Cats and Dogs #4 (Kiba Inuzuka Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]

Requested by: Me (and a lot of you guys)

Word Count: 4,188

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- [Reader] is a Neko (or as close as I could get with my rushed research and to go with the story line) per request
- Name Calling: Kitty, Cat, Good Girl
- Thigh/Face Riding
- Bite Marks/Scratching
- Collar/Leash
- Hair Pulling/Choking
- Pet Play
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Blood
- Degrading
- Breeding Kink
- Part Five? Cute aftercare and maybe an outing with our golden retriever Kiba and his black cat (not) girlfriend?

     My heartbeat rings in my ears as Kiba's voice rings in my head, slowly into down my body. His words twirl around my spinal cord before settling between my legs, the licks of the fire formed by them still present in my body. "Well, Kitty?" He pushes, eyes locked on me as he takes careful steps forward.
     My mouth falls open, stumbling around to form an answer. Nothing will come out, nothing will even try to come out. My struggle to answer makes his smirk grow, his canines glistening even more from the exposure, making my mouth snap shut.
     "Hush, Kitty Cat," he unneedingly silences me, moving forward again. His knee shoves mine apart, sitting on the bed between my thighs. He leans forward, a hand cupping the side of my throat and the other pressed against my waist. "See? It doesn't hurt you to knock off the hard-to-get game," he mutters, leaning forward to brush his lips against my neck.
     My breath picks up, trying to stiffen the buzzing feeling hidden under my skin. His lips settle in a spot, his mouth softly sucking on the skin and making it harder to keep my breathing even. Kiba's knee slides forward, adding pressure to the tingles between my legs. "Nyaa," the sound stumbles out, a hand jumping up to grip his wrist, the other one shooting forward to cling to his shirt.
My skin is released, and a chuckle spills from the dog. His hot breath coats the spot he was just sucking on, both warming me up and sending shivers through me. "Sit pretty," he orders, using his hold on my waist to push me forward, making me straddle his thigh. Another meow is bubbling in my throat, the small grinding making the fire grow. "Good girl," Kiba mutters, softly squeezing my throat.
A shaky breath hisses out because of the two words, my anger, and hatred for him struggling with my lust for domination. Kiba's head dips back down, tongue sliding over his old markings. "Kiba," I whimper, squeezing his thigh between mine. The hand around his wrists lets go of him long enough to ball up more of his shirt, the material squeezed in both of my fists now.
"I thought you didn't want me?" He teases, his grin pressed against my skin as his tongue toy with my bite marks, spears of pain poking out from the touch.
"I don't," I try to hiss, but it doesn't work out; the words come out airy, almost desperate.
"Tell that to your body," he mutters, gently pushing on my waist so I grind back and forth on his thigh. Like yesterday, his nose nuzzles my collar, pushing it up so he can pay attention to the skin underneath it. The playful dog, nibbles on a spot, resting his teeth against it, pulling them back, and then repeating.
Anticipation fills me up as I wait for the sizzling pain of his teeth slicing my skin apart. It doesn't take long until it happens, canines digging into my throat, fitting against my skin. "Kiba, Kiba, Kiba," I call out, arching my body against him. My hands burn from clinging to his shirt so tightly, my chest pressed against him, and an orgasm slowly building up from the forced grinding.
"Kitty, Kitty, Kitty," he teases, the nickname coming out muffled from his lack of letting me go. "I can feel your pussy purring against me."
Heat crawls across my face as I tingle more. Why does he have to be such a dirty dog? "Don't say stuff like that."
His jaw relaxes, tongue lapping at the sore spot before he pulls back. "Why not? Do you not like being called out for being a desperate kitty cat?"
"I'm not a desperate kitty cat," I whine, shifting my head around and avoiding the eye contact he's trying to make.
Kiba's hand shifts, clinging to the spot that my chin starts melting into my neck. He pushes my head back a bit, squeezing tightly so I can't move my head around anymore. "Look at me," he orders, his tone a little harsher than I'm used to.
Slowly, I slide my eyes over, doing as ordered of me. Amusement lights up his eyes, his cocky smile back on his face. "Tongue out."
"I'm not doing that. It's degrading," I mumble, shifting my eyes away again.
