24. Staring at the door is a hobby

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The main song of this chapter is "Bad liar" by Imagine dragons.


It has been 4 days since the dinner incident, after getting home from the restaurant I did not get even a wink of sleep. Their conversation kept playing in my head.

'Who was that guy?'

'Good, and he should remain just that'

'Answer him amore'

After tossing and turning for about an hour or so, I slept and woke up early due to it being monday. The whole day I was looking like a zombie, and if it wasn't for Riri bringing coffee, I don't know how I would have functioned like a normal human being rather than roaming around like a zombie.

It was saturday and I was currently walking toward my most dreaded class of the week. Yep, you guessed it right, Mr. Rizzo's class. Last tuesday he called in sick so we had a free period, let's just hope that he decides to not come today.

'Oh shut up. You are just dying to see him', again my consciousness tutted.

'Yeah...no, absolutely not.', I internally rolled my eyes. My hands on the doorknob of the class, about to open it.

'You and him, sitting under a tree....kissing' There it was, the universal line to tease someone.

'You are stupid'

'Ummm babe, you do realise that you are me and I am you', I could just hear her smirk.

Great, now I am talking to myself and not to mention calling it stupid. 

Add that to the list of crazed up things in my mind, oh and on top of that is me kind of having a teeny tiny crush on my professor.....and principal. But it's okay to like two people at the same time right? I mean Katherine did. 

"I did not realise that staring at the door is a hobby nowadays", a deep voice said from behind me and I did not need to turn around to know who it was. A blush crawled up my cheeks, thinking about ho weird I must be looking to him; just standing and staring at the door, my hand on the handle but not opening it. Yeah utterly and foolishly brainless, no doubt about that.

I gathered up my courage and turned around to face him. And holy moly....could a man get even more handsome in just the span of 4 days? His usually messy hair were laying on top of his head, which looked messy and perfect at the same time, wearing a black shirt over beige pants, with rolled over sleeves, he looked like any woman's wet dream come true, while his sapphire green eyes were staring right into mine.

He raised a perfectly arched dark brow at me, presumably by my lack of response. I scrambled my brain to come up with an answer and not just sputter any kind of nonsense.

"Ummm...yeah you see....I was..", I scratched the back of my neck, another nervous habit of mine seeing as whenever I am around them my nerves seem to spike and my heart just goes into rapid fire mode.

"I was looking at the texture of the door, yeah I was doing just that", I gave a firm nod, a smile on my face which looked forced, which it probably was to save myself from this embarrassing situation.

"The texture of the door", he asked slowly, as if he was debating considering me crazy or just plain stupid. A frown etched on his beautiful face which seemed to be neutral most of the time, his eyes scrutinizing me. I could literally hear the gears running in his head.

"Yeahhh.... the mahogany is great, isn't it?"

"Oak", he aid, now with traces of amusement lingering in his eyes.


"That's oak, not mahogany", he said, jerking his head towards the door. 

'Could I be more stupid?'

"Yeahh...right". With a nod he entered the class while I was trying really hard not to face palm myself, and scream on top of my voice.

I shook off those thoughts and entered the class, it was totally empty, except for me and Mr. Rizzo. I frowned and check my watch, only to realise that I was 20 minutes early. 

 I sighed and took a seat on the front row, I opened the book 'Pride and prejudice' and started reading to cut off some time. I was reading it but nothing was being registered in my brain because my attention was somewhere else entirely. 

I peeked from above my book to see Mr. Rizzo sitting on his chair, his laptop opened in front of him, and let me tell you...he looked absolutely alluring, appealing and attractive in those black framed reading glasses. Wait, I did not even knew he had those seeing as he never wore them before in any class. Not that I was complaining because..god, did he look seductive.

My eyes continued to ogle him as his attention was fixed in the work he as doing, all of  a sudden he lifted his head up and looked straight into my eyes.

His green eyes staring into mine. The book dropped from my hand from the intensity of his stare. His hand in the mid air, about to press some keys, while his eyes were focused on Me and Me only.

Neither of us blinked, afraid that the moment would get ruin. His expression was one of astonishment and something similar to.....want? No that can't be.

The world stopped expanding.

The earth stopped spinning.

The noise faded.

It was just us, frozen in the time. and in that moment all I wanted was to capture this in my heart forever. The sudden fing of the bell broke our little moment. Bring us back to reality and cleared up my mind from that foggy haze.

The students started piling up, and the class stared to fill up. I looked towards Mr. Rizzo and his eyes were still on me, but something just seemed off.

Before they were soft and looking at me with adoration. But now, they were just cold, empty and vacant. Not a single thread of emotion present there, except for....regret.

As the class started, he avoided looking at me or in my general direction, while I was left wondering.

What just happened?


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