Our #4 (Shikamaru Nara)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to ruuunasan22]

Requested by: tadomikiku

Word Count: 4,182

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- I 100% believe Shikamaru would take care of me and fix all my issues with some stability and routine
- P.S. After the shit this man did to Hidan, you can't convince me people of the village didn't fear him
- P.S.S. I love this story line so fucking much so if I can come up with an idea I might do a part five but we'll see if I can come up with a plot for it
- Soft Domination
- Spanking/Temperature Play (burn marks)
- DD/LG themes: Hand Signals, Line Writing, Diet Control
- Collar (more or less)
- Nick Names/Name Calling: Sir, Spoiled/Brat, Pretty Girl

Shikamaru's fingers rub together, sending out a snap before his finger points down to the ground. I do as the established signal demands of me, switching to the other side of him so I'm between him and the buildings lining the street.
"You don't walk the closest to the road," he mumbles, glancing at me before continuing to look forward. It's one of Shika's unfounded worries, the fear of being grabbed at if I'm not safely tucked between the buildings and himself.
Most of his day-to-day commands are from unfounded worries. I think Shikamaru's concerns are a mix of him being the established 'protector' of the squad and the after-effect of Asuma's and his father's death. I don't mind though, it's nice to feel taken care of, to feel protected.
As we walk his fingers occasionally slide across my thigh, toying with my skirt as we walk to the Clan Center building. Shika is stressed, evident from his clinging to the hem of the cloth when his fingertips collide with it.
"You're going to be great. Your clan is lucky to have you as a Chief," I praise, knotting our hands together.
Shikamaru stops, his head tilting towards me. "Our," he mutters before leading me forward again. "Our clan is lucky to have us as Chief and Chieftess."
"Alright mister technical, if we want to be specific with our words, I'm still not officially a Nara so no, your clan," I tease, wrapping myself around his arm.
The arm I'm not tangled around reaches up, clinging to the chain I never took off last night. Shika tugs on it, the familiar clinking of the metal filling my ears as I'm forced closer to his face. His nose rests against mine, his usual bored expression set in place as he looks down at me.
"No," he says softly, lips brushing mine as he talks. "Our. You have been a Nara since the first time you knocked into me at the academy. You have been a Nara since our first mission together. You have been a Nara since our first date. Do you know why?"
"Why?" I ask, my breath caught in my throat from the seemingly calm demeanor my fiancé carries himself with. The seemingly calm demeanor that works so well for him and constantly reminds me how hot Shikamaru is.
"Because you're my pretty girl," he answers, head tilting and eyes skipping down to my lips. My chain clicks some more, tightening around my neck as he plays with the metal. "Who's my pretty girl?"
Shika hums in agreement, eyes skirting over my face before settling on my lips again. His head tilts the rest of the way down, brushing his lips to mine, finally. It's a soft, short kiss. A publicly acceptable kiss, now that we're more so in the eye of the Clan and in turn, the village.
He pulls away a bit, eyes still locked on my lips. "We should get going. I have a meeting at eight-thirty," Shikamaru mutters, lips brushing against mine again. Another beat passes before he pulls away, dropping his hold on my chain. His hand squeezes mine a few times before I'm led forward, Shika's head back to business.


