Cats and Dogs #2 (Kiba Inuzuka)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to inochisart]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 4,112

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- [Reader] is a Neko (or as close as I could get with my rushed research and to go with the story line) per request
- Name Calling: Dog, Mutt, Kitty
- Man-Handling
- Hand Restriction
- Forced Collaring
- Scratching/Biting
- Mentions of Blood
- There will be a part three

     Eagerness waves off of Sensei, Tenten, and Lee while the remaining of us - Neji and me - sulk. After Kiba and I got into our 'physical' fight, Gai-Sensei and Kurenai have been planning another hangout under the statement 'if you guys are around each other enough, you'll learn to get along'.
     So, Sensei is excited about that, Tenten is excited to see Hinata, and Lee is just excited about life. I don't want to see Kiba and Neji is stressed out when both his girls are around. That has to do with his want to protect everyone all the time though, so it can't be helped.
     For our forced exposure to each other, our Senseis decided to take one of the training fields for the day. Gai says he doesn't care what any of us do as long as we stay on the training field.
     Probably not the best way to get the outcome they want, but it works out for me. I'll just avoid Kiba the whole time and then when we go to leave I'll pretend that he shits silver. As long as it's good enough for our Senseis, I won't have to deal with him again.
     "Are you going to tell me why he bit you?" Neji asks for the hundredth time. He's sat next to me in the grass, crisscrossed and hunched over as he twirls a strand or two around his finger.
     "Are you going to drop it if I tell you?" I counter, following the rhythm of how this conversation has been going. Of course, Neji was the first one to notice deep and dark puncture wounds in my neck. He's also the only one aside from Sensei that has pieced together who they're from. The joys of having Neji as a squad leader.
     "I'll either drop the question or drop him," he mutters, sparing me a glance before he checks on the other half of our squad. "Did you get him back?"
     This is the third day in a row he's asked, the third day in a row that we've had this conversation, and it's easily the hundredth time we have over that short period. "I didn't get him back." I got him first, technically.
     "Your ears look nice today."
     "You're just stressed."
     "So I have to be stressed to be nice?"
     "Ya." A soft huff comes from him, eyes on me for a second before they're fixed on Tenten again. I don't mind the silence; not with Neji anyway. Silence with him is nice. Silence with Lee is filled with anxiety. Silence with Tenten is filled with awkwardness. Silence with Gai is... unheard of.
     "Well look what the cat dragged in!" Of course, it has to be Kiba that disturbs my peace. "Hey, Pretty Kitty," he greets from behind me, his hands on my shoulders as he hunches over, his face dangling upside-down in front of mine.
     I can feel the bitch stare settling in my face, just as much as I can feel the hatred brewing in my stomach. I hate dogs and Kiba is at the top of that list. "Don't touch me," I grumble, rolling my shoulders to try and shake his touch away.
     "That's no fun," he chuckles, tightening his hold on me. "We had so much fun last time, do you not want to have fun again?"
     "Scaring my teammate isn't fun," Neji pipes up, a glare pointed at the dog. His eyes do shift occasionally, catching glimpses of the healing scratches on Kiba's face.
     "It's going to scar?" The mutt asks, a hand jumping up so he can rub his thumb across the mark he so eagerly left last time I saw him.
     Neji's mouth snaps open to respond, but he gets cut off by Hinata calling for him. Slowly, his mouth closes and his eyes slide over to me. A silent 'Are you going to alright?' is stamped into them. I nod towards Hinata in response, certain that I'll be able to handle Kiba if need be.
     Not a single word is spoken between the three of us as Neji gets up to leave. The whole time he shoots the dog a glare, the dog who doesn't notice because he is too busy gushing over the permit change he's responsible for.
     "You got yourself a little watch dog I see," Kiba teases once Neji is far enough away not to hear. "Did I scare you that much, Kitty?"
     "You didn't scare me," I grumble, shoving his hands off and quickly climbing to my feet before he has a chance to latch on again. "Neji is just a protective guy. It's how he is. You should know that. Hinata is on your squad after all."
     Kiba chuckles, eyes stuck on me like a predator sizing up their prey, but only for a moment. The look melts away as he starts walking further into the long grass field. "Come along, Kitty. Let's go play nice so Kurenai-Sensei stops stressing out."
     "I have no interest in - " I'm cut off by Kiba's dog snapping at my ankles, making me jump and hiss at the mutt in response.
     Kiba freezes, turning around slightly so I can hear him better. "I'm not interested in spending time with you either but my Sensei is to the point in her pregnancy where stress is as bad as an illness. So, we're going to play nice today for her to feel better. You can come willingly or Akamaru can bully you along. The choice is yours." With that, he turns back around and starts walking to wherever in the field he's headed.
     I shoot his dog a glare, paired with another hiss for good measure before I wander around after him. Despite his master easily being five steps ahead, the pony-sized dog sticks by my side, making sure I don't sneak off to find someone else to spend my confined afternoon with.
     The grass tickles, the length falling just below my knees. It's one of the few long grass training fields the village has; the rest cut short to be better training grounds. I will admit it's a nice area, the long grass and wildflowers mixed to make a pretty sight and a beautiful smell. Nice and open with nothing but the green and blue of nature... but Gai-Sensei said this is where Squad Eight trains so I won't enjoy it too much.
     "Sit," Kiba grumbles, plopping on the ground himself. His mutt instantly shoots forward, settling into a stretched-out lying position next to his master. I ignore him, keeping our five-step distance as I focus back on the random spouts of wildflowers curled into the grass. "I was talking to you," he adds, tilting his head backward to look at me.
