Tiggie #1 (Itachi Uchiha)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to StringDman94]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,847

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- The start is a bit different than your request. I couldn't think of a way to write it how you asked.
- Also, this is going to be a two parter; maybe a three parter. Sorry!!!

I'm hunched over on the ground, blood dripping from my mouth as I gasp for air. Why am I here again? Why are we in the Land of Demons? Where are my squad mates? Where's Captain?
"I'm sorry," the older lady whispers, dipping her fingers into her eye sockets, popping her eyes out, blood trickling from the wounds she caused herself. The sight makes me dry heave, my body not knowing if I should keep panting for breath or heaving. "But there needs to be a backup plan, just in case Moryo and Shion both die. Just in case Shisui does not succeed. My home village will be safe, because of you."
"Shisui?" I ask between two or three heaves. "Who's Shisui?"
"Do not worry child, you will have enough to be anxious about later in life," the empty-eyed woman coos, taking slow but wide steps towards me. "I am gifting you my dojutsu. You shall see the future of all. You will save us all, will save my Village."
"What? What are you talking about?" I shriek, crawling away from her, the aches of my body and the broken leg buried under my skin making it difficult to move away from her.
I fail at my attempt to escape the woman. She settles in front of me, kneeling before shoving her eyes into me. I scream from the pain, my eyes feeling like they're on fire from her touch. "You will save the great nations," she tells me, backing away. My eyes sting as I open them, blood trickling down my cheeks, a mirror image of the person in front of me. "You will save my Village."
The nightmare - more so, the memory - comes to an end when I shoot up in bed, my chest pumping with the same fear I felt a couple of weeks ago. When the white of the hospital walls registers I'm able to calm down a bit, my heart still pounding in my chest.
     "Hey, it's okay," the honey voice of my squad captain says, tugging my eyes to the side of my hospital bed. Sitting in all his glory is the Dog, who I've nicknamed doggie, eyes squinted a bit, cutting off some of the glow from his sharingan. "Another nightmare?"
     "Ya," I whisper, letting my head fall to my hands so I can rub my eyes.
     "Well I have some good news," he mutters, adding a lightweight to my lap. "We figured out what's going on with your eyes."
     "We?" I ask, rubbing my eyes once more before letting them open. Sitting in my lap is a folder, one in which I flip open instantly.
     "Let's just say the Uchiha clan dislikes me even more now," he utters, sulking in the fluffy chair that engulfs the older boy, making the other file in his lap slip a bit. He's only three years older, but sometimes it feels like Doggie is thirty going on fifteen.
     My eyes scan over the first page of the paperwork, making them hurt from being used. The pain has gone down in recent weeks but it still hurts to use the basic sense of mine. "Itachi Uchiha is why my eyes are messed up?" I tease, scanning over the file of my old classmate.
     Itachi and I graduated at the same time, the boy being a year younger than me. Itachi went straight into being an active Shinobi, mentored under one of his own. I did too, but unlike Itachi, in the last couple of months, I've been working for the Black Ops. After graduation our paths have crossed a few times but not enough to keep up with each other.
     "What?" Dog asks, leaning forward to scan the file in my lap. "My bad, wrong file," he grumbles, taking the folder from me and replacing it with the one that tried to fall from his lap.
     "Why do you have Itachi's file?" I mumble, snapping open the correct file and scanning the words covering the first page.
     "I'm recommending him as a recruit," he whispers, eyes tearing away from me to stare out the window.
     "Is that what Fugaku wanted in return for information on the dojutsu? His son getting a position in the Anbus?" I ask, glancing at my captain before I flip the page to continue reading.
     Doggie shrugs before looking back at me. "It's not my decision but if Fugaku wants me to mention it to the Hokage it's easy work for the payout. Why? What do you know about Itachi?"
"Not a lot. We graduated at the same time but he was a year below me. He was pretty quiet, didn't talk much, didn't have many friends either."
"Seems to be a qualification," Dog mumbles, eyes back out the window.
"I guess so. He was my favorite person at the academy though," I continue, using our talk to help with the anxieties that are coming along with this 'dojutsu' thing stuck in me. "He was always nice when we talked and we usually ate together since he tended to freak people out and Genma had everyone at the academy in a fearful chokehold. Though, it was more me talking and him nodding along. Maybe when I tell him that I'm a fortune teller I'll finally get him to laugh."
Doggie lets out an airy chuckle, eyes flickering back toward me. "Telling the future will be pretty cool. We'll just have to wait and see how your dojutsu acts. Different ones see different parts of the future."
     "Talk about an upgraded sharingan." That gets an actual laugh out of the captain, putting some of my nerves at ease. I'm alive and my squad is alive, that's what matters. "Do you think Lord Third is going to recruit Itachi?"
     "Damn, there goes my youngest anbu trophy." Another chuckle, this one airy again. Captain is back to having his walls up.

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