Object #1 (Akatsuki Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to sajol201460]

Requested by: Myself

- None

Word Count: 5,228

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- I have no relational explanation for this short series besides the reoccurring thought of being the akatsuki's free-use doll so sorry not sorry

- Characters: Pain/Nagato, Konan, and Sasori
- Sadism (biting, choking, hair pulling, slapping)
- Blood Play (licking up blood)
- Nicknames: Princess, Good Girl, Master, Sir, Lap Dog, Mutt, Puppet
- Domination (varies levels)
- Oral/Fingering
- Cock-warming
- Degrading (object, cumdump, whore, bitch, dumb, disgusting)
- Exhibitionism (public sex)
- Bondage (wrist restraints)
- Creampie/Cum Shot

     The feeling of teeth grazing my inner thigh roughly snaps me out of sleep. "Who's..." I start, my head still foggy with sleep. My hands sink down my body, being met with a head of hair as I try to push the person off of me.
     "Knock it off, Princess," Nagato's voice rings out before his teeth sink back into the tissue of my leg.
     As the fog of sleep slips away, my senses start to wake up, painting the unseen picture in the dark room. My thighs tingle in pain, a promise that Nagato has been nibbling at them for a while. His arms are wrapped around my legs, keeping them in place as he does as he pleases.
     His room is mostly silent, the only noise being the suction of his mouth on my skin. I shouldn't call it his room, it's our room - unofficially. I don't have a room in the hideout; another degrading reminder that I'm not viewed as a person by its members. I'm not a person here, I'm an object, something to be used as wanted by the murderous group.
     Nagato's jaw relaxes for a second, a gentle kiss being pressed into me before his teeth clamp down on the same spot. The warmth of my blood trickles out this time, proof that my skin has been ripped by our lovely leader. Their leader.
     I do not leave the grounds of the hide-out unless Pain requests my presence or he accompanies me. I do not fight for whatever cause he formed the group around. I do get to spend my day as I please, filling my time as I wait to be used again. I do not get a say in what happens or when. I am here to be used, to ease the member's needs, to be a warm body for Nagato to sleep next to.
     I do get whatever I want; jewels, clothes, food, entertainment, company. Outside of being used, the answer is always yes. I do get to leave on request. My life has led me to many beautiful sights, all it takes is me to ask. I believe it's a fair trade, how wouldn't it be? Most of the time I get pleased as the members' needs are met and I get treated as a princess, as Pain's nickname for me signifies.
     "Good girl," he mumbles against the torn skin, his tongue sliding out to lick it up.
     Once the blood is done leaking out of my wound, Pain shifts his attention to my other thigh and quickly lives up to his name. Bites are littered over my skin until he finds the spot that satisfies his requirements. He goes back to his favorite pastime, bruising my skin with his teeth until it gives away and tears.
     I let my mind wander, trying to keep my focus off the sizzling pain between my legs. With Nagato keeping the room so dark I never know how early or late it is. Is my day starting early? Or right on time? Is it even the daytime? Perhaps it's the nighttime and Nagato simply needs some relief.
     "Pull your head out of the clouds," he orders, a usual demand from him. Pain thrives on attention, most notably mine, as do most of the members.
     I do as I'm told, despite my want to ignore him. As I focus back on my metaphorical leash holder, the burning from my marks fills my head again. His hands push up my nightgown, resting it just below my chest. The chilled air of the room brushes over my usual bareness.
     I don't see a point in keeping myself covered if I'm going to spend a good chunk of my day uncovered. This mindset has led to a lack of underwear and a lot of dresses and skirts.
    Fingers ghost over my pussy as Nagato nibbles his way up my stomach. Not many of the members are gentle with me, but a good handful are nice, occasionally pleasing or stretching me to take them easier. Part of me thinks it's cause they care, but most of me knows it's so they don't hurt me. What use does a broken toy have, even if it is your favorite?
"You'll be my breakfast today," Pain whispers into my skin, kissing his way back down my body. "Stay still, Princess."