     "I don't take commands from you. Nice try though," I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest. Our Senseis just had to choose the most boring place imaginable for this, didn't they?
     Kiba pushes himself onto his feet, crouching on the ground as he turns to look at me. His head tilts up, an elbow on his knee, and his head in his hand. "So you're just going to stand there the whole time."
     "Your legs are going to get tired."
    "Is that a fat joke?" I hiss, taking a step back when he starts waddling forward.
     "No, it was a fact. I don't know what your Sensei told you, but mine told me she's planning to keep us trapped out here for a few hours, but fine. Go ahead. Stand for a few hours if that's what you want to do." With that he lets out a sigh, falling back into a seating position before letting himself lay down.
     I eye him carefully, watching as he soaks in the sun, lying in the soft grass with his dog's muzzle resting on his chest. Slowly, I lower myself into a crisscross on the ground again, keeping my eyes on his mutt and my distance from both of them.
     "He's not going to bite you," Kiba mutters, shaking his dog's head like I wouldn't have been able to put the pieces together.
     "Ya, but his master will," I grumble, my hand instantly jumping up to press against the slowly healing bite mark. "His master that bites hard enough that Neji is convinced there'll still be a scar once it heals. I bet that strokes your ego."
     "It does," he admits with a chuckle. "Though," he starts, sitting upright again, that predator-like look in his eyes again. "I got something else of mine I'd like you to have."
     My heart thumps against my chest, eyes slit as I start leaning backward. I pick up on every single one of Kiba's movements. His slight lean forward, the heeling of his dog, the way his eyes are slit too as he scans me. My eyes flick to the side, scanning for one of our squad mates. "Don't do that," he husks, squatting back on the edge of his feet.
     "You're being weird," I mutter, my breath picking up as the want-to-run burns in my veins.
     "How is me getting you a gift weird?" He chuckles, daring to take a step forward. His cocky smile is resting on his lips, his canines poking out in his smile.
     "It just is," I whisper, sliding backward a bit.
     Kiba takes two steps forward this time, close enough to reach out and grab me if he wanted to. "Come here, Pretty Kitty," he chuckles, lunging forward. I shriek, turning to climb to my feet. He continues giggling, snatching my ankle and using it to pull me back down.
     "Kiba," I hiss, squirming around and attempting to kick him off of me.
     His laughter continues to fill the empty field, snatching my other ankle. This time he uses his hold to push my knees to my chest, leaning over me to use his body weight to keep me pressed to the ground. "Stop squirming so much," he tells me, leaning down so his face is hovering over mine. "I'm trying to give you a gift and this is how you react?"
     "All you've gotten me is a bout of man-handling and being pressed to the ground," I yelp, reaching up to scratch at him.
     Kiba beats me to it, his hand jumping up to snatch my wrist. He wraps up the other one too, shoving both of my wrists to the ground and keeping his hand on top so I can't wiggle them out. "Oh hush, Kitty," he whispers, shifting around so his torso keeps my legs folded up. His free hand wanders up too, dancing over my neck for a moment before untying my headband, letting it slip off and fall to the ground.
     "What are you doing?" I hiss, trying to thrust up and knock Kiba off of me.
     "Giving you a gift, duh," he attempts to tease. The teasing and his cocky smile pisses me off even more. On the other hand, the heat rolling off Kiba's body and the feeling of him pressed against me makes my veins fill with electricity.
     His fingers dance over my throat again, eyes bouncing around my body as he paws at me. "Get off me," I grumble, trying to shift my legs enough to use them to kick him off of me.
     "In a second," he mutters, tugging his burning touch away from my neck. Kiba shoves his hand in his pocket, searching around for something. The sparkle of the thing snags my sight, the metal catching every ray of sun that falls on it. "It's pretty, isn't it?" He hums, admiring me for a second before he focuses on me again.
     "What is it?" I ask, looking over the object again. It looks like a linked chain, silver and shiny with a small lock on the end. The lock is open, dangling on the end of the links, and pressed into a heart shape. Only the keyhole disrupts the smooth material of it.
     It takes a second, but I manage to click into place what it is on my own. "No. Kiba, no," I hiss, squirming under him again. "You are not putting that on me. I refuse."
     "I am and you can't refuse," He chuckles, wiggling around on top of me. He struggles to keep me pinned and to sling the collar around my neck. He struggles even more to snag the lock around both ends of the chain and click it closed. "See? Pretty," Kiba mutters, tugging on the chain. "A pretty collar for a pretty kitty." He leans down, brushing his lips over the bite mark before letting me go.
     "You're insane!" I yelp, jumping to my feet. "Take it off," I demand, tugging on the lock in hopes it's one of the cheap ones that snaps easily. "I'm not wearing this damn thing."
     "Hate to break it to you, but you are wearing it. Like, actively wearing it." More chuckles and an active smirk cover his face as he climbs to his feet, dusting himself off as he stands up.
     "I hate you," I hiss, bending down to pick my village headband off the ground. I grumble to myself, fixing my headband back around my neck, and using it to cover the collar as I walk away from the cackling mutt. I hate dogs, I hate Kiba, and I hate this collar.
     I hate that I don't hate the collar. It's a pretty necklace and the weight of it feels good against my chest, but Kiba will have to torture that information out of me. He trudges behind me, occasionally reaching forward to tug in the collar. "My pretty kitty."
     "I'm not your cat," I hiss at him, sending him a glare.
     "You're an Izuno and you're wearing my collar. You're my cat."
     "And you're a dick," I growl, snapping my head around the field in search of literally anyone else. Lee falls into my view, my body shifting to beeline towards him. "Go screw yourself Kiba."

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