49. They noticed me

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The main song of this chapter is "Snowman" by Sia.

3rd person POV.

After their laughter calmed down, Nicholas helped Amelia stand up. By now the rain had increased and the water was coming down in violent force. The sky had darkened into grey colour and all of them were soaked.

From top to the bottom.

Nicholas opened the door and slided into the driver seat, signaling the other two to do the same. Ezra opened the passenger door and climbed inside, Amelia sat in the back. When the door closed she realized how much wet his seats had gotten.

'They must be expensive as hell', she mused to herself.

"Don't worry about the seats. They will be dry cleaned tomorrow", Nicholas said as he turned on the heat, making all three of them groan silently from the comfort and warmth now provided.

"How did you know what I was thinking?", Amelia asked while rubbing her palms against each other.

"Your face...it's um..very expressive. When you think something it is clearly shown on your face what", Nicholas explained, Ezra side glanced at him and gave him a look which said 'That's shit's so relatable'.

"What?! How?", Amelia sputtered out, not understanding how someone could guess what other person was thinking just based on their facial expression.

"For instance when you are overthinking something, you would chew your bottom lip inside, your hands would start wriggling and your legs would start shaking up and down. When you are worried you would start biting on your nails, when you are hurt you would look down and start chewing the inside of your cheek-", Nicholas was cut off as Ezra started speaking and continued what he was saying.

"When you are angry, you would slightly scrunch up your nose and and start picking on your nails, when you are lying you would not look at someone in the eye and start tripping over your own words. It's pretty easy to know that. You are like an open book....just much more complicate and interesting", He said not looking up from his phone.

His tone was careless but the words and their deep meaning stole Amelia's breath for a whole damn minute. 

Amelia's heart was thudding in her chest, her words stuck in her throat and her mouth going dry by this revolution. They knew all these things about her? 

Thud. Thud. Thud.

It was all she could hear, all the noise drowned out as their words continued floating in her mind. 

They noticed me. They noticed me. They noticed me.

It was all she could think about. 

A sheen layer of moisture covered her iris, and she quickly blinked her eyes to get rid of it. Her hands started shaking in her lap and her chin trembled from the effort to cry out. 

They noticed her.

Then a smile grew on her face, so big that it could blind the light of sun and the shine of stars. She looked out of the window to hide her growing grin.

Was it unnoticed? Absolutely not.

From the rear camera Nicholas saw this and nudged the man beside him to do the same. Something sweet and giddy settled deep inside their gut. 

Was it relief or happiness they did not know for all that mattered right now was the pure and contagious happiness of their girl.

She was too easily pleased. She wasn't materialistic, she was realistic. She was far too innocent for this cruel world. But don't worry, cause Ezra and Nicholas won't let anyone touch even a hair on her head.

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