35. Am I dumb?

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The main song of this chapter is "Cheri Cheri Lady" by Modern talking.


I was sitting in my class English literature, just listening to the words coming out of Ms.Forbes's mouth. But my mind was totally somewhere else.

Lately it has been happening a lot, me not focusing on the thing going on in front of me, trapped inside my mind thinking about the unknown person following me around like my shadow, keeping eyes on my every move. 

Aaron nudged on my side, and eyebrow raise as if to say, 'Where the fuck is your attention?', I just shrugged and focused back on the board.My eyes were on her but my mind? It was far away somewhere else.

After half an hour the class was dismissed, we collected our things and went out the door. I paused in my steps as I saw the drops of rain hitting against the window panel. My mood was same as the weather outside, dark, depressed and dull. 

Suddenly Aaron grabbed my elbow and stopped me "What happened to you? You are unusually quiet today", he asked. His brows were furrowed in concern and question.

I heaved a sigh and said in as nonchalant tone as I could, "It's just that time of the month", his mouth opened and his eyes widened in understanding. He said something about how Coco would get her period and she would be full on annoyed at every single breath of his, craving chocolate and all, which was again muted by me.

I was nodding and humming at what he was saying, an attempt of mine not to be rude. My mood went down to drain after I remembered that I had science next.

Great! Just great.

With slumped shoulders and a frown etched on my face, I walked towards his class, ignoring the bustle of students around me. 

I opened the door, and went inside.

Empty. It was empty.

It was science right? I mean Where is everyone else? Maybe my class got cancelled, just as I was about to leave someone coughed from behind.

"Why don't you have a seat Ms. Blackwood", said Mr. Rizzo from behind.

Yes, I recognized his voice without even turning behind. This is what happens when you focus on someone's voice more than what they are actually teaching. I reluctantly sat on the front desk, taking out my notes and books.

"I wanted to talk with you about your studies Ms. Blackwood", he spoke in a serious manner.

I looked over at him leaning over his desk, looking straight at me. I took a deep breath then replied, "W-what about it, sir?".

"I noticed that you haven't been getting the chapter we are going over right now....", how does he know?

"Whenever I am teaching you look as if I am speaking in italian and all the things are going straight over you head, the mid terms are coming up and I am afraid that if you don't understand the topics then you may not even pass them as they are quite hard".

I jerked back a little, was he calling me dumb? I mean yeah I don't really understand the topics going over now doesn't mean I am gonna fail them. Yes they are hard but so what? I can still work hard to understand them and also Aaron can help me.

I knew that he wanted better for me as I was his student, but I am sure that half o the kids in his class are gonna fail anyway as they are here to gawk at him or simply because their parents forced them to keep up with their facade of picture perfect family.

He raked a hand through his hairs, the mop of curls now falling a little on his green eyes, he much have the seen the look of offence on my face as he spoke up again, this time a little softly.

"I am just saying that you need some help in this subject. You are doing so well in other but if you let this one slip it will effect your grades. What I am saying is that....oh god-", he once again raked his hand through those luscious curls, my eyes fixated on that moment.

He sighed frustratedly, as if he was gonna regret what he was about to say, "I could tutor you. I mean there are other science teachers....Mr. Leon and Mrs. Dawson are also there, but since I am your teacher I suggested you learn from me, of course it's up to you, so......who do you want?", he said the last words in such manner that my stomach did a 360. 

"You. I want you", I spoke, mesmerized by those green orbs, the moment those words registered in my mind, I blushed, eyes wide and my hand went up to cover my mouth. 

What the fuck did I just utter?!

His face remained, neutral as always but if you stood up close and actually knew him you would be able to see just a tincture of amusement swirling in those jade irises.Maybe it was just my imagination but I saw the corner of lips quirk up a little but it was in a thin line in the matter of seconds.

"I mean I want you as a teacher, sir", I said hurriedly.

He raised a perfectly arched dark brow at me, "And that needed a clarification because....?" he trailed off.

What? What does he mean by that. I needed to correct him that I wanted him just as a teacher, Oh god!! He thought that...No no no!

"Umm..no sir, I did not mean it like that- I mean I did mean it as in I want you...nothing more than a teacher, definitely not as a boyfriend of something, I mean it would be illegal right, we would definitely be caught and all that- you would lose your job sir. Ughh...what am I even saying?!! I wanted to say that  I wanted YOU as MY teacher.", I rambled on, my hands were itching by the need to smack my head so bad for uttering plain bullshit in front of him.

If he didn't think of me as stupid when he introduced his idea about tutoring me, he would surely do now.

He just hummed at me, his mouth now formed in a little teasing smile. I thought that sunsets were the most beautiful thing in the world, but watching those dimples appear on the side of his cheeks as he smiled, the way his eyes twinkled with mischief and how his hair fell on his eyes.....it was safe to say that HE was my most beautiful view.

His mouth curved, and his eyes shone as if he was about to say something which would surely shock me or worse, leave me a blushing mess.

"Are you saying that if you weren't my student and I wasn't your teacher, you would date me Ms. Blackwood", he said with his arms crossed against his chest while my stomach did a little summersault. 

A/N. so dear readers, I enjoy writing but if you are all just gonna be those silent readers then no I am not gonna try and update everyday, because I NEED SOME ENTHAUSIASM!! oh and my cat says hello, so everybody say hi to Molly.

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