Kiba shifts my head, eyes locked together again. "Tongue. Out." Again, I'm reluctant, but I do slowly slide my tongue out, letting it hang. His eyes brighten even more for my obedience, the dog in a bit of a power kick. Despite his cockiness, he moves his thigh in time with the way he's moving my hips, pleasing my pussy even more.
"Keeping moving," comes his next order, his hand leaving my waist to toy with my ears. This is an order I happily obey, keeping my hips in motion as Kiba does as he wishes. He pets my ears for a while, a thumb rubbing across the back of them before he starts tugging on them, pulling on the hair surrounding them. "I want to eat you," he whispers, dipping down so his nose is pressed against mine.
"Really? Didn't notice," I mutter, trying to shake my head and make the collar clink around.
Kiba chuckles a bit, lips beelining down to kiss along my collar. "I do enjoy your neck but I want to eat your pussy, Kitty."
"Lay down," he orders, releasing my neck and pulling his thigh out from under me. A displeased whimper spills from me before I can stop it, my disappointment with the lost friction hanging in the air. "Move," this order is followed by a soft pat to my cheek before Kiba positions himself on the bed, lying on his mattress, knees bent off the edge, and his feet planted on the floor.
I shift around, giving him the space to lay how he wants before I look down at him. "Sit," he mutters, his hand shooting up to grip the chain around my neck. Kiba uses it to pull me around, situating me so I'm straddling his waist before tugging me further up. He finally lets me settle on his chest, my knees pressed closed over his pecks.
"Up." Again, he does it himself, big hands cupping my ass and pushing me onto all fours. A yelp escapes me as I'm pushed around, knees pressed into his arms and my hands holding me up above his head.
Kiba buries his dumb muzzle into my boobs, nosing around them as his hands busy themselves tugging my bottoms off. "What are you doing?"
"Taking your clothes off so I can eat you out and enjoying the warmth of your titties," he deadpans, glancing up at me like I'm the dumbest person alive. "Cats don't talk, they meow." With that, he goes back to shifting me around, working my panties off and nibbling on my chest, getting a mouth full of cloth and a chunk of flesh.
I'm pushed back onto his chest, thighs shoved together instantly as I'm perched on him. Kiba's eyes roll over my thighs, hands busy shoving my shirt up and slowly tugging it off. "Come here," he mutters, gripping my waist again to tug me forward, lifting me a bit so I'm hovering over his face.
"Kiba, I don't - nyaa," Kiba lowers me, his tongue instantly sliding through my folds. "Kiba," I hiss, a hand falling to grip his hair, the other one shooting forward to press against the wall, helping me keep myself balanced. He hums, tongue poking at my hole before it slides over my clit. "Kiba," I mutter again, the word stuttering out.
I'm pushed up, just a tad, his breath coating my trembling cunt. "Let's play a little game, Kitty Cat. As long as you meow, I'll toy with your pretty pussy. If you stop meowing, I'll stop playing."
"That's degrading," I mutter, staring at the wall to avoid looking down at him.
"Alright, we won't play," he grumbles, starting to get up.
"No! Wait!" I whine, eyes falling as I grip his hair harder. Another lopsided smile is on his face, the amusement as wide as ever in his eyes. "I'll... I'll play."
"Good girl," he mutters, starting to lower me again. "Behave and meow for me."
"Nyaa," I whisper, letting my eyes fall closed. This is so degrading. I'm being pleasured by a dog, being forced to meow to get what I want. Kiba's tongue pokes at me again, pulling a louder meow from me. He chuckles under me, slowly starting to fuck me with his tongue. "Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa," I whine on repeat, my fingers gripping his hair and accidentally tugging on it.
"Kiba? Nyaa. Kiba, please? Nyaa, Nyaa," I ramble, grinding against his tongue, the vibrations of his laughter only making me needier. "Please?"
     He ignores me, tongue still lazily playing with me. Two or three thrusts before it slides up to pay attention to my aching clit, before falling back down. "Damnit," I almost cry, my orgasm washing over me as I spill out meows as much and as quickly as I can. I can't have him stopping as I come undone.
