Object #7 (Akatsuki Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Kacyu]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 5,024

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Just... what the fuck :)
- Characters Include: Konan, Sasori, Tobi
- Name Calling: Mutt, Bitch, Cumdump, Cum-Rag, Slut, Whore, Puppet, Dolly
- Degrading/Humiliation/Begging
- Hair Pulling
- Slapping/Gagging/Choking
- Bedroom Toys: Handcuffs, Vibrator, Dildo, (in proper use of) Puppet, (in proper use of) Chakra Threads, (in proper use of) Puppy Pads, (in proper use of) Whipped Cream [more or less]
- Titty Fondling
- Overstimulation
- Biting/Hickeys
- Throat/Face Fucking
- Threats of Violence
- Dry Humping
- Fingering (Female Receiving)
- Oral (Female and Male Receiving)
- Food Play

     I hum softly to myself, my focus on using the towel to ring out my hair. Pain left early this morning for Lord knows what with my least favorite assassin, which has left me to get ready by myself for once. It's weird, getting to dress myself, doing my makeup, getting to do my hair. For... what feels like forever, Nagato has always done those things.
The towel is disregarded to the hamper as I stroll back over to Nagato's desk, settling into his chair so I can style my hair before getting dressed. Today - two minutes ago, actually - Pain's 'no touch' order ended, which means my jaw is going to be sore by the end of the night. My fingers roll through my hair, starting to lay it flat so I can tie it up for the day. It's the best course of action for the wound-tight members I'm sure are crawling around the hideout looking for me already.
As my hands are winding my hair into a ponytail, the door to Nagato's room slams open, pulling my head backward to see who it is. "Mutt," Konan fumes from the door frame, her eyes slit as she glares at me. What could I have possibly done to her already today? "Come here, you're going to be a useful heat-stricken bitch for once."
     Oh. I didn't see that coming but I guess even jealous women like her need to release once or twice a month.
     Konan storms into the room, her nightgown flowing as she stomps toward me. "I know that I'm off my ordered recovery time but can you wait a few minutes so I can get dressed?" I grumble, focusing on tying my hair up again.
     "No," she bitches, digging her fingers into my hair, grabbing a handful of it. "You're going to be an obedient dog and do what I want. Right now," she adds, using her grip on my locks to tug me out of my chair.
     "What the hell? Are you that desperate to get off? You can't even wait for me to pull on some clothes?" I hiss, stumbling over my feet as I'm dragged out of the room. My nails dig into her wrist, trying to unlatch her fist from my hair as I glare at her.
     "You're one to talk. Running around with Pain for weeks on end. Keeping him all to yourself so you can get off," Konan wails, knocking me around the hallway as she pulls me around.
     "Is that what this is about? You're throwing a little hissy fit over Pain choosing me over you again?" A yelp spills from me when I'm shoved into her room, the carpet sliding against my exposed skin, and threatening to leave rug burns.
     "Do you ever shut up? I doubt it. That's probably why the guys are always shoving their dicks down your throat," she insults, hand back in my hair to tug me further into her room.
     Again, I tug at her arms, trying to push her off of me. "Why are you always such a bitch, Konan?"
     The question gets me a slap and my head snaps backward. My cheek and scalp sting as I glare at her, the jealous girl glaring back at me. "Dumb bitches like you don't get to speak to me like that. Useless girls that are nothing but public cumdumps only get to do two things; serve and shut up." As Konan degrades me, I'm wrestling around under her. She's managed to push me on my stomach, my hands crossed behind my back.
     "Get off," I hiss, trying to buck her off my back.
     She lets out a low chuckle, leaning over to rummaging through her nightstand drawer. "You won't be useful if you keep squirming around," Konan bitches, snapping cold metal around my wrists. "The more you struggle the longer this is going to take, so be a good dog and comply, alright?"
     "Fine," I hiss, letting her roll me onto my back. "You're an asshole."
     "And you're a disgusting cum-rag," She spits back, slapping me again before climbing off of me.
Great now both my cheeks sting. I push a sigh out my nose, watching the paper-mâché lady dig through her drawer again and lay things on her bed. What could the crazy lady possibly have planned? I shift my position, trying to get comfortable with the handcuffs shoved into my spine by my body weight. As I move, a weird almost plastic sound fills the room instead of the expected metal clicking against metal.
My eyes flicker down, being met with padding edged with blue plastic. "What the fuck?"
She chuckles again, hand in my hair to situate me on my knees. "Last time you made a mess so I made sure to lay out a puppy pad this time," Konan shortly explains, sitting on the edge of her bed before she bends over.
Her fingertips slide through my pussy, pushing the lips open before positioning something against my clit. "What the hell have you planned?" I grumble, trying - and failing because of the hand in my hair - to squirm away.