"Yes, Sir," I answer back, sliding my hands into his hair. I keep my fingers light, not wanting him to misinterpret it. He doesn't, which means he's in a good mood today.
Nagato's lip piercings snag as he dips down, tearing a strip of skin on my stomach. This seems to only improve his mood, small licks working to clean up the accidental mess. When he's happy with his clean-up duty, his head jumps down to hover over my pussy. "Princess?"
"Naga?" I hum out, testing the waters for today.
He stills for a moment, processing the nickname. The thought of today being good is set in stone when Pain presses a kiss into my torso. "I would like to hear about your plans for today."
"Well, Sasori is off duty today so I'm sure I'll spend a good chunk of it with him," I say, starting my ramble. I don't know why but Nagato seems to like hearing my voice as he pleases me.
A reward for my compliance comes, a soft lick to my clitoris. Once the kitty lick is over, Pain wraps his mouth around it, gently sucking on me. "I'll probably take a hot shower when Sasori gets bored of me. He tends to leave a mess." He hums a slight encouragement to keep going. The vibrations jerk my legs closed, squeezing the head of the man between my thighs.
A pop fills the room when I'm released from Nagato's mouth, signifying the end of his gentleness for now. "How disappointing," he mutters to himself before dipping back down.
This time around his head doesn't hover as much. He dives right in, head buried deep to ensure his face piercings snag on me. They do snag, tugging at the skin of my pussy as he continues his meal.
Pain sets a constant pace, his tongue swirling around the rim of my hole a couple of times before dipping the tip of it in. His head nods, his nose clumsily rubbing my clit, and his piercings tugging on my folds as he moves. The constant snagging releases small sparks of pain, not enough to hurt but enough to cause discomfort.
"Continue," he orders, his hot breath coating my growing slick.
"I... um..." The words stick in my throat as I flutter my eyes shut, in an attempt to focus out my sentence.
"Why are you being difficult today?" He asks, head lifting to look at me. "I'm being nice because you had a rough day yesterday and you can't even obey enough to watch me please you."
"I'm sorry," I whimper, blinking my eyes open and coasting them downward.
A hum of disapproval leaves his lips, quickly followed by his tongue poking out. It slides over my clit again, this time with a lot more pressure. "Perhaps we need to take a trip. Maybe you're being used too much. You shall pick a place by dinner." The order is clipped and matter-of-fact. Nothing more than needed maintenance.
"If you act like this all day, we might have to leave tomorrow. You will be sore," his tone is calm, still even, and straight to the point. "Continue."
Nagato's head dips down again, this time hovering so that the metal punched into his face doesn't cause me more discomfort. It's a bit disappointing since his tongue can't plunge as deep as it could before, but I don't complain. Pain is right, he is being rather nice today.
"I... I might... reread my newest book," my eyes flicker with the sentence but I make sure they don't stay closed too long. I don't want my orgasm to be taken away, especially since it might be the only one I get today.
"Reread?" He asks, tongue stopping long enough to get the word out. Naga starts nodding his head again, stimulating my clit as he slurps me up.
"Ya... I... finished it yesterday." My fingers tighten around the red locks wrapped up in my hands.
Pain stales for a second, eyes glancing up at me in a warning before he goes back to pleasing me. "Do you not have another?"
I hum a no, trying to focus on not letting my legs shake. I hate how easily I cum, the disadvantage being courtesy of nonexistent attention to my needs most days. "No... I finished... all my new... books." My heavy breath fills my ears as my lungs pump faster.
Naga shifts back up, his mouth wrapping around my clit again. The feeling of him sucking on me and his tongue swirling over it is enough to finish me off. Despite my efforts, my legs cage his head again and my hands shove his face down further.
His hands rub my thighs as he stays put, letting me do as I please, not for very long though. As soon as my pleasure is washed out of me, dripping down Pain's chin, I'm met with a pissed of Akatsuki member. "You are quite the disappointment today. You will not get any more attention from me today."
That's a lie and we both know it. Before bed tonight he'll be buried between my thighs again. If I wake up to head, I'll be put to sleep with head too. After all, Nagato is a man of routine.
