59. The secret experiment

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The main song of this chapter is "Wannabe" by Why Mona.


I am fucked.

I was walking down the halls of my university, dragging my feet fast to reach my classroom on time. It was history class and I definitely didn't want to be late and face the wrath of Mr. Douglas.

I hitched up the straps of my bag which was heavier today due to all the books which I carried as I was too late to put them in the locker. Upon reaching the door of the class I was about to enter when my eyes fell on the figure leaning against the wall across from me, talking with Mr. White.

Mr. Rizzo.

My eyes widened an inch and my heart started beating faster. My throat felt dry as the events from last night came in my mind. I licked my dry lips and willed my eyes to move but they were a fraction of seconds late as Mr. Rizzo suddenly turned in my direction and looked directly in my eyes. My cheeks felt as if they had been lit on fire from how hard I was blushing.


I was laying on the bed, the conversation with Coco flowed in my mind. The way she described how it would feel like and what I would have to do. I was embarrassed but also kind of excited to do this. 

I was inside the four walls of my house. Who could see me? What could go wrong?

My eyes were focused on the ceiling and hands laid limply beside me. With a shuddering breath I closed my eyes and tried to think of some attractive guy.

Aside from Mr. Hernandez or Mr. Rizzo.

I clenched my eyes shut but no other thought came and then as if I had manifested it, a memory so vivid played in my mind.

I was trapped between Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Hernandez. The green eyes holding me captive while the blue eyed man was standing behind me. One's hand on my waist and other's on my jaw; caressing my cheeks and snuggling and nuzzling in my neck.

As the memory continued I felt that aching feeling between my legs return and this time I knew what it was.

I was aroused.

I felt something slick and slippery between my legs and I rubbed my thighs together to get rid of that irritating sensation which made me want to shove my fingers into my panties and get rid of it.

With that memory playing in my mind as if it was literally happening and I was standing there as a third person, watching it all happen to me in front of my eyes, I shakily moved my hand and placed it on my abdomen. Slowly circling it there and then oh so slowly trailing it down and down until they rested upon the band of my panties under my cotton shorts.

I felt nervous doing it, as if both the men from my imagination would come out alive right now and watching me touch myself at the thoughts of them.

I bit my bottom lip, eyes tightly shut as I carefully slipped my hand inside my panties, finding my mound of skin, the most sensitive and private part of myself. I gently first touched the skin above my opening, my legs shuddering due to the unfamiliar touch. Trailing my hand further down I reached upon the slit, grazing my fingers over it but not quite touching it.

The touch and the whole act itself was unfamiliar and so new to me that I did not have the slightest clue on what to do. I cautiously presses my pointer finger over my slit-Oh my god! I gasped aloud, my eyes snapping open wide at the feeling that simple touch evoked.

Mr. Hernandez running his straight nose against my neck, shudders and goosebumps laying awake at his touch.

"Oh my, you are one naughty girl. Touching yourself. Tsk tsk....bad girl", his deep voice was clear as if he was right next to me, whispering those things seductively in my ears.

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