Surveillance (Hinata Hyuga)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to JapaneseTanuki2022]

Requested by: @arthurrose23

Word Count: 3,494

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- I hope your request is up to your standards and that you enjoy it!
- Hinata falls off a cliff so be warned
- Non-romantic one-shot; more friendly one-shot vibes

     "Foxy, foxy, foxy," one of my coworkers tease, wolf-whistling at me as I walk past the secretary's desk, making sure to flash my anbu badge. The bear-masked man flashes his ID badge as well, quickly following after me. "You get your duty report for today?"
"Where do you think I'm heading? Not smarter than the average bear are we?" I tease back, heading towards the Commander's office.
"Ha, ha, ha. Like I haven't heard a million yogi jokes already," he grumbles, clinging to the straps of his vest as we walk down the hallway. "I got my duty report for the day already."
"Ya? Then why are you here bothering me?"
"Because border shift change doesn't happen for another hour."
"Ha!" I laugh in his face, an unseen smile cracking across my lips under my mask. "Imagine getting stuck on border watch. Could not be me."
"Not all of us can be the Hokage's favorite," he groans, an eye roll paired with it. "Whatcha do to become Sarutobi's favorite?"
"Hey, watch yourself," I warn him, the blurring of the lines not being too difficult to see. "Don't be mad that I'm a better Shinobi than you."
"In your dreams."
"Oh ya?" I ask, scanning my badge across the anbu Commander's door. "Remind me, Winnie Bear, does... does your badge open the Commander's door?" I mock, repeatedly closing and then rescanning my ID. "Cause it seems that mine does. Does yours do that too? How about you try it," I continue, closing the door again before dramatically stepping aside.
Bear looks at me unamused, arms crossed over his chest. "You're not funny, Fox."
"Go ahead, try it. Unless you're going to deny your captain," I continue to test, throwing a hand out towards the door.
"This is an abuse of power," he groans, rolling his eyes again as he tugs out his badge. Bear slides his badge across the sensor, a blinking red light and the denial beep filling the hallway. "Way to make your point, Captain. Don't forget you're only two ranks higher than me."
"It's still higher though," I gloat, scanning my badge again before sliding past the door, making sure it locks closed behind me.
"Captain Fox." The commander calls, his mask left on the desk, showing off his aged face in the safe space of his office. "Did you enjoy your power trip?"
"My apologies, Commander," I mumble, embarrassment crawling up the back of my neck. "That was unprofessional of me."
"You are fine, Fox," Commanded chuckles, leaning back in his chair. "I'm glad you're in a good mood today."
"Great, that's never a good thing," I grumble, letting out an audible groan.
Commander lets out another chuckle, his chest vibrating because of the sound. "You have a rather easy day today, Captain Fox."
     "Oh, that's even worse," I mumble, rolling my shoulders as I internally groan. "Border duty?"
     "No, no, no, nothing like that," my boss says, waving his hands around before he shifts the files around on his desk. "What do you know about Kurenai Sarutobi?"
     "Not a lot. That she's a new jonin and that Lord Third enlisted her to genin duty, that's about it."
     Commander hums in agreement as he nods his head, focusing on the file he was looking for. "Yes, well her first check-in needs to be done, so surprise - "
     "I'm stuck babysitting for the day?" I grumble, letting out an audible groan.
     "It's not babysitting."
     "It is though. I have to make sure Kurenai is doing everything by the book and deal with her genins? That's babysitting."
      "There's more," my boss says, chuckles spilling out with the short sentence. "While you're 'babysitting', you'll also have to register her genins."
     "You're kidding."
     "I am not. If you so wish it you can do border duty instead."
     "Nope, babysitting is fine," I rush out, snatching the file from him before I turn on my heels. "Later, Commander."
     "Enjoy your babysitting, Fox."
     "Ya, ya, ya," I mumble under my breath, flipping through the file. Kurenai seems to have some pretty high-level genins; the Hyuga Princess, an Inuzuka, and the Aburame Chief's son. What a power crew.

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