"I shall be back," he tells me before climbing out of our bed. My eyes trail after him, enjoying his bare back as he walks away.
With the attention-hungry man off the bed, I let my eyes close once again. The couple minutes of peace soak into my body, almost putting me back to sleep. "We are awake for the day. Be awake," my needy master says, tugging me to the edge of the mattress.
"I am awake," I mock, sitting up straight.
Pain is pissed again, his eyebrows scrunched together as he looks at me. Like I said, he's a man of routine. Every semi-nice thing he does for me is followed by unprovoked anger.
He drops what he's holding into my lap before leaving me again for the closet. I look at the pile of cloth now present in my view. It's Pain's - unofficial - favorite skirt and one of his nightshirts.
Maybe he doesn't think I need a break, maybe he's just pissy I've been busy with the other members of his 'Make the World Great Again' group. I don't know though, Pain is too bi-polar for me to keep up with his mood swings, let alone what he wants.
When Nagato flips the lights on, the room starts buzzing with us getting ready for the day.
It's the same routine every day. Pain picks my clothes, then his clothes, somehow 'accidentally' matching me every day, even if you can't see it under his robes. He dresses me, and then himself before doing my hair in whatever way he wishes. The last stop of the morning is his steady hand painting my face before he does his eyeliner. The whole time I stay under his feet, following him around the room as he moves around.
On days I get used enough to shower before he gets home, I'm always met with his usual pissy look. Pain doesn't like it when I change his choices throughout the day, but he's never told me not to.
"Princess," he calls, making me perk up from my resting spot. As he did his makeup today I decided on sitting on the floor, resting my body weight against his legs. "It is time for breakfast."
I follow the routine, crawling to my feet and waiting for Pain to lead the way. Once his eyeliner pen is tucked back into place, he stands up too, hand sliding under my collar to hold onto my throat. Naga decided on a thinner one today, a light-weight black chain to match his face piercing; another unofficial favorite.
His hand stays light as we putter our way down the hallways, occasionally squeezing my throat as a reminder I'm there. The walk is boring, nothing new to look at or talk about.
When I'm tugged into the kitchen area, it takes me a second to adjust to the natural light outside. The sun shines through the huge windows of the kitchen, my first notification that it is morning time.
"Sit," I'm ordered, being shoved into Pain's chair before he disappears into the cooking area.
Eyes of the Akatsuki snap to me, all of them present for their mission orders. I happily smile, waving at all of them. "Good morning my boys! And Konan!" I get a range of reactions from 'Good morning beautiful' to ignorance.
A cough from the kitchen echoes throughout the room, ripping 'good morning's from the half that didn't respond. Aside from that, the members ignore me, knowing better than to play with me until Pain has had his fill.
Soon Mr Bi-Polar is back, pissy face as present as ever. "Up," the order comes, one in which I quickly respond to. Nagato sits down in his chair, tugging me into his lap after setting down his coffee and my breakfast. Scrambled eggs, cinnamon toast, and bacon; it must be Tuesday.
I'm shifted around, placed how the head of the table wants before he turns his attention to his coffee. "Eat quickly, Princess." I'm ordered like I am every day. My plate must be cleaned and Pain must be buried deep into me before he starts his morning meeting.
Eyes flicker to me as the members enjoy their breakfasts and conversations. Everyone knows that everyone else uses me, but that doesn't mean any of them would be caught dead using me by Pain. It's a confusing demonic. I'm public property, but only when Naga says so. Naga who hates me half the time and plans his decisions around me the other half.
Once my plate is clean, Pain's coffee cup is lowered to me. It's half full like I expected. I let the bitter taste slide down my throat as the sound of Naga's clothes shifting slid into my ears.
A hand is placed against my hips, pushing me upwards. I follow the movement, leaning over the table as the man under me adjusts himself. When he's ready, I'm pulled back down, Pain's dick burying itself into me. "Don't be a distraction, Princess."
"Yes, Sir." I stay put like I'm supposed to, being nothing more than a sleeve to keep Nagato warm. My mind wanders, scanning over the room and the members as everyone drains on about the plans for today, none of which concern me.