     "This is such a drag," Shikamaru mutters, eyes scanning the livestock report as his hand toys with the inside of my thigh.
     I'm standing next to his office chair, my upper half lying across his desk. My head is propped on my folded arms, glancing to the side to take in Shika's distress. "What's a drag?" I ask, fully aware of the answer. The livestock report is nineteen percent lower than last season. It's not a terrible number coming right out of the fourth war, but is a terrible number for the average seasonal report.
     "The livestock report is... horrendous," he mutters, fingers dipping into my flesh, kneading it like a stress ball. "Last year the number stayed around two and a half thousand," Shika continues, speaking more to himself than me. "This year we're barely breaking two thousand, and that's on the high end."
     His face is scrunched up, mind running a mile a minute with different solutions and their outcomes. "Skip the hunting season this year," I recommend, going back to burying my head in my arms.
     "Poaching is high as is. The farmers are already struggling with the lost livestock from the war. If I ordinate a no-hunting time frame it'll only skyrocket," the explanation is what I expect it to be, but I know Shika needs a wall to bounce ideas off of.
     "Limit it then."
     "What do you mean 'limit it'?" He asks, fingers stilling as he grips my skin.
     "I don't know."
     Shikamaru tugs on me, sliding me closer to his chair. "Look at me." I do as I'm told, straightening up and turning towards him. "You are a pretty girl with a pretty mind. What do you mean by 'limit it'?" His eyes are dark, disappointment coated in them as he looks at me.
     It's not a secret that Shikamaru is one of the smartest Shinobis of our generation, his only real competition being Shino. It leaves me feeling dumb, causing me to leave my opinions silent most of the time despite the fact he likes hearing them, no matter how stupid they sound.
     "I don't know," I whisper, shifting my feet around, my eyes doing the same. "It's a dumb idea."
     "Pretty girl," he coos coldly, using his hold on me to tug me forward. Shika turns his chair, settling my stance between his legs. "I asked you a question. Stop being difficult. Any idea you have to help feed our people is a good idea, even if it's not the best option."
     I squirm under his demanding sight, not managing to get far from the hold his hand and knees have on me.
     "I just thought to make a new herd, kind of. During the next health checks, the ones that seem the healthiest for the breeding season get marked. Declare them as non-huntable. Then round them up and confine them and sort of control their exposure to each other during their rutting season. Kind of 'encourage' breeding instead of leaving it to fate." The words come out jumbled, rushed out to hopefully escape the dumbness of the idea.
     "How would we mark them?" Shikamaru asks, eyes fluttering as he looks up at me.
     "I don't know... ribbons? Bands? Paint a stripe or something on them? Have them herded to a specific area and mark the area off-limits maybe?" My cheeks are heated at my idea. It sounds so dumb.
     "How would we divide them back out to the farmers?" He asks, both his hands wandering up my skirt, continuing to use my legs as his personal stress balls.
     "I don't know... it depends on how you want to do the round-up, I guess. We could have the farmers personally do the round-up and controlled breeding. Or, there could be a separate division to do it. Divide the fawns by percentages. If a farmer is responsible for ten percent of the breeding deer, he gets ten percent of the fawns... or something."
     I'm pulled into Shika's lap, my legs resting against his sides as his hands wander under my shirt this time. "You're such a pretty girl when you share your thoughts," he praises, fingertips dancing over my sides as his nose shoves my chain out of the way. His mouth latches to my throat, gently sucking on my skin.
     "But," Shikamaru continues, hands dropping down to hold my hips. The word makes my stomach drop, the promise of the forced answer being punished. "Well I write our proposal, you get to write lines."
     "Shika," I groan, leaning backward to further my pouting.
Tap, tap, tap.
    I groan again after the soft smacks to my hip, sitting upright as I let my lack of enjoyment know. "Yes, Sir," I grumble, my compliance being rewarded with a kiss.
     When we part, I'm shifted in Shikamaru's lap, the both of us facing his desk now. My eyes trail after his hands, watching them tug out a blank piece of paper and a pen. 'I'm a pretty girl with a pretty mind' is scribbled on the first line before the paper is shoved my way. "Fifty lines, pretty girl," he mutters, kissing me behind my ear before he focuses on his paper.
     "This is such a drag," I mumble under my breath, poking fun at my fiancé.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
     "Since you want to be an unpretty girl, you can do a hundred lines."
     I groan again, letting my head tumble down to rest on his shoulder. "Yes, Sir," I continue to sigh, brushing kisses to his neck. My attempt at a distraction doesn't work, a simple hum of approval comes from Shika before he starts our proposal.

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