Patience #2 (Jiraiya Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to Lantern6]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,533

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Should I do this chapter from Jiraiya's POV too? Probably. I like writing our soft pervert's POV
- Oral/Fingering/Masturbation
- Hair Pulling
- Nick Names: Little One, Sweetheart, Sweet Girl/Thing, Sensei, Obedient Girl, Pillow Princess, Tease
- Praising/Soft Domination
- Power Difference/Age Gap (Teacher/Student)
- Exhibitionism (public sex)
- Hickies/Bite Marks
- Thigh Shots/Creampie
- Vibrating Panties 

     The sensation of being full is the first thing that meets my waking senses. "Jiraiya-Sensei?" I call as the events before my nap filter into my mind, shaking loose as I shift around. My hands dip into his scar as I sit up, running across the edges of the cracked tissue.
     "Hello, little one," he says, looking up at me with a soft smile on his face. "How'd you sleep?" He asks, slowly rotating his hips.
     "I... I slept... good," the words tumble out, soft mewls falling with them as Jiraiya's dick rubs against my walls. "How'd... you sleep?"
     "I slept good, Sweetheart," he purrs, hands sliding down to grip my thighs.
     "What are you doing?" I rush out as he lifts me off of his dick, resting me on his torso. "Sensei, you said - "
     "I know, my sweet girl. I'll fuck you, I promise," he mutters, flipping us so he's hovering over me. "I just need to prep you again." The sentence is followed by soft kisses being stamped down my stomach.
     I start squirming when Jiraiya gets to my lower half, lips dragged across my legs as he shifts himself further down. His tongue dips into my folds, flicking at my clit before a long strip is licked against it. "Sensei," I whimper, shooting my hands down to knot them in his hair.
     "Sweetheart?" He hums, the vibrations buzzing against me. Jiraiya continues to lap at me, making my hips jerk. My nails dig into his head, keeping him still as I grind myself against his tongue.
     My Sensei laughs at me, his arms wrapping around my knees, and shifting my hips so I can fuck myself better. His tongue stays busy, working in stride with my hips, quickly pushing me forward. "Sensei? Jiraiya?!" I whine, my breath rushed as my orgasm is continually shoved closer.
     "Little one?" He coos, tongue jumping down to poke into my hole. As Jiraiya tongue fucks me, his nose rubs against my clit because of his bobbing head. His tongue rubs against my walls, taking his time to toy with my pussy.
     "Jiraiya," I moan, pushing his face against me further as I clench around his tongue. "Sensei, Sensei, Sensei," I sing out, tugging on his hair as I rub myself against his face, desperation twisted in my movements.
     "Sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart," he mocks before continuing to lead me through my orgasm.
     "Sensei," I hiss, clinging to the strands of his hair as I try to tug him up my body. "Please?"
     Again, he chuckles at me, slowly climbing up me. "Hello again, little one," he utters, face hovering over mine as his hands cling to my knees, shoving them apart so his torso can fit against me better.
My mess drips from his face, leaving droplets of my cum on my cheeks. Jiraiya bends down, nose rubbing against mine before he kisses me. His tongue tastes bittersweet against mine, a leftover taste of myself.
My tongue is sucked on as he pulls away, hovering over me again. "You're doing so good," he praises, pressing my knees against the pillows next to my head. Sensei is slow as he sinks his dick into me, rubbing against every inch of me like his tongue did.
His pace stays slow, inching his way in and out of me as his eyes burn into my face. "You're doing great sweetheart," Jiraiya continues to coo, eyes flickering down to watch his dick disappear into my pussy. His fingers skip down to the back of my thighs, pushing my legs forward more.
"Sensei," I whine, my muscles straining for the stretch. "That hurts."
"I'm sorry, sweet girl," he mumbles, burring himself in me again before turning us back over. Jiraiya settles under me, shifting my limbs around so I sit more comfortably on top of him. "Be a good student and bounce on your Sensei's dick."
His words sink to my stomach, sending shivers down to my pussy. My hands tumble to his chest, fingers digging into the wound that takes up most of the space. I move my hips, lifting myself before sinking back down, taking in his full length with every thrust. "My perfect obedient girl," Sensei says, his fingers tangling around mine as I ride him. "You feel so good wrapped around me."
A whimper spills out from the praise, pushing my pace to increase. "Jiraiya," I call again, unsatisfied with the fact I can't fuck myself any faster. "Please?"
"Please what? Is my pillow princess upset I put her on top?" The gentle teasing is followed by a chuckle and kisses being pressed to my knuckles. Jiraiya lifts me off of him again, settling me on my hands and knees next to him. "I suppose I can't complain if I keep complying," he continues to laugh, moving around the bed to get behind me.
Sensei thrusts into me again, faster than I managed to do myself. His hands cup my waist, using the leverage to tug me backward, matching his thrusts. He pounds himself into me, the tip of his dick kissing as far into me as he can go. "Look at me, sweet girl," he utters, fingers digging into my sides.
I do as I'm told, leaning my head back so I can look at him. His chest puffs out with every inhale, his usually soft eyes lost their spark, and his mouth is hung a bit as he huffs for air. Jiraiya's eyes rack over me, filling up on my sweat-covered nudity. "Fuck, little one," he groans, ripping himself out of me before he hunches over.
He moans in my ear, hands clinging to my sides as his cum coats the back of my thighs. The warm wetness drips down my legs as Jiraiya rests on top of me. Even with him supporting most of his weight, he's heavy, quickly making my arms tired from holding the both of us.
"Good job, sweetheart," he whispers, breath still huffy as he tries to calm down. "You did a really good job. Your sensei is proud of you."

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