyes stay locked on me as long as they can. His head dips, nudging my shirt up as he continues bruising me.
"I... ah... got to go," the kunoichi yelps before jumping off the bed. She scurries out of the room, the door slamming behind her.
"Way to go, guys," Kiba groans, flopping on the bed. He's laid next to me, eyes crawling over me. His hand scoots forward, toying with the material of my pants as he drinks me up with his eyes.
"Ya, no," Shika grumbles, his head tipping up to glare at Kiba. His hand shoots down, gripping the other boy's wrists before tugging his touch off of me. "Get out."
"Tease," Kiba whispers under his breath, sitting up straight before tugging his wrist out of Shikamaru's hold. "Later girly," he adds on, sending a kissing face my way before he sulks out of the bedroom, off to go find another girl to spend his night with.
"I don't care," I mock, lifting my arms to toy with the ends of Shika's ponytail.
He sends me a glance before tugging my shirt over my head. Like before, his head dips down to nip at my skin again. "Maybe that was a lie," Shikamaru whispers, lips brushing just above my belly button. "I don't enjoy other people seeing you in this way. It's a drag."
"Ya? Why's it a drag?" I mutter, dipping my fingertips under the elastic in his hair. I shimmy it down, leaving it to fall to the ground as his locks tumble free.
My eyes settle on Shika's face as I run my fingers through his loose hair. His nose is still pressed to my stomach, eyes cast up to look back at me, and his jaw shifting as he's buried in his mind. "I don't know," he continues to whisper, his hands sliding up to my waistband.
"I think you do know and just won't say it," I counter, keeping my tone quiet to match his.
Shika's slender fingers dip under the band, shimming my pants down my legs. "I just... like you, I guess," the confusion comes out soft but sounds so loud as it echoes in my ears. "But that's a dumb thing to say," he quickly adds on, fingertips falling to brush over my clothed core.
"Shika," His name is filtered out in a breathy moan as I tighten my legs around his waist. "What... what do you - "
My question is cut short by him tugging my panties off before his middle finger quickly dips into my pussy. Shikamaru's eyes are locked on me, watching the way I react to his touch. Even in his drunk state, his stoned strategy-planning face is present as he watches me, plotting out his next move. "Don't worry about it. We're focusing on you."
"We're always focused on me," I mutter, tightening my hold on his hair.
"Well ya," he says, a small smug on his face as he adds a second finger. His thrusts are slow and deep, making sure his digits are buried before he curls them against my walls. "It's hard not to focus on you when you are pretty like this. Slightly breathless, mouth hanging open a bit, pussy trying to milk my fingers," he teases, picking up his pace.
"Say it again," he mumbles, his thumb clumsily searching for my clit. "Say my name again. It's a drag hearing you say Lee's name all the time. Say my name."
"Shikamaru," I mutter again, tugging his head back by my grip on his head.
His free hand wraps around my fingers, trying to release my grip on his hair. I do what he wants, dropping my hands to his shoulders instead. Shika's head shifts back to place, eyes locked on me again. "I'm going to make you say it louder than that." The promise is followed by attention to my clit, quick circles being rubbed into me as his eyes flicker from my chest to my face.
My nails dig into his shoulders as my hips thrust to work alongside his touch. "That won't do," Shikamaru mumbles, tugging his fingers out of me. I let out a disappointed whine, clinging to his shirt as I try to shove him downward. "Oh hush, whiner. Wait a second," he teases, his smug smile only growing from my actions.
Shikamaru's hands drop to the hem of his shirt, tugging the cloth off himself. His fingers rub against his torso as he does so, coating his muscles with my slick present on his fingers. My eyes trail over the drips of myself, only making my legs clench around him more.
Once his shirt is off, he places my hands back on his shoulders before hovering over me. "That's better, now I won't be the only one leaving my mark," Shika voices, brushing kisses to my lips as he goes back to tuning my needs.
"You don't like markings. 'No proof, no gossip', remember?" I whisper against his mouth, my focus heavy on not digging my nails into his shoulders.
"I changed my mind," Shikamaru whispers, kissing the corner of my mouth. "Mark me, Pretty Girl. Make me yours. I want to be yours. Let me be yours." Shikamaru's begging breaks me, making me clench around his fingers as my orgasm washes over me. I let my nails dig into his shoulders, trailing over his shoulder blades as I whine for him. "Good girl," he husks out, his touches slowing down as he works me out of my orgasm.
Kisses coat my face, Shika's lips set on brushing against every inch of it as he lets me calm down. "Shika," I whisper, closing my eyes as lips try trailing over my eyelids.
"Say it right."
"Shikamaru," I whisper, the spark of arousal igniting again at the command. "Do you mean that? Or was it just a heat of the moment thing?"
"Did I mean what?" He asks, the snap of his belt buckle following his question. "Did I mean what, Pretty Girl?" He repeats, tongue sliding over my neck before he sucks on a section of my skin, mind set on stamping another hickey to my neck.
"Did you... did you mean that you want to be mine?"
"Yes." The answer is short, left in the air as Shika rests his dick in my folds. His head tilts, his nose bumping against mine as he looks into my eyes. "I want to be yours, Pretty Girl. I want you to be all mine," he mutters, sliding his dick against me to coat it in my cum. "Be mine," he whispers, slowly sinking into me.
"Shika I - "
"Say it right."
"Shikamaru," I hiss, clinging to his shoulder blades as he bottoms out. His head lays against my neck, brushing encouraging kisses to my throat. "I don't think I'm - "
"I know you're not ready, Pretty Girl. I'll wait. I'll wait forever if I have to." The - probably - empty promises calm me down, even if I don't believe it. It's enough for right now to live in the fantasy that Shika and I are meant to be, that he'll be right here when I'm ready. "Do you want to stop?"
"No, I want you to fuck me. Fuck me."
I can feel the smile pressed into my neck, Shika being as cocky as ever from my plea. His hips move, thrusting into me like I asked. "Say my name," he whispers into my skin. "Please say my name, Pretty Girl. Please."
"Shikamaru," I call, my nails sliding down his back as his thrusts pick up.
"Say it again," he groans, small whimpers falling from him despite his attempts to cover them up.
"Shikamaru. Shikamaru. Shikamaru," I say on repeat, clinging to his lower back as he pounds me. His hand falls back to my clit, running the pad of his fingertips over it. "Fuck, Shikamaru," I whine, arching my back at the extra stimulation.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck," he groans, shoving himself into me as the pace of his fingers picks up. "Damn it," he whispers, dropping his hands to my hips as he stays still in me.
"Did you...?"
"Ya," he groans, letting more of his weight settle on me.
"We talked about this."
"I didn't mean to last eight seconds."
"That's not what I meant," I push out around my laugh. "Last time you promised you'd pull out."
"Ya, I know. I didn't mean to," he huffs out, chest pumping for oxygen.
"I bet you get off to cumming in me," I tease, toying with the ends of his hair.
"No, I don't."
"Oh ya?"
"Maybe that was a lie."

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