Wish (Shisui Uchiha)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to 69723Hara]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,317

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Angst; Once again cry your eyes out like I did writing this :)
- Implied sex
- Mentions of death/suicide

     Pattering at my window breaks through the silence of my room, shoving my half-asleep state away. I roll over in my bed, scanning my window to see what's causing the noise. My window is bare, nothing but the dark of the night filling it. The emptiness doesn't last long though. A pale arm reaches around, knuckles clinking against my window to fill my room with pattering again.
I slowly climb out of my bed, the chill of the floorboards shooting goosebumps up my body. Well, the chillness and the unfounded fear that it's not Shisui at my window. I know it's Shisui, it always is.
Another knock comes in the time it takes me to get to my window. I move the lock slowly, the slowness continuing as I slide the window open. I don't need my parents waking up and getting after me for letting Shisui sneak in again.
     By the time the window comes to a stop in its frame, Shisui is already ducking through the opening. His movements are sloppy, almost desperate as he lunges for me. "Hi, hello," he rushes out, a hand buried in my hair as the other one wraps around my back, pushing me into his chest. His head is shoved into my neck, almost painfully from how deep he's trying to bury his nose into my skin.
     "Hey," I whisper back, balling his shirt in my hands as I cling to him as well. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
     "Nothing, everything is fine," Shisui lies, a broken exhale following his words. "Everything... is fine," he repeats, taking a handful of slow inhales.
     "Don't lie to me," I mutter, shifting my shoulder to try and get him to lift his head. "Look at me, please."
     He moves slowly, almost reluctantly as he lifts his head. "I just... I really wanted to see you," he says, resting his nose against mine. One of his eyes is pressed closed, blood dripping from it as he looks at me. Shisui's other eye is wide open, the red pinwheel of his sharingan glowing in the darkness of my room.
     "Shisui," I gasp, my hand shooting up, fingertips dipping into the blood coating his cheek. "Shisui," I repeat, fear coating the name tumbling from my lips. "What happened? Are you okay? Is Itachi okay? Who did this?"
     He gently shushes me as his head pulls away, his fingers wrapping around mine before tugging my hand towards his lips. Gentle kisses are pressed into my fingertips, Shisui taking the time to soak each one in love. "Everything is fine. I am fine, Itachi is fine, it's fine," he whispers into my skin, cycling through the kisses on repeat.
     "Shisui - "
     "My love," he cuts me off, his attention jumping from my hand to my face. The longer I look at his injury, the more fear fills my chest. "It is okay," he whispers slowly, resting his nose against mine again. "I am taking care of it."
     "Taking care of what?" I ask, my voice coming out soft enough that I'm not sure if I said it or not.
     "I don't want to talk about it right now, okay? I just... I want to lay down with you and... and love on you and just... please?" His words come out desperate, almost as cries for me, making my heart ache.
     "Okay, okay, I can... we can do that."
     Once the approval falls from my mouth, Shisui starts pushing me backward, his hands climbing across my thin nightgown. "You are beautiful, you know that right? That you're beautiful? You're the most beautiful person in the world," He tells me, tears rolling down his cheek as he compliments me.
     "Shisui, you're scaring me," I confess, clinging to his shirt tighter when the back of my thighs bump into my bed.
     "Don't... don't say that. We can't... I can't... I can't love you how I want if you're scared," he continues to cry, voice cracking as he speaks. "I really, really need you to not be scared right now."
     Shisui ignores my question, gently pushing me onto the mattress instead. He lays me down, hands gripping my knees as he leans his body weight against me. "I need to love you all the way. Right now. At least once. Just... just once." His tears and blood drips onto my nightgown, slowly soaking the material as he hovers over me.
     My hands move upward, cupping his cheeks to rub away his tears and the blood still trickling from his wounded eye. "We have our whole lives, Shisui. It'll be okay if we don't..." The word clings to my throat, refusing to be hung in the air.
     His eye closes, pushing more tears out as his fingers dig into my skin, threatening to make my skin give way to a bruise or two. "If..." he breathes out, his breath rigid as it escapes. "If you're not okay with it, I won't make you... but... but please. Just once, my love. Please."
     My nerves are on fire from the string of emotions I'm feeling; fear of whatever has Shisui upset, fear of how this will change our relationship, the want to comfort him even if I don't know what's wrong or how to fix it, anticipation for what'll happen if I say yes, and the love and longing Shisui feels for me. The love and longing that has him in tears right now.
     "Be gentle," I whisper, letting my legs fall open.
     Shisui slides between my thighs, his fingertips like feathers as he slowly pushes the hem of my nightie up my legs. "I will," he whispers into my skin, head ducking down so his lips can chase his hands. "I love you," he continues, fingers soft as they trail up my hips, heading towards my sides.
"I love you," I repeat, shaky hands tangling into his hair.

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