This little scene is Pain's reminder to the members that he's in charge, that he's the boss. It's a test for disobedience of his employees. When someone's eyes flicker to me, I'm used until everyone looks away. Some days we make it through the whole meeting, leaving me to be used afterward. Some days we don't make it past the first thirty seconds.
I scan the members again, being met with the newest member's eyes. Deidara's cheeks go pink, not unnoticed by Pain. "Princess."
    The single word puts me into motion. I rock my hips, shifting myself up and down Pain's dick. More eyes snag on me as whimpers and moans tumble out, the whole time Deidara's eyes stay locked on mine. I swear that boy never learns.
     When people don't fall back into place fast enough, hands grip my hips, slamming me down faster than I can move on my own. "Pain," I whine, glancing behind me at him. That gets eyes snapped away from me. No man likes hearing someone else's name fall for the lips of their lover.
     "Silence," Nagato hisses, anger back on his face as he drops me on him again, hands keeping my hips pressed down.
     The rest of the meeting is uneventful, everyone keeping their eyes off of me and Deidara's staying locked on the table.
     "Dismissed." Chairs screech as people rush out of the room, leaving Pain, Konan, and me behind.
     "Princess." My hips shoot up, jumping back into motion. Konan's eyes are locked on me, watching me fuck myself on her leader's penis.
She's interesting, partly because she uses me the least and partly because I know my very being pisses her off.
     Just like before, Nagato's hands grip my hips, moving me at the pace he likes. I let my focus stay on the woman across the table from me, my noises and calls for her boss purposely coming out louder and needier than they usually do. I find it entertaining, watching her get pisser and pisser.
"Princess," Pain hisses, dropping me backward again before keeping me in place. His head dips, lying against my shoulder as his warmth spills into me. "Perhaps you're not as disappointing today as I thought," he mutters, hands snaking up to cling to my throat again.
"Thank you, Naga," I purr, shifting myself on his lap.
He stays like this, buried into me and panting against my shoulder. It's almost sweet, aside from the pity party being thrown at the other end of the table. "What a pretty little object," he whispers into my ear, pressing a kiss to my jaw before shoving me onto the table again.
I stay leaned over as Pain slides out of me, using my thighs to clean himself off.
"I must go. Be good," he orders, hands gripping me as he picks me up, placing me on my feet before he disappears to do God knows what.
"Did you enjoy the show?" I ask Konan once I'm sure Pain is out of earshot. I don't need a lecture about my attitude or for Konan to get into trouble because I feel like picking a fight.
"Aren't you disgusted with yourself?" She asks with venom in her words.
"Aren't you pissy cause Pain will fuck me but not you?" I throw back, a smirk crawling across my face. Konan's face scrunches up as she climbs to her feet. "Oh no," I tease, a giggle following my words. "I'm oh so scared of you. Please don't hurt me, paper lady. I don't want to have to spray you with a water bottle."
"You really think you're hot shit don't you?" She asks, stomping over to me.
"No, but Pain's semen sure as hell is." That gets me a jaw click from the angry lady, how fun.
"Don't forget you're nothing but a lap dog. At least he trusts me enough to help the Akatsuki."
"Oh yes, how I crave to go commit murder instead of living my best life as a house pet."
My eyes light up at the sight of Konan's fists clenching. They light up even more as she huffs in anger. "Listen here you little lap dog. I am treated with respect, I am Pain's right-hand man. You are nothing but a cumdump, a sex toy, a fucking object to be used. You're nothing."
"Ya? Then why are you so mad? Are you pissy 'cause none of the guys will eat your pussy?"
That gets a reaction out of her. Konan leaps forward, grabbing a fist full of my hair and snapping my head backward. "Fine, you want to act like a fucking mutt, I'll treat you like a fucking mutt." The words make me tingle, my pussy clenching, forcing Pain's cum to leak out of me faster.
Konan uses my hair to drag me down to my knees. "Dogs belong at our feet," she hisses, eyes sharp as she looks at me. "Stick your tongue out, Lap Dog," she orders, face still drowning in anger.
