14. The English Lit

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The main song of this chapter is "Heat waves" by Glass Animals


A week had been passed by now and I was slowly setting into a routine.

Wake up, class, la bella, dinner and sleep. I was comfortable in it, knowing that I have a stable and reliable life not, with no unexpected and unpleasant surprises. Everyday I got to see Mr. Rizzo.

 A little by little and day by day I admired him more and more, The way he would sweep his hair back every other minute, or the way his eyes shone when he was teaching about his favourite topic, the way he would demand attention of evry one in the class without doing anything showed hoe much powerful he was. 

Then the picture of him and Mr. Hernandez with those two gorgeous women would pop in my head, making me feel guilty for thinking about someone taken, and even worse that someone was my teacher and principal. It was easy to avoid them as I had science class with him only on tuesdays and saturdays, while I had no reason to go meet the principal of our uni.

Shaking my head, I got ready for yet another day at school, standing in front on the mirror in bathroom, my eyes swept over the dark purple, yellow and bluish marks covering my abdomen. I lightly pressed my fingers against it, trying to know how much damage had been caused. I hissed the second my fingers came in contact with my ribs.

Tears of frustration filled my eyes, I knew that I should ask someone for help, but the dark, insecure and reserved part of my mind always kept me from doing so. I swallowed and wiped away my tears, 'It will heal in a day or two. It always does'. With that I excited the bathroom, dressed in a oversized grey tee and black leggins.

Tying my hair up in ponytail, I applied a little concealer under my eyes, to hide the dark circled marring my skin. I slipped into my sneakers and jogged down the stairs after saying bye to Coco.

I decided to walk to the university as it was just 25  mins away and I was early today. The fresh air calmed me and my mind. With random thought swirling in my mind.

I reached the gated of uni and Aaron was standing by the tree, waiting for me like he always does. We have become great friends and he cares about me like his little sister. He is like the brother I never had.

Our schedules were almost same, so we had many classes together, "What do you have first?"< asked Aaron, with his gaze trained on his phone, I checked my schedule, and saw that I had English lit first, "English lit, what about you?"

This finally caught his attention,"Oh me too, lets go Leah". He shoved his phone in his bag, and we walked towards D-7653.

The teacher was just setting up her books and the students were just talking among themselves. We went and sat on the front bench seeing as the others were occupied or reserved by their friends.  After a few minutes the teacher cleared her throat, signaling the class to quiet down.

"Morning everyone, I am Samantha Forbes, you all can call me Ms. forbes or just miss sammy", she said with an overly sweet voice, with a wink in the end. Everyone just smiled at her, seeming pleased with her and her friendly behaviour.

"Has anyone here read Pride and Prejudice?", asked Ms. Forbes, me along with a few other people raised our hands, Aaron raised a brow at me and mouthed to me, 'You are a nerd', I just shook my head at him, 'You are just lazy', I retorted, it was true actually, I had reminded him to read it more times than I can count, but he just waved me off saying,'I would just watch the movie', which he did not, as he would fall asleep after just 30 minutes the movie started.

I turned my attention back to the teacher, "Great for you guys, everyone else read it and I will conduct a quiz by the end of the week", she said clapping her hands enthusiastically.

The she droned on about how literature is important i n our lives and how it could benefit it, she was in the middle of telling about the authors of 90's when the door opened, revealing the man I tried to erase from my mind.

No matter what, I couldn't keep my eyes wandering to him, so did the other girls present there, along with our teacher, who was blatantly checking him out. If I was in her place, I woulds too, he wore Royal blue shirt, with black slacks under it paired with a black strip tie.

He came towards the desk, seeing this Ms. Forbes pulled her already low top even more down, exposing her cleavage which was too much to not be called inappropriate.She wore a beige colored tank top, with white pencil skirt, finished with an off white overcoat. She was beautiful, with her long blonde hair and slender figure, why she had to pull that stunt was beyond me.

She was staring at Mr. Rizzo with no remorse, her eyes practically twinkled with want, lust and adoration, but it seems like Mr. Rizzo did not feel the same, as he loudly cleared his throat, his eyes roaming around uncomfortably. 

It looked like a spell had been broken off of Ms. Forbes, as she slightly shook her head and smiled brightly at Mr. Rizzo, the smile which looked too much of sickly sweet and just under it was hidden wickedness.

"Yes Mr. Rizzo, How can I help you?", she asked, twirling a stray hair around her fingers which looked as if she was trying to flirt with him., 'God, what is she? 14?!', I rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Umm..no, I just came to collect some papers from the drawers", He said, turning and going towards the shelves. Apparently Ms. Forbes did not get the hint as she went and put her hands on his biceps. 'This is gonna be one hell of a lecture', I thought to myself.

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