Object #9 (Akatsuki Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to リカ*Skeb受付一時停止]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,519
(This one is short compared to the rest. Idk what happened)

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Characters Include: Itachi, Kakuzu, Pain/Nagato
- Name Calling: Kitten, Kitty, Penny, Bitch, Whore
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Fingering (Female and Male Receiving)
- Overstimulation
- Choking/Hair Pulling
- Death Threat
- Creampie
- Cock-warming
- Titty Fondling

     My sentence is cut off by the flapping of inked wings, long talons settling on the page of my book, a beak pressed into my cheek, and a dark glowing eye looking into my soul. "Hello there," I mutter, pulling away from the bird. "Is your master nearby?" I ask the pointless question; of course, Itachi is nearby. If he wasn't, his crow wouldn't be perched on me.
     The bird lets out a soft caw, half-stepping to press itself against my cheek again. "You're a weird thing aren't you?" I coo back, sliding a finger over its head, being gentle not to tug on its feathers. The bird shifts, making my finger run down its back.
     "Shoo," Itachi's monotoned voice suddenly butts in, his hands fluttering around. The crow caws back at its master but does start flapping its wings. "Sorry, he's a little...." Itachi blinks slowly, the both of us watching his bird vanish from the room.
     "A little what?"
     "A little bit of a horny bastard," Itachi grumbles, turning his attention toward me.
     "What?" I ask, more than a little bit confused. How does the bird wanting me to rub his back translate to him being a horny bastard?
     "Birds get aroused when they're pet anywhere but their heads and beaks. He's notorious for fooling people into... enough about my bird," Tach grumbles again, reaching down to delicately wrap my wrist with his fingers. "You should join me on a walk," he adds, using his hold to lead me to my feet.
     "Any destination in mind?" I ask, falling into step next to him.
     "My bedroom," he mumbles, impatiently tugging me forward. "I am finished with my mission for the day and wish to destress."
"Alright," I hum, curling into the masochist's side. I'm ushered into his room and quickly settled on his bed as Itachi sinks to his knees. "What are you doing?" I ask, toying with his headband before pulling it off.
"I told you I want to destress," he mutters, his long thin fingers sliding over my thighs, gently pushing my skirt up my legs. "Now, lay back so I can relax," Itachi murmurs, his hands snack up to my waist, slowly pushing me onto my back.
My back collides with the mattress for what feels like the hundredth time today. He slides upward as his hands slide down, rubbing my thighs as his nose nuzzles my legs apart. Feathery kisses are layered across my skin, making my pussy tremble before I'm even touched. Soon, his tongue slides out layering the kisses that previously decorated me. "You're teasing," I breathe out, my hands searching for the elastic holding half of his hair in place.
"I am not. I am relaxing," Itachi mutters, sliding further up. His hands land on my hip bones, starting to massage them as his tongue trails over my pussy lips, making me tingle even more. "Don't you want to help me relax, Kitten?"
"Of course I do, Tachi," I murmur, my hips jerking forward.
He softly chuckles, pushing my hips back down on the mattress. "So eager for my tongue, aren't you? A pretty kitty that wants me to make her pussy purr," Itachi teases, finally giving me what I want. His tongue slithers out, instantly finding my clit, rubbing flat, slow circles against it.
Steadily the circles gain speed, the pressure of his tongue increasing too. It doesn't take long until a hand falls away from my hip, a single finger poking at my hole. Why is Itachi always such a tease? Because he likes my whines and my squirming. Because he likes shoving my hips against the bed to keep me still.
Itachi's movements stay slow, inching his finger into me before curling it against my walls. Courtesy of the shiny glow of his activated sharingans, it doesn't take the boy long to find my g-spot. A satisfied hum comes from him when my body jerks in response to his finger brushing it. "It is always so relaxing to see you quiver under me."
     "Of course it is," I hiss, my thighs squeezing his cheeks, making them chub out as he stares up at me. "You're a... a behavior expert dumb... dumbie. Stupid sharingan user."
     He slides another finger into me, aiding my building orgasm. "Oh kitten, don't be mad at me. Especially when I pull reactions out of you doing something nice. I could get reactions out of you a lot worse ways," Itachi mutters, before switching his action on my clit. His lips wrap around it, softly sucking as he slides a third finger into my pussy, stretching me out even more and adding more pressure to the leg-shaking spot.
     "Itachi," I whine, squeezing tighter in hopes it'll stop the uncontrollable movements of my muscles.
     "Kitten," he hums before sucking on me again, his tongue sliding out to swirl over my clit as he sucks on it.
     "Dear Lord," I wail, my back arching in response to the sparks slithering through my body and the cum spilling out from my orgasm.
     "Ah," Itachi hums again, quite content with himself. He pulls back a bit, less pressed up against me but his tongue still swirling through me, licking up the mess he caused. "My favorite way to relax."
     "Hey, hey, hey," I whine, trying to push his head away. "I'm sensitive. Knock it off."
     "Just one more," Itachi murmurs, pushing my hand away before focusing on my cunt again. His lashing at my clit makes me shift more than before. My hips thrust like crazy, thighs slamming against his head, and pussy clenching around his tongue he slithered into me. "So antsy, Kitten. Calm yourself," he says, a soft smile on his face as he pins my hips down again.
"Easy for you to say," I huff, squeezing his head again when his nose bumps against my clit. "Damnit," I moan, arching again when Itachi's tongue finds the lovely little spot he likes to abuse. He does just that, adding pressure to and sliding over it, his nose routinely rubbing against my clit as he bobs his head. "Fuck you, Itachi," I wail, my orgasm making me arch enough that my shoulder blades pick up off the bed.
"So delightful," he hums, pulling away long enough to suck in a breath. Itachi dives right back in, tongue swirling around to clean me off again.
"Okay, okay. That's enough," I whine, attempting to push his head away again. This time his head does pick up, coated in my juices enough that it's dripping down his face, trailing across his neck. "Do... do you want head now?" I ask, relaxing on the bed for a breath.
"No, I'm fine here," he mutters, head dropping again.
"What the hell, Itachi," I yelp, my legs locking around him and my hips bucking as his tongue eagerly slides against my clit again.
His head snaps up, and a soft glare shoots at me as he shoves me back into position. "I told you to calm yourself. If you can't find a way to stay in place, I'll find a way to keep you in place." My head lulls against the bed, my fingers clinging to the roots of his hair. I need to find Itachi a better way to decompress.

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