"And why would I do that?" Once the question is out, I'm slapped across the face.
I whimper as my cheek stings with pain, all of which seem to encourage her more. "I said, stick. Your. Tongue. Out. Mutt." The words are hissed, as my hair is pulled harder. I silently curse at Pain for leaving my hair loose today.
Reluctantly, I do as told, sliding my tongue out of my mouth. "Look at what a whore you are. Big 'fuck me' eyes with your mouth wide open. A dumb little bitch in heat." Konan's hand dips down as she degrades me, her pants being tugged to her knees. "Sniff, dumb dog," she orders, using my hair to shove my nose into her pussy.
I clumsily fall forward from the movement, my nose falling right where she wants it and my hands clinging to her legs for stability. "Fuck you," I hiss, digging my nails into her thighs.
"Just a little reminder, Lap Dog, but you're here to serve me as much as you're here to serve the guys. We'll spend all day like this if we have to. Sniff."
The repeated order is followed by me being shoved further into her pussy. I go to nip at her, but Konan beats me to it. She moves her hips, her clothed pussy falling against my mouth. Against my wants, her pussy is pressed on my tongue, the salty wet spot of her underwear soaking against it.
"Go on, Lap Dog. Eat my pussy. Act like the dumb mutt you are." Konan uses my hair to shove my face up and down herself, my tongue sliding against her as she does so. "That's it you fucking cum dump," she moans, her head leaning back as she uses me to get off.
I'm shifted again, pulled away from her long enough for her panties to be pushing down to join her pants. My face is pressed back into place, her juices leaking onto my tongue. "Lick, Dog." I try to tug back but fail miserably because of Konan's hold on me. "Go on, dumb dog. The sooner you do it, the sooner you can go back to being a dump for the male members."
     My eyes jump up to her face, sending a glare Konan's way as I slide my tongue out. The sour taste of her coats it as I slide it through her folds.
     "Fucking mutt," she moans, hips bucking forward. "You're nothing but a dumb object, aren't you?" She continues, voice pitched as she grinds against my tongue.
My pussy drips as I'm being used, making the spot between my legs burn with need. "Rub yourself, Lap Dog. I'm sure you're getting off on this too, mutt," Konan orders, eyes flickering open long enough to look down at me.
This time I'm not as reluctant to do as ordered. I reach my hand between my legs, my fingers eagerly colliding with my clit. I rub circles into myself, using my tongue at the same pace on Konan. Sounds of pleasure fall from her being shot towards the ceiling.
When that's not enough, I slide my fingers backward, plunging them into my pussy. A greedy moan slips from my lips, colliding into Konan's pussy. Like before, I slip my tongue down to keep pace.
My tongue plunges into her, pumping and curling the same as my fingers. "Fucking Christ," she mutters, her pussy starting to clench around me.
Unlucky for me, my orgasm comes before Konan's, filling the kitchen with the sound of my cum dripping to the floor. "What a dumb dog, making yourself finish before me," she hisses, tugging on my hair before grinding against my mouth again.
Despite her bitching, I keep slurping her juices up, working quicker to push her over the edge too. It doesn't take long for Konan to come undone, her tangy juices draining down my throat. "Dumb fucking Lap Dog," she bitches, keeping me in place as she catches her breath.
"A greedy, disobedient dog," Konan continues, pulling me off of her before dragging me backward. "Look at what you did," she barks, shoving my face into the mess I left on the floor. "Look at the mess you made. Lick it up, mutt." My face is still shoved against the floor, mine and Pain's cum rubbing against my cheek.
"Lick it up," she repeats, picking my head up just to shove it back down. I let my mouth fall open, my tongue slithering out to desperately clean up my mess. The taste of Nagato's cum mixed with mine relights the fire in me, quickly making me horny again.
"What a good, Lap Dog, cleaning up after your disgusting self," Konan teases, finally letting go of my hair. "Dumb bitch," she mumbles, straightening herself and her clothes before walking away, leaving me a spread-out, horny mess on the kitchen floor.

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