Huffs spill from me, tongue hanging out willingly this time as I pant to catch my breath. The dog under me stills, letting me settle down from my orgasm; for a second at least. "Kiba!" I yelp, the large man wrapping his arms around my legs before he flips us over. "What... what are you?" I mumble, my back arching as both my hands cling to his locks now.
"What are you begging for?" He mumbles, lapping at my clit a few more times before he pulls away from my pussy. His eyes are shining with pride, sharp canines dripping with my mess that spills down his chin. "What do you want, Kitty?" Curiosity is mixed with the amusement in his eyes now. "Is it my dick? Do you want my dick?"
"No," I whisper, dropping my hold on his hair and letting my arms fall to my stomach, slowly rubbing it as I look around the room. My knees click closed again, a bit embarrassed about how exposed I am. All that's left covering me is my bra and how Kiba is looking at me, I'm not convinced it'll be on for much longer.
     "Speak," he mutters, eyes still lock on me as his head lowers. His teeth graze my thighs, carefully waiting for my reaction.
     My cheeks heat up again at the degrading he keeps doing, eyes sliding around the room again. "Nyaa," I grumble, a curse quickly following the animalistic sound. His teeth sink in, instantly snagging on my skin, and exploding pain across my thigh. "Kiba, that hurts," I cry, hands instantly back in his hair, trying to peel his mouth off of me. "Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa. Please? Kiba? You're hurting me."
     The meowing gets him to release me, causing a sigh of relief to spill from me. Relief doesn't live long in my lungs though; Kiba latches back onto me, his teeth feeling like daggers as he starts the slow tearing and marking of my legs.
     He chomps away, littering me as much as he wants. Each tear at my skin instantly starts painful and full force, small spills of my blood mixing with my cum still plastered on my thighs. I only manage to count seven of them before my mind is too fuzzy to keep up with Kiba's constant movements and attacks.
     "Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa," the sound constantly spills from me, quickly paired with wetter spilling from my eyes. "Kiba, please," I whine again, trying to wiggle my legs out of his grasp. "I can't take anymore. Please stop."
     As soon as the word 'stop' spills from me, Kiba snaps up straight, eyes scanning my face. Droplets of my blood are mixed with my mess on his face, the red color standing out against his peachy skin. Slowly, his eyes drop down to the shamble he's left my thighs in. They ache and sting so bad that my leg muscles shake from the pain. His fingers press into one of the marks, pulling a cry of pain from my lungs.
     "Don't make those noises," Kiba mutters, shoving his fingertips into a different mark.
     "Why... why not?" I hiss, my chest pumping to try and cool some of the pain crawling up my body.
     My hands shoot down to pull him away; a failing attempt since he snatches both of my wrists, the iron grip of a hand wrapping them. "Your squealing makes me want to bite you again," he mutters, sparing me a glance before he looks down again. Kiba's eyes snap up again, looking scarier than I've ever seen him. "Roll over."
     He releases my wrists, taking a step back before he starts undressing. My eyes stay locked on him, watching him grip his shirt collar and use it to tug it off his body. Having his eyes on me so intensely makes me shake but my eyes trailing down his body makes me shake for other reasons.
     The click of his belt, the snap of his pants button, and the undoing of his zipper make me roll over as ordered, settling on my stomach. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit," I whisper to myself, yelping again when Kiba grips my hips, tugging me backward.
     He manhandles me again, pushing my legs up under me so I'm kneeling. His hand falls to my stomach, pushing up on it until I'm situated on all fours. "Good girl." Shivers spill down my spine, as do gentle kisses from Kiba until he stops leaning over me.
     Footsteps fill the room, then a drawer being opened and closed, and finally, footsteps again before he is pressed against me. I turn my head to the side, cheek resting against his blankets as I try to figure out what he's doing. His hand grips my collar, spinning it around so it's on backward. "What are you doing?" There's a click, and then a line of thin silver metal in my sights. "What are you doing?" I repeat, my voice louder this time as I go to stand up.
     "Stay, relax," Kiba coos, hand on my shoulder as he clips the leash onto my collar. Reluctantly, I settle on all fours again, the cold metal of the leash resting against my back. The chill makes my back curve, pulling a pleased hum from the man behind me.
