2. The magnet to trouble

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The main song of this chapter is "Happier" by Marshmallow.


2 years ago.

I was now thinking of all the ways I could seriously get hurt for not bringing him food, beating? I could probably survive that, cussing? normal for me, his friends? just the thought of that was making me shiver with fear.

"Hey girl, go to the store and bring me some god damn beers! and bring back the change, don't steal them like your whore of a mother", He yelled from the couch, his gaze fixed on the show going on the T.V.

The urge to defend her was on top of my tongue, because no matter what she does, she's still my mother whom I love. And that's one thing that will never change.

Seems like god heard my prayers, now I can go out and buy him beers and some groceries from an all night shop. I carefully climbed on the stool and took the jar of coffee inside which is my sister's secret stash of cash.

'She'll probably be angry once she finds that 20 dollars have been taken from her jar' I thought, but that is a thing to worry about later. It was her fault only that she forgot to bring the groceries. Why should I take beating for her, not like she has stepped my father from slapping, punching, throwing me and thrashing me like an animal.

I slip on my old winter coat, which my distant aunt gave me as a graduation present 2 years back, I slowly close the door and take the extra key from under the flower pot, Original Idea, I know.

The route from my house to the shop is about 20 minutes by car and 35 minutes by walking. I don't mind walking, it helps me clear my head. I inhaled the cold and fresh winter air, a small smile growing on my face.

Roads were deserted except for a few couples and some dogs howling at the top of their voice, the street lights were dim, making it difficult for me to see clearly.

What would be my life id my biological parents hadn't given me up? Would I be happy? Do they even remember or miss me? 'Of course they don't! They gave you up for adoption, remember?' my subconscious added. This saddened me that how easily they gave me up, like I wasn't their child, Like they didn't make me, Like my mother didn't nourish and support me in her womb for 9 whole months.

The hopeful and selfish side of me thinks that maybe they were still looking for me, maybe they lost me in the hospital, or maybe I was stolen from them. But deep down I know that they are just my scenarios and wishes that will not be true. That it is just me being in denial and also that this is not a book where things like these happens.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that I was crossing the alley, the one which is rumored to be best spot for crimes like murder, theft, mugging.....rape, to take place. A few men were smoking and laughing while leaning on the wall.

'They look creepy' I thought. Subconsciously I quickened my steps, wanting to get as fast as I could from there.

"Ay sweet mama! where ya goin?", A pot belly man with bald head called out. They were in the shadows so I couldn't see their face, but I saw enough to stay away from them. I ignored them and continued walking.

"c'mon I'll show ya some good time. With that pretty little ass of yours, you'll get a shit ton of money from me", another man called and all his friends laughed. The sound of their laughter was so sickening and creepy, I started scratching on the skin of my nails, an anxious habit of mine.

I didn't look back and ran, the sound of their footsteps followed me, getting closer and closer. My flight and fight instincts kicked in. Pumping my legs as fast as I could, ran towards the store.

Suddenly a hand clasped around my wrists, jerking me back. I collapsed against one of the men, he has yellow teeth and lemme tell you, he was in a real need of mint gum or a mouth freshner.

"Running away from us little bird ehh?" His stinky breath reached my nose and his drunken eyes filled with lust disgusted me to no end.

"Let go of me!" I screamed at him, tugging my hand away from his grip.

One moment I was trying to escape and the next I was laying on the ground, with a stinging cheek. It took me a moment to register that the man had backhanded me and due to the sudden impact I fell on the ground.

Hot and fresh tears blurred my vision, I tried getting up but my back ached with every moment. A whimper escaped my lips and I didn't realise I was crying until one of the guy came to wipe my cheek with his hands that has roamed God knows where.

"C'mon mamma, you are too preety to cry. But if you actually wanna cry, I will happily give you the reason to do so", said the man with pot belly with a perverted smirk plasted on the face and again his friends hollered out a laugh.

'I wanna go home, someone please help me' the words were stuck at the top of my tongue. I fought the urge to scream as no one was there to save me and those guys probably wouldn't appreciate me screaming.

Looking right and left, I found nothing but darkness surrounding the path, not a single soul in the sight. 'Why can't I just have a moment of peace in my life?' then another thought came, 'I am literally a magnet to trouble'

A rattling noise echoed around the quiet alleyway, a silhouette of a man was at the end of the alley. Broad and tall, 'Oh god is that you??' I mentally rolled my eyes at that stupid thought.

The noise of my potential savious was the only sound heard, but above that I heard the sound of my heart, rapidly beating against my chest 'thud, thud, thud'

A/N. So guys how was the second chapter? I know that the characters haven't appeared yet but be patient they will come soon, I am just showing the backside of her life right now. Comment to tell me how you are liking it so far. See ya in next chapter.

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