Cats and Dogs #1 (Kiba Inuzuka)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Marimari999]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,570

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- [Reader] is a Neko (or as close as I could get with my rushed research and to go with the story line) per request
- Fighting
- Gets heated at the end
- Scratching
- Hair Pulling
- Biting

     "You look stupid, Izuno-Chan," Neji mutters, his hands buried in my hair, messing it up. "Take the dumb ears off, they're distracting."
     "Stop looking at them and you'll stop being distracted, nyaa?" I counter, tilting my head, and letting my eyes fall closed. My arms wrap around the moody boy, cuddling up to him as he plays with my head. I stretch my neck out on his chest too, making sure he can feel the vibrations of my vocal cords as I spill noises of approval.
     "I hate cats," he spits out, his hands falling to toy with the bell I've strung onto my village regulation headband. "Take your ears off," Neji grumbles again, tapping the bell so it softly rings every other beat.
     "Why, my Lord? Are you ashamed of my heritage? Are you ashamed to have an Izuno on your squad, nyaa? Are you ashamed to have a member of the quote and quote cat clan on your team?" I tease, sliding my nails gently across his sides as I nuzzle my nose against his neck.
     "Wha... what? Of course, not. And stop calling me your lord!" Neji yells, my teasing working only a moment before his hand is gripping the headband reading around my neck, using it to peel me off of him. "I don't see why you insist on touching me all the time."
     "Because she's a cat, silly," Lee's voice rings out, instantly making me perk up. Neji might be my favorite squad mate to pester but Lee is my favorite to love on. Though, Tenten is a close second.
     "Lee!" I chirp, struggling - but managing - to wiggle out of Neji's hold. "Lee," I repeat my tone a hiss this time instead of chirping with excitement to see him. The mixed smell of woody cologne, grass, and a hint of sweat fills my nose, the added scent of fur tipping me off the most. "Why do you smell like an Inuzuka?"
     "Now just listen for a moment, okay?" He starts, hands up in defense and his eyes bouncing around the street. "Sensei and I ran into squad eight on the way here. It's no big deal, Gai-Sensei just agreed to have dinner with them and I told you the cologne wouldn't work!" Lee's tone rises as he attempts to slowly back away. By the end he's dashing down the street with me hot on his heels as he yells at Sensei, I assume.
     The chase is afoot. Lee running for his life screaming, me running after him as I yell about him being a trader, Sensei chasing after the both of us insisting that I stop or that Lee let me tackle him, and Neji taking up the rear as he complains about us embarrassing him. When our path crosses Tenten's, who was on the way to meet all of us, she joins in, jogging alongside Neji.
      Well, the chase is afoot until the sound of Kakashi and Naruto plotting to stop us filters into my ears. Lee might be able to squirm out of Naruto's hold but I know I can't do the same with Kakashi, a disappointing end to my Cat and Mouse game.
     As planned, when Lee and I pass by, Naruto jumps at Lee and Kakashi springs forward, his hands scooping me up under my arms and dangling like a... well, a cat. "Hello," the older man says, his head resting against mine.
     "Kakashi," I hiss, my eyes slit as I glare at the pile of Lee and Naruto wrestling on the ground. "Put me down."
     "Why? So you can join the cat-fight?" He hums, one of his arms swooping down to hold my legs, shifting me so my weight is evened out in his hold better. "Wouldn't cuddles and watching those two go at it be better?"
     "You're trying to distract me," I fizz out, trying to ignore the older man rubbing his forehead against mine. "It's not going to work, nyaa," I add, my eyes slowly going back to normal as they flicker between Kakashi and the boys fighting. I trying my best to hold on to my territorial anger but it's not working so well.
     "Except it is," the teacher points out, pulling away so the both of us can watch Gai-Sensei attempt to pull Lee and Naruto away from their playful sparring match. "Tell me cat, why is Lee your mouse today?"
     "Lee isn't a mouse," a monotone voice says, tugging my sight toward the corner Kakashi and Naruto were hiding around. An off-brand-looking Sasuke slithers out from the corner, looking ghostly pale as he heads towards us. "Nor is she a cat," he adds, standing next to Kashi.
     "Don't argue with your Sensei, Sai. I assure you she's as close to a cat as a person can get. See?" Kakashi answers, two fingertips settling on my top jaw, pushing my mouth open to show off my canines. "Not to mention the claws Gai's kitten tends to walk around with and her slitted eyes that give her sight advantages. Her sense of hearing and smell is excellent as well." As he educates his student, I'm poked and prodded at, the teacher showing off my perfectly maintained nails and messing with me enough to make my eyes slit in response.
     "That's enough," Neji intervenes, snatching me from the older man and setting me on my feet, making sure to keep a grip on me so I can't jump Gai-Sensei and Lee. "If you piss her off, I have to deal with it."
     The Sai guy looks me over, a weird smile on his face as he hums. "So she's like Kiba?"
     "What?!" I yell, shoving my elbow into Neji as I squirm in his hold, sights set on tearing Kakashi's newest student to shreds. "I am nothing like that dumb, smelly dog!"
     "You have to be kidding me," Neji grumbles, grasping at me just as quickly as he loses his hold.
     "My pretty kitty!" Gai sings out, sweeping me off my feet in a similar way to his friend. I don't get why everyone insists on holding me all the time. It's annoying and an invasion of my space. I swear I'm going to bite the next person who picks me up.
     I sulk in his arms, sending my annoyed look toward Tenten who giggles in response. "Put me down, Sensei."
     "Why are you always so mean to me, Izuno-Chan? You let Neji hold you," Sensei whines, trying to nuzzle up to me.
     I shift around in his hold, shoving him away from me as I try to squeeze out of his arms. "Ya, well Neji smells like honeysuckles. You smell like sweat and Kakashi's annoying mutts all the time."
     "My dogs aren't annoying," the other teacher murmurs, looking a little deflated from my words. I swear I hate dog people more than I hate dogs.

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