     My head drops down, peaking at him between my knees. His hand is busy pushing his pants down, then his boxers. Kiba's dick springs out, making my stomach stop. He wasn't lying about those nine inches, but he didn't even hint at the width of himself. The dog behind me is going to feel every inch of me. Dear Lord, I'm going to feel every inch of him.
     "Come here," he hums, using the leash to tug me backward, the tip of his dick tapping against my pussy. "Relax, Kitty, okay? If you're not relaxed, it's going to hurt."
     "I'm relaxed," I whisper, staring at the wall in front of me.
     Kiba's hold on the leash tightens, tightening the collar around my throat, and slightly choking me. "Good girl," he praises me, his free hand falling to my hip. It'll be alright. He'll be nice and gentle, I can take this.
     The leash snaps as his grip tightens to help tug me backward. Kiba's hips thrust forward at the same time, deeply sinking himself into me from the get-go. "Kiba!" I yelp, my hands jumping up to cling to my collar.
     "Cat's meow. Meow," he orders, his hand leaving my hip long enough to tug my hands away from my collar. "Don't pull on your collar. You're going to hurt yourself."
     I whine, falling back onto all fours. Kiba hums softly, slowly pulling himself out before slamming into me again. "Nyaa," I whimper, different feelings mixing in my body. Pain shoots out from my thighs, a mix of pain and pleasure spilling from my slight choking and Kiba being buried in me. "Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa," I stumble out, giving him a meow for every thrust he gives me.
     "You sound so pretty, Kitty. Pretty, dirty, little kitty. What would your clan think if they knew you were getting fucked by a dog like me?"
     "They... they'd... they..."
     "Would feel ashamed? I bet they would. I bet you feel ashamed. Obeying and being bred by an Inuzuka. Are you going to let me fill you with my pretty litter?" Kiba chuckles at his degrading of me, the hand on my hip sliding down to press against my womb.
     "Kiba - "
     "Cats meow," he repeats, tugging in my leash harder, forcing my head backward so I'm looking at him. A wolfie smile is on his face, as giddy as ever as he works me over. "Meow, Cat."
     "Good girl. You're going to be a good breeding pussy, aren't you? You're going to take all my cum deep inside you. I'm going to flood your womb with pretty puppies for you to carry for me. Am I understood?"
     "Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa," I race out, both enjoying and not liking that idea. Both liking and not enjoying how much Kiba is getting off to this. I swear next time I'll get the upper hand on this dumb dog, remind him why cats are so much better.
     "Fuck," he grumbles, tugging himself out of me and loosening his grip on my leash. His hands settle on my hips again, rubbing his thumbs against my skin as he takes a breather. The leather of the end of my leash is pressed against my skin too, counteracting the chilled metal.
     "Are you okay?"
     "Ya, I'm fine, Kitty. Just need to change positions," he mutters, littering my back with kisses again. Once Kiba catches his breath, he's back to manhandling me. He flips me over, settling himself between my thighs before turning us over again.
     I stumble around, trying to settle into my straddling of him. Kiba's hand reaches up, sliding under my collar and leash to keep hold of my neck for a moment. "Such a pretty Kitty," he mutters, rubbing his thumb against the side of my throat. "Are you going to be a good kitty and ride me?" I open my mouth to respond but he stops me, his hand releasing my throat to slide up to silence me. "Kitties meow."
     "Nyaa," I answer, the growingly familiar heat of arousal and degradation enveloping me. The answer is good enough for Kiba, who grips my thighs and helps me position myself on his tip before he goes back to holding my leash. Another bout of degradation fills me at the sight. Dumb cocky dog treating me like his pet.
     Slowly, I shift down, taking every inch of Kiba. By the time I settle on his lap, I'm already panting from being filled so snug and his patience seems to be close to gone. I take a second to position myself better, leaning forward so my palms are pressed to his chest, my nails resting against his skin. I move up again, sinking back down faster than the last time.
     "Damnit," he grumbles, one hand tightening on my leash as the other falls to cling to my hip again. I swear there's going to be fingerprints there tomorrow. "Meow for me," he mutters, forcing my hips down faster.
     "Nyaa," the sound comes out chipped, the new position and Kiba's extra help aiding the tip of his dick into a spot it hasn't touched yet.