Konan toys with the vibrator, turning it on low before she pulls away, letting my hair fall back into place. "Now, put that disgusting mouth to work," she orders, legs spreading as she sits upright, tugging her nightgown up. My head is pushed down, shoved into her pussy. "Go on, lick away, Mutt."
I grumble in protest but do as ordered, wanting this to end and to get away from Pain's biggest dick rider as soon as possible. My tongue slides up and down her panties, the slow vibrations of the toy rolling over my clit. It doesn't take long for my grumbles to shift into moans. "Damnit, Mutt," Konan mumbles, twirling my hair around her fingers before yanking my head away.
     She squirms, wiggling herself out of her panties before shoving them into my mouth. "Be a good dog and stay right here," Konan orders, bending down to turn my toy up. She sits back up, the hand in my hair falling to paw at my breast.
     My eyes trail after her free hand, watching her pat around her bed. The vibrations against my clit and - I hate to admit it - Konan's juices seeping into my taste buds are quickly pushing me to the edge, my moans muffled by the cloth shoved into my mouth.
     By the time her hand is pulled forward again, my orgasm snaps causing my cum to spill onto the puppy pad I've been stuck on. "Look at you. A desperate dog that can't help but make a mess. I guess it was a good thing I laid wet pads out," Konan taunts, the hand on my chest focused on twisting my nipple as the other one slowly inches a dildo until her pussy.
     My whines from the pain rippling from my nipple and the overstimulation are stifled, but her laughter at me isn't. Konan chuckles as I squirm, still slowly fucking the plastic dick in and out of her pussy. "Do you want to be a good dog? Be a good dog and suck," she orders, shifting around so she can situate the dildo under her.
     Konan's hips shift up and down, riding the toy as she tugs her panties out of my mouth, dropping them on the floor but not before wiping them across my face. "Slutty cum-rag, so fucking used that you can't help but cum. Imagine if your puppy pad wasn't under you. You would have ruined my carpets," she continues to degrade, hips moving faster as both her hands squeeze my breasts. "Be a good dog and lick," she orders, hands jumping up to push my head between her boobs.
     I nip at her, hoping that'll get her hands off me, but all it does is increase Konan's moaning. I let out a huff, giving in to what she wants again. My lips wrap around her nipple, sucking on it. My head bobs up and down as she bounces, threatening to make my neck hurt on my first use of the day.
     Konan's hands fall again, pinching and pulling on my nipples as she fucks herself. The stimulation to my boobs and the vibrator still buzzing pulls my cum out of me, my orgasm onto the dumb puppy pad again. "Fuck... fuck... Lord," she moans, dropping a hold on my titty to shove my head to her other breast before going back to toying with my chest.
     This time I almost eagerly take her tit into my mouth, using it to muffle my moans. "Damnit," she shrieks, nails digging into the flesh of my boobs, hips stalled, and head flipped backward. "Fuck," she huffs out, pushing me off of her.
     "Thank the Lord," I grumble, rolling my eyes at the drama queen. This is why Nagato isn't interested in her; because she's a demanding asshole.
     "I wouldn't be saying that," she mutters, pulling the dildo out of her pussy, her cum creaming and dripping down the toy. "You still need to clean my toys," Konan adds, standing up and taking a fist full of my hair again.
     "That seems like an issue for you to hand - "
     I'm cut off by the plastic dick being thrust down my throat, gags from the suddenness swirling out around it. "Sorry, I couldn't quite catch that," Konan taunts, thrusting the dildo in and out of my throat, not bothering to stop long enough for me to catch my breath.
     She laughs at me, enjoying the sight of her dildo in my mouth and her fingers tugging at my nipples again. "What a dumb dog," she mutters, tugging the toy out. My mouth isn't empty for long, the rouge tugging the vibrator away and snapping it off before she shoves it into my mouth too.
     Again, the toy is thrust past my lips, this time it's a lot easier to breathe. "Dumb bitch," Konan mumbles again, quickly losing her interest in me. "Get out of my face," she orders, popping the vibrator out of my mouth.
     "Why? Are you disgusted with yourself? Do you hate that you fuck with me just to feel an ounce of what it would be like to get banged by Pain?"
     As quick-tempered as ever, Konan smacks me across the face, the arousal that was present in her face now completely drowned out by anger. "You listen here you filthy mutt," she hisses, gripping my hair for the millionth time, using it to tug me closer to her face. "I would never want to be a used-up whore like you." Her voice is laced with venom, letting me know I won. That makes me quite smug.
     "Fine, since you want to be a cocky little shit, you can sit here in your mess handcuffed like the dumb object of the Akatsuki you are until I'm done showering," she hisses, dropping me back onto the puppy mat before she starts walking away. "If you even think about squirming out of my room, I'll tie you to the bed, lace my strap-on to you, and fuck myself using you the rest of the day. Am I understood?"
     "Yes," I grumble, lying myself down. I hate how jealous Konan can be and that she takes it out on me instead of Pain. It's not my fault he friend-zoned her.

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