     As the pace keeps going, my nails dig into his chest, starting to for little crescents in his skin. The soft touch pulls a soft "wan" from him, making him slam me down faster.
     I automatically decided to scratch him harder, payback for the messed up state of my still stinging thighs, new waves of pain melting through my burns every time I slid back down his length. I dig my nails in, letting them slide down his chest, my wrists bump against my knees before my fingers jump back up to tear him into smaller strands.
     Kiba's "wans" spill from him just as much as my meows, filling the room with our animalistic sounds. His constant movement of my hips makes it hard for me to keep up my bouncing, but from how tight my leash is being pulled and how fast his chest is pumping, I don't think he cares.
     "Shit," he growls, his hand shoving me to the side instead of helping me bounce up and down, causing my nails to scrape across him before I lose my grip.
     Not even a beat passes before he's on top of me again, his hands clinging to the backs of my thighs as his shoulders work to shove my knees up. "Kiba?" I call, hands shooting up to try and get a grip on him again. My fingertips end up landing on his face, my mind split between the overwhelming pace of his thrusts and trying not to claw his face up again.
     "Kitty?" He growls, mouth hanging up a bit, and tongue laid out as he pants.
     The look of Kiba's eyes scares me a bit, making my stomach drop once again today. He looks ready to eat me alive, to dig his canines into my neck until my bones snap. "You're scaring me."
     My sentence is ignored; or maybe not heard from how quiet it was. With every thrust Kiba's head inches forward, getting dangerously close to my neck. The points of his teeth rest against my neck with his next thrust, a preview of the flesh-tearing bite to come. As predicted, when he thrusts in, his teeth clamp down, pulling a scream of pain - and perhaps a bit of fear - from my lungs.
     The sounds seem to only make his jaw clench tighter. The skin around his teeth throbs, the flesh trapped by him stinging so bad I'm worried my throat muscles are going to give in and tear apart too. My blood trickles out from the puncture wounds he keeps making deeper and deeper. My blood feels warm sliding down my neck, some of it being lapped up by Kiba as he swirls his tongue between his toes of teeth.
     The bite might hurt the most, but it's not the only place that hurts. My thigh still sting too, our mixed salt-filled sweat dripping into the wounds to cause stinging, and Kiba's skin rubbing against them to cause a soft ache. The rest of my throat hurts as well; previous bite marks from the week and today, a faint throbbing pain from my collar being tugged on so much, and the sharp scratching poking out every time I breathe caused by the scream slammed out of my lungs.
     Everything throbs so much that I almost don't notice Kiba's movements have stopped, his hips still against mine. It takes a moment, long enough that I'm worried something is wrong before a trickle of warmth is spilled into me.
     The trickle doesn't last long, soon turning into a steady gush of cum being spilled into me, so much being pumped out that my pussy can't hold it all, leaving the last quarter of Kiba's semen spilling out onto my thighs. He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to flood my womb.
     Once again, everything stops for a moment before Kiba relaxes against me, his body weight pressing into me more. His fangs loosen a bit, a soft pop of his jaw sounding before they finally let me go. His head lulls for a moment, ending up pressed into my neck, coating the sticky mess of sweat and blood with warm air.
     "I shouldn't... shouldn't keep you pressed up like this," he mutters, slowly climbing off of me, letting my legs tumble back down to the mattress. Kiba rolls over, lying down next to me as he pumps for breath, trying to calm himself down.
     I stay still, blinking repeatedly to try and push the pain down as I look up at his ceiling. Does he want me to get dressed, and leave? Is that what he's waiting for? Would it be impolite to ask for a rug to get cleaned up with... and maybe some medical attention? I'm pretty sure the dumb dog ripped out a part of my esophagus so it shouldn't be rude... I don't think. Maybe I should just get up and leave... and stop at Neji's to make sure -
     "Shit!" Kiba yelps, jerking up right. "You're bleeding. Like a lot. I am so sorry," he rushes out, quickly crawling out of the bed before he disappears into one of the doors in his room. No, he didn't want me to leave, he's just a stupid dog. A dumb dog with some weird wolfie clam over me and a box of rocks for brains.

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